Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support


The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

It's their money.

They should send it to us..
Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.
So baby murder is progress?

I learn something new everyday. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Its not a baby until after its born.

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.

We give it a shot for her or him to be born and become the next president of the United States..

You kill it in the womb
Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.
So baby murder is progress?

I learn something new everyday. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Its not a baby until after its born.

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.

We give it a shot for her or him to be born and become the next president of the United States..

You kill it in the womb

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
Really?? I had 7 kids and none of them lacked for anything growing up. ...... :cool:

I'm not talking about your own off spring. I'm talking about how conservatives don't like universal healthcare or free university which will give children a good quality of life.
The US is 20 trillion in debt with many living in poverty. Yet someone actually thought it was a good idea to send money to the Netherlands for abortions? Just think about that for a second. How the fuck does that make any sense at all? Half the US doesn't want to pay for someone else's mistake in their own country, let alone someone else's country. Whoever thinks this is a good idea needs to be bitch slapped, flogged and sent to common sense training. Seriously, you can't reason and negotiate with sheer stupidity and complete lack of common sense. Liberals need to be eradicated from every part of Government and decision making until they can prove they are capable of making good decisions.

In the United States if you are living in poverty, odds are you made big mistakes or your parents did......if you get a high school education, don't get arrested with a criminal record, don't have kids you can't support till you can support them...odds are you will not live in poverty.

And you are right...we shouldn't be sending money over seas for just about any reason other than our national defense, and especially not to kill children.
You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
Really?? I had 7 kids and none of them lacked for anything growing up. ...... :cool:

nia88 is simply repeating the lie the left has to tell themselves to make it okay to kill babies in the womb.....there are so many programs to provide for kids in this country that there is nothing in his post that is true....if a woman doesn't want a baby there are American families who would happily adopt them....and provide for them....
You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
Really?? I had 7 kids and none of them lacked for anything growing up. ...... :cool:

I'm not talking about your own off spring. I'm talking about how conservatives don't like universal healthcare or free university which will give children a good quality of life.

No moron......universal healthcare controlled by the government creates crappy healthcare for everyone...and it is failing all across the world.....we want everyone to have guys just want the government to control it......and free university isn't free......someone pays for the degrees in 18th century poetry that ends up with the recipient working part time at Star Bucks......if you want to go to college, get a loan, get in the military for college money...or work your way through...that shows you really want it...and you aren't making the plumbers kid pay for your degree...

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

Good to see you support killing babies. :thup:

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

Good to see you support killing babies. :thup:

Jews overwhelmingly support abortion. JooNo likes his own people killing themselves off.
Why were we funding baby murdering in the Netherlands to begin with? If they want to kill innocents the Netherlands can pay for it
Amen to this. Shouldn't those in our homeland be taken care of first before we go outside to help everyone else?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. By the way, since when is helping another country make their population smaller in such a way a favor anyways? This just goes to show that abortion is murder no matter how a person tries to white wash it.

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support
Cool. They want to kill children, that's up to them.

WE are no longer in the baby killing business.
We're 20 trillion dollars in debt. Do you really think we should be funding any foreign charities?

Suggest you should write a check if you feel strongly about it.

That's now how lefties work. They claim to support all sorts of causes but go about funding them by forcing others to pay for it. What's worse is they consider that charity and take credit for it as if the money did come out of their pockets voluntarily. More than one has said since they don't oppose taxes paying for certain things, it means the same thing. I've asked but have yet to get a response to the question of if it's such a good idea, why do you wait to be told to fund it?
Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.

So it's true progression for a woman to kill the result of a choice she made to spread her legs? Progression means moving forward. That's take a step back.

What Trump needs to do now is stop funding for social welfare in this country and see just how much "progression" you lefties that claim you care show for those whom you say you care. If it was up to you to do things voluntary for those you call the less fortunate, they'd die from lack of funding.

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