Negations with the Enemy is Surrender

One of your problems is that you just make words fit your personal meaning -

Dropping a Nuke on Japan.
Then dropping another one on them when they fail to fully surrender -

Is not "negotiating".
What did we do after the war?
Negations with the Enemy is not Negations, it's Surrender
Pretend you wipe them out. Back to the stone age. You will never get rid of your enemy completely. Look at the USA. We whipped those Democrats into submission in the Civil War and today they have taken over the Republican party. Now it's not southern states. It's red states and blue states.

We will win the war. Ohio, Florida, Texas, Kentucky will some day turn blue

UAW launches strike against Ford's Kentucky truck plant, signaling major escalation in labor fight​

Negative, but I'm a firm believer in revenge being visited 10-fold.

In 1945, US Forces forced the residents of the Village of Weimar, Germany to march through the Buchenwald Concentration Camp.

Like most others, they claimed not to know. To not be aware of what was happening.

Bullshit. They knew. They knew what was going on and many of them profited by it.

Same in Gaza. Thy know what their brothers and uncles and daddies are doing.

No pity. No mercy.

Same with dimocrap scum. They know exactly who and what they're voting for when they go to the polls, and they just don't care. Again, no pity, no mercy.
Pretend you wipe them out. Back to the stone age. You will never get rid of your enemy completely. Look at the USA. We whipped those Democrats into submission in the Civil War and today they have taken over the Republican party. Now it's not southern states. It's red states and blue states.

We will win the war. Ohio, Florida, Texas, Kentucky will some day turn blue

UAW launches strike against Ford's Kentucky truck plant, signaling major escalation in labor fight​

Patriots kicked dimocrap-scum ass 160 years ago. We can do it again.

Your only hope is to get your females to infect us with that greasy clap you all have
Patriots kicked dimocrap-scum ass 160 years ago. We can do it again.

Your only hope is to get your females to infect us with that greasy clap you all have

The Patriots were the ones in charge of the Federal government. The Democrats back then were Southerners like Robert E Lee. The guys you built monuments too. You worship Democrats. Republicans today in the South worship Robert E Lee. A Democrat. Go figure. Your party has changed a lot.

Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times they are not forgotten look away, look away, look away Dixie Land.
One of your problems is that you just make words fit your personal meaning -

Dropping a Nuke on Japan.
Then dropping another one on them when they fail to fully surrender -

Is not "negotiating".
Did the Emperor of Japan have to step down? Wasn't that one of our condition? Who changed that demand if they didn't have negotiations?

Can you name one war America has been in where it didn't eventually negotiate with it's enemies?

In fact, I think Germany and Japan did alright in those negotiations. Did you consider our agreement with them as America surrendering?
We didn't negotiate with Japan or Germany. We dictated terms. We negotiated with the DPRK and it got us a seventy-year stalemate. We negotiated with the DPRVN and they violated the Paris Peace Treaty as soon as they were able to disarm and the democratically controlled showed it wasn't going to support the RVN. We've negotiated over and over and over again with the various Muslim terrorist groups, and they have violated the agreements as soon as the ink was dry.
We didn't negotiate with Japan or Germany. We dictated terms. We negotiated with the DPRK and it got us a seventy-year stalemate. We negotiated with the DPRVN and they violated the Paris Peace Treaty as soon as they were able to disarm and the democratically controlled showed it wasn't going to support the RVN. We've negotiated over and over and over again with the various Muslim terrorist groups, and they have violated the agreements as soon as the ink was dry.
You got to eventually negotiate the terms. You don't get every term you ask for.
Fun Fact: The peace treaty ending the War of 1812 had already been signed before the Battle of New Orleans.

Well sure. And then we got down to business

Douglas MacArthur II, U.S. Ambassador to Japan, 1957-1961The U.S.-Japan treaty of 1951 was negotiated by John Foster Dulles and Mr.

Because you aren't going to "wipe out" Hezbolla. Try and you'll probably create more than you killed. You gonna kill their boys too?
Well sure. And then we got down to business

Douglas MacArthur II, U.S. Ambassador to Japan, 1957-1961The U.S.-Japan treaty of 1951 was negotiated by John Foster Dulles and Mr.

Because you aren't going to "wipe out" Hezbolla. Try and you'll probably create more than you killed. You gonna kill their boys too?

And theirs.

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