Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

"...An Israeli soldier asked for my papers; I gave her my passport. “You’re American!” she said, not very officially. “I love America. Where are you from?” New York, I said. “Wow,” she said, with a big smile. And then she turned serious. “What were you doing in there,” she asked, nodding toward the Palestinian side, “with those animals?”"

It is Israel that lost this time. Sixty plus years of war and strife will continue. Whose fault? All of the above.

"...Read Ari Shavit’s brilliant conundrum of a book, My Promised Land, and you will get chapter and verse about the massacres perpetrated by Jews in 1948 to secure their homeland. It may be argued that the massacres were necessary, that Israel could not have been created without them, but they were massacres nonetheless. Women and children were murdered. It was the sort of behavior that is only possible when an enemy has been dehumanized. That history haunted Netanyahu’s rhetoric in the days before the election, when he scared Jews into voting for him because, he said, the Arabs were coming to polls in buses, in droves, fueled by foreign money." Joe Klein
Israel Elections Benjamin Netanyahu s Disgrace in Victory
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.
bibi comes over to boost his election chances frightening his people with made up threats he can't stop cause he knows how easy israel got away with making nukes. he did this frightening because the israeli people along with the world's population, is tired of the growing disparities between the ultra rich and the middle class. that is the issue all are coming to see as the global issue of our time along with climate and freedom
Hell,obama was the one who got him reelected.
Do you liberals think that the Jewish people dont see obama sucking off Iran and swallowing in earnest?
They know they need a strong leader in light of the fact obama supports muslims.

Obama supports muslims?

For FY2015, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF to Israel and $10 million in
Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2015 request for joint U.S.- Israeli programs is $96.8 million. The Administration also is requesting $175.9 million for Iron Dome

thereyougoagain, you are a partisan hack IDIOT

So now liberals love Israel.....:lmao:
Tell me another but wait until I catch my breath.
The face of evil. Hitler has nothing on this man.
Zionist are gross. There are a few more.

Why don't you just throw a Nazi Flag for your avatar loon?

There is a new Nazi flag flying over Israel. The Israel flag is now the new Nazi flag.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.
bibi comes over to boost his election chances frightening his people with made up threats he can't stop cause he knows how easy israel got away with making nukes. he did this frightening because the israeli people along with the world's population, is tired of the growing disparities between the ultra rich and the middle class. that is the issue all are coming to see as the global issue of our time along with climate and freedom
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.
bibi comes over to boost his election chances frightening his people with made up threats he can't stop cause he knows how easy israel got away with making nukes. he did this frightening because the israeli people along with the world's population, is tired of the growing disparities between the ultra rich and the middle class. that is the issue all are coming to see as the global issue of our time along with climate and freedom

Wow, just wow.
Did Obama call Bibi to congratulate him? He calls others to congratulate them... Did he call Bibi?
As of 8 PM E.D.T Obama has refused to call Netanyahu. He says he'll do so in coming days. The pouty little snot.
Did Obama call Bibi to congratulate him? He calls others to congratulate them... Did he call Bibi?
As of 8 PM E.D.T Obama has refused to call Netanyahu. He says he'll do so in coming days. The pouty little snot.

When did any president ring Ireland to congratulate their new Prime Minister?
But he did to Israel:
Kerry calls to congratulate victorious Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel Elections - Jerusalem Post

Unlike the RW, Obama is not a whore for the Israeli Right Wing.
Did Obama call Bibi to congratulate him? He calls others to congratulate them... Did he call Bibi?
As of 8 PM E.D.T Obama has refused to call Netanyahu. He says he'll do so in coming days. The pouty little snot.

When did any president ring Ireland to congratulate their new Prime Minister?
But he did to Israel:
Kerry calls to congratulate victorious Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel Elections - Jerusalem Post

Unlike the RW, Obama is not a whore for the Israeli Right Wing.
Israel doesn't need the pouty little Ayatollah's blessing. He screwed the pooch for sure this time around.Kerry called because he's playing for a Nobel and another Presidential run. He's just as sorry assed as Barry.
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.

They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.

They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.

We don't call him a Terrorist...

We call him a supporter and facilitator of ethnic cleansing which is a war crime.
Did Obama call Bibi to congratulate him? He calls others to congratulate them... Did he call Bibi?
As of 8 PM E.D.T Obama has refused to call Netanyahu. He says he'll do so in coming days. The pouty little snot.

When did any president ring Ireland to congratulate their new Prime Minister?
But he did to Israel:
Kerry calls to congratulate victorious Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel Elections - Jerusalem Post

Unlike the RW, Obama is not a whore for the Israeli Right Wing.

OK ... your source says Kerry called, not Obama, but you claim he did. Did you lie or just confuse Kerry with Obama?
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.

They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.

We don't call him a Terrorist...

We call him a supporter and facilitator of ethnic cleansing which is a war crime.
Ya they are such good ethnic cleansers that there are MORE Palestinians after 50 years not less.
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.

They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.

We don't call him a Terrorist...

We call him a supporter and facilitator of ethnic cleansing which is a war crime.

We? So how many hateful loony lefties are in that (pin)head of yours?
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.
Does this mean we will get to hear James Taylor Sing Again?
and what is Bambo gonna do when three nations plan to take out Irans Underground Nuclear Facility?
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.

The israeli voters give a rats a about you stupid American goyim
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.

His party won 30 seats out of 120. What's so historic about that? That's about what the Nazis won when they took power. lol
Gawd you are one ignorant shitbag.

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