Netanyahu: The Arabs Want All of 'Palestine'

This was the Camp David offer:

Based on the Israeli definition of the West Bank, Barak offered to form a Palestinian State initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (91 percent of the West Bank and 1 percent from a land swap).[6][5] From the Palestinian perspective this equated to an offer of a Palestinian state on a maximum of 86% of the West Bank.[5]

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes, the offer was total crap.
Meanwhile right-wing Jews refuse to allow a Palestinian state in any part of the West Bank.

Looks like the extremists on both sides want all of Palestine.

What about Olmerts offer in 2008 to give 93% of the West Bank to the Palestinians, as well as East Jerusalem as their capital?? Low and behold, the Palestinians refused !

Or the previos offer to give them 97% of the West Bank, which Arafart refused.

Why do you leave out these details ?

Do you mean the "details" like Israel keeping the Jordan Valley. That means that all of Palestine's travel, tourism, and trade would have to pass through Israel. Any time Israel got a wild hair up its ass it could close the whole place down like it did to Gaza.

The Palestinians would have to be nuts to agree to that.
The Palestinian faction is running out of time and opportunity to agree to anything if they don't start wising up after lo these many years. There should be a time limit to all this stuff and nonsense.
The Arabs may "want" all of Palestine, but the Jews currently possess it all and continue to build on it.
This was the Camp David offer:

Based on the Israeli definition of the West Bank, Barak offered to form a Palestinian State initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (91 percent of the West Bank and 1 percent from a land swap).[6][5] From the Palestinian perspective this equated to an offer of a Palestinian state on a maximum of 86% of the West Bank.[5]

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes, the offer was total crap.

The lowest estimate I've heard was 89%. How did it now go down to 86%? No counter-offer was even offered, because Arafart could not transform himself into a statesman. Instead, a murderous second intifada was unleashed.
Do you mean the "details" like Israel keeping the Jordan Valley. That means that all of Palestine's travel, tourism, and trade would have to pass through Israel. Any time Israel got a wild hair up its ass it could close the whole place down like it did to Gaza.

The Palestinians would have to be nuts to agree to that.

Arafat would have been a fool to accept such a deal.

Israel needs to offer at least 90% of the West Bank, the Arab areas of East Jerusalem, and at least the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, or there will be no deal.

No division of the Old City. What kind of a Jew are you?
Netanyahu: The Arabs Want All of 'Palestine'

Doesn't he mean "the Palestinians want all of Palestine?"

WOW, what a bizarre desire.
Netanyahu: The Arabs Want All of 'Palestine'

Doesn't he mean "the Palestinians want all of Palestine?"

WOW, what a bizarre desire.

International recognition of the legitimacy of a Palestinian state is contingent upon the existence of a Jewish state in Palestine.

See UN resolution 181 and 194.
Netanyahu: The Arabs Want All of 'Palestine'

Doesn't he mean "the Palestinians want all of Palestine?"

WOW, what a bizarre desire.

International recognition of the legitimacy of a Palestinian state is contingent upon the existence of a Jewish state in Palestine.

See UN resolution 181 and 194.

UN Resolution 181 was not implemented by the Security Council. It is irrelevant.
UN Resolution 181 was not implemented by the Security Council. It is irrelevant.

It was approved by the Security Council and Israel accepted it.

UN resolution 181 is the basis for the Jewish State of Israel.

You guys can't disregard UN resolutions willy nilly.
The Palestinians want all of ISRAEL.

Since there is no such thing as "Palestine"

Sure there is.

Mandate Palestine existed for 25 years.

Historic Palestine existed for almost 2,000 years.

Palestine is recognized as a non-member state by the United Nations General Assembly.
Seriously? You're a Jew??

Why are some folks unable to not personalize these discussions?

Is it that hard to do?

Yes, it is, otter, and I'll explain why.

You, like most here, are an anonymous person on these boards. You have not revealed much about yourself, but you have claimed to be a Jew. You make this claim to convey the idea that there are Jews who have views that diverge substantially from most pro-Israel Jews.

Now, it is possible that you are telling the truth. There is, unfortunately, a small percentage of self-hating Jews who regularly attack Israel in favor of what I would call "Orthodox Liberalism."

However, another distinct possibility is that you are a liar. You could be a run of the mill non-Jewish anti-Semite who is pretending to be Jewish in order to add weight to your posts.

I, for one, find it entirely plausible that you are a liar and are not, in fact, Jewish.

Certainly, the answer to this question is relevant to how we should view your opinions on the subjects you are commenting on.

So, yes... since you opened the door to a personal characteristic, its fair game.
Yes, it is, otter, and I'll explain why.

You, like most here, are an anonymous person on these boards. You have not revealed much about yourself, but you have claimed to be a Jew. You make this claim to convey the idea that there are Jews who have views that diverge substantially from most pro-Israel Jews.

Now, it is possible that you are telling the truth. There is, unfortunately, a small percentage of self-hating Jews who regularly attack Israel in favor of what I would call "Orthodox Liberalism."

However, another distinct possibility is that you are a liar. You could be a run of the mill non-Jewish anti-Semite who is pretending to be Jewish in order to add weight to your posts.

I, for one, find it entirely plausible that you are a liar and are not, in fact, Jewish.

Certainly, the answer to this question is relevant to how we should view your opinions on the subjects you are commenting on.

So, yes... since you opened the door to a personal characteristic, its fair game.

I am not the topic of this thread, so stop trolling.
If its ok for the Jews to want all of Palestine, then its ok for the Arabs to want all of Palestine.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Yes, it is, otter, and I'll explain why.

You, like most here, are an anonymous person on these boards. You have not revealed much about yourself, but you have claimed to be a Jew. You make this claim to convey the idea that there are Jews who have views that diverge substantially from most pro-Israel Jews.

Now, it is possible that you are telling the truth. There is, unfortunately, a small percentage of self-hating Jews who regularly attack Israel in favor of what I would call "Orthodox Liberalism."

However, another distinct possibility is that you are a liar. You could be a run of the mill non-Jewish anti-Semite who is pretending to be Jewish in order to add weight to your posts.

I, for one, find it entirely plausible that you are a liar and are not, in fact, Jewish.

Certainly, the answer to this question is relevant to how we should view your opinions on the subjects you are commenting on.

So, yes... since you opened the door to a personal characteristic, its fair game.

I am not the topic of this thread, so stop trolling.

I find HB'67's analysis quite accurate - and I agree with him. There is an overwhelming degree of unity among Diaspora Jews of mainstream normative Judaism (= O/Con/Ref/Recon - whether 'religious' or not. You can be an atheist Jew from an Orthodox background, for example).

Someone who identifies as a Jew yet expresses a POV persistently at odds with the normative mainstream consensus is indeed 'unusual' enough that the rest of us aren't all that willing to take their word.

We've also - as separate individuals! - encountered the posters who claim to be 'Jewish' who turn out to be converts to Christianity. And those who claim 'Jewish ancestry' of some more nebulous sort. I kid you not! One I recall was "My mother was from Poland and would only drink Manishevitz wine." Another one claimed to be the descendant of Jews who'd converted due to the freakin' Spanish Inquisition. And then there are the 'British Israelite' whackadoodles - with and without the 'Serpent Seed' racist filth.

If you wish, 'Hyrcanus', I can show you where you can see posts by such individuals......

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