Never trust anti gunners....they lie because they have an irrational fear of guns....

No...that is what the violent thugs said he they attacked his car and broke his windows.....of would believe the people who burned and looted homes and businesses in Ferguson......
Actually, you're full of crap, but we already all knew that. Every year there are between 1.6 million and 2.5 million instances where a civilian uses a firearm to prevent a crime. You are a intellectually dishonest progressive.

Well, no, there aren't. The high figure comes from something called the Kleck study, which was statistically biased and totally questionable.

If there was that many incidents, you'd have thousands of justifiable homicides, not just a few hundred.
No...that is what the violent thugs said he they attacked his car and broke his windows.....of would believe the people who burned and looted homes and businesses in Ferguson......

Well, yeah, except the police arrested him. So there's that.

I guess we should be happy he didn't shoot anyone. He just tried to run them down with his car.
Of went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat you failed to comprehend most of what you read....especially this part.....

Protesters blocked an intersection in the popular central west end area of St. Louis, surrounding a minivan containing a single white male, and jumped on the hood. The driver took evasive action, spilling the hood-jumper into the street. He drew a firearm while apparently calling police . . .

Hmmmm...violent thugs surround your car....they start breaking your attempt to escape, and draw a you aren't dragged out of your car like Reginald Denny during the Rodney king riots, or the white guy who was beaten to death with hammers the week before....

And again.....he didn't shoot anyone......
Actually, you're full of crap, but we already all knew that. Every year there are between 1.6 million and 2.5 million instances where a civilian uses a firearm to prevent a crime. You are a intellectually dishonest progressive.

Well, no, there aren't. The high figure comes from something called the Kleck study, which was statistically biased and totally questionable.

If there was that many incidents, you'd have thousands of justifiable homicides, not just a few hundred.

I used the low to the high. The lower number is from US DOJ reports so you are simply full of shit. The goal for people is not to kill people it is to stop an attack or other crime. The vast majority of people out there have no interest in shooting someone. The paperwork is a bitch and in most States the subsequent lawsuits keep the minority from shooting as well. That means that only when it is truly necessary does it happen.

So, once again, you are simply an unethical POS lying through your teeth.
Anti Gun nuts can't trust themselves with a gun so they don't want anyone to have a gun.
Go figure
Actually, you're full of crap, but we already all knew that. Every year there are between 1.6 million and 2.5 million instances where a civilian uses a firearm to prevent a crime. You are a intellectually dishonest progressive.

Well, no, there aren't. The high figure comes from something called the Kleck study, which was statistically biased and totally questionable.

If there was that many incidents, you'd have thousands of justifiable homicides, not just a few hundred.

Actually, the Kleck study is only one of 19 least 2 other studies....put the number at 3 million....times a year....Kleck puts the number at 2.5 million....the study that obama commissioned thru his CDC, which spent 10 million dollars to do it in 2013 found the number between 500,000 and 3 milllion.....obama and the cdc are hardly pro gun people....even the clinton Justice Dept. in 1995, in an obvious attempt to discredit the Kleck study that was done in 1994, found the number to be 1.5 million times a year...and again...clinton is as anti gun as you can get....
Of went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat you failed to comprehend most of what you read....especially this part.....

Until about six years ago, I was more right wing than you are. Then a big corporation totally fucked me over and I realized a working man voting Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Obviously, you just cling to your bible and your gun and think you are free while you cower at the thought of scary Negroes not wanting their children to get shot onthe way home.

Hmmmm...violent thugs surround your car....they start breaking your attempt to escape, and draw a you aren't dragged out of your car like Reginald Denny during the Rodney king riots, or the white guy who was beaten to death with hammers the week before....

And again.....he didn't shoot anyone......

Only because there were cops on hand.

What was this guy doing driving through a protest with a gun. He looked like he was spoiling for a fight.

