Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

We're 20 trillion dollars in debt. Do you really think we should be funding any foreign charities?

Suggest you should write a check if you feel strongly about it.

That's now how lefties work. They claim to support all sorts of causes but go about funding them by forcing others to pay for it. What's worse is they consider that charity and take credit for it as if the money did come out of their pockets voluntarily. More than one has said since they don't oppose taxes paying for certain things, it means the same thing. I've asked but have yet to get a response to the question of if it's such a good idea, why do you wait to be told to fund it?

You've encapsulated what I believe to be the only future that will ensure the survival of our great experiment in individual freedom and limited government. We must ask of any proposal, "Does you idea require mandatory enforcement by armed government agents?" If the answer is yes, keep working on it.
Its not a baby until after its born.

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.

Right, just because I oppose someone dragging you into an alley to rape and strangle you doesn't mean I give a shit if you starve to death because you refuse to earn a living.

It's the crime against you I will put my own life in danger to prevent. If you choose to kill yourself after that it's none of my business.

Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.
So baby murder is progress?

I learn something new everyday. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Its not a baby until after its born.

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.

On your first point, the Supreme Court demurs, as do a whole lot of people that believe life begins before birth.

Your second point is without merit. You may claim to have the best of intentions, but your policies and meddling do not produce the positive results you proclaim are inevitable. Often the opposite.
Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.
So baby murder is progress?

I learn something new everyday. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Its not a baby until after its born.

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
If it's not a baby until after it is born. . . How do you explain fetal HOMICIDE laws which make it a double murder to kill a pregnant woman?

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If it's not a baby until after it is born. . . How do you explain fetal HOMICIDE laws which make it a double murder to kill a pregnant woman?

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

That idiot can't explain addition.

Deep thoughts about life, ethics, morality are not something libturds would ponder if they had the functional frontal lobes required. Never mind how many babies Kermit Gosnell delivered and disposed of callously, never mind how they were left to die in closets or how his clinic would give Stephen King nightmares.

In the "mind" of a servile parasite like nia88, humans are a problem for the earth.. She's just to fucking self centered to erase her own carbon footprint.

The Dutch government has the right to act in a different way than the American government :)
There's no matter of progressivism or conservatism here I think ;)

The Netherlands has launched an online fundraiser to compensate for US President Donald Trump's decision to cut funding to foreign charities that support abortion.

The foreign ministry announced it would kick-start the new site,, with a donation of 10 million euros (A$14.17 million).

Mr Trump's decree to ban funding for abortions, signed on Monday, was one of the first acts of his presidency.

The day after that decision the Netherlands called for an international fund to support health centres offering abortion services in developing countries.

On its new website the Dutch foreign ministry said it had received "thousands of messages from over 150 countries in 23 languages".

The vast majority of the responses have been positive, "with many indicating a desire to donate to a fund," the statement added.

Netherlands launches fundraiser after President Donald Trump cuts abortion support

Can we send them our refugees too?

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
Really?? I had 7 kids and none of them lacked for anything growing up. ...... :cool:

I'm not talking about your own off spring. I'm talking about how conservatives don't like universal healthcare or free university which will give children a good quality of life.
Not my responsibility to pay for your kids. I had to pay for mine you can do the same.
Its not a baby until after its born.
You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
If it's not a baby until after it is born. . . How do you explain fetal HOMICIDE laws which make it a double murder to kill a pregnant woman?
That Federal law only applies when the pregnant woman intends to give birth.
Otherwise, it's not "murder" until after the fetus is born.
No doubt if Margaret Sanger, the avowed eugenics racist and founder of Planned Parenthood were still alive.
Sanger was not racist; she was supported by NAACP and MLK.
Her focus was providing birth control options to ALL women so they can plan their parenthood and not be slaves to men, as they are in barbaric Islamic cultures.
Its not a baby until after its born.
You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.
If it's not a baby until after it is born. . . How do you explain fetal HOMICIDE laws which make it a double murder to kill a pregnant woman?
That Federal law only applies when the pregnant woman intends to give birth.
Otherwise, it's not "murder" until after the fetus is born.
I call it murder when you take the life of an innocent human being. I'm thankful my adopted son was not aborted, and so is he. Why not give that innocent little human being a chance to live like we have?
Why is the US government paying for abortions in other countries? Seems to me countries need to fund their own policies and no rely on the US to support them.
Kudos to them. Netherlands is always showing what true progression is.
So baby murder is progress?

I learn something new everyday. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Its not a baby until after its born.

You conservatives don't give a shit after that fetus is actually born.

According to Scientists, it is a living human, you can demean it all you want but it is a baby and a life. Why should the United States fund abortion in other countries that can fund their own abortions? The United States doesn't fund abortion in this country.

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