Need help with a Bible verse interp.

Isaiah 14:19 And who is it's referring to.

I discussed this many times:
Prophecy many times has 3 layers:
In Isaiah 14:12-19 it is;
1) historical (Nebuchadnezzar )
2)repeat emulation(Saddam) including his capture date is hidden in the chapter/verse #(they use day14/month12).
He's emulating the Babylonian king even admitted he was, deshevelled & found in his hidding pit, is this the person who shook the world as the earth did quake in the bombing raids, & in the verse you posted he came out (cast out) of that tomb.
and the 3rd you won't like and the reason you didn't notice me talking about Isaiah 14.
3)spiritual deep revealed emulation the morning star fallen messenger Jesus events match Isaiah 14:12-19=Lucifer)
Who is speared, Nt says earth shook upon death, was desheveled, people asked is this the man, fell to the pit claiming higher then God-acts2:27,1 Peter 3:19, Apostles creed, called himself son of baal
morning star-Rev 22:16.
No its not about 3 layers, and if it was your 3 should be 2. Its about Nebuchadnezzar, plain and simple.
It refers to Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and its great leader Lucifer/Satan. It speaks of its destruction in the last days and anthropomorphizes this kingdom of Lucifer as a man. It is the same that is mentioned in the 17th chapter of the Book of Revelation. It is referring to the great destruction of the wicked when Christ shall come to this earth for the second time.
You must keep the verse in context...I completely agree with the three emulations that Michael has shown you regarding that verse but in order to see who it is speaking of NOW you must dig a little deeper...I will get flack for pointing this out but that is fine...Once words are spoken they cannot be taken back and you will come to your own conclusion ..The verse must be taken in context verse 7 and 8 hold the clues...Once the wraith of Gd is satiated Even the "FIR TREES" Rejoice as do other TREES... because and here is the key Workmen will no longer be coming to CUT them down...There is only one people on the planet that CUT DOWN Trees and decorate it with their IDOL or False Gd....The later part of BABY Lon derives from L Lon which means Tree... It is the Baby Jesus that is venerated and who grows up to become the Man who is hung on the tree and worshipped as the king of kings and even placed above and before Gd...It will be when he is removed the whole world will shake probably in fear ESP his followers who number one third of mankind because their place that they secured solidly to the tree or CROSS VAINLY like is mentioned in Jeremiah will be uprooted and they will be without foundation and fall to the pit like their idol did...
You must keep the verse in context...I completely agree with the three emulations that Michael has shown you regarding that verse but in order to see who it is speaking of NOW you must dig a little deeper...I will get flack for pointing this out but that is fine...Once words are spoken they cannot be taken back and you will come to your own conclusion ..The verse must be taken in context verse 7 and 8 hold the clues...Once the wraith of Gd is satiated Even the "FIR TREES" Rejoice as do other TREES... because and here is the key Workmen will no longer be coming to CUT them down...There is only one people on the planet that CUT DOWN Trees and decorate it with their IDOL or False Gd....The later part of BABY Lon derives from L Lon which means Tree... It is the Baby Jesus that is venerated and who grows up to become the Man who is hung on the tree and worshipped as the king of kings and even placed above and before Gd...It will be when he is removed the whole world will shake probably in fear ESP his followers who number one third of mankind because their place that they secured solidly to the tree or CROSS VAINLY like is mentioned in Jeremiah will be uprooted and they will be without foundation and fall to the pit like their idol did...

It has nothing to do with Christmas trees, Solomon even cut them down for his "temple". Everyone used them.

