Neo-Nazi white supremacist & pro-Confederacy advocate Michael Peroutka Wins GOP Nomination For Maryland's Attorney General Election

Well, this guy is not in the Senate or the House yet. So genius, how can he vote for a bill supporting civil rights on any issue at this point? The point is, you forgave a white supremacist, actually thousands of political white supremacist in the past. So, why can't this guy receive the same forgiveness? Also, it wasn't the Democrats that got the civil rights bill passed. It was the Republicans that pushed it through. Same with voting rights. You forget that Democrats have controlled the Congress for most of the country's history and much of the Presidency as well. Republicans also pushed through the voting rights as well for women. You may not know this but when Utah was still a territory, women were allowed to vote in political elections.
This is just another example of the lies Democrats spin because they've told so many they can't keep track of all of the now and get caught. Democrats used to support women's rights in sports and passed Title IX to give women equal access to compete. But, now they support a man posing as a woman so men can beat women again. Hypocrites!
Every candidate is supposed to campaign on what policies he or she will fight for and vote FOR, dumb ass.....

But thanks for letting me know you don't give a fuck about (1) electing a Neo Nazi and (2) not caring what policies a candidate campaigns on
What about your president, who has openly shown himself to be a complete racist via the public statements he blatantly made and saying his mentor and friend was Robert Byrd, a member of the KKK.
Also, those that call Nationalists, racist, are those that don't want to have a nation with borders and thus are the enemy of our country, both seditious and traitorous.
If racists really believed Biden is one of them; they'd be pissed asf that he is running as a Democrat and picking those no-good darkies to be his VP and even nominating the first one to the Supreme Court..

The way you right-wingers pathetically try to deflect from your own history on being racist is laughable...
"In October 2014, during his campaign for County Council, Peroutka announced that he had resigned from the board of directors of the League of the South and was no longer a member".
But don't let that stop you from fanning the flames with your thread title.
After seeing the title I decided not to read the OP. He loves to stir up shit. It helps keep us divided.
At one time the Democrat's were the bad guys, supported the rich & segregation. Then it was the Republicans turn to support the rich& segregation & back & forth we went. Bottom line both party's support their party them self's and those that throw them the millions to win. Winning trumps good government for the majority.
Every candidate is supposed to campaign on what policies he or she will fight for and vote FOR, dumb ass.....

But thanks for letting me know you don't give a fuck about (1) electing a Neo Nazi and (2) not caring what policies a candidate campaigns on
He is letting you know, dumb ass....He's not for white supremacy you dumb ass.... But, thanks for letting me know you have no ability to forgive. But, Democrats don't and never have. They get people to admit to wrongdoing and them fire them!!! Dumb asses... :popcorn:
If racists really believed Biden is one of them; they'd be pissed asf that he is running as a Democrat and picking those no-good darkies to be his VP and even nominating the first one to the Supreme Court..

The way you right-wingers pathetically try to deflect from your own history on being racist is laughable...
Oh fuck off, the republicans were not nor are they the racists, it was your democrat friends lynching people.
He is letting you know, dumb ass....He's not for white supremacy you dumb ass.... But, thanks for letting me know you have no ability to forgive. But, Democrats don't and never have. They get people to admit to wrongdoing and them fire them!!! Dumb asses... :popcorn:
So what policies is he campaigning on? The kind that makes white supremacists believe he is one of them??

And as much as you morons pull Robert Byrd out of your ass, even tho he was in office 40 plus years after leaving the KKK...

Why are you quick to give this guy a pass when he ain't stopped being a Neo-Nazi for barely 5 minutes??

Being a fucking Neo-Nazi white supremacists is even more UNPOPULAR now than it was in Byrd's time -- are you telling me this guy is so fucking stupid that he just now figured this out??
What about your president, who has openly shown himself to be a complete racist via the public statements he blatantly made and saying his mentor and friend was Robert Byrd, a member of the KKK.
Also, those that call Nationalists, racist, are those that don't want to have a nation with borders and thus are the enemy of our country, both seditious and traitorous.
nothing to see for a demofk. they wave a wand and whoosh, all gone. nudge, nudge
If racists really believed Biden is one of them; they'd be pissed asf that he is running as a Democrat and picking those no-good darkies to be his VP and even nominating the first one to the Supreme Court..

