Nebraska stuns GOP establishment

The Libertarians and fiscally responsible Republicans (non-RINO's) have begun the takeover of the big spending, big government Rs of late. Clearly not for the White House, but absolutely where it counts, in Congress. It's going to take several voting cycles, but we will get this country on a path to fiscal sustainability. The alternative is unthinkable.

You mean actually taxing people at an appropriate rate?

Here's the real problem- When you idiot supply siders cut taxes and started borrowing, you made government more attractive.

You get all these goodies and no one has to pay for it.

If you really want to shrink government, raise taxes across the board. Then people might want to take care of their own grandmothers than letting government do it.
Yes, increasing the amount of money the government can use to spend and influence will decrease the size of government. :cuckoo:

Ooookay, I realize you are a litle slow... but try this on.

Why has government grown at a faster rate since the Reagan tax cuts?

You really have to think hard about this one, I know, because you don't seem very bright.

If you get all these goodies from the government, and your tax bill for them is low, because instead of taxing people for them, we went off and borrowed money from China, what incentive would you possibly have for wanting less goodies?

You're not paying for them. It's like they gave you a credit card with no limit, and you can pay it off with another credit card with no limit.

Absolutely no incentive at all to demand government live within its means.

Which is why the Federal budget has gone from 590 Billion in 1980 to 2,982 Billion in 2008.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 1980 - Charts

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

In short, long before Obama ever got there, in less than 30 years, we increased federal spending by 600 %.

Debt increased from less than a trillion to nearly 10 trillion in that time.

Hmmmmm.... Now how could that be? Could it be that it's easier to run up a bill if it isn't clear who is paying for it? Hmmmmm...

Let you think about it for a while... but I'm sure your answer will be a bunch of curse words about the president making it worse and so on.
There was a very good article on the Nebraska race in RCP.

First, it dispells the notion by you and other that Fischer is another TP nutter like the one who used to be a witch. She's a state wide elected official with a good record.

The other reason Kerrey might be in trouble is that the Democratic base nationally and in the state aren't all that thrilled with him. The compare him with Leiberman, and amusingly, the Democrats use their former VP candidates name as a word of derision shows how they've become just as radicalized as the GOP has.

GOd, we need a third party.

Perhaps so, but TP nutters like Fischer and Liarbility need to go back into the closet.

Poseur Republicans like FakeyJokey should avoid giving advice on political matters to anybody -- given their complete lack of credibility, that is.

And while I endorse much of what the Tea Party stands for, I haven't joined them actively. I'm just a plain old fashioned conservative.

Fakey can't decide which dishonest label to try to put on me next, though.

Jake is a card carrying Communist. He thinks he's infiltrated the Republican Party. He taps out Morse code to his handler every night telling them how hes subverting the will of USMB Conservatives because we find him "reasonable" and "thought provoking"
Jake is a card carrying Communist. He thinks he's infiltrated the Republican Party. He taps out Morse code to his handler every night telling them how hes subverting the will of USMB Conservatives because we find him "reasonable" and "thought provoking"

Umm, wow.

Just wow.

YOu know, I get into with Jake a lot, but I think he really is a moderate Republican who doesn't like the way the crazies have hijacked the GOP, which they have.

I think he's deluded himself into thinking Mitt Romney is going to take the party back from the nutters when there's really nothing to support that.
Jake is a card carrying Communist. He thinks he's infiltrated the Republican Party. He taps out Morse code to his handler every night telling them how hes subverting the will of USMB Conservatives because we find him "reasonable" and "thought provoking"

Umm, wow.

Just wow.

YOu know, I get into with Jake a lot, but I think he really is a moderate Republican who doesn't like the way the crazies have hijacked the GOP, which they have.

I think he's deluded himself into thinking Mitt Romney is going to take the party back from the nutters when there's really nothing to support that.

The fact that YOU either DO "believe" an obvious fraud like Fakey or just claim to believe that punk ass bitch tells a huge story about you, JoeB.

It's simple. When all of his expressed political views are warmed-over versions of the modern American liberal political position on whatever the topics might be, there comes a point where it is ridiculous to accept his obviously dishonest claims anymore that he is a Republican. He's not. He's a liberal Democrat.

