Netanyahu, the leader of the American Conservatives, says 9/11 good for Israel.

Blame the Jews again? Where does the left get this stuff, the tax exempt propaganda network (Media Matters) that never sleeps? Lefties haven't been rational since the Boston Bombers turned out to be part of the jihad. Regardless of Netanyahu's cherry picked words it's clear that he meant the 9-11 attacks woke up America to the threat of radical Muslem extremism and that's a good thing for Israel.

Until 911, the left could pretend that terrorist attacks only happened in Israel and they could be ignored.

Islam tried their best to make America aware of their intentions. They had bombs in American institutions around the world. We just chose to ignore it. So they had to be more forceful and more personal. Sadly it looks like the Boston bombing is going to have the same non-effect at the bombings as the bombings of the American embassies in Africa. The left will excuse, reason, and explain muslim extremism away. The more the US wants to pretend this has nothing to do with islam, the more islam will have to make us understand that it does.
In a Conservative's mind due to their religion, they are literally Israel's bitch and believe Jews are superior to them and we need to bend over backwards to let them fuck us in the ass. My mind is blown every time I listen to an evangelist talk about Israel and just what literal ideological cum dumpsters they are for zionists.

Personally, I like Jews and Israel a lot but they need to mind their own fucking business. I think Obama has done a good job of handling them and working with them.

I think it might be, because like Reagan, the US rw thumpers :eusa_pray: want to bring about the so-called "end times" through the destruction of israel. They facilitate this by arming them to the teeth, gratis (on the US taxpayer dime).

They're BOTH sick in that the israeli's think they are superior to everyone on the planet and the rw evangelists who want to bring about their destruction so that their own sky pixie will return. I say- leave US taxpayer $ out of your monotheistic pipe dreams. :)
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Blame the Jews again? Where does the left get this stuff, the tax exempt propaganda network (Media Matters) that never sleeps? Lefties haven't been rational since the Boston Bombers turned out to be part of the jihad. Regardless of Netanyahu's cherry picked words it's clear that he meant the 9-11 attacks woke up America to the threat of radical Muslem extremism and that's a good thing for Israel.

America, in general was well aware of the threat. The President at the time, chose to ignore them in favor of rekindling the cold war.

Be that as it may, Israel has been getting quite alot of money from the US. So, exactly why, would this be MORE beneficial other than to make Americans more angry..and allow Israel to get away with all the shit they pull, that pisses people off in the first place.
Blame the Jews again? Where does the left get this stuff, the tax exempt propaganda network (Media Matters) that never sleeps? Lefties haven't been rational since the Boston Bombers turned out to be part of the jihad. Regardless of Netanyahu's cherry picked words it's clear that he meant the 9-11 attacks woke up America to the threat of radical Muslem extremism and that's a good thing for Israel.

Until 911, the left could pretend that terrorist attacks only happened in Israel and they could be ignored.

Islam tried their best to make America aware of their intentions. They had bombs in American institutions around the world. We just chose to ignore it. So they had to be more forceful and more personal. Sadly it looks like the Boston bombing is going to have the same non-effect at the bombings as the bombings of the American embassies in Africa. The left will excuse, reason, and explain muslim extremism away. The more the US wants to pretend this has nothing to do with islam, the more islam will have to make us understand that it does.
Well no.

It was the right that thwarted efforts of President Clinton to deal with Bin Laden because they were to interested in sniffing his underwear and impeaching him.

Then came Bush, who wanted to show China and Russia he had a huge set, even though he skipped Vietnam.

What you folks endlessly look reasons to kill people you don't like. So, 9/11 was like a football game to the right. And a reason to roll other nations.
By default, Benjamin Netanyahu might be the leader of the free world. obama has abandoned the position.
The op links a article from 2008 about a attack in 2001 to try and make some kind of a point about 2013 can't say I'm shocked.
He's just underlining the obvious. Any attack against the West by Muslims casts Israel in a positive light. People see Muslims kicking up a fuss and wailing in the streets, and at the back of their mind they contrast that against the relatively stable beacon of Western civilisation that is Israel. I'm no friend of Israel, but you can't really blame or suspect them for the positivity that that subconscious contrast elicits.
Sallow. Shame on you. Haaretz is one of Israel's most Liberal newspapers. Even though it was founded in 1918, it is broadly Liberal on international affairs. I like how you tried to pull the wool over our eyes there buddy!

I guess what he's tryin to do is claim that the newspaper is liberal and by liberal he means the quote isn't true. But he'll never say'll make him look foolish.

He is mearly suggesting that is what happened like most cons do...they suggest...never confirm
So, this is cool but we gonna pretend Rev Wright comments about chickens is beyond the pale....lord hammercy
So, this is cool but we gonna pretend Rev Wright comments about chickens is beyond the pale....lord hammercy

You do understand the difference between the leader of a nation and a reverend, right?

In any case, Netanyahu not only presided over the death of an American citizen on a ship flagged by a NATO ally, he CASTIGATED the President of the United States on national tv.

This isn't the leader of a huge industrious nation, that actually is independent of foreign aid..this is the leader of a nasty little rinky dink country no one except this country can stomach. This is the leader of a country that DEPENDS on US Aid.

Not one conservative in this country sided with the President of the United States. They sided with Israel. I pointed out before that when Chavez castigated President Bush, Charlie Rangel, another hero veteran that gets shitted on the right wing because he's a liberal, DEFENDED BUSH.

And NOW Netanyahu says the deaths of 3000 Americans was beneficial to his country.

I don't get how you folks are NOT insulted by that. Seriously.
I am but Cons who think Jesus is gonna give them a atomic wedgie if they say anything critical of Israel don't this this is a big deal.

Then they talk smack about Obama because they believe he sees opportunity in tragedy. Here is Nayanyahu saying exactly that and suddenly, they're all out of outrage
I am but Cons who think Jesus is gonna give them a atomic wedgie if they say anything critical of Israel don't this this is a big deal.

Then they talk smack about Obama because they believe he sees opportunity in tragedy. Here is Nayanyahu saying exactly that and suddenly, they're all out of outrage

link to Netanyahu saying he sees an opportunity form 911?

Democrats saying they should exploit a tragedy to pass legislation is not the same thing as Netanyahu saying 911 made people aware of the situation Israel has been dealing with.

You fail.
I am but Cons who think Jesus is gonna give them a atomic wedgie if they say anything critical of Israel don't this this is a big deal.

Then they talk smack about Obama because they believe he sees opportunity in tragedy. Here is Nayanyahu saying exactly that and suddenly, they're all out of outrage

link to Netanyahu saying he sees an opportunity form 911?

Democrats saying they should exploit a tragedy to pass legislation is not the same thing as Netanyahu saying 911 made people aware of the situation Israel has been dealing with.

You fail.

He suggests Opportunity by saying its a benefit. I'm sure you would be hopping mad if he said something other than whatever he did say. Opportunity...Benefit both wrong

I am but Cons who think Jesus is gonna give them a atomic wedgie if they say anything critical of Israel don't this this is a big deal.

Then they talk smack about Obama because they believe he sees opportunity in tragedy. Here is Nayanyahu saying exactly that and suddenly, they're all out of outrage

link to Netanyahu saying he sees an opportunity form 911?

Democrats saying they should exploit a tragedy to pass legislation is not the same thing as Netanyahu saying 911 made people aware of the situation Israel has been dealing with.

You fail.

He suggests Opportunity by saying its a benefit. I'm sure you would be hopping mad if he said something other than whatever he did say. Opportunity...Benefit both wrong


Of course you don't, you will never have a problem with what he said because no one shall ever say anything but "yass" to Israel or their leaders

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