Cedars of God - Wikipedia
You have always had a problem with context Penelope among other things...Context...Read the beginning of the chapter Gd will have compassion on Jacob and will set him back in his land and will give him REST from the oppressions he faced from his travails amongst the nations with their wooden idols...Isaiah 45 verse 20 says it best I believe ...Of course it is the Christmas tree....Wink who else does these things today...You as usual are trying to obscure these simple facts..The world will have rest when these false vain images are removed...
You have always had a problem with context Penelope among other things...Context...Read the beginning of the chapter Gd will have compassion on Jacob and will set him back in his land and will give him REST from the oppressions he faced from his travails amongst the nations with their wooden idols...Isaiah 45 verse 20 says it best I believe ...Of course it is the Christmas tree....Wink who else does these things today...You as usual are trying to obscure these simple facts..The world will have rest when these false vain images are removed...
you are a dolt. When and where did any people ever carry around christmas trees?
Really I told you I would get flack... Are not Christians carrying their piece of Wood or tree out of the forests are not Christians told to carry their piece of wood around like it is depicted regarding Jesus... You have never seen someone driving down the road with the tree on the top of their car.. Really Hobe I am a dolt...
Really I told you I would get flack... Are not Christians carrying their piece of Wood or tree out of the forests are not Christians told to carry their piece of wood around like it is depicted regarding Jesus... You have never seen someone driving down the road with the tree on the top of their car.. Really Hobe I am a dolt...
yes, you are a dolt.

A christmas tree isn't an idol anymore than a menorah is.
You have always had a problem with context Penelope among other things...Context...Read the beginning of the chapter Gd will have compassion on Jacob and will set him back in his land and will give him REST from the oppressions he faced from his travails amongst the nations with their wooden idols...Isaiah 45 verse 20 says it best I believe ...Of course it is the Christmas tree....Wink who else does these things today...You as usual are trying to obscure these simple facts..The world will have rest when these false vain images are removed...

Your religion is man made just like Christianity and Islam. GOD has no choice, the British allowed it and some rich jews and Christians think that jews are to be worshipped or at least tolerated and allowed to build a temple so that Jesus can return. Now its a matter of money and power meaning WEAPONS. Not God.
Really I told you I would get flack... Are not Christians carrying their piece of Wood or tree out of the forests are not Christians told to carry their piece of wood around like it is depicted regarding Jesus... You have never seen someone driving down the road with the tree on the top of their car.. Really Hobe I am a dolt...

I don't think a cypress of Lebanon would fit in my home, and I have an artificial tree.

I read that jews also worshipped those trees as gods at a period of time, is that true?
No its not about 3 layers, and if it was your 3 should be 2. Its about Nebuchadnezzar, plain and simple.

You are trying to tell a Jewish prophet how prophecy works?
Prophecy is the intelligent reasoning that human behavior and trends( thus history) repeats until we actually learn from our decisions and choices to change that continued bahavior and those flaws.
That's why we write down our history (1 the script) (without whitewashing it).
2)it repeats and those who learned from 1 can recognize the pattern forming
3) we learn to see similarity emulations in spiritual things.

4Q418 Frag. 77 2[ Understand or Seek? ] the secret of the way things are, and learn the nature of man and gaze at the faculties [ and workings or realities for] 3[ What ] has made him. Then you will understand the nature of mortal man and the weight of [ . . . ] 4his spirit, and learn the secret of the way things are, the weight of eras and the measure of [..TIME or works?..]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7when years begin and when eras end [ . . . ] 3everything that has happened in it, why it was and what will be in [ . . . ] 4His era that He revealed to the ears of those who understand the secret of the way things are [ . . . ] 3you are one who understands, when you observe all these things [ . . . ] 6by its hand is the weighing of your deeds with the era [ . . . ]
4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7Whatever He leaves with you, guard carefully [ . . . ] The sage asserts that his teaching comes from God.
"Sapiential Work" (4Q413)
"....I will teach you (Knowledge)and wisdom. And understand the ways of man and the works of Sons of Man......"
4Q4L7 Frag. 2 (+ 4Q418) Col. 1 1[ . . . ] you are one who understands [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the wonderful secrets [ . . . fearful things you will master . . . ] 3[ . . . **why things are and how they are*** . . . ] 4[ . . . why] 5[things are and why they continue to be ] 6[ . . . through Night meditate on the secret] of why things are and investigate it at all times, and then you will know truth and evil, wisdom 7[and falsehood . . . Consider the wicked in al1 their ways, with all their punishments throughout the world eras and the eternal punishment 8and then you will know the difference between good [and evil] deeds, for the God of knowledge is the confidant of Truth, and in the secret of the way things are 9He has made plain its basis [ . . . ] what is its nature and the governing principle of its deeds 10for every [ . . . ] He kas made plain to the mind of every [man] how to live by 11the nature of His understanding; and He has made plain [ . . . ] and by the faculty of understanding [He revealed] the enigmas of His purpose with blameless conduct [in all] His deeds. Inquire into these things at all times, give careful thought to al1 13their effects, and then you will know [eternal] glory with His wonderful secrets and His mighty deeds.
4Q413 Frag. 1 1Discipline [and insight] and wisdom I shal1 teach you. Now consider the ways of humanity and the activities of 2the human race. [ . . . ] a man. He enlarged his share in the knowledge of God's truth, and to the degree that that man loathes 3everything evil, [his judgment] shall not be affected by what his ears hear and what his eyes see.
You are trying to tell a Jewish prophet how prophecy works?

