Never A Dull Moment From This Girl

No, you're a jackass who spends a lot of time "between jobs" in whatever unskilled, low-paying field you can con into hiring you and who playacts being rich on the Internet with every bit as much success as you have in remaining employed.

Most employees feel they are worth more money; I feel I'm worth more money. My job can be dangerous at times. In fact, driving is one of the top ten most dangerous jobs in the country; more dangerous than being a police officer or fireman.

However if it ever gets to the point I believe I'm being underpaid, I live in a free country, and as such, I have the option to start my own company and be my own boss. That way I can pay myself what I feel I'm worth.

Most employees feel they are worth more money, but I'm pretty sure most of the ones who do are mistaken. I don't know how much you actually make, so I couldn't say about you.

Myself, I wish what I did paid more, but I can't honestly say the going rate for it is unfair, given that the basic skills required aren't that uncommon.

Agreed. It's like the point I made much earlier in this discussion. An employee is only worth as much as it would cost an employer to replace him or her. That's all any of us are worth.

Years ago I went to electronics school for my job. It was tough working 8 to 10 hours six days a week, going to class, studying, and supporting my then girlfriend and her two kids.

After a while I started to get really burned out. So I asked my teacher about my future in electronics. What he told me was extremely disappointing, and certainly not worth the time and exhaustion of going to school there. So I quit.

Why does electronics pay so little? It's a very difficult subject. It's all math. It's because at the time, everybody and their mother wanted to learn electronics. It was the wave of the future. So what we ended up with is a bunch of graduates with no work to be found. That greatly decreased the worth of an electronics technician. If you did find a job, it didn't pay anything; probably less than half of what a UPS driver made at the time.

I really am in a unique position, because I'm not kidding that it would require hiring at least two people to replace me (I originally replaced three people, but I overhauled and reworked all of the systems that were being used, so two people who were good at the job could probably handle what I do now). On the other hand - and the part that One doesn't understand - is that if I were to demand to be paid as much as two people, I would lose my primary value.

So I can command more than an average person in my position, but I have to be careful not to ask for so much that I defeat the entire purpose of me.

I couldn't agree more. If you are not making the big bucks and doing a great job at the same time, your employer values you like you were the only person working for them.

Sometimes being very appreciated is worth more than the dollars itself.

There is that. I suspect they'd fire almost anyone here in order to keep me if there was a conflict. Fortunately, we all get along really well.

When One goes on about how I replaced three people, and therefore I should get all the money they would have been paid, he doesn't consider that the main reason an employee who can do the work of three is valuable is BECAUSE you don't have to pay for three people. If I cost just as much anyway, I become nothing but a liability, since I am only one person, and if I get sick or go on vacation, there's no one to take up the slack.
What are you talking about, you stated that you don't making enough to put new windows in your rentals. If your employer paid you a living wage, you wouldn't have your tenants living in squaller. (Extremely disgusting conditions related to living conditions)

Not having new windows is squaller? What about not having rain showers in the bathroom or a 120" television in each apartment?

My tenants are plenty happy. They have an affordable place to live, close to a bus line, close to the highway, a beautiful backyard with a fireplace, and I don't have annual rent increases.

If there were better deals elsewhere, I would not have long-term tenants as I have today.

As long as the windows are still intact and functioning and you promptly replace them if they get damaged, I can see not giving much of a crap about getting new ones all the time. Ditto carpets. If I can get damage repaired and have them cleaned once in a while, I'm perfectly happy to make that trade-off for a low rent, accessibility, and being left alone. So will most people. And I don't believe for a second that One actually applies the unreasonable standards he pretends to advocate to his own life.

By the way, guys, the word is "squalor".

What fake one-percenter doesn't know is that by law, the city mandates an inspection of every apartment before each occupation. This is a cost to me of $225.00. They inspect the inside of the apartment, the property itself, any associated area the tenant may be using such as the basement for laundry, the garage for parking, the hallways for exiting and entering the building.

You cannot allow a new tenant to move in unless that inspection passes all city and state codes. Furthermore, if a tenant has an issue that the landlord will not address, the tenant can submit their monthly rent to the city to hold in escrow, and the city will not release that money to the landlord until the issue is resolved.

Cleveland has a voluntary inspection program. Most of you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

I don't live in the city, I live in the suburbs. So no, it's not voluntary. If you get caught renting a unit to somebody without an inspection, the tenant is removed, and you can receive a fine up to $1,000.00 and/ or six months in jail.

Are you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!
If he does own any businesses (and I doubt he does) he must have inherited them.

Several of my family members own their own businesses, and each one will tell you it was hard work night and day, huge risks, many troublesome times, and many sleepless nights.

