Negroes Gone Wild: 200-person Baby Shower Brawl

Negroes Gone Wild: 200-person Baby Shower Brawl

Baby shower turns into 200-person brawl ending in 4 arrests | Mail Online

Baby shower turns into 200-person brawl ending in 4 arrests

Just one sucker punch turned a happy Massachusetts baby shower into a brawl fo bottle-smashing and chair-bashing between 200 people.

The unruly mob surrounded police who say they were urging parents to get their kids away from the fray.

'The behavior was appalling. It was absolutely appalling.

There’s just no other way to put it,' Stoughton Police Executive Officer Robert Devine said. 'The worst part was there was a lot of children. Our officers were concerned about the safety of the little ones, while the people who were fighting apparently could have cared less. They were swinging chairs and smashing bottles.'

What a bunch of dumb fuckers.:lol:


This is exactly the type of barbarism that is best addressed by a crazed, lone gunman with several automatic handguns.

Obviously they did not invite a white guy.
I find it disgustintg that most blacks defend this kind of behavior.

I don't and how do you know most blacks do? If it were white people doing this you'll call it an isolated incident. But what do I know, I'm just a sub-human animal with an IQ of 65. (according to you and other WN's)

If you want to solve the black problem go shoot up your local hood. Humanity wins in two ways.

Just apply universally by first responders regardless of ethnicity.
[ame=]200 round glock - YouTube[/ame]

After the situation is completely neutralize. Let's see if we can reverse engineer compromising solution on what to do?
BTW Here are the 2011 FBI Arrest Statistics:
FBI ? Table 43

White crime are not merely isolated incidents, however I don't believe all white people are criminals nor I do think are most douches like you.
It is rather interesting and strangely curious that you would post the FBI link to mitigate the black crime problem, even in relative terms.
Negroes Gone Wild: 200-person Baby Shower Brawl

Baby shower turns into 200-person brawl ending in 4 arrests | Mail Online

Baby shower turns into 200-person brawl ending in 4 arrests

Just one sucker punch turned a happy Massachusetts baby shower into a brawl fo bottle-smashing and chair-bashing between 200 people.

The unruly mob surrounded police who say they were urging parents to get their kids away from the fray.

'The behavior was appalling. It was absolutely appalling.

There’s just no other way to put it,' Stoughton Police Executive Officer Robert Devine said. 'The worst part was there was a lot of children. Our officers were concerned about the safety of the little ones, while the people who were fighting apparently could have cared less. They were swinging chairs and smashing bottles.'

What a bunch of dumb fuckers.:lol:


This is exactly the type of barbarism that is best addressed by a crazed, lone gunman with several automatic handguns.

Obviously they did not invite a white guy.
oops they are black? i am color blind...shit happens
Well regardless of your age, just go die, I sure no one will miss you, that is, if they can even remember who you were. Maybe a some black South Central thug can kill you, at least or stupid views would be somewhat justified and you die happily.
Interesting that you suggest a "black South Central thug kill me". After all your bitching about black stereotyping, you just reinforced that stereotype (black thugs, violence). You try to come across as intelligent, but I notice how you become more and more ghetto with each exchange. Please, keep going, so everyone can see where you're really coming from.
This is why it pays to have an education you can see that the guys were Hispanic not black. I guess if you have dark skin you can't tell the difference between an African or someone of African descent and a latino of dark complexion. Fucking idiot.

I was thinking the same thing, but that type of idiocy appears to be typical of some in this forum. Had the scenario been acted out by light skinned hispanics, the same oxygen thief would have been all over it insisting that "they were not white", and probably would not even have posted it.

A damn fool with too much time on their hands will always be just a damn fool.

That aside, apparently no kïds were injured, which is a good thing. how long before MTV wants to give them a "reality" show?

Will they call it "Negroes Gone Wild?" I must admit it is a catchy name.

A better reality show would be following a few rednecks around as they go from gun show to gun show accidentally shooting things.
Will they call it "Negroes Gone Wild?" I must admit it is a catchy name.

A better reality show would be following a few rednecks around as they go from gun show to gun show accidentally shooting things.

I'm not quite sure why my comment warranted any specific racial labeling...I mean to me an idiot is an idiot no matter what race they come from and I certainly did not imply anything racial by mentioning MTV or a reality show...but if calling people Negros and rednecks just generally turns you on, or if you're one of those people that just itches to turn everything into a statement on race or racism, then knock yourself out...
Will they call it "Negroes Gone Wild?" I must admit it is a catchy name.

A better reality show would be following a few rednecks around as they go from gun show to gun show accidentally shooting things.

I'm not quite sure why my comment warranted any specific racial labeling...I mean to me an idiot is an idiot no matter what race they come from and I certainly did not imply anything racial by mentioning MTV or a reality show...but if calling people Negros and rednecks just generally turns you on, or if you're one of those people that just itches to turn everything into a statement on race or racism, then knock yourself out...

I was being facetious. The racial labeling was in reference to the OP's thread title. And turn everything into a statement on race or racism? This is the Race Relations/Racism board. :eusa_eh:

And MTV already has a reality show about my home state of West Virginia, and how we are all backwoods rednecks. Why not a reality show about gun shows?

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