Netanyahu's response to UN's resulution.

But, the resolution will stand and the illegality of the settlements is set in stone, the resolution being a UNSC resolution.
Actually, it will be just another opinion issued by an agency that has less and less relevance.
The Palestinian agenda is to wipe out the Jews and have all the land "from the river to the sea." No one even tries to hide that. The UN sides with the ME, knowing their intentions.

We all know that if the UN demanded we return, oh say, Virginia, Maryland and DC to the Native Americans and claims we are occupying their territory, we'd tell the UN to pound sand.

With all of the atrocities around the globe, the UN's laser focus on Israel is very telling IMO.

Give up the wall and all of Jerusalem, rofl. Yeah, as soon as the US gives up DC to the Native Americans and Texas to the Mexicans. Hypocrites.
You treat the Palestinians like we great blacks

No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
But, the resolution will stand and the illegality of the settlements is set in stone, the resolution being a UNSC resolution.
Actually, it will be just another opinion issued by an agency that has less and less relevance.

Until you need it or until you agree with its findings, right? But when you don't like what they decide you discredit it?

Didn't the UN do a lot for the Jews and Israel after WW2? Now that it's telling you that Israel is not acting right you don't like it? Well we had to send in the troops to stop hitler from killing the jews maybe we will have to send in the troops to help save the Palestinians from the Jews.
Hopefully Israel continues to display a callous disregard for the UN resolution (like they always do, lol), and continues to systematically extirpate those cursed Muslim Arab maggots from the West Bank. I'm thinking of investing in Israeli gov't bonds just to see through to this delightful result.
Another UN Resolution against Israel....

Why? What's the point?

Israel never pays any attention to the UN....

Israel is above the law, a law unto itself, beyond criticism and will carry on the way Israel chooses...

The reason Obama is pouting at Netanyahu.

But there is no relevant law and the UN lacks jurisdiction in this matter, so the resolution can only be seen as anti Israeli propaganda.
Only by those determined to avoid honouring their commitments.

The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law.[1][2][3][4][5] Israel maintains that they are consistent with international law[6] because it does not agree that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the territories occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War.[7] The United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice and the High Contracting Parties to the Convention have all affirmed that the Fourth Geneva Convention does apply.[8][9]
International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia
The international community can rant and rave and grunt and moan all it wants, but it cannot provide any rational basis in history, logic or law for calling Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria illegal.
Another UN Resolution against Israel....

Why? What's the point?

Israel never pays any attention to the UN....

Israel is above the law, a law unto itself, beyond criticism and will carry on the way Israel chooses...

For which you have no evidence other than islamonazi funded resolutions that are meaningless
The Palestinian agenda is to wipe out the Jews and have all the land "from the river to the sea." No one even tries to hide that. The UN sides with the ME, knowing their intentions.

We all know that if the UN demanded we return, oh say, Virginia, Maryland and DC to the Native Americans and claims we are occupying their territory, we'd tell the UN to pound sand.

With all of the atrocities around the globe, the UN's laser focus on Israel is very telling IMO.

Give up the wall and all of Jerusalem, rofl. Yeah, as soon as the US gives up DC to the Native Americans and Texas to the Mexicans. Hypocrites.
You treat the Palestinians like we great blacks

No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.

Since when was it their land, can you show the treaty that named it as the state of palestine prior to 1988
But, the resolution will stand and the illegality of the settlements is set in stone, the resolution being a UNSC resolution.
Actually, it will be just another opinion issued by an agency that has less and less relevance.

Until you need it or until you agree with its findings, right? But when you don't like what they decide you discredit it?

Didn't the UN do a lot for the Jews and Israel after WW2? Now that it's telling you that Israel is not acting right you don't like it? Well we had to send in the troops to stop hitler from killing the jews maybe we will have to send in the troops to help save the Palestinians from the Jews.

YEAH they allowed the islamonazi to steal the land granted to them in 1923, then allowed an all out war by the arab league against the very charter they had signed and agreed to abide by. When did any nation send troops in to stop Hitler from mass murdering the Jews, as they did not know until 1945 what was going on. Your "palestinians" ARE THE INVADERS THAT NEED TO BE DEALT WITH TO SAVE THE JEWS FROM ATTACKS.
The Palestinian agenda is to wipe out the Jews and have all the land "from the river to the sea." No one even tries to hide that. The UN sides with the ME, knowing their intentions.

We all know that if the UN demanded we return, oh say, Virginia, Maryland and DC to the Native Americans and claims we are occupying their territory, we'd tell the UN to pound sand.

With all of the atrocities around the globe, the UN's laser focus on Israel is very telling IMO.

Give up the wall and all of Jerusalem, rofl. Yeah, as soon as the US gives up DC to the Native Americans and Texas to the Mexicans. Hypocrites.
You treat the Palestinians like we great blacks

No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
Quote the law they are violating.

Plain and simple, until such time as the UN is reformed to be a UN of Free nations, it is pathetically worthless.
The Palestinian agenda is to wipe out the Jews and have all the land "from the river to the sea." No one even tries to hide that. The UN sides with the ME, knowing their intentions.