If I'm having a bad day at work, once I punch out, my troubles are over until the next day. That's not true of my boss. His troubles take him into the night and into the next day. All I have to worry about is doing my job. I don't have to pay his bills, I don't have to deal with the government, I don't have to worry about unexpected expenses, I don't have to worry about being sued, I don't have to worry about collecting bills. I simply drive.

One-Percneter talks like an outsider looking in, not an insider looking out. That's how I know he's a pure phony, because every other business owner discusses their situation from both sides.

What are you talking about, you stated that you don't making enough to put new windows in your rentals. If your employer paid you a living wage, you wouldn't have your tenants living in squaller. (Extremely disgusting conditions related to living conditions)

Not having new windows is squaller? What about not having rain showers in the bathroom or a 120" television in each apartment?

My tenants are plenty happy. They have an affordable place to live, close to a bus line, close to the highway, a beautiful backyard with a fireplace, and I don't have annual rent increases.

If there were better deals elsewhere, I would not have long-term tenants as I have today.

As long as the windows are still intact and functioning and you promptly replace them if they get damaged, I can see not giving much of a crap about getting new ones all the time. Ditto carpets. If I can get damage repaired and have them cleaned once in a while, I'm perfectly happy to make that trade-off for a low rent, accessibility, and being left alone. So will most people. And I don't believe for a second that One actually applies the unreasonable standards he pretends to advocate to his own life.

By the way, guys, the word is "squalor".

Here ya go...

Urban Dictionary: Squaller

Gosh, thanks SO much for an utterly useless link to a pretend dictionary for people who are too illiterate to speak actual English. That certainly proves . . . that I was exactly right, both about the word, and about viewing you with utter disdain.

If I ever feel the need to speak broken gibberish like an ignorant street thug, I'll definitely think of you first.

You're welcome!
Most employees feel they are worth more money; I feel I'm worth more money. My job can be dangerous at times. In fact, driving is one of the top ten most dangerous jobs in the country; more dangerous than being a police officer or fireman.

However if it ever gets to the point I believe I'm being underpaid, I live in a free country, and as such, I have the option to start my own company and be my own boss. That way I can pay myself what I feel I'm worth.

Most employees feel they are worth more money, but I'm pretty sure most of the ones who do are mistaken. I don't know how much you actually make, so I couldn't say about you.

Myself, I wish what I did paid more, but I can't honestly say the going rate for it is unfair, given that the basic skills required aren't that uncommon.

Agreed. It's like the point I made much earlier in this discussion. An employee is only worth as much as it would cost an employer to replace him or her. That's all any of us are worth.

Years ago I went to electronics school for my job. It was tough working 8 to 10 hours six days a week, going to class, studying, and supporting my then girlfriend and her two kids.

After a while I started to get really burned out. So I asked my teacher about my future in electronics. What he told me was extremely disappointing, and certainly not worth the time and exhaustion of going to school there. So I quit.

Why does electronics pay so little? It's a very difficult subject. It's all math. It's because at the time, everybody and their mother wanted to learn electronics. It was the wave of the future. So what we ended up with is a bunch of graduates with no work to be found. That greatly decreased the worth of an electronics technician. If you did find a job, it didn't pay anything; probably less than half of what a UPS driver made at the time.

I really am in a unique position, because I'm not kidding that it would require hiring at least two people to replace me (I originally replaced three people, but I overhauled and reworked all of the systems that were being used, so two people who were good at the job could probably handle what I do now). On the other hand - and the part that One doesn't understand - is that if I were to demand to be paid as much as two people, I would lose my primary value.

So I can command more than an average person in my position, but I have to be careful not to ask for so much that I defeat the entire purpose of me.

I couldn't agree more. If you are not making the big bucks and doing a great job at the same time, your employer values you like you were the only person working for them.

Sometimes being very appreciated is worth more than the dollars itself.

There is that. I suspect they'd fire almost anyone here in order to keep me if there was a conflict. Fortunately, we all get along really well.

When One goes on about how I replaced three people, and therefore I should get all the money they would have been paid, he doesn't consider that the main reason an employee who can do the work of three is valuable is BECAUSE you don't have to pay for three people. If I cost just as much anyway, I become nothing but a liability, since I am only one person, and if I get sick or go on vacation, there's no one to take up the slack.

In the war to alienate western culture, Putin must be proud!
Most employees feel they are worth more money, but I'm pretty sure most of the ones who do are mistaken. I don't know how much you actually make, so I couldn't say about you.

Myself, I wish what I did paid more, but I can't honestly say the going rate for it is unfair, given that the basic skills required aren't that uncommon.

