Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

Why were we funding baby murdering in the Netherlands to begin with? If they want to kill innocents the Netherlands can pay for it
Just like I stated on another thread....
The women protesters were global because
global funding for abortion and financial aid,
was getting cut because we are putting the focus
back on the United States, like it should be!
The U.S. could take every penny of income and wealth in the country, divide it equally, and it less than 10 years, the freeloaders supporters would be screaming about the income and wealth inequality that exists.
Seems like all you care about is your money. Reminds me of that character Scrooge who initially was so greedy that he did not see or care about the misery around him.

Oh, another idiot that calls someone wanting to keep what he/she earned as greedy while thinking there is no problem for the one that didn't earn it expecting part of it to be given to him/her.

I see people who have little to nothing. I also see them doing nothing to help themselves. If they spent 1/4 the time trying to do better as they do demanding what someone else earned be given to them, perhaps that misery would go away. It's not my responsibility to care for someone that won't care for themselves.
It is coming from you.
Is that the best you can do? LOL!
For you, yes, it is all you deserve. I don't believe in abortion, I don't impose my will on anyone, it is my opinion and mine alone. You are a hypocrite, that is the way it is. Sorry if you don't like my opinion.
I'm glad you don't impose your will on others, and you are certainly entitled to your opinions, as am i.
I have demonstrated how you are a hypocrite.
I prefer personal responsibility. I don't want government in my bedroom, nor do I want or expect them to pay for my children, nothing hypocritical there.
I agree with what you said in your last post to me.
However, i am aware that many unfortunate kids are born without decent opportunities for healthy growth, and i am not blind to that reality.

I am aware of that sad reality, however we can only do what we can do. We have charities that we donate and are involved in. That doesn't excuse the taking of a life, however that is between that person and God, I'm not involved.
This is text straight from the 2004 Unborn Victims of Violence Act:
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution—
(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;
Is killing a prenatal child with a gunshot, knife to the mother's stomach or a boot to her gut considered (by law) to be a legal abortion practice? Yes or no?
Is your scenario what the pregnant woman intended? The answer is NO!
Under the Federal law, a woman who wants to abort her pregnancy does not commit murder.
It's the woman's choice, and that's the libertarian position i advocate.
You are moving the goal posts AGAIN.
The subject was (and is) the fact that a person can be charged with MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" in a criminal act. . . . even if the pregnant woman was on her way to get an abortion.
Why don't you stay on topic; this thread is about abortion by choice, not murder by a non-pregnant person.

Is killing a prenatal child with a gunshot, knife to the mother's stomach or a boot to her gut considered (by law) to be a legal abortion practice? Yes or no?
Is your scenario what the pregnant woman intended? The answer is NO!
Under the Federal law, a woman who wants to abort her pregnancy does not commit murder.
It's the woman's choice, and that's the libertarian position i advocate.
You are moving the goal posts AGAIN.
The subject was (and is) the fact that a person can be charged with MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" in a criminal act. . . . even if the pregnant woman was on her way to get an abortion.
Why don't you stay on topic; this thread is about abortion by choice, not murder by a non-pregnant person.
Hey daisy snowflake, I am simply correcting you on your own misinformation.
I refer everyone back to your post# 52.
Not misinformation. Abortion by woman's choice is not murder. Yes, "murder" would apply if the fetus was killed by a 3rd party AND the pregnant woman intended to give birth.
However, this thread started with abortion, not fetal murder. Keep up.

Since abortion is fetal murder, you keep up.
It is coming from you.
Is that the best you can do? LOL!
For you, yes, it is all you deserve. I don't believe in abortion, I don't impose my will on anyone, it is my opinion and mine alone. You are a hypocrite, that is the way it is. Sorry if you don't like my opinion.
I'm glad you don't impose your will on others, and you are certainly entitled to your opinions, as am i.
I have demonstrated how you are a hypocrite.
I prefer personal responsibility. I don't want government in my bedroom, nor do I want or expect them to pay for my children, nothing hypocritical there.
I agree with what you said in your last post to me.
However, i am aware that many unfortunate kids are born without decent opportunities for healthy growth, and i am not blind to that reality.

Those kids were born to a woman that made the choice with her body while telling the rest of us to butt out. Actually, you are blind to the reality that now this same woman is demanding the government she told to butt out of her choice to force people she told to butt out of her choice to support them. The reality is that if she wants people to butt out of the choice, those people are NOT responsible when she can't afford the results of that choice. You seem to think otherwise. It can be summed up in two statements:

1) I can't be held accountable for something for which I hold no responsibility. When I was told that the choice was none of my business, the responsibility for the results disappeared. The only way that responsibility now occurs is if I personally choose to do so. I don't.

