Netanyahu, the leader of the American Conservatives, says 9/11 good for Israel.

I bet they are so proud!

Way to twist the statement with your title. There is a difference between "beneficial" and "good"

Since Israel deals with terrorist activity on a daily basis, of course a terrorist attack on the US by the same people attacking Israel will generate sympathy for them.

Well no.

Not really.

Benefit is essentially good.

Look it up.

Nice try. By using good in the title instead of beneficial like in the article you impart a certain glee onto netenyahu, thus perpetuaing your hack position on this topic.

Since you cant argue points, you go with sematics, the typical refuge of the idiotic hack.
3000 Americans dying should be a "benefit" to no one.

It wasn't their deaths, it was the response to the attack that caused their deaths. Time to get off your high horse.

What "high horse"?

This is part of a long line of bad behavior by the state of Israel, which conservatives seem to give card blanche too. They illegally stormed a ship flagged by a NATO ally and shot and killed several people..including an American citizen. When our OWN PRESIDENT mildly SUGGESTED that Israel follow the terms of the UN agreement concerning their land captures, the conservatives in this country FLOCKED to the side of Netanyahu.

It's incredible. Maybe you folks should look up what patriotism actually means.

[ame=]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Charlie Rangel? Really? Do better. Why do you hate Israel so much? You do realize that Obama has been supporting it's enemies for a while now/ Tanks and jets to Egypt?
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From Sallow's attached and unread article, ""Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York. A building collapsed and they said that 3,000 people had been killed but never published their names," Ahmadinejad told Iranians in the holy city of Qom.

"Under this pretext, they [the U.S.] attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and since then, a million people have been killed only in Iraq"

So you are a fan of Ahmadinejad too?

How far down does this rabbit hole go???

You should read the articles you like to. Bibi never said the 9/11 was "Good for Israel"
In a Conservative's mind due to their religion, they are literally Israel's bitch and believe Jews are superior to them and we need to bend over backwards to let them fuck us in the ass. My mind is blown every time I listen to an evangelist talk about Israel and just what literal ideological cum dumpsters they are for zionists.

Personally, I like Jews and Israel a lot but they need to mind their own fucking business. I think Obama has done a good job of handling them and working with them.
What's more, Sallow, Ma'ariv (the newspaper that this article references) has been known to be openly critical of Netanyahu's right wing regime anyhow. You really think you'd get the slip on us hey? It's funny you had to dig this 5 year old article out of the bottom of the barrel just to piss off the conservatives on the board here. It didn't work. He wasn't lying, the global shift towards eradicating terrorism was indeed a boon for Israel. You can't honestly sit there and try to spin such a remark, can you? Nice try, spin doctor!

Spin what.

That's what was said. You can agree or disagree.

I find it reprehensible.

What do you find reprehensible? The fact that 911 shed some light on to what the Israeli people go through for Americans? Isn't that what Netinyahu is saying? Don't you think it's true?
What's more, Sallow, Ma'ariv (the newspaper that this article references) has been known to be openly critical of Netanyahu's right wing regime anyhow. You really think you'd get the slip on us hey? It's funny you had to dig this 5 year old article out of the bottom of the barrel just to piss off the conservatives on the board here. It didn't work. He wasn't lying, the global shift towards eradicating terrorism was indeed a boon for Israel. You can't honestly sit there and try to spin such a remark, can you? Nice try, spin doctor!

Spin what.

That's what was said. You can agree or disagree.

I find it reprehensible.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Nobody cares about your left wing hacktivism, Sallow. Yasser Arafat would love you.
It wasn't their deaths, it was the response to the attack that caused their deaths. Time to get off your high horse.

What "high horse"?

This is part of a long line of bad behavior by the state of Israel, which conservatives seem to give card blanche too. They illegally stormed a ship flagged by a NATO ally and shot and killed several people..including an American citizen. When our OWN PRESIDENT mildly SUGGESTED that Israel follow the terms of the UN agreement concerning their land captures, the conservatives in this country FLOCKED to the side of Netanyahu.

It's incredible. Maybe you folks should look up what patriotism actually means.

[ame=]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Charlie Rangel? Really? Do better. Why do you hate Israel so much? You do realize that Obama has been supporting it's enemies for a while now/ Tanks and jets to Egypt?
Better than Charlie Rangel?

He's defending an American President he doesn't agree with.

You listen?

And what do you mean by better?

Rangel is a real deal American hero.
What's more, Sallow, Ma'ariv (the newspaper that this article references) has been known to be openly critical of Netanyahu's right wing regime anyhow. You really think you'd get the slip on us hey? It's funny you had to dig this 5 year old article out of the bottom of the barrel just to piss off the conservatives on the board here. It didn't work. He wasn't lying, the global shift towards eradicating terrorism was indeed a boon for Israel. You can't honestly sit there and try to spin such a remark, can you? Nice try, spin doctor!