Agreed. It's like the point I made much earlier in this discussion. An employee is only worth as much as it would cost an employer to replace him or her. That's all any of us are worth.

Years ago I went to electronics school for my job. It was tough working 8 to 10 hours six days a week, going to class, studying, and supporting my then girlfriend and her two kids.

After a while I started to get really burned out. So I asked my teacher about my future in electronics. What he told me was extremely disappointing, and certainly not worth the time and exhaustion of going to school there. So I quit.

Why does electronics pay so little? It's a very difficult subject. It's all math. It's because at the time, everybody and their mother wanted to learn electronics. It was the wave of the future. So what we ended up with is a bunch of graduates with no work to be found. That greatly decreased the worth of an electronics technician. If you did find a job, it didn't pay anything; probably less than half of what a UPS driver made at the time.

I really am in a unique position, because I'm not kidding that it would require hiring at least two people to replace me (I originally replaced three people, but I overhauled and reworked all of the systems that were being used, so two people who were good at the job could probably handle what I do now). On the other hand - and the part that One doesn't understand - is that if I were to demand to be paid as much as two people, I would lose my primary value.

So I can command more than an average person in my position, but I have to be careful not to ask for so much that I defeat the entire purpose of me.

I couldn't agree more. If you are not making the big bucks and doing a great job at the same time, your employer values you like you were the only person working for them.

Sometimes being very appreciated is worth more than the dollars itself.

There is that. I suspect they'd fire almost anyone here in order to keep me if there was a conflict. Fortunately, we all get along really well.

When One goes on about how I replaced three people, and therefore I should get all the money they would have been paid, he doesn't consider that the main reason an employee who can do the work of three is valuable is BECAUSE you don't have to pay for three people. If I cost just as much anyway, I become nothing but a liability, since I am only one person, and if I get sick or go on vacation, there's no one to take up the slack.

In the war to alienate western culture, Putin must be proud!

Not having new windows is squaller? What about not having rain showers in the bathroom or a 120" television in each apartment?

My tenants are plenty happy. They have an affordable place to live, close to a bus line, close to the highway, a beautiful backyard with a fireplace, and I don't have annual rent increases.

If there were better deals elsewhere, I would not have long-term tenants as I have today.

As long as the windows are still intact and functioning and you promptly replace them if they get damaged, I can see not giving much of a crap about getting new ones all the time. Ditto carpets. If I can get damage repaired and have them cleaned once in a while, I'm perfectly happy to make that trade-off for a low rent, accessibility, and being left alone. So will most people. And I don't believe for a second that One actually applies the unreasonable standards he pretends to advocate to his own life.

By the way, guys, the word is "squalor".

What fake one-percenter doesn't know is that by law, the city mandates an inspection of every apartment before each occupation. This is a cost to me of $225.00. They inspect the inside of the apartment, the property itself, any associated area the tenant may be using such as the basement for laundry, the garage for parking, the hallways for exiting and entering the building.

You cannot allow a new tenant to move in unless that inspection passes all city and state codes. Furthermore, if a tenant has an issue that the landlord will not address, the tenant can submit their monthly rent to the city to hold in escrow, and the city will not release that money to the landlord until the issue is resolved.

Cleveland has a voluntary inspection program. Most of you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

I don't live in the city, I live in the suburbs. So no, it's not voluntary. If you get caught renting a unit to somebody without an inspection, the tenant is removed, and you can receive a fine up to $1,000.00 and/ or six months in jail.

Are you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

Yes we have, and in a few cases, their policies had to be changed by the threat of the ACLU and in two instances, a threat from myself. It's not the governments business what my property is like with the exception of the exterior. And the only reason for that is the exterior of your home can bring down the property value of your neighbors home.

When our city started to turn more Democrat, it was a money grab. The Mayor told my Councilman he felt we landlords were making too much money in his city, and we need to share our profit with them. But how else would you expect a Nazi Democrat to feel like?
As long as the windows are still intact and functioning and you promptly replace them if they get damaged, I can see not giving much of a crap about getting new ones all the time. Ditto carpets. If I can get damage repaired and have them cleaned once in a while, I'm perfectly happy to make that trade-off for a low rent, accessibility, and being left alone. So will most people. And I don't believe for a second that One actually applies the unreasonable standards he pretends to advocate to his own life.

By the way, guys, the word is "squalor".

What fake one-percenter doesn't know is that by law, the city mandates an inspection of every apartment before each occupation. This is a cost to me of $225.00. They inspect the inside of the apartment, the property itself, any associated area the tenant may be using such as the basement for laundry, the garage for parking, the hallways for exiting and entering the building.