He is a fraud. A poseur. There is no question about it. That makes you either a liar or a dolt.
Wow. Another Sharon Angle.

Hey Salt,

Why don't you STFU unless you can produce something in your posts that proves that linkage ?

I am not saying she isn't.

But you're a freeloading hypocrite that throws bombs with no basis in reason and then makes a comment like this.

Sharron Angle would look reasonable compared to you.

Salt wants to be a Community Organizer when he grows up

Salt Peter wants to shoot him some white people when (if) he ever grows up, too.
The fact that YOU either DO "believe" an obvious fraud like Fakey or just claim to believe that punk ass bitch tells a huge story about you, JoeB.

It's simple. When all of his expressed political views are warmed-over versions of the modern American liberal political position on whatever the topics might be, there comes a point where it is ridiculous to accept his obviously dishonest claims anymore that he is a Republican. He's not. He's a liberal Democrat.

He is a fraud. A poseur. There is no question about it. That makes you either a liar or a dolt.

I think that a lot of us who are more moderate, who don't come from states where they fly the Confederate Flag like that was something to be proud of, who actually are horrified that there are people who think the dinosaurs are extinct because Noah couldn't fit them on the Ark, really are concerned that the center of gravity in the GOP has switched to folks who think this stuff is all perfectly normal.

The fact is, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Jerry Ford and perhaps even Ronald Reagan could not find a home in the current GOP with its level of religious crazy, anti-government hostility and general bat-shittery. When you drive out people like Orrin Hatch and Dick Lugar like some kind of Soviet Purge due to a lack of fealty to extreme positions, yeah, then I guess anyone who says, "Hey, wait a minute" might seem like a liberal.

Fact is, the only way Mitt Romney could get nominated was by pretending to be one of these Zombies, which is not how he acted as a governor or for most of his life.

It's a very dishonest transaction. He pretends to believe what you believe, and you pretend to believe him because you all hate Obama so much.

Did I miss anything?
The fact that YOU either DO "believe" an obvious fraud like Fakey or just claim to believe that punk ass bitch tells a huge story about you, JoeB.

It's simple. When all of his expressed political views are warmed-over versions of the modern American liberal political position on whatever the topics might be, there comes a point where it is ridiculous to accept his obviously dishonest claims anymore that he is a Republican. He's not. He's a liberal Democrat.

He is a fraud. A poseur. There is no question about it. That makes you either a liar or a dolt.

I think that a lot of us who are more moderate, who don't come from states where they fly the Confederate Flag like that was something to be proud of, who actually are horrified that there are people who think the dinosaurs are extinct because Noah couldn't fit them on the Ark, really are concerned that the center of gravity in the GOP has switched to folks who think this stuff is all perfectly normal.

The fact is, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Jerry Ford and perhaps even Ronald Reagan could not find a home in the current GOP with its level of religious crazy, anti-government hostility and general bat-shittery. When you drive out people like Orrin Hatch and Dick Lugar like some kind of Soviet Purge due to a lack of fealty to extreme positions, yeah, then I guess anyone who says, "Hey, wait a minute" might seem like a liberal.

Fact is, the only way Mitt Romney could get nominated was by pretending to be one of these Zombies, which is not how he acted as a governor or for most of his life.

It's a very dishonest transaction. He pretends to believe what you believe, and you pretend to believe him because you all hate Obama so much.

Did I miss anything?

There are a lot of moderates.

All the terms, "liberal," "moderate," and "conservative" lose their meaning over time by overuse or misuse or overlap and confusion. Sometimes it's accidental and sometimes it's deliberate.

I have no qualms about the fact that one can be a liberal and a Republican. It's rather illogical; but RINOs do exist.

Mitt is not now and has never been a "conservative" in any world where the term has genuine meaning.

On the other hand, compared to the clearly socialist-leaning (damn near Marxist-inclined) incumbent, Mitt is certainly far more conservative than his detractors would care to admit.

SO your faux-analysis is baseless and of no value. LOTS of people readily acknowledge that Mitt is not a conservative. He need not be a conservative to be a vastly superior candidate to the incumbent.