Again, check out the link to the St. Louis, where the cops arrested him for trying to run down the crowd. They didn't arrest the "thugs", they arrested HIM!
Actually, the Kleck study is only one of 19 least 2 other studies....put the number at 3 million....times a year....Kleck puts the number at 2.5 million....the study that obama commissioned thru his CDC, which spent 10 million dollars to do it in 2013 found the number between 500,000 and 3 milllion.....obama and the cdc are hardly pro gun people....even the clinton Justice Dept. in 1995, in an obvious attempt to discredit the Kleck study that was done in 1994, found the number to be 1.5 million times a year...and again...clinton is as anti gun as you can get....

Actually, those studies are all shit. All the CDC did was compile all the other studies... which again, are shit.

I'm all for having a comprehensive, real study. Every incident of a gun death investigated, let's find out how many were suicides, how many were domestic murders, how many were cops shooting civilians. Let's let it all hang out.
Actually, the Kleck study is only one of 19 least 2 other studies....put the number at 3 million....times a year....Kleck puts the number at 2.5 million....the study that obama commissioned thru his CDC, which spent 10 million dollars to do it in 2013 found the number between 500,000 and 3 milllion.....obama and the cdc are hardly pro gun people....even the clinton Justice Dept. in 1995, in an obvious attempt to discredit the Kleck study that was done in 1994, found the number to be 1.5 million times a year...and again...clinton is as anti gun as you can get....

Actually, those studies are all shit. All the CDC did was compile all the other studies... which again, are shit.

I'm all for having a comprehensive, real study. Every incident of a gun death investigated, let's find out how many were suicides, how many were domestic murders, how many were cops shooting civilians. Let's let it all hang out.

They already did. That's the point nimrod. Even the CDC which is VIRULENTLY anti gun had to admit to a MINIMUM of 500,000 defensive uses a year! BTW, I think I see the reason why you got fired. Anyone who is as baldfaced lying as you, or so clueless as to believe the crap you post here, is not employable. Just sayin...
Oh, yeah, if any study tells me a number is between 500,000 and 3,000,000, I have to truly wonder about the accuracy of that study. That's a 600% difference.

Imagine going into your boss and saying, "Hey, Boss, the budget for that project is going to be either $500,000 or $3,000,000."
They already did. That's the point nimrod. Even the CDC which is VIRULENTLY anti gun had to admit to a MINIMUM of 500,000 defensive uses a year! BTW, I think I see the reason why you got fired. Anyone who is as baldfaced lying as you, or so clueless as to believe the crap you post here, is not employable. Just sayin...

No, the CDC just compiled other people's studies.

There are studies that put the DGU number as low as 65,000, which frankly, strikes me as a much more realistic number.

The Kleck study actually used such a loose critera that "I was scared and a gun made me feel better about my tiny penis" counted as a DGU.
BTW, I think I see the reason why you got fired. Anyone who is as baldfaced lying as you, or so clueless as to believe the crap you post here, is not employable. Just sayin...

If I were a baldfaced liar, i'd be a manager. Those fuckers do nothing BUT lie.
Of went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat you failed to comprehend most of what you read....especially this part.....

Until about six years ago, I was more right wing than you are. Then a big corporation totally fucked me over and I realized a working man voting Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Obviously, you just cling to your bible and your gun and think you are free while you cower at the thought of scary Negroes not wanting their children to get shot onthe way home.

Hmmmm...violent thugs surround your car....they start breaking your attempt to escape, and draw a you aren't dragged out of your car like Reginald Denny during the Rodney king riots, or the white guy who was beaten to death with hammers the week before....

And again.....he didn't shoot anyone......

Only because there were cops on hand.

What was this guy doing driving through a protest with a gun. He looked like he was spoiling for a fight.

Again, check out the link to the St. Louis, where the cops arrested him for trying to run down the crowd. They didn't arrest the "thugs", they arrested HIM!