You cannot allow a new tenant to move in unless that inspection passes all city and state codes. Furthermore, if a tenant has an issue that the landlord will not address, the tenant can submit their monthly rent to the city to hold in escrow, and the city will not release that money to the landlord until the issue is resolved.

Cleveland has a voluntary inspection program. Most of you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

I don't live in the city, I live in the suburbs. So no, it's not voluntary. If you get caught renting a unit to somebody without an inspection, the tenant is removed, and you can receive a fine up to $1,000.00 and/ or six months in jail.

Are you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

Yes we have, and in a few cases, their policies had to be changed by the threat of the ACLU and in two instances, a threat from myself. It's not the governments business what my property is like with the exception of the exterior. And the only reason for that is the exterior of your home can bring down the property value of your neighbors home.

When our city started to turn more Democrat, it was a money grab. The Mayor told my Councilman he felt we landlords were making too much money in his city, and we need to share our profit with them. But how else would you expect a Nazi Democrat to feel like?

Since laws and regulations are reactionary, you really have to ask yourself a question; Which came first, the slumlord or the rule against it.

Quit blaming the government when the blame should be directed to your industry.
What fake one-percenter doesn't know is that by law, the city mandates an inspection of every apartment before each occupation. This is a cost to me of $225.00. They inspect the inside of the apartment, the property itself, any associated area the tenant may be using such as the basement for laundry, the garage for parking, the hallways for exiting and entering the building.

You cannot allow a new tenant to move in unless that inspection passes all city and state codes. Furthermore, if a tenant has an issue that the landlord will not address, the tenant can submit their monthly rent to the city to hold in escrow, and the city will not release that money to the landlord until the issue is resolved.

Cleveland has a voluntary inspection program. Most of you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

I don't live in the city, I live in the suburbs. So no, it's not voluntary. If you get caught renting a unit to somebody without an inspection, the tenant is removed, and you can receive a fine up to $1,000.00 and/ or six months in jail.

Are you slumlords are yelling UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!

Yes we have, and in a few cases, their policies had to be changed by the threat of the ACLU and in two instances, a threat from myself. It's not the governments business what my property is like with the exception of the exterior. And the only reason for that is the exterior of your home can bring down the property value of your neighbors home.

When our city started to turn more Democrat, it was a money grab. The Mayor told my Councilman he felt we landlords were making too much money in his city, and we need to share our profit with them. But how else would you expect a Nazi Democrat to feel like?

Since laws and regulations are reactionary, you really have to ask yourself a question; Which came first, the slumlord or the rule against it.

Quit blaming the government when the blame should be directed to your industry.

So do we have intrusive invasive government mandates in every case? Every industry has bad apples: corporations, police, fire departments, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, charities, the building industry, the prescription drug industry, the Catholic church..........everybody.

It's not even logic that you attack an entire industries over a few bad players. Again, it's a money grab; the idea that Democrats can target people who don't have enough of a majority to threaten their position at election time. It's what Democrats do.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate AmeriKKKa is driving this nation into "every other country" with their greed.
In case you haven't noticed, there are many areas of this nation that resemble third world status; it didn't happen over night & the widening gap between the top 1% & the bottom 60% isn't helping. In case you haven't noticed corporate AmeriKKKa is driving the divide between the (extreme minority) haves & the (majority) have nots. The division of wealth is exactly how nations become third world shit hole countries. We are getting closer, every day. Just stop paying attention & one day you will wonder, "how did we get here?"
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

In case you haven't noticed, there are many areas of this nation that resemble third world status; it didn't happen over night & the widening gap between the top 1% & the bottom 60% isn't helping. In case you haven't noticed corporate AmeriKKKa is driving the divide between the (extreme minority) haves & the (majority) have nots. The division of wealth is exactly how nations become third world shit hole countries. We are getting closer, every day. Just stop paying attention & one day you will wonder, "how did we get here?"
Robin Hood mentality doesn’t take shit
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

In case you haven't noticed, there are many areas of this nation that resemble third world status; it didn't happen over night & the widening gap between the top 1% & the bottom 60% isn't helping. In case you haven't noticed corporate AmeriKKKa is driving the divide between the (extreme minority) haves & the (majority) have nots. The division of wealth is exactly how nations become third world shit hole countries. We are getting closer, every day. Just stop paying attention & one day you will wonder, "how did we get here?"
Robin Hood mentality doesn’t take shit

thanks for the no content giggle ............
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate AmeriKKKa is driving this nation into "every other country" with their greed.
In case you haven't noticed, there are many areas of this nation that resemble third world status; it didn't happen over night & the widening gap between the top 1% & the bottom 60% isn't helping. In case you haven't noticed corporate AmeriKKKa is driving the divide between the (extreme minority) haves & the (majority) have nots. The division of wealth is exactly how nations become third world shit hole countries. We are getting closer, every day. Just stop paying attention & one day you will wonder, "how did we get here?"

