Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

.........and therefore American support of Israel demonstrates our commitment to these values and furthermore serves as means of projecting our values into a distant sector of the world.
And therein lies the problem.

There is nothing in the US Constitution giving our government the authority to spread American values or anything else to other lands or nations. ..... :cool:

So no global women's rights or education.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

LOL, deal with the topic of the thread should be outraged that the Boi King tried to meddle in another Nation's elections.

Why is that ok for our Half White President to do?

I have news for you look stupid deflecting like that.

Obama did not meddle. The GOP Congress meddled.

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

He sure did, just thank me for educating you.


Do you know what year this is? Do you need a clue?

You really are intellectually bereft kid.

Yes Obama's man went to Israel in January to actively help the opposition.

Do you have to wear a red helmet when you type?
The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.
You're making a joke.......Right?? ...... :cool:
He must be joking.

No. I am not joking.
How old are you?

The virulence toward Bush was just as extreme as the anger toward Obama is now, and it was the same toward Clinton before that.

I am older that 50. And no, the virulence toward Bush was not even in the ballpark when compared to the ugliness thrown at Obama.

Patently stupid, both you and the stupid remark.
The first culprit here is Hamas. Hamas' decision to bomb Israeli cities last summer was not only an ethically hateful violation of human rights, targeting Israeli civilians

This is a lie, Israel started this, as going into Gaza and ransacking homes under false pretenses, stealing money and Jewelry, and arresting over 400 men. There also was no damage from any Hamas bombs , the only damage was the PTSD of the Israelis.

I personally have nothing left but disgust at the rogue state of Israel. I hope the ICC brings charges on Israel and Bibi and locks him up for criminal crimes against humanity.
Winners: Netanyahu, AIPAC, , US Republican Party, Sheldon Adelson (American Jewish billionaire funder of the right), Hamas, Islamic State, the right-wing Mullahs in Iran. (filthy rightwing goyim in America)

Losers: Israeli, World Jewry, the Palestinian people, the forces for peace and non-violence everywhere, the Palestinian Authority, the people of Iran, the people of the U.S.

The Militarists and Haters Win in Israeli Elections Rabbi Michael Lerner


Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor, Tikkun Magazine

Winner: Netanyahu Loser: Obama and his minions
Good News...............and the leftist posters cry...................Rejoice my fellow filthy right wing beasts..........


"The Militarists and Haters Win in Israeli Elections"


When Obama wiped away the tears he detached Gummo from his ass and ordered him to go forth and froth.
Netanyahoo came, collected his $300 million for his nuclear research, waved a childish nuclear poster in front of the Republicans, played show and tell, had a robust ass kissing session, then left for home feeling all meltie inside .. Next year we give him another $4 billion dollars.

whats not to love?
American voters had a choice between going forward as a world class nation or degenerating into a groveling, apologetic third world country.

We chose to degenerate.
Thankfully the Leader of the Free World won his re-election yesterday in Israel. The Israeli people made the right choice and told our weakling excuse for a president Obama to go fuck himself.

Most Israelis voted against Netanyahu.
The vote split 15 ways. Elections have consequences. Israelis don't have a suicide pact. They are relieved by the outcome. So are Americans.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.

how do you wingers make this about the president?

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