Nebraska stuns GOP establishment

she was a tea party candidate?

I'm not sure.

But the article did say that she stayed out of the muckraking which means she might be solid in more ways that one.

No she was not T party.

Democrats depict Ms. Fischer, 61 years old, as an untested candidate, while Republicans stress her role as a mother and rancher from the small town of Valentine

Ms. Fischer was defined during the primary in part by what she wasn't—neither an establishment candidate like state Attorney General Jon Bruning nor the tea-party candidate like state Treasurer Don Stenberg. That ultimately worked in her favor.
Deb Fischer, Bob Kerrey Set to Face Off in Nebraska -

Kerry may be in trouble because he is not living in Neb. just look at Lugar in Indiana. The people are looking at career politicians and turning them out to pasture.

She did get an endorsement from Sarah Palin from what I recall.
Pfeh! Nebraska is the only state with a unicameral legislature.

What do they know?
RealClear is calling this a "safe" seat for the GOP ?

Wow. I hope that holds !
Deb Fischer will implode, I am thinking. Kerry is a Medal of Honor winner. If Reid survived Angle in NV in that horrible year recession-wise, Kerry should beat Fischer.
Deb Fischer will implode, I am thinking. Kerry is a Medal of Honor winner. If Reid survived Angle in NV in that horrible year recession-wise, Kerry should beat Fischer.

I usually respect your posts. But, not this one.

You know something RealClear does not ?

Your logic (the medal of honor) means nothing.

He's been out of Nebraska and politics for quite some time. She is a current state senator.

How would she implode ? Please share what we should know from facts. Keep the opinions out of it please.
My logic on the Medal of Honor means everything to those over 40.

I am not disputing the poll today, but that it will be accurate in terms of the election.

Opinions are what we work from a priori, Listening. TP candidates generally carry a lot of baggage that will be revealed during the campaign. Angle and O'Donnell (Doofette and the Witch) are examples.

You may be right, but I don't think so,.
My logic on the Medal of Honor means everything to those over 40.

I am not disputing the poll today, but that it will be accurate in terms of the election.

Opinions are what we work from a priori, Listening. TP candidates generally carry a lot of baggage that will be revealed during the campaign. Angle and O'Donnell (Doofette and the Witch) are examples.

You may be right, but I don't think so,.

There was a very good article on the Nebraska race in RCP.

First, it dispells the notion by you and other that Fischer is another TP nutter like the one who used to be a witch. She's a state wide elected official with a good record.

The other reason Kerrey might be in trouble is that the Democratic base nationally and in the state aren't all that thrilled with him. The compare him with Leiberman, and amusingly, the Democrats use their former VP candidates name as a word of derision shows how they've become just as radicalized as the GOP has.

GOd, we need a third party.
My logic on the Medal of Honor means everything to those over 40.

I am not disputing the poll today, but that it will be accurate in terms of the election.

Opinions are what we work from a priori, Listening. TP candidates generally carry a lot of baggage that will be revealed during the campaign. Angle and O'Donnell (Doofette and the Witch) are examples.

You may be right, but I don't think so,.

There was a very good article on the Nebraska race in RCP.

First, it dispells the notion by you and other that Fischer is another TP nutter like the one who used to be a witch. She's a state wide elected official with a good record.

The other reason Kerrey might be in trouble is that the Democratic base nationally and in the state aren't all that thrilled with him. The compare him with Leiberman, and amusingly, the Democrats use their former VP candidates name as a word of derision shows how they've become just as radicalized as the GOP has.

GOd, we need a third party.

Perhaps so, but TP nutters like Fischer and Liarbility need to go back into the closet.
My logic on the Medal of Honor means everything to those over 40.

I am not disputing the poll today, but that it will be accurate in terms of the election.

Opinions are what we work from a priori, Listening. TP candidates generally carry a lot of baggage that will be revealed during the campaign. Angle and O'Donnell (Doofette and the Witch) are examples.

You may be right, but I don't think so,.

There was a very good article on the Nebraska race in RCP.

First, it dispells the notion by you and other that Fischer is another TP nutter like the one who used to be a witch. She's a state wide elected official with a good record.

The other reason Kerrey might be in trouble is that the Democratic base nationally and in the state aren't all that thrilled with him. The compare him with Leiberman, and amusingly, the Democrats use their former VP candidates name as a word of derision shows how they've become just as radicalized as the GOP has.

GOd, we need a third party.

Perhaps so, but TP nutters like Fischer and Liarbility need to go back into the closet.

Poseur Republicans like FakeyJokey should avoid giving advice on political matters to anybody -- given their complete lack of credibility, that is.

And while I endorse much of what the Tea Party stands for, I haven't joined them actively. I'm just a plain old fashioned conservative.

Fakey can't decide which dishonest label to try to put on me next, though.
You can't win, Liarbility, but go ahead and have the last word.

I have won. I have exposed you innumerable times. And you know it. But, since you are at root fully dishonest, you'll never admit it.

To show how dishonest you are, tell us all how many times you have given me the last word.


Nevermind, Fakey. Don't fret.

Nothing you say has any value except as fodder for the next bit of fluff directed at your dishonest commentary.
Last edited:
Wow. Another Sharon Angle.

Hey Salt,

Why don't you STFU unless you can produce something in your posts that proves that linkage ?

I am not saying she isn't.

But you're a freeloading hypocrite that throws bombs with no basis in reason and then makes a comment like this.

Sharron Angle would look reasonable compared to you.

Salt wants to be a Community Organizer when he grows up
The Libertarians and fiscally responsible Republicans (non-RINO's) have begun the takeover of the big spending, big government Rs of late. Clearly not for the White House, but absolutely where it counts, in Congress. It's going to take several voting cycles, but we will get this country on a path to fiscal sustainability. The alternative is unthinkable.

You mean actually taxing people at an appropriate rate?

Here's the real problem- When you idiot supply siders cut taxes and started borrowing, you made government more attractive.

You get all these goodies and no one has to pay for it.

If you really want to shrink government, raise taxes across the board. Then people might want to take care of their own grandmothers than letting government do it.
Yes, increasing the amount of money the government can use to spend and influence will decrease the size of government. :cuckoo:
My logic on the Medal of Honor means everything to those over 40.

I am not disputing the poll today, but that it will be accurate in terms of the election.

Opinions are what we work from a priori, Listening. TP candidates generally carry a lot of baggage that will be revealed during the campaign. Angle and O'Donnell (Doofette and the Witch) are examples.

You may be right, but I don't think so,.

There was a very good article on the Nebraska race in RCP.

First, it dispells the notion by you and other that Fischer is another TP nutter like the one who used to be a witch. She's a state wide elected official with a good record.

The other reason Kerrey might be in trouble is that the Democratic base nationally and in the state aren't all that thrilled with him. The compare him with Leiberman, and amusingly, the Democrats use their former VP candidates name as a word of derision shows how they've become just as radicalized as the GOP has.

GOd, we need a third party.

Perhaps so, but TP nutters like Fischer and Liarbility need to go back into the closet.

Romney seems a lot more interested in maintaining the good favor of the folks like Liability than yours, man.

And why not. you'll twist yourself into a pretzel trying to rationalize his every betrayal of his moderate past.

As for Fischer, I have yet to see where you've proven she's a "nutter". Probably more conservative than I am, but clearly not a Christine McDonnel or a Sharon Angle.

She's a responsible person who has gotten elected to state office.

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