And I'll have the answer for you if that happens: Government.

When you teach people it's okay to be irresponsible, when you teach people they don't have to try, when you teach people that it's always somebody else's fault, you end up with a bunch of zombies that simply believe it.

The beautiful thing about America is you can be anybody you want. If you want to be poor, make a lot of irresponsible decisions and don't work, you'll be poor. If you want to be middle-class, then you learn a trade or profession and be middle-class. If you want to be wealthy, you may need to invest in advanced education, invest in your own business, take a lot of risks, and do without a lot of unnecessary items like the newest video game system or the newest iPhone. You may not even be able to have a family with children, but you can be wealthy.

Now about your concern of the wealth gap. How did it happen? Why is it widening?

The first thing one has to ask is how did the wealthy get that money? The answer is simple, they got that money from you; not just you, all of us.

That's right, sometime (perhaps several times) this week you are going to transfer your hard earned money to the top. You're doing it right now being on the internet. You did it when you bought your computer to be on the internet. You do it with your cable/ satellite service. You do it with your cell phone service. Sometime this week, you are going to purchase gasoline from those evil billion dollar oil companies. You might even stop at McDonald's or Wendy's, both billion dollar companies.

When everybody at the bottom is freely and willingly giving their money to the top, WTF can you expect but a wealth gap? So if you really want to stop that money going to the top, there is no better charity than at home. Get that windmill running and cancel your electric service. Get rid of this internet; we will miss you. Sell that car you bought from that multi-billion dollar company and start taking public transportation; get a bicycle.
And the entertainment just keeps coming, as Occasional Cortex doubles down on making a fool of herself over Amazon.

Michael Isikoff asked her in an interview: "Do you have any reconsidering thoughts on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25,000 jobs to the city?”

Occasional Cortex's response: "So here’s a couple of things on that. One is that, and I said this from the very beginning: where does that 25,000 number come from? Everyone always cites this number and it is almost completely unsubstantiated, it almost feels like it only comes from Amazon that’s saying, that’s promising this."

Exactly what "substantiation" did Bubblehead Barbie NEED? It's not like this is the first place Amazon has ever opened, nor is it the first time NYC has negotiated a deal to bring a corporation into the city. SHE may not have done any due diligence before flapping her big horsey teeth, but I feel certain Amazon and NYC both did. Unlike HER, the people involved in both of those places are SERIOUS ADULTS.

She went on: “And …. so … even then, my opposition was less, and is less, than something personal with Amazon, and is more about the structure of the deal. And when you’re looking at three billion (dollars), which includes, it’s not all tax cuts, a lot of people say this thing pays for itself. First of all, revenue neutral, I don’t know if revenue neutral is the goal we need right now. Secondly, 25,000 jobs at $150,000 is was what was promised.”

And then? Amazon promised an AVERAGE of $150,000.

She continued: “Does that sound like, (laughing) realistic? Does that sound like something that was going to happen, first of all?"

For what they were planning? In NYC? Yeah, that sounds realistic. Know what doesn't sound realistic? That Occasional Cortex knows a damned thing about how Amazon is run, OR about the deal she felt the need to scuttle.

And on she blathered: "Second of all, do we really think that Amazon is trying to give 150k jobs to kids in NYCHA? Third of all, our subway is literally falling apart. Literally falling apart.”

Kids? No. Is that the strawman du jour? That only jobs available to the unskilled and kids are wanted? That we're now expected to provide $150,000 a year salaries to kids? And what the fuck does the subway have to do with anything? How do you plan to pay to fix the subway if you run off any business likely to be able to pay some serious taxes toward it? Uhh duuuuhhh.

So now those jobs are going to Boston, San Francisco, and Vancouver, none of whom are stupid enough to let self-aggrandizing twinks like this interfere in their business.
And the entertainment just keeps coming, as Occasional Cortex doubles down on making a fool of herself over Amazon.

Michael Isikoff asked her in an interview: "Do you have any reconsidering thoughts on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25,000 jobs to the city?”

Occasional Cortex's response: "So here’s a couple of things on that. One is that, and I said this from the very beginning: where does that 25,000 number come from? Everyone always cites this number and it is almost completely unsubstantiated, it almost feels like it only comes from Amazon that’s saying, that’s promising this."

Exactly what "substantiation" did Bubblehead Barbie NEED? It's not like this is the first place Amazon has ever opened, nor is it the first time NYC has negotiated a deal to bring a corporation into the city. SHE may not have done any due diligence before flapping her big horsey teeth, but I feel certain Amazon and NYC both did. Unlike HER, the people involved in both of those places are SERIOUS ADULTS.

