Neocons and the deep state have gotten their way Trump considering military options for Syria

And the previous President said Assad must go yet he was still in power when Obama left office. Let's be honest here if Trump had come out said sorry not our problem people would be bitching over that as well this is the classic damed if you do damed if you don't.

So you are fine with him pulling the US into another war overseas?

People will bitch at him no matter what he does. That isn't an excuse for bad decisions.
Im not going to pretend I know who did it. It could have been a few different groups.
Call me honest :dunno:

Only two factions in Syria have fixed winged aircraft. The Syrian Armed Forces and Russia.

The idea that Israeli aircraft flew all the way to the Turkish border and dropped outlawed chemical weapons (that Assad has) on innocent civilians (like Assad does) is a little absurd.
Im not going to pretend I know who did it. It could have been a few different groups.
Call me honest :dunno:

Only two factions in Syria have fixed winged aircraft. The Syrian Armed Forces and Russia.

The idea that Israeli aircraft flew all the way to the Turkish border and dropped outlawed chemical weapons (that Assad has) on innocent civilians (like Assad does) is a little absurd.
They were just there a couple weeks ago. Try again.
Who said it was a fixed winged aircraft? Sand dwellers? The UN? The same people that blamed assad before and it turned out to be the rebels and isis?
I'm not surprised. False Flags usually work. Trump may not have much choice but to escalate the war. So i would brace for more carnage. Personally, i feel we need to disengage from the Middle East. Too much meddling and war. It's time to come home.
Lol everybody? Really?
The same everybody that blamed assad before, and were wrong?
And you want to tell other people to get their head out of the sand.. Dumbfuck


Relax, you're lashing out...
Trump administration discussing military options on Syria: source

Congrats war mongers! You got your way soon....more American boys and girls that get to die for HUGE corporations and the military industrial complex. I am so glad my kids are too young to join the military but at this rate the US will be bullying someone when they become of age...I just hope I can keep them out of the American Imperial Army. Nothing more than war for Oil,Israel,Military Industrial Complex and to establish a Rothschild bank in Syria.

I predicted this years ago. I knew the MIC would eventually get its war in Syria. 'Regime Change' in Syria has been in the works for a long time. It's sad though, i was really hoping Trump would go a different route. But it looks like he'll be continuing the Permanent War agenda. Very disappointing.
We need to get out of the Middle East, it is an area that will be forever in turmoil and killing innocent people, we don't need to be a part of it.
Where were all you filthy ass hypocritical hippy peacenik Moon Bats when your affirmative action asshole President was escalating the war in Afghanistan, fighting the war in Iraq for three years, bombing Libya for regime change and reintroducing troops back to Iraq? That asshole Obama was a Neocon's wet dream being at war everyday of his administration.
Come on people in these situations every President says that or all options are on the table or something along those lines it's expected they rarely follow through on it.

This is going a step above that. He has contacted several congressmen about military action, and Tillerson just told the press that they are in the process of building an international coalition to remove Assad from power. he said that. Before Assad decided to gas his citizens, Tillerson had a different narrative.
Come on people in these situations every President says that or all options are on the table or something along those lines it's expected they rarely follow through on it.

This is going a step above that. He has contacted several congressmen about military action, and Tillerson just told the press that they are in the process of building an international coalition to remove Assad from power.
And the previous President said Assad must go yet he was still in power when Obama left office. Let's be honest here if Trump had come out said sorry not our problem people would be bitching over that as well this is the classic damed if you do damed if you don't.

His Sec of State DID say that.

Since 2013, Drumph has been saying "not our problem".
Come on people in these situations every President says that or all options are on the table or something along those lines it's expected they rarely follow through on it.

This is going a step above that. He has contacted several congressmen about military action, and Tillerson just told the press that they are in the process of building an international coalition to remove Assad from power.
And the previous President said Assad must go yet he was still in power when Obama left office. Let's be honest here if Trump had come out said sorry not our problem people would be bitching over that as well this is the classic damed if you do damed if you don't.

His Sec of State DID say that.

Since 2013, Drumph has been saying "not our problem".
As shocking as this might be to you the perspective one has as a private citizen tends change when and if they become President.

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