Never Forget Who Attacked us on 9/11


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
It was people from the middle east, right? But liberals think those people love America and should be welcomed into our country. Trump was right to ban their entry into America.

---Iran is one of the top state sponsors of terrorism and has been for several years.---

It was people from the middle east, right? But liberals think those people love America and should be welcomed into our country. Trump was right to ban their entry into America.

---Iran is one of the top state sponsors of terrorism and has been for several years.---

It's time to celebrate 911 by giving Iran $6,000,000,000.00
Let's tell it as it is.

People say that 9/11 horrified them.

But some of those people will quickly forget 9/11 if they can make some MONEY from those directly or indirectly responsible for 9/11.

Human beings are the pits!
The left still thinks that they can convince these devils to be friendly by showing them we are accepting. They don't get it and never will.
It's been 22 years. Young people don't even remember it, if they were born at all. Time to move on.
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