She went on: “And …. so … even then, my opposition was less, and is less, than something personal with Amazon, and is more about the structure of the deal. And when you’re looking at three billion (dollars), which includes, it’s not all tax cuts, a lot of people say this thing pays for itself. First of all, revenue neutral, I don’t know if revenue neutral is the goal we need right now. Secondly, 25,000 jobs at $150,000 is was what was promised.”

And then? Amazon promised an AVERAGE of $150,000.

She continued: “Does that sound like, (laughing) realistic? Does that sound like something that was going to happen, first of all?"

For what they were planning? In NYC? Yeah, that sounds realistic. Know what doesn't sound realistic? That Occasional Cortex knows a damned thing about how Amazon is run, OR about the deal she felt the need to scuttle.

And on she blathered: "Second of all, do we really think that Amazon is trying to give 150k jobs to kids in NYCHA? Third of all, our subway is literally falling apart. Literally falling apart.”

Kids? No. Is that the strawman du jour? That only jobs available to the unskilled and kids are wanted? That we're now expected to provide $150,000 a year salaries to kids? And what the fuck does the subway have to do with anything? How do you plan to pay to fix the subway if you run off any business likely to be able to pay some serious taxes toward it? Uhh duuuuhhh.

So now those jobs are going to Boston, San Francisco, and Vancouver, none of whom are stupid enough to let self-aggrandizing twinks like this interfere in their business.

I guess somebody must have told her the city doesn't have to come up with the 3 billion a year to have Amazon there. She doesn't realize that tax abatements are an agreement. We give you X if you promise to provide X. If Amazon didn't provide what they promised for the abatement, it can be rescinded.

Amazon recently opened up a couple of distribution centers in the Cleveland area. No problems thus far and no breach of contract or promises. We are happy to have them. They were old closed down malls that were nothing but an eyesore; just a breeding ground for rats. Amazon leveled all those buildings and put up state-of-the-art facilities. They are beautiful and generate tax revenue in spite of the abatements.
And the entertainment just keeps coming, as Occasional Cortex doubles down on making a fool of herself over Amazon.

Michael Isikoff asked her in an interview: "Do you have any reconsidering thoughts on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25,000 jobs to the city?”

Occasional Cortex's response: "So here’s a couple of things on that. One is that, and I said this from the very beginning: where does that 25,000 number come from? Everyone always cites this number and it is almost completely unsubstantiated, it almost feels like it only comes from Amazon that’s saying, that’s promising this."

Exactly what "substantiation" did Bubblehead Barbie NEED? It's not like this is the first place Amazon has ever opened, nor is it the first time NYC has negotiated a deal to bring a corporation into the city. SHE may not have done any due diligence before flapping her big horsey teeth, but I feel certain Amazon and NYC both did. Unlike HER, the people involved in both of those places are SERIOUS ADULTS.

She went on: “And …. so … even then, my opposition was less, and is less, than something personal with Amazon, and is more about the structure of the deal. And when you’re looking at three billion (dollars), which includes, it’s not all tax cuts, a lot of people say this thing pays for itself. First of all, revenue neutral, I don’t know if revenue neutral is the goal we need right now. Secondly, 25,000 jobs at $150,000 is was what was promised.”

And then? Amazon promised an AVERAGE of $150,000.

She continued: “Does that sound like, (laughing) realistic? Does that sound like something that was going to happen, first of all?"

For what they were planning? In NYC? Yeah, that sounds realistic. Know what doesn't sound realistic? That Occasional Cortex knows a damned thing about how Amazon is run, OR about the deal she felt the need to scuttle.

And on she blathered: "Second of all, do we really think that Amazon is trying to give 150k jobs to kids in NYCHA? Third of all, our subway is literally falling apart. Literally falling apart.”

Kids? No. Is that the strawman du jour? That only jobs available to the unskilled and kids are wanted? That we're now expected to provide $150,000 a year salaries to kids? And what the fuck does the subway have to do with anything? How do you plan to pay to fix the subway if you run off any business likely to be able to pay some serious taxes toward it? Uhh duuuuhhh.

So now those jobs are going to Boston, San Francisco, and Vancouver, none of whom are stupid enough to let self-aggrandizing twinks like this interfere in their business.

I guess somebody must have told her the city doesn't have to come up with the 3 billion a year to have Amazon there. She doesn't realize that tax abatements are an agreement. We give you X if you promise to provide X. If Amazon didn't provide what they promised for the abatement, it can be rescinded.