We all know that if the UN demanded we return, oh say, Virginia, Maryland and DC to the Native Americans and claims we are occupying their territory, we'd tell the UN to pound sand.

With all of the atrocities around the globe, the UN's laser focus on Israel is very telling IMO.

Give up the wall and all of Jerusalem, rofl. Yeah, as soon as the US gives up DC to the Native Americans and Texas to the Mexicans. Hypocrites.
You treat the Palestinians like we great blacks

No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
You treat the Palestinians like we great blacks

No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
But, the resolution will stand and the illegality of the settlements is set in stone, the resolution being a UNSC resolution.
Actually, it will be just another opinion issued by an agency that has less and less relevance.

Until you need it or until you agree with its findings, right? But when you don't like what they decide you discredit it?

Didn't the UN do a lot for the Jews and Israel after WW2? Now that it's telling you that Israel is not acting right you don't like it? Well we had to send in the troops to stop hitler from killing the jews maybe we will have to send in the troops to help save the Palestinians from the Jews.

YEAH they allowed the islamonazi to steal the land granted to them in 1923, then allowed an all out war by the arab league against the very charter they had signed and agreed to abide by. When did any nation send troops in to stop Hitler from mass murdering the Jews, as they did not know until 1945 what was going on. Your "palestinians" ARE THE INVADERS THAT NEED TO BE DEALT WITH TO SAVE THE JEWS FROM ATTACKS.

Just be honest. Don't bullshit us because Jews are terrible at lying. So obvious you guys are total dicks and being dicks so just admit you want them out. And then get them out. But I don't think you want them out. You want them to kick around. You use them. Probably in more than one way. Cheap labor but also to push until one attacks then you can say "see, look at us we are the victims, waaaah, antisemitism!"

I'm noticing we are going back to the time when Israel was in the news every week. Back when we had problems with Iran or Palestine every other week. And Joe Lieberman was sucking Bush's dick and warning us about Iran.

So starting next year Israel is our friend again and Russia is our buddy but China and Iran are in the crosshairs. I can see now the same people who pulled Bush's strings are back. Obama didn't play along and Netanyahoo didn't like it.
No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority
No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.

When any criticism pointed at you is "nothing more than anti Israel propaganda" then fuck you guys. You're on your own.

Its not just nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. We think you guys are assholes. It's why a lot of people don't like jews.
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority

We all knew Jews are unreasonable and this is just illustrating it.

And I'm not happy how we're going back to another Republican president and all of the sudden we are talking about war with Iran and Israel again. It was a nice 8 years during Obama when we didn't to worry about Israel.

Republicans always want to bring up Soros but they never mention this hymie bastard who will tell the USA what to do when it comes to Israel & the ME.

You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.
Well, at least they didn't accuse the Jews of poisoning wells or draining the blood of Christian/Muslim children to make Passover matzo.

What this resolution makes clear is that the UN has too much money to waste on resolutions that are nothing more than anti Israel propaganda. After Jan. 20, an accounting will be made of how much it really needs to do useful work.
The Israelis did not poison wells but they did steal them for use by settlers thereby depriving Palestinians of adequate fresh water.
Israel admits cutting West Bank water supply, but blames Palestinian Authority

We all knew Jews are unreasonable and this is just illustrating it.

And I'm not happy how we're going back to another Republican president and all of the sudden we are talking about war with Iran and Israel again. It was a nice 8 years during Obama when we didn't to worry about Israel.

Republicans always want to bring up Soros but they never mention this hymie bastard who will tell the USA what to do when it comes to Israel & the ME.

That picture is of Sheldon Adelson.
You treat the Palestinians like we great blacks

No one treats the palestinians half as badly as you treated the blacks, and still do in some places. More blacks murdered by US police this year than innocent palestinians killed by Israel over the last 10 years
I think we need to stop treating these people like second class citizens.

You need to give Palestinians their own country. One morter lobbed into Israel level 1/4 of the country. You two are an abusive couple who need to get a divorce.

What other solution is there?
You force relocate all Palestinians into Syria and fortify your borders.

Problem solved.

Not a bad idea. Israel does need to kick out the Palestinians. Or stop moving into their neighborhoods.
And stop pretending. If your plan all along was to take their land stop pretending and lying. Just do it. Seems to me the GOP will go along. They love fucking with the middle east.

The Security Council resolution that passed Friday condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “flagrant violation under international law” and an obstacle to peace. The Council approved it 14 to 0, with the United States abstaining instead of using its unilateral veto, as it has in the past.
The wording in U.N. resolutions is meant to be taken precisely. I mention this because you wrote that the condemnation of settlements "in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" but since East Jerusalem is in the West Bank, it is best to stick to the text of the Resolution 2334 which states: "Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions ..." (italics mine)

The resolution is indeed a rebuke of Israeli policy.

Jews will continue to build in Jerusalem. Because it is forever Jewish. It's ours and if the UN doesn't like it they can just F### OFF!

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