
It was "pilfered" from the Encyclopedia Britannica, if you read the OP you wouldn't need to ask. You are free and encouraged to disagree with me, but in doing so I suggest you put away the personal attacks and make a concise and credible argument. Calling my argument a failure is childish, suggesting my source was a "libtard website" was ridiculous. I suggest you find a new hobby, it would be better than embarrassing yourself as you do here.

There are thick books written on the various forms of socialism and fascism, and therefore, a paragraph from the Encyclopedia (most likely created by a liberal college profesor) is not adequate to prove anything more than your own bias on the subject.

Both Socialism and Fascism are methods of government control of people, and they are not mutually exclusive. Both exist in black and white, and in every shade in between absolute freedom and absolute govermental control.

NEO Fascism: Neo means "New", and it is defined in my signature.

Scapegoats throughout Progressive History

1917 Kulaks
1933 Jews
1940 Capitalists
2014 1%
If that's the case, then Lincoln did not value democracy or the rule of law either. Right Fakey?

False equivalency, bripat. Lincoln would have protected you, while Steinie and pinochet would have destroyed you.

ROFL! Lincoln had people who criticized his administration executed without a trial. He put thousands of people in a concentration camps. He shut down 300 newspapers for printing articles critical of his administration. Lincoln makes Pinochet look like a choir boy.

You are an anarchist who hates American democracy. Criticizers were not executed without trial (you have no objective evidence), define concentration camps (which did not exist as you suggest), and Lincoln would have protected you, while Pinochet would have executed you for being an anarchist.
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

It's the concept of the 'far right' that is problematic. Who are you talking about? In particular, where do you put libertarians in the stilted left/right axis?

Of course he does. His term "neo fascism" is meant to be a slur against everyone who supports limited government and economic freedom.

Government limited by and economic freedom for neo-fascists.

Yes, bripat, you have it.
Which libtard website did you pilfer that from? the rich got richer, and still are 5 years into a very leftist agenda. In other words...thread fail.

It was "pilfered" from the Encyclopedia Britannica, if you read the OP you wouldn't need to ask. You are free and encouraged to disagree with me, but in doing so I suggest you put away the personal attacks and make a concise and credible argument. Calling my argument a failure is childish, suggesting my source was a "libtard website" was ridiculous. I suggest you find a new hobby, it would be better than embarrassing yourself as you do here.

There are thick books written on the various forms of socialism and fascism, and therefore, a paragraph from the Encyclopedia (most likely created by a liberal college profesor) is not adequate to prove anything more than your own bias on the subject.

Both Socialism and Fascism are methods of government control of people, and they are not mutually exclusive. Both exist in black and white, and in every shade in between absolute freedom and absolute govermental control.

A sentence or two by Erand about fascism, socialism, freedom, and government is not adequate to prove anything other than that Erand is a biased hack for the home team.
It's the concept of the 'far right' that is problematic. Who are you talking about? In particular, where do you put libertarians in the stilted left/right axis?

Of course he does. His term "neo fascism" is meant to be a slur against everyone who supports limited government and economic freedom.

Government limited by and economic freedom for neo-fascists.

Yes, bripat, you have it.

Progressives/liberals have speech codes on their college campuses
they chase away people they dont want to hear speak
they engage in group think
they savagely attack any monority that dares to leave the liberal plantaton
they purged almost every Blue Dog from the Dem Party
it's laughable for left-wing nutjobs to try to call anybody else a fascist
"Fascists NATIONALIZED the HEALTH CARE AND OIL industries and BANNED PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF GUNS. what self-respecting right-winger would do that?["

The Germans had national health care when Adolph was growing up in Austria.

The fascists did not not nationalize the oil industry.

Hitler, as a far right reactionary, killed all the socialist in Germany.

Hitler would love bedowin, his type of person.
Of course he does. His term "neo fascism" is meant to be a slur against everyone who supports limited government and economic freedom.

Government limited by and economic freedom for neo-fascists.

Yes, bripat, you have it.

Progressives/liberals have speech codes on their college campuses
they chase away people they dont want to hear speak
they engage in group think
they savagely attack any monority that dares to leave the liberal plantaton
they purged almost every Blue Dog from the Dem Party
it's laughable for left-wing nutjobs to try to call anybody else a fascist

So do the far right and social cons. Visit Oral Roberts, Bob Jones, and BYU.

The far right reactionaries have created minority plantations from which the members can't escape.

bedowin is a fascist, and bripat is an anarchist
Poverty and dependance on the government is higher under Progressives; people have less freedom to do things
Progressives have expanded drone attacks; even targeting American citizens for assasination

warrantless wiretapping and other domestic surveillance has increased under Progressive government
economic freedom is DOWN under obama
Progressives used the IRS to target political enemies

it's laughable for the idiotic Left to accuse others of being fascist or totalitarian

idiots and hypocrites
"Fascists NATIONALIZED the HEALTH CARE AND OIL industries and BANNED PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF GUNS. what self-respecting right-winger would do that?["

The Germans had national health care when Adolph was growing up in Austria.