Spin what.

That's what was said. You can agree or disagree.

I find it reprehensible.

What do you find reprehensible? The fact that 911 shed some light on to what the Israeli people go through for Americans? Isn't that what Netinyahu is saying? Don't you think it's true?

Holy crap.

In a Conservative's mind due to their religion, they are literally Israel's bitch and believe Jews are superior to them and we need to bend over backwards to let them fuck us in the ass. My mind is blown every time I listen to an evangelist talk about Israel and just what literal ideological cum dumpsters they are for zionists.

Personally, I like Jews and Israel a lot but they need to mind their own fucking business. I think Obama has done a good job of handling them and working with them.

Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion required reading in your liberal circle? How has Obama been working with Israel? By supporting it's enemies? How does that work exactly? I love how there are people who trash Israel that have never been to Israel, never been to Ashkelon or Sderot when rockets came raining down from the Gaza strip, to live in a perpetual state of fear for days on end. Israel has made many concessions in an effort to promote peace, but nobody seems to respect Israel for that. Just remember what it did in 2005.

My god, people like you love running their mouths about things they have not the slightest understanding of.
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In a Conservative's mind due to their religion, they are literally Israel's bitch and believe Jews are superior to them and we need to bend over backwards to let them fuck us in the ass. My mind is blown every time I listen to an evangelist talk about Israel and just what literal ideological cum dumpsters they are for zionists.

Personally, I like Jews and Israel a lot but they need to mind their own fucking business. I think Obama has done a good job of handling them and working with them.

Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion required reading in your liberal circle? How has Obama been working with Israel? By supporting it's enemies? How does that work exactly? I love how there are people who trash Israel that have never been to Israel, never been to Ashkelon or Sderot when rockets came raining down from the Gaza strip, to live in a perpetual state of fear for days on end. Israel has made many concessions in an effort to promote peace, but nobody seems to respect Israel for that. Just remember what it did in 2005.

My god, people like you love running their mouths about things they have not the slightest understanding of.

Where the fuck do you come up with that shit?

We STILL send them billions of dollars to support their military infrastructure. And that's AFTER they offed an American citizen on a ship flagged by a NATO ally.

Obama went to the UN, in fact, to squash a referendum on Palestinian statehood, or did you miss that one too.

Israel is a pariah for a reason. They don't play well with others. And they do that because we enable it.
In a Conservative's mind due to their religion, they are literally Israel's bitch and believe Jews are superior to them and we need to bend over backwards to let them fuck us in the ass. My mind is blown every time I listen to an evangelist talk about Israel and just what literal ideological cum dumpsters they are for zionists.

Personally, I like Jews and Israel a lot but they need to mind their own fucking business. I think Obama has done a good job of handling them and working with them.

Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion required reading in your liberal circle? How has Obama been working with Israel? By supporting it's enemies? How does that work exactly? I love how there are people who trash Israel that have never been to Israel, never been to Ashkelon or Sderot when rockets came raining down from the Gaza strip, to live in a perpetual state of fear for days on end. Israel has made many concessions in an effort to promote peace, but nobody seems to respect Israel for that. Just remember what it did in 2005.

My god, people like you love running their mouths about things they have not the slightest understanding of.

:laugh: This guy is the perfect example of the ideological cum dumpster I was talking about. And also it goes to show how uninformed these people are. Netanyahu recently said the security of Israel and the relationship between our two countries have never been better. Also, Obama laid out probably one of the best speeches I've ever heard at the biggest University in Jerusalem on middle east peace not long ago. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt because you seem to be affluent but in this subject you come across like a fucking moron.
In a Conservative's mind due to their religion, they are literally Israel's bitch and believe Jews are superior to them and we need to bend over backwards to let them fuck us in the ass. My mind is blown every time I listen to an evangelist talk about Israel and just what literal ideological cum dumpsters they are for zionists.

Personally, I like Jews and Israel a lot but they need to mind their own fucking business. I think Obama has done a good job of handling them and working with them.

Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion required reading in your liberal circle? How has Obama been working with Israel? By supporting it's enemies? How does that work exactly? I love how there are people who trash Israel that have never been to Israel, never been to Ashkelon or Sderot when rockets came raining down from the Gaza strip, to live in a perpetual state of fear for days on end. Israel has made many concessions in an effort to promote peace, but nobody seems to respect Israel for that. Just remember what it did in 2005.

My god, people like you love running their mouths about things they have not the slightest understanding of.

