Neighbors from Hell. We’ve all had ‘em. Share your Horror stories here.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2017
Once, in a new city, I rented an apartment in one of those huge complexes that look nice from the outside but have paper thin walls, incompetent and lazy managers, and many tenants who should be living in sewers. I had neighboring apartments above, in back, and on both sides.

Next to me (our doors were about two feet apart) was a one-bedroom apartment that, according to the manager, was supposed to have two tenants, a single mom and her four year old son. No one else was supposed to live in that apartment as stated in the lease.

Turned out, the lady had a live-in boyfriend, and they now had an eight month old, always crying baby. The boyfriend would get home in the early evening and almost immediately begin playing video games with the volume so loud it sounded as if he were playing them in my apartment. This would go on until about two in the morning. After that, the couple could be heard talking loudly until four or five in the morning.

Later, the couple brought a dog into the apartment. And that, of course added to the noise and kids' activity.

With two kids, the couple would need a baby-sitter now and then. The baby-sitter they used also had a new-born infant who cried louder than any kid I’ve ever heard before.

Then, at some point, they decided the baby-sitter and her kid should also move into the apartment. At this time there were three adults and three kids and a dog, all in a one bedroom apartment. Wanna talk about noise?

In the afternoon when the woman was alone (original renter) she would often throw the kids outside on the porch to get them out of her hair. We shared a small porch and our metal security doors were very close together. The kids would want to go back into the apartment. The woman wouldn’t answer them, so the kids would cry and whine and bang non-stop on the metal doors in a effort to get their mother’s attention. This would usually go on for an hour or so.

On top of all this, the couple had friends who would frequently visit and the freaking friends also had kids.

One time, the woman was at work (she had a part-time job with varying hours) and her kids had given the baby sitter a tough time. After the sitter left, I could hear the mother screaming at her kids: “You gotta have some mother-fucking reapect. How many times have I tol’ you. You gots to have mother-fucking respect....” Mother-fuck was her favorite word and she used it, loudly, all through the day.

When my lease was up, at the end of a year, the worthless manager asked if I would like to renew my lease. It would have included a husky increase in the rent. All I could manage to say, was, “Bye...”

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