The way you right-wingers pathetically try to deflect from your own history on being racist is laughable...
Name one republican racist with evidence. you can't, Robert Byrd, I can pull him out of thin air. you, not so much. And, every demofk love Byrd, so there is that. But republican, crickets.
At one time the Democrat's were the bad guys, supported the rich & segregation. Then it was the Republicans turn to support the rich& segregation & back & forth we went. Bottom line both party's support their party them self's and those that throw them the millions to win. Winning trumps good government for the majority.
Gates, Zuckerburg, soros, these are republicans you say? hahahahahahahaahahahaha
Oh fuck off, the republicans were not nor are they the racists, it was your democrat friends lynching people.
Well, since the country was founded on white supremacy, it is not a revelation to the rest of us that every political party that existed in this country were steeped in racism for the majority of this country's history..........

However, one party did more to piss off racists than the other -- one ideology has pissed off racists more than the other -- and it has kept you Consevatives lying about it ever since......but I will let MLK summarize that for me...


So I will give you a chance to answer the question none of you morons never me a single prominent Conservative who was down south risking their life, marching next to MLK to fight for Civil Rights??

You would think that guy would be a household name among Conservatives....

I can name quite a few these guys
Well, since the country was founded on white supremacy, it is not a revelation to the rest of us that every political party that existed in this country were steeped in racism for the majority of this country's history..........

However, one party did more to piss off racists than the other -- one ideology has pissed off racists more than the other -- and it has kept you Consevatives lying about it ever since......but I will let MLK summarize that for me...

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So I will give you a chance to answer the question none of you morons never me a single prominent Conservative who was down south risking their life, marching next to MLK to fight for Civil Rights??

You would think that guy would be a household name among Conservatives....

I can name quite a few these guys
View attachment 672890
The entire globe had slaves. the fact you go back to such naivety is so demofk.
Name one republican racist with evidence. you can't, Robert Byrd, I can pull him out of thin air. you, not so much. And, every demofk love Byrd, so there is that. But republican, crickets.
Lol @ with evidence...

Strom Thurmond
Jesse Helms
David Duke

Hell, David Duke tried to run for the Republican presidential nomination twice as a Republican as well as running for the Senate as a republican as early as 2016...I wonder why he didn't run as a Democrat fact, I wonder why ever racist I just named switched to running as Republicans...hmmm...

If you folks spent as much time gaslighting people about your racism as much as you did trying to actively push policies that don't demonize minorities, you wouldn't be getting 8% of the black vote all the time...Republicans use to do well with black voters when their policies weren't centered on racism....wonder what happened in 1964 that made that change...hmmmmm

The entire globe had slaves. the fact you go back to such naivety is so demofk.
Do you understand how pathetic you look right now??

You can go "the Democrats were for slavery" -- like that is saying something...

Then when I point the whole country was for slavery -- whine "but but the whole globe had slaves" -- even tho the whole globe didn't

But hey, if you are going to justify slavery by saying "everybody was doing it" -- stop saying "Democrats are for slavery"

Why are you arguments so pathetic??
can't make it up each one a demofk. too fking funny.

put up their bio's
Why did they switch to being Republican??

It damn sure wasn't because of how much they supported Civil Rights and Voting you care that your arguments are this stupid - or is the case with most racists - you have no shame in looking pathetic
If racists really believed Biden is one of them; they'd be pissed asf that he is running as a Democrat and picking those no-good darkies to be his VP and even nominating the first one to the Supreme Court..

The way you right-wingers pathetically try to deflect from your own history on being racist is laughable...
kkk ing again are you. still afraid to admit your party is that, isn't it. do everything you can to avoid it, point at the other guy and say, nope it's you..... hahahahaahahahaha so desperate, I must say. pathetic as well. you hate blacks, you wish their babies dead at planned parenthood and keep them under lock and key on the demofk plantations. And if they get out of line? Uncle Tom them as frequently as possible. No free will for them. All document shit as well, so all fact. FACT!! eat that plate of shit dude.
can't make it up each one a demofk. too fking funny.

put up their bio's

By the way, I asked you to name me a single prominent Conservative who was marking down South next to MLK...

And you still have fact, none of you have....

Is it because that person doesn't exist?
Do you understand how pathetic you look right now??

You can go "the Democrats were for slavery" -- like that is saying something...

Then when I point the whole country was for slavery -- whine "but but the whole globe had slaves" -- even tho the whole globe didn't

But hey, if you are going to justify slavery by saying "everybody was doing it" -- stop saying "Democrats are for slavery"

Why are you arguments so pathetic??
yeah, at the same time the entire globe was. And still is. i bet you didn't know that did you?

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