Your digression and faux-analysis aside, let's get back to the topic:

I am not a Republican. Neither is Fakey. The difference is, I don't claim to be a Republican.
There are a lot of moderates.

All the terms, "liberal," "moderate," and "conservative" lose their meaning over time by overuse or misuse or overlap and confusion. Sometimes it's accidental and sometimes it's deliberate.

I have no qualms about the fact that one can be a liberal and a Republican. It's rather illogical; but RINOs do exist.

Mitt is not now and has never been a "conservative" in any world where the term has genuine meaning.

On the other hand, compared to the clearly socialist-leaning (damn near Marxist-inclined) incumbent, Mitt is certainly far more conservative than his detractors would care to admit.

SO your faux-analysis is baseless and of no value. LOTS of people readily acknowledge that Mitt is not a conservative. He need not be a conservative to be a vastly superior candidate to the incumbent.

Your digression and faux-analysis aside, let's get back to the topic:

I am not a Republican. Neither is Fakey. The difference is, I don't claim to be a Republican.

Well, no, actually those terms lose their meaning because when you're whole life view is based on hatred for a centrist (not a "Marxist") president because you don't like his skin color to the point where you oppose things you were totally for 5 years ago.

My problem with Mitt is not that he's too conservative or too liberal, because honestly, there are some issues he's to the right of me on and some he's too the left of me on.

My problem with him is that he's a self-entitled rich douchebag who thinks the rest of us should grovel at his feet.
There are a lot of moderates.

All the terms, "liberal," "moderate," and "conservative" lose their meaning over time by overuse or misuse or overlap and confusion. Sometimes it's accidental and sometimes it's deliberate.

I have no qualms about the fact that one can be a liberal and a Republican. It's rather illogical; but RINOs do exist.

Mitt is not now and has never been a "conservative" in any world where the term has genuine meaning.

On the other hand, compared to the clearly socialist-leaning (damn near Marxist-inclined) incumbent, Mitt is certainly far more conservative than his detractors would care to admit.

SO your faux-analysis is baseless and of no value. LOTS of people readily acknowledge that Mitt is not a conservative. He need not be a conservative to be a vastly superior candidate to the incumbent.

Your digression and faux-analysis aside, let's get back to the topic:

I am not a Republican. Neither is Fakey. The difference is, I don't claim to be a Republican.

Well, no, actually those terms lose their meaning because when you're whole life view is based on hatred for a centrist (not a "Marxist") president because you don't like his skin color to the point where you oppose things you were totally for 5 years ago.

My problem with Mitt is not that he's too conservative or too liberal, because honestly, there are some issues he's to the right of me on and some he's too the left of me on.

My problem with him is that he's a self-entitled rich douchebag who thinks the rest of us should grovel at his feet.

Well, no, actually, when YOU have to couch your "argument" on a pretend state of affairs, your "argument" becomes kind of pointless.

And your asshole concluding opinion has no basis in fact. I don't know that he is a douche bag. I know you are, though.

I don't know that he has EVER subscribed to any notion that anyone should grovel at his feet or anyone else's either. YOU saying it and it being true are often mutually exclusive.

Since you have nothing of value to say, you might want to consider not bothering to post at all. The net effect is the same, either way.
Actually, I have plenty of proof Romney is a douchebag.

There was the time when some supporters brought cookies to an event, and he derisively asked if they came from teh 7-11.

There was the time he talked about how he likes to be able to fire people.

Or how Corporations are People, too.

Or when he bet Rick Perry $10,000.

But hey, at least he's "White and Delightsome"...
Actually, I have plenty of proof Romney is a douchebag.

There was the time when some supporters brought cookies to an event, and he derisively asked if they came from teh 7-11.

There was the time he talked about how he likes to be able to fire people.

Or how Corporations are People, too.

Or when he bet Rick Perry $10,000.

But hey, at least he's "White and Delightsome"...

Anecdotal trite tripe, much deliberately out of context.

You remain a douche.

And if that's your level of "debate," you need to do a study on President Obama's foot-in-mouth disease.

Start with 57 -- or 58 -- states. Then proceed slowly. Bumpy ride. Just ask his sons.
Actually, I have plenty of proof Romney is a douchebag.

