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Netanyahu, the purveyor of hatred


Silver Member
Mar 24, 2009
An interesting article by Akiva Eldar

The campaign to promote the idea that the Palestinians are delegitimizing the "existence of Israel" has turned the critics of the right-wing government into Israel-haters.

His belief is that Natanyahu is deliberately stirring up the xenophobic behaviour we are seeing coming from Israel for fear that want of aggression from the Palestinians is likely to get the ordinary Israeli starting to think - hmm, well why not do something about ending the occupation, why not end the settlements.

He believes that Netanyahu is deliberately courting hostility from abroad in order to allow ordinary Israelis to still feel victim.

It is a very dangerous policy. The world will not stand by with the kind of racism in the post on Jerusalem I gave earlier and the world will not stand by with the kind of racism we have been seeing from the national religious.

Interesting strategy though. Uri Avnery has been waiting for the young to wake up. Netanyahu it would appear is trying to make sure they do not. None of you unconditional pro Israelis are going to be able to hold your head anywhere soon.....

but maybe not, some of you are as bad already

But the flotilla and the fly-in, the conflict with the PA, the crisis with Obama and the clashes with the left are all serving Netanyahu's purposes. "They should break their bones," one person told a radio interviewer reporting from Ben-Gurion Airport on the reception given the peace activists - sorry, the "pro-Palestinian protesters" (or "provocateurs," as the best reporters put it ). An Internet talkback proposed the protesters be "tied up and put to sleep and then they can be sent as animal cargo." Another traveler at Ben-Gurion suggested, "Let them go to Syria."

Netanyahu, the purveyor of hatred - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Fucking A, if you are going to quote a leftist Israeli, will you at least cite a paper that's actually READ in Israel?! When will Americans understand that NO ONE READS HA'ARETZ?!


But Beebs isn't the 'purveyor of racism' - that's not fair at all. That article cited what citizens thought of protestors. What does that have to do with the price of falafel? :cuckoo: The pro-Pals do
try to de-legitimatize Israel. Uh, duh? "Zionism is Racism"? "Stop the Colonizers!" Producing fake photos of IDF 'violence' against 'innocents'?
Fucking A, if you are going to quote a leftist Israeli, will you at least cite a paper that's actually READ in Israel?! When will Americans understand that NO ONE READS HA'ARETZ?!


But Beebs isn't the 'purveyor of racism' - that's not fair at all. That article cited what citizens thought of protestors. What does that have to do with the price of falafel? :cuckoo: The pro-Pals do
try to de-legitimatize Israel. Uh, duh? "Zionism is Racism"? "Stop the Colonizers!" Producing fake photos of IDF 'violence' against 'innocents'?

She and several other posters do not care about the truth, they simply hate Jews and support terrorists that murder women and children. You can not reason with them, you can provide facts since they either already know what they post is a lie or are to stupid to know it.

I only respond to them in the hopes that those truly undecided have a chance to see what these tools are all about.
I guess I am a newbie.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure the 'journalist' (aka celebrity tool on Arab tv) cited thinks that Israel is an apartheid state...so...of course he'd fling accusations of 'racism' at whomever the PM is.
I guess I am a newbie.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure the 'journalist' (aka celebrity tool on Arab tv) cited thinks that Israel is an apartheid state...so...of course he'd fling accusations of 'racism' at whomever the PM is.

I did click on his name before I posted CitizenPained

Akiva Eldar is the chief political columnist and an editorial writer for Haaretz. His columns also appear regularly in the Ha'aretz-Herald Tribune edition. In May 2006 The Financial Times selected him among the most prominent and influential commentators in the world, "whose comments inspire callers from across the political spectrum".
You support the murder of women and children, why should we care what you have to say?

Please reference where I have ever supported the murder of women of children unlike yourself who will have no doubt killed more than I have ever met.
The ISM movement leaders have been linked with terrorist organizations. You support the ISM.

That's bad enough.

Also, please don't ridicule someone's service to their country.
Fucking A, if you are going to quote a leftist Israeli, will you at least cite a paper that's actually READ in Israel?! When will Americans understand that NO ONE READS HA'ARETZ?!


But Beebs isn't the 'purveyor of racism' - that's not fair at all. That article cited what citizens thought of protestors. What does that have to do with the price of falafel? :cuckoo: The pro-Pals do
try to de-legitimatize Israel. Uh, duh? "Zionism is Racism"? "Stop the Colonizers!" Producing fake photos of IDF 'violence' against 'innocents'?

She and several other posters do not care about the truth, they simply hate Jews and support terrorists that murder women and children. You can not reason with them, you can provide facts since they either already know what they post is a lie or are to stupid to know it.

I only respond to them in the hopes that those truly undecided have a chance to see what these tools are all about.

