Never forget. It didn't used to be like this.

Nothing was getting better as far as the division in our country prior to Obama.

Since 1992 both parties have done everything in their power to divide the nation along every line they could find, a divided populous is far easier to control.
You're useless, bud.
Truth hurts don't it pussy?

Because it was Obama who brought you Trump......

You morons didn't give a fuck about Trump until he told you the black guy wasn't born here.....

Obama didn't do anything but bring you reactionary racist right-wing cucks out of your sewers...and we are going to have fun flushing you back down it
Truth hurts don't it pussy?

Because it was Obama who brought you Trump......

You morons didn't give a fuck about Trump until he told you the black guy wasn't born here.....

Obama didn't do anything but bring you reactionary racist right-wing cucks out of your sewers...and we are going to have fun flushing you back down it
Liberal fuck.
Liberal fuck.
So what did those private investigators Trump hired find out?

Or do you just simply not care about being lied to if it's about that scary black man that you hate? Thanks for proving my point, pussy...
Trolling is your response.
Why did right-wingers only start treating Trump as a viable political figure the moment he hopped on the racist birther movement?

Trump ran for president prior to that, and not a single right-winger gave a why did it take telling you all the black guy wasn't born here to make yall start worshipping??
Obama divided us just like everyone else. He certainly wasnt special, in that regard.
Did Obama gain support by claiming some white person wasn't born here? and then lying about it for years and years?

Obama simply identifying as black (and not the good black that lets white folks pat him on the head) was bad enough for morons like you to claim he "divided the country" -- fuck outta here
People were always open and acceptable to having blacks entertain them for the most part so what is the point here?

The movie "The Green Book" is a good example of this.

Donald Shirley was welcome to come play piano, he just had to come in through the back door and not have dinner with those he entertained.

Billie Holiday
There has been an open and well designed attempt by our elected officials to divide us as a nation along every fault line that can be manipulated, and then people freak out when we are divided even though they are active participants in it happening .

Black pols and a lot of hood rats are all for divisions, and so are left wing deviants; commies rely on it in fact. The right wing versions are too small to matter and are irrelevant.
Nothing was getting better as far as the division in our country prior to Obama.

I disagree. Black women as a demographic have been making great strides, as have those black families that still adhere to Christian family values and the WASP work ethic. Black women are the main demographic founding new churches, doing most of th e'urban pioneering' in shitholes like Detroit, starting up neighborhood schools and clinics, etc. Black business women are some the best managers in private industry, and that includes the tech industries, not just chicken shacks and rib joints.

I could care less about the hood rats and the Al Sharpton hacks; ALL of their problems are self-inflicted and merely thuggery and extortion rackets. The latter make up a huge majority, but that is due to their own racism and violence, so screw them, they need to be deported or put in wildlife preserves somewhere where they can be themselves unhindered by Whitey.

Obama made it a lot worse by far.
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