Never does a day go by without a scandal.

Does Trump hold the record yet for resignations and dismissals ??

He holds the record for winning.
Yes 6 bankrupt companies might be a record too and 30 women who say he molested them breaks another record, Independents I think
6 out of 5,000.
We both wish we had that record.
I told you to stop talking about JFK and Bill Clinton!
Selling your name to put on a building is a big deal ?
JFK has his name on a Bordello?
lol no an airport The house of ill repute is waiting for trump to sell his name to them
Just like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and 500 other assholes in the Fortune 500 if they could do it.
Does Trump hold the record yet for resignations and dismissals ??

He holds the record for winning.
Yes 6 bankrupt companies might be a record too and 30 women who say he molested them breaks another record, Independents I think
6 out of 5,000.
We both wish we had that record.
I told you to stop talking about JFK and Bill Clinton!
Selling your name to put on a building is a big deal ?
JFK has his name on a Bordello?
lol no an airport The house of ill repute is waiting for trump to sell his name to them
Trumps price is 6 free visits
Does Trump hold the record yet for resignations and dismissals ??

He holds the record for winning.
Yes 6 bankrupt companies might be a record too and 30 women who say he molested them breaks another record, Independents I think
6 out of 5,000.
We both wish we had that record.
I told you to stop talking about JFK and Bill Clinton!
Selling your name to put on a building is a big deal ?
JFK has his name on a Bordello?
lol no an airport The house of ill repute is waiting for trump to sell his name to them
Trumps price is 6 free visits
Are the ladies classy or trashy?
Does Trump hold the record yet for resignations and dismissals ??

He holds the record for winning.
Yes 6 bankrupt companies might be a record too and 30 women who say he molested them breaks another record, Independents I think
6 out of 5,000.
We both wish we had that record.
I told you to stop talking about JFK and Bill Clinton!
Selling your name to put on a building is a big deal ?
JFK has his name on a Bordello?
lol no an airport The house of ill repute is waiting for trump to sell his name to them
Trumps price is 6 free visits
Are the ladies classy or trashy?
I do believe when cheating Trump has great taste
Look I'm finished playing ,,Did I not show you PROOF your own repub party says russia helped Trump? and they're doing it again The Putin party formally the Repub party
You shoulda quit a long time ago, Sport.
Nice answer Another repub that can't stand the truth
What truth? You lied again in the post I said you were finished, and yet here you are.
I think we all figured a long while ago that eddie is an idiot.
Pardon me Who is ""we all""? Find me one Dem here that agrees with your stupid statement and I'll leave for a month
I would never group myself with Liberals.
And you shouldn't group Democrats with Liberals as I know lots of Ds who own businesses and are voting for Trump.
And I know a few who voted for trump and they'll be voting for Biden

In a neighborhood in my area with homes all well above a million dollars, many valued in the 2 and 3 million, I see Republican 4 Biden signs in the front yards. Being curious I drove around and did not see one Trump for President sign.

LMAO, like they'd let you in a neighborhood like that.


LMAO, I own one.

Sure ya do, you know you can't count your nursing home as yours, right?

For you TEX
He promised to make America great again. How'd he do?

Lol, no. They have it in writing.

Sorry for your luck.
You have nothing in writing except that the administration is critical of some policy positions the CDC has adopted

and they are entitled to disagree with the CDC pencil pushers
For you TEX
He promised to make America great again. How'd he do?


I don’t blame him for the pandemic, I don’t blame him for the recession or unemployment, when governors shut down everything, the economy will tank. The one thing I can’t figure out is why car sales went up during the months of May, June and July and also even today, the housing market is very hot. The unemployment has dropped, I’m trying to figure out why the economy hasn’t totally tanked.
When G W BUSH was president & his administration wanted a war out came the Republican side saying that those against the war were unpatriotic and un American. and the Democrats in the senate folded & voted for war. Now we have a president who has stepped over the line one too many times, and the Republicans again have brought out the old saw, unpatriotic un American. and this time the Republican senate has folded,& refuse to hold the president accountable in areas that he is not educated in, & teach him to follow educated advise & rule of law. the world has had one too many world leaders who have had no guidance in areas that sometimes have spelled life or death for the general population.
When G W BUSH was president & his administration wanted a war out came the Republican side saying that those against the war were unpatriotic and un American. and the Democrats in the senate folded & voted for war. Now we have a president who has stepped over the line one too many times, and the Republicans again have brought out the old saw, unpatriotic un American. and this time the Republican senate has folded,& refuse to hold the president accountable in areas that he is not educated in, & teach him to follow educated advise & rule of law. the world has had one too many world leaders who have had no guidance in areas that sometimes have spelled life or death for the general population.

Democrats didn’t fold, what an ignorant and deceitful comment. After 9/11 the Democrats were just as gung ho to go to war, the American public and the politicians were already to go to war.

The Democrats knew they could impeach Trump and they also knew Trump would be found not guilty, long before it all played out. Just as the House impeached Clinton, knowing he wouldn’t be found guilty in the Senate. It is called politics, they had nothing on either President.
For you TEX
He promised to make America great again. How'd he do?


I don’t blame him for the pandemic, I don’t blame him for the recession or unemployment, when governors shut down everything, the economy will tank. The one thing I can’t figure out is why car sales went up during the months of May, June and July and also even today, the housing market is very hot. The unemployment has dropped, I’m trying to figure out why the economy hasn’t totally tanked.
Interest rates ..... and you don't blame him for being 10,20,000 deaths late on virus recovery ?
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
The Trumpsters love their arrogant, aggressive, authoritarian, white, nationalist strongman.

Shades of history.
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
Are you pulling a Gretchen Whitmer on us again?
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
The Trumpsters love their arrogant, aggressive, authoritarian, white, nationalist strongman.

Shades of history.
Funny...all the dictatorship agendas are from Progs for some reason.
For you TEX
He promised to make America great again. How'd he do?


I don’t blame him for the pandemic, I don’t blame him for the recession or unemployment, when governors shut down everything, the economy will tank. The one thing I can’t figure out is why car sales went up during the months of May, June and July and also even today, the housing market is very hot. The unemployment has dropped, I’m trying to figure out why the economy hasn’t totally tanked.
Interest rates ..... and you don't blame him for being 10,20,000 deaths late on virus recovery ?

No, it’s a pandemic, I didn’t blame anyone for the last few viruses, it’s what happens. I’m wondering how widespread it was before China let the world know.

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