2) You, despite being one of those women tell to butt out of their choices, choose to feel responsible for something you didn't make the decision to do. Therefore, get to doing it with your money.

In other words, if I didn't get the pussy it came out of, it's not my responsibility to support.
Is killing a prenatal child with a gunshot, knife to the mother's stomach or a boot to her gut considered (by law) to be a legal abortion practice? Yes or no?
Is your scenario what the pregnant woman intended? The answer is NO!
Under the Federal law, a woman who wants to abort her pregnancy does not commit murder.
It's the woman's choice, and that's the libertarian position i advocate.
You are moving the goal posts AGAIN.
The subject was (and is) the fact that a person can be charged with MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" in a criminal act. . . . even if the pregnant woman was on her way to get an abortion.
Why don't you stay on topic; this thread is about abortion by choice, not murder by a non-pregnant person.
Hey daisy snowflake, I am simply correcting you on your own misinformation.
I refer everyone back to your post# 52.
Not misinformation. Abortion by woman's choice is not murder. Yes, "murder" would apply if the fetus was killed by a 3rd party AND the pregnant woman intended to give birth.
However, this thread started with abortion, not fetal murder. Keep up.

The argument is that abortions ARE murders, so...

Funny how that sailed right over your head.
Is your scenario what the pregnant woman intended? The answer is NO!
Under the Federal law, a woman who wants to abort her pregnancy does not commit murder.
It's the woman's choice, and that's the libertarian position i advocate.
You are moving the goal posts AGAIN.
The subject was (and is) the fact that a person can be charged with MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" in a criminal act. . . . even if the pregnant woman was on her way to get an abortion.
Why don't you stay on topic; this thread is about abortion by choice, not murder by a non-pregnant person.
Hey daisy snowflake, I am simply correcting you on your own misinformation.
I refer everyone back to your post# 52.
Not misinformation. Abortion by woman's choice is not murder. Yes, "murder" would apply if the fetus was killed by a 3rd party AND the pregnant woman intended to give birth.
However, this thread started with abortion, not fetal murder. Keep up.
The argument is that abortions ARE murders, so...
I am referring to law and what the legal system defines as "murder", not your opinion about what should be considered "murder".
There were 664,435 legal induced abortions reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas in the year 2013.
Those were not murders, according to current law. Not a single abortion was prosecuted as a murder.
Please don't make up crap; it only diminishes your integrity.
You are moving the goal posts AGAIN.
The subject was (and is) the fact that a person can be charged with MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" in a criminal act. . . . even if the pregnant woman was on her way to get an abortion.
Why don't you stay on topic; this thread is about abortion by choice, not murder by a non-pregnant person.
Hey daisy snowflake, I am simply correcting you on your own misinformation.
I refer everyone back to your post# 52.
Not misinformation. Abortion by woman's choice is not murder. Yes, "murder" would apply if the fetus was killed by a 3rd party AND the pregnant woman intended to give birth.
However, this thread started with abortion, not fetal murder. Keep up.
The argument is that abortions ARE murders, so...
I am referring to law and what the legal system defines as "murder", not your opinion about what should be considered "murder".
There were 664,435 legal induced abortions reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas in the year 2013.
Those were not murders, according to current law. Not a single abortion was prosecuted as a murder.
Please don't make up crap; it only diminishes your integrity.
Certainly, there must have been idiots like you who once tried to argue that slavery was not a violation of human rights. . . Because it too was 'legal' at the time.

They lost.

Beyond that, GOSNELL was prosecuted for. . .


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Why don't you stay on topic; this thread is about abortion by choice, not murder by a non-pregnant person.
Hey daisy snowflake, I am simply correcting you on your own misinformation.
I refer everyone back to your post# 52.
Not misinformation. Abortion by woman's choice is not murder. Yes, "murder" would apply if the fetus was killed by a 3rd party AND the pregnant woman intended to give birth.
However, this thread started with abortion, not fetal murder. Keep up.
The argument is that abortions ARE murders, so...
I am referring to law and what the legal system defines as "murder", not your opinion about what should be considered "murder".
There were 664,435 legal induced abortions reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas in the year 2013.
Those were not murders, according to current law. Not a single abortion was prosecuted as a murder.
Please don't make up crap; it only diminishes your integrity.
Certainly, there must have been idiots like you who once tried to argue that slavery was not a violation of human rights. . . Because it too was 'legal' at the time.
They lost.
I was simply using the legal definition of murder as it stands today.
Ok, now you want to argue about personal opinions? Fine.
My opinion is that slavery should not be tolerated.
My opinion is that the fetus is not a person until successful birth; until then, it's in the pregnant mother's domain of authority.
My opinion is that you should show more concern about the MANY poor, unhealthy born babies in this world, or you are a hypocrite, or an "idiot" to use your emotional rhetoric.

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