Amazon recently opened up a couple of distribution centers in the Cleveland area. No problems thus far and no breach of contract or promises. We are happy to have them. They were old closed down malls that were nothing but an eyesore; just a breeding ground for rats. Amazon leveled all those buildings and put up state-of-the-art facilities. They are beautiful and generate tax revenue in spite of the abatements.

We have a distribution center here in Phoenix, as well, and I'm sure we'd welcome a headquarters or tech center to go along with it. They provided a lot of good jobs with good pay comparable to this area for people who didn't have a lot of skills and were having trouble finding any work at all. They are definitely an asset to our city, and I'm glad we don't have anyone like Occasional Cortex in my state, fucking things up for us.
And the entertainment just keeps coming, as Occasional Cortex doubles down on making a fool of herself over Amazon.

Michael Isikoff asked her in an interview: "Do you have any reconsidering thoughts on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25,000 jobs to the city?”

Occasional Cortex's response: "So here’s a couple of things on that. One is that, and I said this from the very beginning: where does that 25,000 number come from? Everyone always cites this number and it is almost completely unsubstantiated, it almost feels like it only comes from Amazon that’s saying, that’s promising this."

Exactly what "substantiation" did Bubblehead Barbie NEED? It's not like this is the first place Amazon has ever opened, nor is it the first time NYC has negotiated a deal to bring a corporation into the city. SHE may not have done any due diligence before flapping her big horsey teeth, but I feel certain Amazon and NYC both did. Unlike HER, the people involved in both of those places are SERIOUS ADULTS.

She went on: “And …. so … even then, my opposition was less, and is less, than something personal with Amazon, and is more about the structure of the deal. And when you’re looking at three billion (dollars), which includes, it’s not all tax cuts, a lot of people say this thing pays for itself. First of all, revenue neutral, I don’t know if revenue neutral is the goal we need right now. Secondly, 25,000 jobs at $150,000 is was what was promised.”

And then? Amazon promised an AVERAGE of $150,000.

She continued: “Does that sound like, (laughing) realistic? Does that sound like something that was going to happen, first of all?"

For what they were planning? In NYC? Yeah, that sounds realistic. Know what doesn't sound realistic? That Occasional Cortex knows a damned thing about how Amazon is run, OR about the deal she felt the need to scuttle.

And on she blathered: "Second of all, do we really think that Amazon is trying to give 150k jobs to kids in NYCHA? Third of all, our subway is literally falling apart. Literally falling apart.”

Kids? No. Is that the strawman du jour? That only jobs available to the unskilled and kids are wanted? That we're now expected to provide $150,000 a year salaries to kids? And what the fuck does the subway have to do with anything? How do you plan to pay to fix the subway if you run off any business likely to be able to pay some serious taxes toward it? Uhh duuuuhhh.

So now those jobs are going to Boston, San Francisco, and Vancouver, none of whom are stupid enough to let self-aggrandizing twinks like this interfere in their business.

I guess somebody must have told her the city doesn't have to come up with the 3 billion a year to have Amazon there. She doesn't realize that tax abatements are an agreement. We give you X if you promise to provide X. If Amazon didn't provide what they promised for the abatement, it can be rescinded.

Amazon recently opened up a couple of distribution centers in the Cleveland area. No problems thus far and no breach of contract or promises. We are happy to have them. They were old closed down malls that were nothing but an eyesore; just a breeding ground for rats. Amazon leveled all those buildings and put up state-of-the-art facilities. They are beautiful and generate tax revenue in spite of the abatements.

We have a distribution center here in Phoenix, as well, and I'm sure we'd welcome a headquarters or tech center to go along with it. They provided a lot of good jobs with good pay comparable to this area for people who didn't have a lot of skills and were having trouble finding any work at all. They are definitely an asset to our city, and I'm glad we don't have anyone like Occasional Cortex in my state, fucking things up for us.

I really hope she never leaves. I don't know which one I would be more disappointed when leaving, Trump or her.

On the way home I turned on the Dr. Gorka show, and he was playing some interview with her; it must have been recent. Anyway, when she was asked what should they impeach Trump on, one of her answers was that Trump wants to have the US Census ask if the person is an immigrant or not.

Didn't she ever read the Constitution, or does she think wanting the Census to ask about immigration status is a high crime or misdemeanor?

The University of Boston must cringe overtime she opens her teeth.
And the entertainment just keeps coming, as Occasional Cortex doubles down on making a fool of herself over Amazon.

Michael Isikoff asked her in an interview: "Do you have any reconsidering thoughts on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25,000 jobs to the city?”

Occasional Cortex's response: "So here’s a couple of things on that. One is that, and I said this from the very beginning: where does that 25,000 number come from? Everyone always cites this number and it is almost completely unsubstantiated, it almost feels like it only comes from Amazon that’s saying, that’s promising this."

