Neo-Nazi white supremacist & pro-Confederacy advocate Michael Peroutka Wins GOP Nomination For Maryland's Attorney General Election

By the way, I asked you to name me a single prominent Conservative who was marking down South next to MLK...

And you still have fact, none of you have....

Is it because that person doesn't exist?
when did you ask me that question? holy crap that got pulled from the Top Hat I guess. Well I know that JFK and RFK were demofks and didn't care for MK. Just saying. Conservative? MK was conservative.
kkk ing again are you. still afraid to admit your party is that, isn't it. do everything you can to avoid it, point at the other guy and say, nope it's you..... hahahahaahahahaha so desperate, I must say. pathetic as well. you hate blacks, you wish their babies dead at planned parenthood and keep them under lock and key on the demofk plantations. And if they get out of line? Uncle Tom them as frequently as possible. No free will for them. All document shit as well, so all fact. FACT!! eat that plate of shit dude.
Yes, the Democratic party as well as the UNITED STATES in general were neck deep in racism.....

Did you miss the memo when I said this country was founded on racism?

You know, that fact that triggers dic suckers like you that you don't even want kids to learn about it...why?

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Let me guess, I bet you think all of those folks calling everything they didn't "Communist" were liberals back then
yeah, at the same time the entire globe was. And still is. i bet you didn't know that did you?
I know that the US was one of the last countries to end slavery and it took a war to do it...
But if you feel better comparing yourself to countries like China or
I was under the impression we were supposed to be the best country in the world -- but apparently, condemning slavery is hard for you...why?
when did you ask me that question? holy crap that got pulled from the Top Hat I guess. Well I know that JFK and RFK were demofks and didn't care for MK. Just saying. Conservative? MK was conservative.
Maybe you morons gaslight each other by telling yourselves MLK was conservative...but maybe you should traveled back in time and give Dr. King the he wouldn't say things like...


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Yea, real conservative stuff are a clown
Let me guess, I bet you think all of those folks calling everything they didn't "Communist" were liberals back then
oh fk no, Joe M. was pure conservative. We are still working that same issue today and the demofks are neck deep in China and russia. hilarious you don't know that.
So what policies is he campaigning on? The kind that makes white supremacists believe he is one of them??

And as much as you morons pull Robert Byrd out of your ass, even tho he was in office 40 plus years after leaving the KKK...

Why are you quick to give this guy a pass when he ain't stopped being a Neo-Nazi for barely 5 minutes??

Being a fucking Neo-Nazi white supremacists is even more UNPOPULAR now than it was in Byrd's time -- are you telling me this guy is so fucking stupid that he just now figured this out??
Did any of you give Byrd an immediate pass when he claimed he wasn't in the KKK anymore? Yes you did!!! Demorats continue to do so all the time even today... You have many who spew out racism against "whites" every day! Yet, you give yourselves a pass. You have politicians and media jerks still saying it was "6 white men" who got rid of Roe. The last time I looked, Thomas is Black and Barrett is a woman! Racist bigots and mysoginists. Enough of the name calling and the division Democrats have caused over the last 20 years.
Did any of you give Byrd an immediate pass when he claimed he wasn't in the KKK anymore? Yes you did!!! Demorats continue to do so all the time even today... You have many who spew out racism against "whites" every day! Yet, you give yourselves a pass. You have politicians and media jerks still saying it was "6 white men" who got rid of Roe. The last time I looked, Thomas is Black and Barrett is a woman! Racist bigots and mysoginists. Enough of the name calling and the division Democrats have caused over the last 20 years.
they abandon the human race.
Is it convenient to forget that the longest serving democrat senator was a KKK member? FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme court. The KKK was the muscle for democrat political activists for the better part of a hundred years in the South. On the other hand the Confederacy was a popular tourist attraction in the South until democrats cut their own throats.
Well, since the country was founded on white supremacy, it is not a revelation to the rest of us that every political party that existed in this country were steeped in racism for the majority of this country's history..........

However, one party did more to piss off racists than the other -- one ideology has pissed off racists more than the other -- and it has kept you Consevatives lying about it ever since......but I will let MLK summarize that for me...

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So I will give you a chance to answer the question none of you morons never me a single prominent Conservative who was down south risking their life, marching next to MLK to fight for Civil Rights??

You would think that guy would be a household name among Conservatives....

I can name quite a few these guys
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Oh fuck off, you're founded on white supremacy. Learn history before I kick your ass all over this board.

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