Need PROOF Biden is too stupid to be president?

Orange Jesus worshippers should just STFU about Biden's stupidity / Alzheimer's / Tara Reid / whatever because their candidate is the most retarded fucking person to ever be elected President.

Instead, they should focus on what a gigantic socialist shitshow the Democrats have become.

WTF is wrong with you? Please get one of the other posters to take over for you

It's like he completely changed his ideology in the 8 seconds between bong hits. And to think, THAT shit-eating rodent's vote cancels mine. Geez, that's infuriating.
Nope, you loons are. Global warming is a plot to get more goverment in your life and more of your money in the goverment.
Coronavirus is less lethal than the common flu, but you think we should crash our economy over it. You do know there has been just as many drug overdoses and suicide from the shutdowns?

More conspiracy theory nutjobbery. Go see a psychologist or psychiatrist. Seriously, you're a loon.
Link to claim about suicides and ODs.
No, COVID-19 is 10 times more deadly than the flu, and slightly more contagious.
Here's something you'll never provide, a reliable link.
AOC believes in climate change

That makes her smarter than 95 percent of the Republican Pary

Common,tell us the truth.
Do you really believe AOC is smart?

AOC understands that Coronavirus is a threat to our society. That gives her 50 IQ points on the average Conservative

Only if you live in N.Y.

AOC understands both that there is Climate Change and Coronavirus is a threat.

That makes her a Rocket Scientist compared to Conservatives
I don't need the proof for the obvious, but it is fun to laugh at how democrats made the disaster happen.
AOC believes in climate change

That makes her smarter than 95 percent of the Republican Pary

Common,tell us the truth.
Do you really believe AOC is smart?

AOC understands that Coronavirus is a threat to our society. That gives her 50 IQ points on the average Conservative

Only if you live in N.Y.

AOC understands both that there is Climate Change and Coronavirus is a threat.

That makes her a Rocket Scientist compared to Conservatives

Anyone who could come up with such a hair brained scheme like the green new deal is a complete and utter moron.
Nope, you loons are. Global warming is a plot to get more goverment in your life and more of your money in the goverment.
Coronavirus is less lethal than the common flu, but you think we should crash our economy over it. You do know there has been just as many drug overdoses and suicide from the shutdowns?

More conspiracy theory nutjobbery. Go see a psychologist or psychiatrist. Seriously, you're a loon.
Link to claim about suicides and ODs.
No, COVID-19 is 10 times more deadly than the flu, and slightly more contagious.
Here's something you'll never provide, a reliable link.
Global warming is a conspiracy.

AOC, the woman who was a lowly bartender just months ago is Bidens pick to run the energy and climate department of his administration.

I'm sorry, when did AOC get a degree, OR ANY EDUCATION, in climatology or geology or energy???

A month or two ago this bitch said her and Biden wouldn't even be in the same party were this any other nation. Now they're cuddle buddies?

Democrats have ZERO baseline standards

Donald Trump is the stupidest President we have had. He makes anyone in Washington look like a whiz kid.
I mean srsly, did you see when that orange clown was asking if we could inject disinfectants into our bodies to cure coronavirus? lol

You can't get any more fucking stupid than that!

Take your adhd meds and realize this thread has NOTHING to do with Trump.

It's a dead giveaway that you're shallow with nothing of substance to offer when you IMMEDIATELY try to change the subject.

Oh, Toro is just trolling like a little beoch.

He is a diminishing return these days.
Biden is LITERALLY brain damaged. That is not metaphor, he has had blood leak into his brain so bad that he felt pain for days, to the point of crawling into a fetal position and they removed part of his brain and put in a clamp. They found another a swelling vein and put in a second clamp, but didnt have to remove any brain tissue that time.

The Dimocrats are running a brain damaged forgetful old senile fart for POTUS.

In a way, I find that kind of hopeful from my perspective, but hideous for the country.

AOC, the woman who was a lowly bartender just months ago is Bidens pick to run the energy and climate department of his administration.

I'm sorry, when did AOC get a degree, OR ANY EDUCATION, in climatology or geology or energy???

A month or two ago this bitch said her and Biden wouldn't even be in the same party were this any other nation. Now they're cuddle buddies?

Democrats have ZERO baseline standards

Your blob didn't know people died from the flu. It is an open question as to whom is more intelligent.
As or AOC not having credentials; your blob had zero credentials in foreign policy, military, public policy. Add to that he's failed to contain the virus and you're willing to vote for him again. So that either makes you stupid or ..... well it just makes you stupid.

Has anyone succeed in stopping the virus? World one.

Goddamn loon

AOC, the woman who was a lowly bartender just months ago is Bidens pick to run the energy and climate department of his administration.

I'm sorry, when did AOC get a degree, OR ANY EDUCATION, in climatology or geology or energy???

A month or two ago this bitch said her and Biden wouldn't even be in the same party were this any other nation. Now they're cuddle buddies?

Democrats have ZERO baseline standards

Your blob didn't know people died from the flu. It is an open question as to whom is more intelligent.
As or AOC not having credentials; your blob had zero credentials in foreign policy, military, public policy. Add to that he's failed to contain the virus and you're willing to vote for him again. So that either makes you stupid or ..... well it just makes you stupid.

Has anyone succeed in stopping the virus? World one.

Goddamn loon

Contain? Yes. Your blob failed
Seems that AOC has a whole lot more going on than the useless OP gramps, broken down worthless painter.
I have never painted a job in my life. I don't begrudge the people who do that for a living either. No surprise yet another leftist shits on the men who built this nation through the sweat of their brow.

You a pencil pushing faggot or do you work in telemarketing?
You whined about being a 50 something grandfather with a jacked up back because you picked up a grandchild. Construction worker, painter, something like that.
AOC still has your pantiez in a stained, butt hurt wad. Since she rattles your cage so much, you can cast you vote to get her out of your district.

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