Neo-Nazi Running as a Republican for the U.S. Senate in California

And?? ..... :dunno:

You and your fellow Republicans/conservatives have a Nazi problem.

White supremacists, neo-Nazis, the Alt-Right, and other fascists on the right identify as conservative and vote Republican – indeed, they’ve found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans.

Republicans refuse to address this problem out of the fear of losing a political advantage – everyone eligible to vote has the right to vote, including Nazis and fascists.

And responding that there’s nothing you can do about it, that you can’t force people out of the GOP, or prevent fascists from calling themselves conservatives, misses the point.

The point is that you and others on the right need to examine conservative dogma and the Republican agenda to learn why hateful bigots, racists, and fascists are attracted to the GOP and identify as conservatives.

That you don’t think there’s a problem is the problem.
There are only 2 choices guys support people banning whites, having no white days.....and even some saying killing's not guys really are clueless
Neo-Nazi Running as a Republican for the U.S. Senate in California


Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Nazi Arthur Jones, who recently ran unopposed in the Republican primary for the Third Congressional District in the Chicago area and garnered 20,458 votes, their mere candidacies, along with their growing acceptance by other Republicans.


I just watched Arthur Jones tell a black reporter that she needs to thank her white blood because that's where she got normal intelligence. That blacks are typically 20 points lower than whites in IQ.

I'm just wondering how you can tell the difference, according to you commiecrats all republicans are nazi racist. Are you admitting you've been lying?

if you dont agree with dean you are a far right piece of shit....what else can you be?....thats the way narrow bigoted minds work.....

Funny how easily regressives try to judge people you've never met, what happened to the party of inclusiveness and diversity? If they think the commiecrat part is pure and have no BIG R Racist, they're delusional.

WWII happened even before I was born.

But America's Nazi problem is happening today.

Alt White
Aryan nation
White Nationalists

These groups are the heart and soul of today's GOP.

Do you really believe the BS you spew? The heart and soul of this country voted for Trump over Clinton because the hard working, productive Americans wanted to be heard. You realize how out of touch with America the Democrats are? In 92 & 96 Bill Clinton captured middle America the hard working, productive Americans, in 2016 his wife couldn’t win there, the Democrats were beat by a terrible Republican candidate, and today the Democratic Party still doesn’t know why they lost in 2016.

All your messages are negative, and getting dumber and more dishonest as time goes by. Republicans and Democrats need to find out what the heart and soul of America wants. Right now, both seem to be clueless.
Because the majority have no heart and no soul? Tell that to America's children.

The complete list of how GOP policies help American children:


We can only go by what Republicans say and do. Not imagine what they do, but what they actually do.

Wow, a big nothing burger from deany, what a surprise. More divisive emotional rants from the le, it is all Bs.
thats the reason he posts the same type of shit over and over.....

I say this in every rdean's like's how many posts before he gets raped in his own threads.....
and after all the years he has been here,he still has no idea why he gets treated like he does....

You and your fellow Republicans/conservatives have a Nazi problem.

White supremacists, neo-Nazis, the Alt-Right, and other fascists on the right identify as conservative and vote Republican – indeed, they’ve found refuge among the ranks of conservatives and Republicans.

Republicans refuse to address this problem out of the fear of losing a political advantage – everyone eligible to vote has the right to vote, including Nazis and fascists.

And responding that there’s nothing you can do about it, that you can’t force people out of the GOP, or prevent fascists from calling themselves conservatives, misses the point.

The point is that you and others on the right need to examine conservative dogma and the Republican agenda to learn why hateful bigots, racists, and fascists are attracted to the GOP and identify as conservatives.

That you don’t think there’s a problem is the problem.
The left is 100% anti white and doesn't hide it at all so why would they run as democrats?
Not true. Look at the GOP hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Gays, Muslims, Hispanics, Liberal, Jews, Women and the rest. Most of them are white.

The difference is that in the GOP, 90% are white.
ah the identity politics game...…..they are all the same right rdean…...and god forbid blacks vote republican, people like you show your true racist colors......fuck all the shit Kanye went through because he liked a shows who you really are...…
you don't care about any of those pretend to get votes...….you lefties are all about you and's all you care about.
Why should blacks vote Republican?

Democrats elected a black as President.

Many, if not most, Republicans question whether or not we should have ended slavery.

you are a complete tard....which Republicans question ending slavery?

why should blacks vote republican?
more jobs, better economy
vouchers and better schools
wanting to get rid of crime, not turn criminals into voters
the ability to arm themselves...not take it away
fair trade...more jobs again
using American power to make good deals not iran scam deals

other than govt programs that keep blacks in crime infested impoverished areas, what does the left offer them????

Democrats have done very little for blacks -- the black unemployment rate didn't start dropping until Trump was elected -- and his policies were specifically geared towards helping blacks do better in this economy -- that is why he will get 70% of the black vote with the help of Kanye and Candace -- blacks are very slow, so it takes time to help them to learn what is best for them
The left is 100% anti white and doesn't hide it at all so why would they run as democrats?
Not true. Look at the GOP hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Gays, Muslims, Hispanics, Liberal, Jews, Women and the rest. Most of them are white.

The difference is that in the GOP, 90% are white.
ah the identity politics game...…..they are all the same right rdean…...and god forbid blacks vote republican, people like you show your true racist colors......fuck all the shit Kanye went through because he liked a shows who you really are...…
you don't care about any of those pretend to get votes...….you lefties are all about you and's all you care about.
Why should blacks vote Republican?

Democrats elected a black as President.

Many, if not most, Republicans question whether or not we should have ended slavery.

you are a complete tard....which Republicans question ending slavery?

why should blacks vote republican?
more jobs, better economy
vouchers and better schools
wanting to get rid of crime, not turn criminals into voters
the ability to arm themselves...not take it away
fair trade...more jobs again
using American power to make good deals not iran scam deals

other than govt programs that keep blacks in crime infested impoverished areas, what does the left offer them????

Democrats have done very little for blacks -- the black unemployment rate didn't start dropping until Trump was elected -- and his policies were specifically geared towards helping blacks do better in this economy -- that is why he will get 70% of the black vote with the help of Kanye and Candace -- blacks are very slow, so it takes time to help them to learn what is best for them
So your post is meant to encourage black people to vote for white supremacists.

He got 54,000 votes last night...NOT BAD! Highest total I have seen lately for an openly pro white candidate....and in libtarded California at that!
So there will be an actual Nazi in the House.

Will he go by "Republican" or "Nazi" or "Republican Nazi"?

I thought we were supposed to be having a blue wave. If CA Senate seat goes red, you guys are going to have a bad November

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