Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

Netanyahu’s win affects

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

Not the topic of the thread, it's just that the Lefty's here need to deflect from this Nation's meddling in the election taking place in an allied nation.
You said Netanyahu's win was "humiliating" for Obama.

Netanyahu’s win affects

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

Do you mean to say the United States has not meddled in elections before Obama came along? You sure you want to wave that measuring stick around?

It embarrasses him in that he did everything he could do to unseat the article makes clear.

As for affecting his every day life nothing.

Obama should not have interfered.

Do you mean to say the United States has not meddled in elections before Obama came along? You sure you want to wave that measuring stick around?

I don't recall the campaign staff of any former Presidents going overseas to help campaign against the reelection of the head of state of an ally.

The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.
You're making a joke.......Right?? ...... :cool:

Says the asswipe who thinks that throwing gay people off of buildings to their death is somehow funny.
Says the asswipe who demeans Jews right and left.

Go fuck off, you disgusting islamic piece of shit troll.
Israeli voters had an opportunity to choose aggression or peace. They chose aggression.

Not really. They chose continuity. I disagree with you on this point. Whether Bibi or Herzog sits in the Prime Minister's seat, the world is going to keep on going on.

Whatever. Nutanyahoo = aggression.

You may disagree with his course. I disagree with some of it. But please kindly point me to a war that Netanyahu started. Hint: you won't find one.

It's about time for people to be more adult about this. Just cuz idiots on the Right can only froth at the mouth doesn't mean that Lefties should also be so limited in their thinking.

War isn't the only form of aggression. Consider the following:

Letter: Netanyahu's aggression - The Recorder

Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive stance tarnishes Israel in the eyes of the world
The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.
You're making a joke.......Right?? ...... :cool:
He must be joking.

No. I am not joking.
How old are you?

The virulence toward Bush was just as extreme as the anger toward Obama is now, and it was the same toward Clinton before that.
Israeli voters had an opportunity to choose aggression or peace. They chose aggression.

Not really. They chose continuity. I disagree with you on this point. Whether Bibi or Herzog sits in the Prime Minister's seat, the world is going to keep on going on.

Whatever. Nutanyahoo = aggression.

You may disagree with his course. I disagree with some of it. But please kindly point me to a war that Netanyahu started. Hint: you won't find one.

It's about time for people to be more adult about this. Just cuz idiots on the Right can only froth at the mouth doesn't mean that Lefties should also be so limited in their thinking.

War isn't the only form of aggression. Consider the following:

Letter: Netanyahu's aggression - The Recorder

Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive stance tarnishes Israel in the eyes of the world

Indeed, that is an argument that could be discussed. But the term is bandied about far too easily.
The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.
You're making a joke.......Right?? ...... :cool:
He must be joking.

No. I am not joking.
How old are you?

The virulence toward Bush was just as extreme as the anger toward Obama is now, and it was the same toward Clinton before that.

I am older that 50. And no, the virulence toward Bush was not even in the ballpark when compared to the ugliness thrown at Obama.
obumble has been so thoroughly humiliated and so completely spanked that he can't even do the courteous thing and congratulate Netanyahu.

It takes being A) black and either B) a thug or C) gay to warrant an obumble congratulatory phone call.

The World is Watching you stupid fool! And I love it.
The liberal media had us all fooled. We thought Netanyahu didn't have a chance or the race was too close to call. Were they engaging in a cheap attempt at voter suppression or was it wishful thinking.? How could they get it so wrong? Netanyahu won in a landslide and his party gained around 30 seats.
The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.
You're making a joke.......Right?? ...... :cool:
He must be joking.

No. I am not joking.

Then you are thoroughly delusional.

The last batch of mushrooms you sent me may have done the trick, you uppity water nymph.

That being said, my argument stands.

It would also make for a great comparison thread.....
The liberal media had us all fooled. We thought Netanyahu didn't have a chance or the race was too close to call. Were they engaging in a cheap attempt at voter suppression or was it wishful thinking.? How could they get it so wrong? Netanyahu won in a landslide and his party gained around 30 seats.

No. His party had 21 seats in 2013 and the current projection is for 29 this time around.

29 minus 21 = 8.

So, no, he did not GAIN 30 seats.

Math must really suck for you.

And no coalition has been announced yet, ergo, no winner has been officially declared yet. You do understand this very simple fact, right?
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

I agree he Obama was not on the ballot, but a decent President would offer congratulations to the winner of our only Democratic Ally in the middle east.

"The EU congratulated Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on his election victory Wednesday, but added it was committed to relaunching the peace process which he appeared to repudiate during the campaign by promising not to establish a Palestinian state.

In contrast to the EU's speedy congratulations, US President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Netanyahu's victory.

According toReuters, US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly refused to address the Likud victory when asked about the elections by reporters in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he is negotiating a deal on Iran's nuclear program."
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.
Says the asswipe who thinks that throwing gay people off of buildings to their death is somehow funny.
Says the asswipe who demeans Jews right and left.

Go fuck off, you disgusting islamic piece of shit troll.
Nice meltdown........ :thup: . :eusa_angel:

Naah, just truth. Consider it a gift from your worst nightmare. Kuffar +
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

I agree he Obama was not on the ballot, but a decent President would offer congratulations to the winner of our only Democratic Ally in the middle east.

"The EU congratulated Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on his election victory Wednesday, but added it was committed to relaunching the peace process which he appeared to repudiate during the campaign by promising not to establish a Palestinian state.

In contrast to the EU's speedy congratulations, US President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Netanyahu's victory.

According toReuters, US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly refused to address the Likud victory when asked about the elections by reporters in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he is negotiating a deal on Iran's nuclear program."

Obama congratulated Erdogan, Putin, Sisi, and Rouhani by name when they were elected...but not a word to Netanyahu.

How unclassy of him.
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It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

I agree he Obama was not on the ballot, but a decent President would offer congratulations to the winner of our only Democratic Ally in the middle east.

"The EU congratulated Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on his election victory Wednesday, but added it was committed to relaunching the peace process which he appeared to repudiate during the campaign by promising not to establish a Palestinian state.

In contrast to the EU's speedy congratulations, US President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Netanyahu's victory.

According toReuters, US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly refused to address the Likud victory when asked about the elections by reporters in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he is negotiating a deal on Iran's nuclear program."

Obama congratulated Erdogan, Putin, Sisi, and Rouhani by name when they were elected...but not a word to Netanhahu.

How unclassy of him.

It's classy to congratulate a terrorist?

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