:laugh: This guy is the perfect example of the ideological cum dumpster I was talking about. And also it goes to show how uninformed these people are. Netanyahu recently said the security of Israel and the relationship between our two countries have never been better. Also, Obama laid out probably one of the best speeches I've ever heard at the biggest University in Jerusalem on middle east peace not long ago. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt because you seem to be affluent but in this subject you come across like a fucking moron.

Do you have anything productive to say? Or will continue rambling on like a toddler? You worship at Obama's feet, yet believe Netanyahu is "the conservative leader." You're full of crap, BB. First, any good politician (Netanyahu included) can put on a good front, but I don't think he took kindly to Obama insisting that Israel revert to its 1967 borders. or being criticized for his speech at the UN Security Council.

[ame=]Benjamin Netanyahu Schools Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion required reading in your liberal circle? How has Obama been working with Israel? By supporting it's enemies? How does that work exactly? I love how there are people who trash Israel that have never been to Israel, never been to Ashkelon or Sderot when rockets came raining down from the Gaza strip, to live in a perpetual state of fear for days on end. Israel has made many concessions in an effort to promote peace, but nobody seems to respect Israel for that. Just remember what it did in 2005.

My god, people like you love running their mouths about things they have not the slightest understanding of.

:laugh: This guy is the perfect example of the ideological cum dumpster I was talking about. And also it goes to show how uninformed these people are. Netanyahu recently said the security of Israel and the relationship between our two countries have never been better. Also, Obama laid out probably one of the best speeches I've ever heard at the biggest University in Jerusalem on middle east peace not long ago. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt because you seem to be affluent but in this subject you come across like a fucking moron.

Do you have anything productive to say? Or will continue rambling on like a toddler? You worship at Obama's feet, yet believe Netanyahu is "the conservative leader." You're full of crap, BB. First, any good politician (Netanyahu included) can put on a good front, but I don't think he took kindly to Obama insisting that Israel revert to its 1967 borders. or being criticized for his speech at the UN Security Council.

[ame=]Benjamin Netanyahu Schools Obama - YouTube[/ame]

You don't refute my claims and you continue to post a bunch of stupid bullshit. I never said Netanyahu was "the conservative leader" and your thoughts and feelings don't matter in the slightest. What matters is reality and the reality is Netanyahu has praised Obama and said the two things I previously mention. So you can kindly take your emotionally tinged opinions and shut the fuck up now. :)
Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion required reading in your liberal circle? How has Obama been working with Israel? By supporting it's enemies? How does that work exactly? I love how there are people who trash Israel that have never been to Israel, never been to Ashkelon or Sderot when rockets came raining down from the Gaza strip, to live in a perpetual state of fear for days on end. Israel has made many concessions in an effort to promote peace, but nobody seems to respect Israel for that. Just remember what it did in 2005.

My god, people like you love running their mouths about things they have not the slightest understanding of.

:laugh: This guy is the perfect example of the ideological cum dumpster I was talking about. And also it goes to show how uninformed these people are. Netanyahu recently said the security of Israel and the relationship between our two countries have never been better. Also, Obama laid out probably one of the best speeches I've ever heard at the biggest University in Jerusalem on middle east peace not long ago. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt because you seem to be affluent but in this subject you come across like a fucking moron.

Do you have anything productive to say? Or will continue rambling on like a toddler? You worship at Obama's feet, yet believe Netanyahu is "the conservative leader." You're full of crap, BB. First, any good politician (Netanyahu included) can put on a good front, but I don't think he took kindly to Obama insisting that Israel revert to its 1967 borders. or being criticized for his speech at the UN Security Council.

[ame=]Benjamin Netanyahu Schools Obama - YouTube[/ame]

And not one conservative came out to defend the American President.

Quite the contrary. Most supported Netanyahu.

Go back. Check out Charlie Rangel's response to Chavez.
Blame the Jews again? Where does the left get this stuff, the tax exempt propaganda network (Media Matters) that never sleeps? Lefties haven't been rational since the Boston Bombers turned out to be part of the jihad. Regardless of Netanyahu's cherry picked words it's clear that he meant the 9-11 attacks woke up America to the threat of radical Muslem extremism and that's a good thing for Israel.
Blame the Jews again? Where does the left get this stuff, the tax exempt propaganda network (Media Matters) that never sleeps? Lefties haven't been rational since the Boston Bombers turned out to be part of the jihad. Regardless of Netanyahu's cherry picked words it's clear that he meant the 9-11 attacks woke up America to the threat of radical Muslem extremism and that's a good thing for Israel.

Radical Islam is adored by Progressives, I can link to an unrelated article to prove it

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