Pathetic your little play ground abuse and empty words show one thing - you have no argument. Just slogans. Yep, I know where you come from. Just slogans. No thought, no answer. You cannot talk about what is needed for peace, because that is not what you want. I have a little time waiting on a friend, but gosh, my three year old grand daughter is more mature and honest.
But Beebs isn't the 'purveyor of racism' - that's not fair at all. That article cited what citizens thought of protestors. What does that have to do with the price of falafel? :cuckoo: The pro-Pals do
try to de-legitimatize Israel. Uh, duh? "Zionism is Racism"? "Stop the Colonizers!" Producing fake photos of IDF 'violence' against 'innocents'?

I didn't say it in that way but I believe that is the natural outcome of policies and particular of the National Religious as we have seen in other threads. Uri Avnery also thinks this. Things can happen when people are asleep and it seems that your regular man and woman in Israel has possibly been sleeping believing that in time the settlements will come down and there will be a two State solution.

Racism is definitely a part of what is going on in Israel at the moment among the Religious Nationalist. Net supports them. I do not believe he has any interest in a two state solution. We are always having Hamas's charter brought out but what about Likud which it was a response to A tale of two charters : Netanyahu's Likud party's charter refuses Palestinians a state | Alienated Left

Lots of other things have come up from time to time as illustration that this man wants the lot ....and getting the lot involves some pretty despicable things which the world will not stand.

What this particular article says is that Netanyahu is deliberately courting antagonism from the outside world, for instance Obama and his actions towards the flotilla, in order to receive a negative reception from the world, in order to use this to propagate a feeling in Ms ordinary Israeli that they are under unfair criticism from the world, in order that they will feel in danger in order that they will blindly follow him.

September is drawing near and I hear pro Israelis talk on forums of unimaginable violence, annexing more lands and so on to make the Palestinians lives unimaginable horrific. I believe it is a step too far. I do not believe the world will stand up to it. Europe or Britain and France at least are likely to recognise the Palestinian state and following that I would imagine not just to do business with them but also to speak out.

Of course Israel has one of the best militarises in the world. In this way all Net has to do is to get the population going along with him. Get them thinking they must all stand together because of the big bad world. No one is going to attack Israel but I think it is exceedingly likely she will be ostracised by the world and I am beginning to wonder if in the end most people will leave and she will just be those rabid national religious cult and the arab Jews trying to get home. (apparently Obama has also been suggesting talks about their right to return home. I believe talks on that would be a very good thing both in overcoming prejudice and in providing them a refuge should they decide to leave - nothing is static)

There are as I said before 3 possible outcomes

1. go back to 67 lines, create a decent solution for Jerusalem and two viable states.

2. annex the west bank and Gaza and make Israel a State for all it's citizens

3. The long hard line of isolation, emigration and eventually peace with the main people left being those who originally came from the area and possibly those zealous national religious cultists fighting it out with the AL Qaeda mob.
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Bibi endorsed two states about four years ago. *Raises eyebrow* Where have you been? And it should be said that he did freeze 'settlements' last year for months and nothing happened. He gave the go-ahead for a building permit in Gilo after it expired and then Obama got all mad because Obama asked for 'more time' while the PA was turning a blind eye to terror attacks and Hamas was lobbying rockets into Sderot.

Bibi is not a religious nationalist in the way you think he is. He's not ultra-Zionist like the right wingers you like to complain about. He's a hawk. His entire family have devoted their lives to military and politics...not the same thing as the racist nationalists (which are still a Jewish Israeli minority). Did you forget his brother was killed during Operation Entebbe? He has to align with more right parties like Shas NOW but that's because he's in a country that has a multi party parliament. If Livni had been able to get her coalition government together, she'd be working with Bibi right now. She couldn't, so Kadima is not in power.

Blaming Bibi for Israel's problems is short-sighted bumper sticker politics. Bibi is no one I would've voted for, but I actually appreciate his shift away from Likud's base...he was actually quite tolerable (even cracking down on Haredi religious politics) until about six weeks ago.
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1. go back to 67 lines, create a decent solution for Jerusalem and two viable states.

2. annex the west bank and Gaza and make Israel a State for all it's citizens

3. The long hard line of isolation, emigration and eventually peace with the main people left being those who originally came from the area and possibly those zealous national religious cultists fighting it out with the AL Qaeda mob.

Forget it. You don't understand the region, you don't understand the politics, and apparently you don't know the history.
Fairly generic bit of lefty writing. the right is all about hate, if we kiss the ass of those trying to kill us, maybe they will like us better.

Netanyahu is playing to the Israeli electorate. It is what politicians do.

I don't believe that Netanyahu's politics are changing any non Israeli's view at all anywhere. Those that hate jews hate them wether they are being kick ass or patsies. Actual Jewish or Israeli behavior is irrelevant to the jew hater. Most pro Israel folks have enough of an appreciation for history that they recognize Israeli survival requires being a big rough. Internal Israeli opinion is a bit rougher on the government there than many US supporters of Israel. Internal Israeli views are that Israel is a moral state, and policies based on expedience don't play well there.

So for the Jew haters of the world, nothing Netanyahu does makes a difference. For the average person there is understanding of the position.

And Elections have consequences. Netanyahu has to play to those who have experience with the Palestinians vs those who mostly want Israel to be a light to nations.

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