There was the time when some supporters brought cookies to an event, and he derisively asked if they came from teh 7-11.

There was the time he talked about how he likes to be able to fire people.

Or how Corporations are People, too.

Or when he bet Rick Perry $10,000.

But hey, at least he's "White and Delightsome"...

Anecdotal trite tripe, much deliberately out of context.

You remain a douche.

And if that's your level of "debate," you need to do a study on President Obama's foot-in-mouth disease.

Start with 57 -- or 58 -- states. Then proceed slowly. Bumpy ride. Just ask his sons.

Um, nope, not really out of context at all.

More like the classic definition of a Gaffe. When a politician accidently tells the truth.
Actually, I have plenty of proof Romney is a douchebag.

There was the time when some supporters brought cookies to an event, and he derisively asked if they came from teh 7-11.

There was the time he talked about how he likes to be able to fire people.

Or how Corporations are People, too.

Or when he bet Rick Perry $10,000.

But hey, at least he's "White and Delightsome"...

Anecdotal trite tripe, much deliberately out of context.

You remain a douche.

And if that's your level of "debate," you need to do a study on President Obama's foot-in-mouth disease.

Start with 57 -- or 58 -- states. Then proceed slowly. Bumpy ride. Just ask his sons.

Um, nope, not really out of context at all.

More like the classic definition of a Gaffe. When a politician accidently tells the truth.

So there ARE 57 or 58 states?

Anecdotal trite tripe, much deliberately out of context.

You remain a douche.

And if that's your level of "debate," you need to do a study on President Obama's foot-in-mouth disease.

Start with 57 -- or 58 -- states. Then proceed slowly. Bumpy ride. Just ask his sons.

Um, nope, not really out of context at all.

More like the classic definition of a Gaffe. When a politician accidently tells the truth.

So there ARE 57 or 58 states?


You are wasting you time with Joe.

While I find most of his posts to be reasonable, when it comes to Romney.....Romney just represents the Mormon Church which Joe openly despises.

The irrational connections he is listing above are a reflection of that hatred.

What can you do ?
It feels like we have finally reached the point where we are a multi party system. However, instead of those multi-party mechanics producing coalitions within a government, our system has them producing coalitions within the two major parties.

The big break will come when the moderates from both parties turn their backs on the hard core in each of their respective groups and unite.

The only problem with making this happen is that the term moderate can apply to to two or three different areas. You can be fiscally conservative like I am, but more socially moderate like I am (or consider myself)...but I think I am generally seen as conservative.
Um, nope, not really out of context at all.

More like the classic definition of a Gaffe. When a politician accidently tells the truth.

So there ARE 57 or 58 states?


You are wasting you time with Joe.

While I find most of his posts to be reasonable, when it comes to Romney.....Romney just represents the Mormon Church which Joe openly despises.

The irrational connections he is listing above are a reflection of that hatred.

What can you do ?

Has it occurs to you that if you are otherwise "reasonable", if one despises something, there's probably a good reason.

I think Romney is a bad person who belongs to an evil religion. It's really that simple. And frankly, looking at his life, which has mostly been about bullying other people with less money or power, I'm not sure I want to give him more of it.
So there ARE 57 or 58 states?


You are wasting you time with Joe.

While I find most of his posts to be reasonable, when it comes to Romney.....Romney just represents the Mormon Church which Joe openly despises.

The irrational connections he is listing above are a reflection of that hatred.

What can you do ?

Has it occurs to you that if you are otherwise "reasonable", if one despises something, there's probably a good reason.

I think Romney is a bad person who belongs to an evil religion. It's really that simple. And frankly, looking at his life, which has mostly been about bullying other people with less money or power, I'm not sure I want to give him more of it.

I think you are total ass clown.

Your posts prove it time and again.
Um, nope, not really out of context at all.

More like the classic definition of a Gaffe. When a politician accidently tells the truth.

So there ARE 57 or 58 states?


You are wasting you time with Joe.

While I find most of his posts to be reasonable, when it comes to Romney.....Romney just represents the Mormon Church which Joe openly despises.

The irrational connections he is listing above are a reflection of that hatred.

What can you do ?

Vote against OBAMA.

Plain, simple, to the point.

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