Exactly what "substantiation" did Bubblehead Barbie NEED? It's not like this is the first place Amazon has ever opened, nor is it the first time NYC has negotiated a deal to bring a corporation into the city. SHE may not have done any due diligence before flapping her big horsey teeth, but I feel certain Amazon and NYC both did. Unlike HER, the people involved in both of those places are SERIOUS ADULTS.

She went on: “And …. so … even then, my opposition was less, and is less, than something personal with Amazon, and is more about the structure of the deal. And when you’re looking at three billion (dollars), which includes, it’s not all tax cuts, a lot of people say this thing pays for itself. First of all, revenue neutral, I don’t know if revenue neutral is the goal we need right now. Secondly, 25,000 jobs at $150,000 is was what was promised.”

And then? Amazon promised an AVERAGE of $150,000.

She continued: “Does that sound like, (laughing) realistic? Does that sound like something that was going to happen, first of all?"

For what they were planning? In NYC? Yeah, that sounds realistic. Know what doesn't sound realistic? That Occasional Cortex knows a damned thing about how Amazon is run, OR about the deal she felt the need to scuttle.

And on she blathered: "Second of all, do we really think that Amazon is trying to give 150k jobs to kids in NYCHA? Third of all, our subway is literally falling apart. Literally falling apart.”

Kids? No. Is that the strawman du jour? That only jobs available to the unskilled and kids are wanted? That we're now expected to provide $150,000 a year salaries to kids? And what the fuck does the subway have to do with anything? How do you plan to pay to fix the subway if you run off any business likely to be able to pay some serious taxes toward it? Uhh duuuuhhh.

So now those jobs are going to Boston, San Francisco, and Vancouver, none of whom are stupid enough to let self-aggrandizing twinks like this interfere in their business.

I guess somebody must have told her the city doesn't have to come up with the 3 billion a year to have Amazon there. She doesn't realize that tax abatements are an agreement. We give you X if you promise to provide X. If Amazon didn't provide what they promised for the abatement, it can be rescinded.

Amazon recently opened up a couple of distribution centers in the Cleveland area. No problems thus far and no breach of contract or promises. We are happy to have them. They were old closed down malls that were nothing but an eyesore; just a breeding ground for rats. Amazon leveled all those buildings and put up state-of-the-art facilities. They are beautiful and generate tax revenue in spite of the abatements.

We have a distribution center here in Phoenix, as well, and I'm sure we'd welcome a headquarters or tech center to go along with it. They provided a lot of good jobs with good pay comparable to this area for people who didn't have a lot of skills and were having trouble finding any work at all. They are definitely an asset to our city, and I'm glad we don't have anyone like Occasional Cortex in my state, fucking things up for us.

I really hope she never leaves. I don't know which one I would be more disappointed when leaving, Trump or her.

On the way home I turned on the Dr. Gorka show, and he was playing some interview with her; it must have been recent. Anyway, when she was asked what should they impeach Trump on, one of her answers was that Trump wants to have the US Census ask if the person is an immigrant or not.

Didn't she ever read the Constitution, or does she think wanting the Census to ask about immigration status is a high crime or misdemeanor?

The University of Boston must cringe overtime she opens her teeth.

I'm guessing that the last time there was a census, she was in high school and her mom filled it out. And yet this arrogant little adolescent thinks she should tell everyone how to run their lives.

Up until the 2010 Census, it was standard to ask citizenship status. The only reason they didn't ask it on the 2010 Census is because they moved those questions to the American Community Survey.

In other words, the Census Bureau has always tracked that information, and continues to do so.
What I can't understand is why these people want to make our country like every other country of their desire instead of just moving to one of those glorious places. The problem is there is only one USA. Once they F this place up by turning into all the others, there is no other USA to move to after we realize our mistake.

Corporate America is fucking-up the United States.

In that case get off of your dumb lazy ass and move to another country, dummy. It's not like we'll miss you or anything. Heck I'll even buy your ticket as long as it's one way, you renounce your citizenship and agree under penalty of death to never ever even try to return.

So you think that it's proper for a corporation that nets billions quarterly to DEMAND taxpayer subsidies to buy land, build buildings, and pay for multi-year operations while paying their employees so little that they qualify for taxpayer subsidies. As a taxpayer you should be pissed!
If you had any friggin brains you'd realize that corporations are firstly opened by people like us, well like me anyway but perhaps not you dumbass. Secondly they hire people and pay them who in turn pay taxes. If you had the slightest clue, which apparently you don't, you'd know that more business is good while more gubberment (ie overhead) is bad. Government equates to dead expense and produces not one damn thing but waste and corruption. Get a clue, dumbass.

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