Of course the cops arrested was reported that he was showing a gun....was he charged or released.....that is the question....things were a little busy for the pollce that night because of the thugs attacking people trying to drive thru town....thr thugs ran when he showed the gun.....he didn't run and calmly waited for police and instead of punching the cops...he allowed himself to be arrested to sort things out at the police station......because he is obviously an adult and not a stupid, violent, teenage thug.....
They already did. That's the point nimrod. Even the CDC which is VIRULENTLY anti gun had to admit to a MINIMUM of 500,000 defensive uses a year! BTW, I think I see the reason why you got fired. Anyone who is as baldfaced lying as you, or so clueless as to believe the crap you post here, is not employable. Just sayin...

No, the CDC just compiled other people's studies.

There are studies that put the DGU number as low as 65,000, which frankly, strikes me as a much more realistic number.

The Kleck study actually used such a loose critera that "I was scared and a gun made me feel better about my tiny penis" counted as a DGU.

The study you refer to is the National Crime Victimization Study....the reason their number is so low....and so out of the ball park of the other 18 studies, is that they only count a defensive gun use if the attacker is killed....that is why their number is so wrong....they don't include the times when the criminal is driven off, wounded or captured.....
Of course the cops arrested was reported that he was showing a gun....was he charged or released.....that is the question....things were a little busy for the pollce that night because of the thugs attacking people trying to drive thru town....thr thugs ran when he showed the gun.....he didn't run and calmly waited for police and instead of punching the cops...he allowed himself to be arrested to sort things out at the police station......because he is obviously an adult and not a stupid, violent, teenage thug.....

Actually, it sounds to me like the protesters waited for the cops to arrest someone who tried to run them down when they were peacefully protesting, and the cops busted him.

Good thing, too. I'm sure if he shot that woman he ran over, you'd be flipping out trying to claim she was a bad person.
Of course the cops arrested was reported that he was showing a gun....was he charged or released.....that is the question....things were a little busy for the pollce that night because of the thugs attacking people trying to drive thru town....thr thugs ran when he showed the gun.....he didn't run and calmly waited for police and instead of punching the cops...he allowed himself to be arrested to sort things out at the police station......because he is obviously an adult and not a stupid, violent, teenage thug.....

Actually, it sounds to me like the protesters waited for the cops to arrest someone who tried to run them down when they were peacefully protesting, and the cops busted him.

Good thing, too. I'm sure if he shot that woman he ran over, you'd be flipping out trying to claim she was a bad person.

th thugs ran....he stayed and waited for the report the fact that his window was broken by a violent thug mob..... they say...this is the part the newspaper left out....

"Defending driver on the phone with defensive firearm ready. St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter David Carson was on the scene and took these photos and posted them on Twitter. According to the article, the protestors had broken the rear window of the van. Notice the cell phone, finger off the trigger, pistol pointed in a safe direction. He appears to know what he is doing.

Driver peacefully surrendering to police.

Something like this was bound to happen. Only days earlier, people in South St. Louis had banged on a car, and attacked the driver of the car with hammers, killing him. And protestors have been allowed to block traffic without threat of arrest in various parts of the city, increasing the likelihood of confrontations with motorists."
The study you refer to is the National Crime Victimization Study....the reason their number is so low....and so out of the ball park of the other 18 studies, is that they only count a defensive gun use if the attacker is killed....that is why their number is so wrong....they don't include the times when the criminal is driven off, wounded or captured.....

No, guy, we don't have 65,000 attackers killed a year. We have about 200.

The NCVS also surveys 90,000 households a year, as opposed to the Kleck study which only surveyed a 5000 one time.

Now, if you understand anything about statistics, and you have an ongoing large sample that finds the same result y ear after year, and one time sample that has never been reproduced, and the original author of refuses to defend today, then you probably go with the larger sample.
Notice....the driver lived because he didn't attack the police.....something Brown should have known had his parents raised him better....I hate to be mean about the parents....but the anti cop, anti gunner crowd will not address the truth of the situation.....

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