Nebraska stuns GOP establishment

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the Senate Democrats’ chief political strategist, said GOP discord in Nebraska has helped his party’s chances of clinging to Senate control.

“In Nebraska we’re 50-50 and I think in Nebraska, once the primary is over and people get to focus on who the Republican actually is, Kerrey’s going to do even better,” he said of Democratic candidate Bob Kerrey, who represented the Cornhusker State in the Senate from 1989 to 2001.

Schumer's an idiot. 50-50 my ass. The Democrats have no hope of retaining that seat.

What makes you say that?
Because that witch GOPer in Delware got her ass kicked along with Sharon Angle and that goon in Colorodo
Running a no-name against a former Senator and Medal of Honor winner?

Don't know how well that's going to work out.

Running a current state senator against a carpet-bagging plug-in should tell you a bit more.
You know that Bob Kerrey was born and raised in Nebraska, and served as Governor of Nebraska '83-'87, then Senator from '89-2001, right?

You might want to look up "carpetbagger".

I don't need to look up anything.

What is going on there is pretty obvious.

We'll now observe whether or not the people of Nebraska see it too.
The word "stun" is only accurate when an established incumbent is defeated by a Tea Party candidate as in Lugar's case. Anything else is business as usual.
Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the Senate Democrats’ chief political strategist, said GOP discord in Nebraska has helped his party’s chances of clinging to Senate control.

“In Nebraska we’re 50-50 and I think in Nebraska, once the primary is over and people get to focus on who the Republican actually is, Kerrey’s going to do even better,” he said of Democratic candidate Bob Kerrey, who represented the Cornhusker State in the Senate from 1989 to 2001.

Schumer's an idiot. 50-50 my ass. The Democrats have no hope of retaining that seat.

What makes you say that?

Common sense. Nebraska is a heavily conservative state. The first poll also has Fischer up 18 points right out of the gate.
I really wonder how much Bob Kerry will have his heart in this thing too.

He's from a somewhat different time and knows that Washington is a mess.
Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the Senate Democrats’ chief political strategist, said GOP discord in Nebraska has helped his party’s chances of clinging to Senate control.

“In Nebraska we’re 50-50 and I think in Nebraska, once the primary is over and people get to focus on who the Republican actually is, Kerrey’s going to do even better,” he said of Democratic candidate Bob Kerrey, who represented the Cornhusker State in the Senate from 1989 to 2001.

Schumer's an idiot. 50-50 my ass. The Democrats have no hope of retaining that seat.

A medal of honor winner? Taz, tazup and confront your inner idiot.
Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the Senate Democrats’ chief political strategist, said GOP discord in Nebraska has helped his party’s chances of clinging to Senate control.

“In Nebraska we’re 50-50 and I think in Nebraska, once the primary is over and people get to focus on who the Republican actually is, Kerrey’s going to do even better,” he said of Democratic candidate Bob Kerrey, who represented the Cornhusker State in the Senate from 1989 to 2001.

Schumer's an idiot. 50-50 my ass. The Democrats have no hope of retaining that seat.

A medal of honor winner? Taz, tazup and confront your inner idiot.

I don't have an inner idiot, I'm simply far more grounded in reality than you. Why don't you tell us again how badly the Republicans will get pummeled in the 2010 elections.
The message is clear- we won't accept half measures. We want true fiscal conservatives that refuse to overspend. This is a scenario that will be repeated across the country.

Thanks Obama!! Your incompetence created the Tea Party!
Taz and Zander, I want a Romney victory. Kerry ain't going to be one of the victims with the TP drone they have confronting him; he is in far better situation that Reid in 2010, and this guy is worse than Angle.

So spittle all you want far righties, but he don't compute.

We were stupid in selecting the idiot to run against Kerry, and gave another opportunity for the Dems to keep the Senate.
Taz and Zander, I want a Romney victory. Kerry ain't going to be one of the victims with the TP drone they have confronting him; he is in far better situation that Reid in 2010, and this guy is worse than Angle.

So spittle all you want far righties, but he don't compute.

We were stupid in selecting the idiot to run against Kerry, and gave another opportunity for the Dems to keep the Senate.

Election 2012: Nebraska Senate - Rasmussen Reports™


Another FakeJake prediction to bookmark...:thup:
Taz and Zander, I want a Romney victory. Kerry ain't going to be one of the victims with the TP drone they have confronting him; he is in far better situation that Reid in 2010, and this guy is worse than Angle.

So spittle all you want far righties, but he don't compute.

We were stupid in selecting the idiot to run against Kerry, and gave another opportunity for the Dems to keep the Senate.

You're an ill informed moron. First of all this "guy" is a woman and she's no lay down. Go sell crazy somewhere else....
Taz and Zander, I want a Romney victory. Kerry ain't going to be one of the victims with the TP drone they have confronting him; he is in far better situation that Reid in 2010, and this guy is worse than Angle.

So spittle all you want far righties, but he don't compute.

We were stupid in selecting the idiot to run against Kerry, and gave another opportunity for the Dems to keep the Senate.

Please make your case about how this "guy" (who is really a woman) is worse than Angle ?

I am really hoping to see some info as all I have seen says she's pretty grassroots (but there ain't a whole lot out there on her).
Taz and Zander, I want a Romney victory. Kerry ain't going to be one of the victims with the TP drone they have confronting him; he is in far better situation that Reid in 2010, and this guy is worse than Angle.

So spittle all you want far righties, but he don't compute.

We were stupid in selecting the idiot to run against Kerry, and gave another opportunity for the Dems to keep the Senate.

What ever you say, Jake. I'll be more than happy to resurface this post and mock and make fun of you over it after the election just like I did with your 30 posts claiming how the GOP was going to be ass raped in 2010. You have such a stellar track record with these things.
Those thirty posts, which I had changed tune by early September, those posts?

Yes, I have saved this post to point out to the entire Board how silly you will look the day after election on Medal of Honor winner.

Really, you need to think more.
Those thirty posts, which I had changed tune by early September, those posts?

Yes, I have saved this post to point out to the entire Board how silly you will look the day after election on Medal of Honor winner.

Really, you need to think more.

After the week I've had, I need to drink more.
Those thirty posts, which I had changed tune by early September, those posts?

Yes, I have saved this post to point out to the entire Board how silly you will look the day after election on Medal of Honor winner.

Really, you need to think more.

Ahhh... Like your Hero Zero, your position "evolved"....:lol:

You're such a nuanced flaming lib,
Those thirty posts, which I had changed tune by early September, those posts?

Yes, I have saved this post to point out to the entire Board how silly you will look the day after election on Medal of Honor winner.

Really, you need to think more.

Ahhh... Like your Hero Zero, your position "evolved"....

Do I follow polls when they are obvious and overwhelming, you bet. On the other hand, you are a neanderthal conservative, who because you can't evolve with the times and changes, housiemousie, are doomed to extinction. We are not going to whatever alternate universe from which you emerged. :lol:
Those thirty posts, which I had changed tune by early September, those posts?

Yes, I have saved this post to point out to the entire Board how silly you will look the day after election on Medal of Honor winner.

Really, you need to think more.

Ahhh... Like your Hero Zero, your position "evolved"....

You're such a nuanced flaming lib,

Do I follow polls when they are obvious and overwhelming, you bet.

Apparently not, since my post above (#51) went unnoticed by you...:lol:

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