The fascists did not not nationalize the oil industry.

Hitler, as a far right reactionary, killed all the socialist in Germany.

Hitler would love bedowin, his type of person.

Hitler was a Socialist; he said so openly

NAZI is an acronym; in german it means NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY

hitler would have loved a lying lemming like Jake
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
Which libtard website did you pilfer that from? the rich got richer, and still are 5 years into a very leftist agenda. In other words...thread fail.

It was "pilfered" from the Encyclopedia Britannica, if you read the OP you wouldn't need to ask. You are free and encouraged to disagree with me, but in doing so I suggest you put away the personal attacks and make a concise and credible argument. Calling my argument a failure is childish, suggesting my source was a "libtard website" was ridiculous. I suggest you find a new hobby, it would be better than embarrassing yourself as you do here.

It appears to be all he's got (witness his witless diaper rash over here).

Hence the surname "weasel" I guess.
isnt it nice to see the Left excuse themselves from mass genocide by saying the millions of Germans who went out and stuffed people into ovens only THOUGHT they were doing so in the name of their beloved SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY???

libs are losers who lie to themselves
True. But the Line-Item Veto puts the POTUS on the spot and when used puts greater visibility on The Congress.

Which is essentially meaningless. The Congress and President already have enough visibility and it doesn't stop them from doing anything.

In therapy your counselor would call you on your, "Yes, but" responses. As I said, we'll never agree and I tire in the attempt to respond to such banalities.

This thread is about bripat, bedowin62 and the other Neo Fascists who pretend to be something other than what they are.

Yes, this thread is a partisan attack on people you don't like, we all know that.
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.

ne·o·fas·cism [nee-oh-fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
any of various political movements or beliefs inspired by or reminiscent of fascism or Nazism.
neo-Fascism, an Italian political movement that seeks to reestablish Fascism.
Neofascism | Define Neofascism at

fas·cism [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, Obama wants to go it aloneforcibly suppressing opposition irs and criticism, negative attacks on conservative, moderate media regimenting all industry, uh, yea, obama has done thatcommerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalismhe's the opposite of that with the hate for America and often racism. I have a coil of rage...
( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
( initial capital letter ) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43

the National in National Socialist Worker's Party (NAZI) doesnt make the NAZI right-wing; it simply means National Socialism is one kind of Socialism; but socialism it is

Crips kill bloods; and vice versa. both of them are still GANGS

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Hitler was a great admirer of the American Progressive Movement.
the Progressive movement in America has its origins in a love of EUGENICS AND RACISM; that is a desire to "purify" society

Progressives are ignorant liars in denial of their own history

there were some republican progressives but from the start it was a left-wing movement

libs are losers who lie to themselves
isnt it nice to see the Left excuse themselves from mass genocide by saying the millions of Germans who went out and stuffed people into ovens only THOUGHT they were doing so in the name of their beloved SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY???

Hitler had nothing to do with the left --- unless you consider murdering, torturing, imprisoning and making the first prisoners at Dachau 'having something to do with'.

Freaking dumbass.
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HITLER'S name for the "1%" "capitalist pig" was JEW

Hitler scapegoated Jews for the country's ills the same way the left-wing Occupy movement does

libs are losers who lie to themselves
isnt it nice to see the Left excuse themselves from mass genocide by saying the millions of Germans who went out and stuffed people into ovens only THOUGHT they were doing so in the name of their beloved SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY???

Hitler had nothing to do with the left --- unless you consider murdering, torturing, imprisoning and making the first prisoners at Dachau 'having something to do with'.

Hitler called himself and his Party Socialists

it's right in the name dork

gosh you're stupid
isnt it nice to see the Left excuse themselves from mass genocide by saying the millions of Germans who went out and stuffed people into ovens only THOUGHT they were doing so in the name of their beloved SOCIALIST WORKER'S PARTY???

Hitler had nothing to do with the left --- unless you consider murdering, torturing, imprisoning and making the first prisoners at Dachau 'having something to do with'.

Hitler called himself and his Party Socialists

it's right in the name dork

gosh you're stupid

Wrong. The name was already in the party when he got there -- and he objected to it. They called themselves National Socialists. And they meant the second term as a social description --- not a government style. It alluded to the revival of hypernationalist glory-mythology and the whole "Kinder Kirche Küche" mentality (children, church, kitchen) -- the hyperconservative values he put at the forefront of his national political rabies.

In closing, go fuck yourself and get an education. In that order.
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