If you think of yourself as a prophet then yes. You are right history does repeat itself , but no one has a crystal ball, one can make an educated guess about the what the near future events might be but that is about it. Also the book of Isaiah was said to of had a few authors. We have many today who think they are prophets who think they speak for God and some believe them, and in the ancient days they were put on a pedestal, but not today.
Really I told you I would get flack... Are not Christians carrying their piece of Wood or tree out of the forests are not Christians told to carry their piece of wood around like it is depicted regarding Jesus... You have never seen someone driving down the road with the tree on the top of their car.. Really Hobe I am a dolt...
yes, you are a dolt.

A christmas tree isn't an idol anymore than a menorah is.
Well then he's the dolt without scratches on the top of his car, can fresh christmas tree lovers say the same? Have you ever scratched up the roof of your car Hobelim?

Manorah gives you focus of where your light comes from=Sheva(7) lights in the MikDash.
You must keep the verse in context...I completely agree with the three emulations that Michael has shown you regarding that verse but in order to see who it is speaking of NOW you must dig a little deeper...I will get flack for pointing this out but that is fine...Once words are spoken they cannot be taken back and you will come to your own conclusion ..The verse must be taken in context verse 7 and 8 hold the clues...Once the wraith of Gd is satiated Even the "FIR TREES" Rejoice as do other TREES... because and here is the key Workmen will no longer be coming to CUT them down...There is only one people on the planet that CUT DOWN Trees and decorate it with their IDOL or False Gd....The later part of BABY Lon derives from L Lon which means Tree... It is the Baby Jesus that is venerated and who grows up to become the Man who is hung on the tree and worshipped as the king of kings and even placed above and before Gd...It will be when he is removed the whole world will shake probably in fear ESP his followers who number one third of mankind because their place that they secured solidly to the tree or CROSS VAINLY like is mentioned in Jeremiah will be uprooted and they will be without foundation and fall to the pit like their idol did...

It has nothing to do with Christmas trees, Solomon even cut them down for his "temple". Everyone used them.

Cedars of God - Wikipedia

It was forbidden to decorate the tree in
silver and use it as an asherah.
That was a prexisting and forbidden tradition of other cultures.
You are trying to tell a Jewish prophet how prophecy works?

If you think of yourself as a prophet then yes. You are right history does repeat itself , but no one has a crystal ball, one can make an educated guess about the what the near future events might be but that is about it. Also the book of Isaiah was said to of had a few authors. We have many today who think they are prophets who think they speak for God and some believe them, and in the ancient days they were put on a pedestal, but not today.

And you'd be saying I have the most accurate guesses of them all. More then Nosty and more then Cayce. However these are not guesses. Some people just have stronger talents in forecasting-seeing probabilities in what comes next(sequences), it's even in our IQ, Profession, and SAT tests.
My test ironically revealled Prophet (because I aced the sequences portion).
Intuition also is increased through the Pineal gland by less physical (less luciferous) light.
In other words spiritual light comes from physical darkness and spuritual darkness comes from to much physical (luciferous) light.
This is how I can see things others missed for thousands of years, including the dates embedded in the verse and chapters. It's
how I can forecast events like the 2 gulf wars, rise and fall of Saddam, and the problems that would follow.
Even geo caching finding a villain involved computing probabilities and sequences and trusting in that insight to help notice things others fail to see.

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