Nevada Caucus underway

:desk: That they're holding primaries while the RNC doesn't have the balls to?

The RNC doesn't have the balls to hold a caucus in which Trump will win over 95% of the vote? Is that seriously what you believe or are you trolling?

I understand both sides of the argument. On the one hand, what kind of republic are we if we allow the party apparatus to choose the candidates on our behalf. On the other hand, there is zero chance Trump would have lost the caucus here. He would have won overwhelmingly, so that being the reality, why spend millions of dollars on a caucus when you already know the results? The idea that Trump is somehow going to get a significant challenge by someone within his party is a fantasy of the anti-Trumpers and nothing more. There has been no serious challenger from the within the incumbent president's party since 1968.

Hey with that logic we could have just cancelled the 2016 election because there was "no way Hillary would lose" right?

Political parties are organized to amass power. THEY HAVE money. What the fuck concern is it of ours how much of their own money they have to spend? On the other hand if you cancel the primary altogether, nobody in that state is even going to know who's challenging the incumbent let alone have a voice in it.

I'm just having a hard time finding an iota of sympathy for a political party that's been around for a century and a half whining "aw shit we're gonna have to spend money". Fuck 'em.

I love to see you stupid Moon Bats in denial.

Fun fact: The Democrats have a shitty slate of clown candidates.

Trump is going to win by a landslide.

Ain't no "denial" on my end, Twinkles. I pointed out that the Nevada Republican Party doesn't have the BALLS to run a primary, and that's the fact. There's nothing you can do about it.

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