Never trust anti gunners....they lie because they have an irrational fear of guns....

Also WestWall, unlike Clayton....I don't think just saying...the 2nd amendment means we get to keep our guns is enough....too many regular people...who don't follow politics, or the issues of the Bill of Rights, and in particular the 2nd Amendment and how important it is to freedom, too many regular people here the words...Universal Background Check, Common Sense Gun control, and don't know the intent from the anti gunners to use those things to deny access to gun.....and then they vote...for politicians who say those things and then go on to pass laws limiting access to certain types of weapons and magazines and equipment...

the fight has to be to present why guns are important to each individual....concrete examples....concrete statistics....

and the lies about gun accidents....and suicides and the murder rate and all the things the anti gun nuts lie about to get their agenda forward...they have to be countered....

I hope my research helps other pro 2nd Amendment people carry the fight to their discussions with their friends, to other internet sites....cause we need to fight this on all fronts....

Just saying..."the 2nd Amendment says we can" is going to lose this fight....the anti gunners are nominating anti gun judges....and they will make anti gun decisions...and they get appointed by anti gun politicians, who get elected by regular folks not knowing what is really at stake....

Have a good Christmas WestWall....your posts are great.....
BillC is to gun thread as Guno is to Christian threads.

Annoying as fuck.

We get it already bros.

Ahhhhh....what a nice thing to say just before Christmas.....Merry Christmas to you too........jerk....

Ah see, I didn't call you a jerk, I just said your continually posting about gun statistics is annoying. You personally, what I know I think you're a good guy.

Sorry you can't differentiate the two arguments.

Merry Christmas.
You are right...I apologize for calling you a jerk. I get a little wound up posting this stuff....and I can jump a little to easily at times....have a merry Christmas Smarterthantheaveragebear....I hope you New Year is better than the last....
You are right...I apologize for calling you a jerk. I get a little wound up posting this stuff....and I can jump a little to easily at times....have a merry Christmas Smarterthantheaveragebear....I hope you New Year is better than the last....

Not even a thing. Don't sweat it.
Joe.....they are lying to you....he used a sample of over 4,ooo respondents....and he defended his research...I have posted his defense several times....and again....Kleck's isn't the only research that shows a number that least two other studies....not done by Kleck show the number at 3 million....and other studies 1.5, and 1.6.....

HIs sample was 5000, of which .6% claimed they had used a gun in self defense. He included in that number law enforcement officers and people who had used guns to defend against animal attacks. so he found a whole 30 people who had claimed to have used a gun in self-defense. It was a truly dubious number, which is why Kleck hasn't defended the number since.

They focus on Kleck because he got a lot of coverage....and he was closer to the internet age.....more people quote him because he had to make all his research available to the anti gun they attack him because his research is the best known.,..but it isn't the only research...but it is the most comprehensive and most accurate....

Well, no, the most accurate is the NCVS, which surveyed a lot more people, used stronger criteria, and was ongoing.

Yes, anti-gun people attack him because he came up with the most ridiculous number, and because he had to share his data, we are pretty capable of challenging it. The other studies don't share their data or even how they got there.
Joe.....the news coverage the whole time focused on the looting and don't have to be a genius to connect a mob blocking the street and the potential that they are violent looters and arsonists....especially after they start breaking your car windows.....really Joe?

Oh, so now you only have to SUSPECT them of being possible arsonists and it becomes okay to run them down with your car or threaten them with a gun.

Damn Negroes scary good decent white folks like that by insisting we don't shoot their children.
Well for one....the NCVS callers identified themselves as government agents......tell that to a gun owner who cares about gun rights and then ask him if he has guns in his home.....I'll post Kleck's defense of his methods and research.....

well, yeah, you guys are always a bit paranoid.
Doesn't matter. The point is a group that wants to outright ban firearms found that a MINIMUM of 500,000 defensive uses occurred. That makes your assertion that defensive uses are rare, absurd on its face.

NO, guy, the NCVS found that the number is about 65,000. Compared to 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries, you guys really are doing more harm than good. go and do a report on Kleck's study and come back and we will grade it together....

I already did. He did a small sample and came up with a bullshit number even HE doesn't defend anymore.
Maybe, maybe they just didn't want an unethical person working for them. Based on the crap you post here I would rule in their favor.

Of course you would, because I hurt your little feelings by pointing out you are compensating with gun for your "shortcomings".

Had nothing to do with the fact I worked for this company for six years, got excellent reviews, and then got let go after an injury ran up a bunch of medical bills.

Here's the thing. They paid me a huge "Please Don't Sue Us" severence package when I left. That was after they essentially paid me to do nothing for three months hoping I'd quit on my own.
Just saying..."the 2nd Amendment says we can" is going to lose this fight....the anti gunners are nominating anti gun judges....and they will make anti gun decisions...and they get appointed by anti gun politicians, who get elected by regular folks not knowing what is really at stake....

Well, you are right. The Second AMendment is about militias WELL REGULATED MILITIAS.

here's my thing. Because something seemed like a good idea to a bunch of assholes in the 18th century doesn't make it a good idea now.

We don't own slaves and no one treats strep throat anymore by bleeding people.

Today we don't need "Well-Regulated Militias" of private gun owners. We have professional armies and police forces.
More bitchslapping of Kleck.

Debunking NRA Talking Points on Self-Defense - Bergen County Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence

The number has been questioned—ridiculed, really—by a number of other researchers, including David Hemenway, a professor of health policy at Harvard University and director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. In 1997, Hemenway, along with Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, published a response to the 1995 study, calling 2.5 million a “mythical number.” In the Kleck study, based on a telephone survey of 5,000 people, the authors asked whether respondents had ever used a gun, even if it wasn’t fired, to protect themselves, someone else, or their property. If they answered yes, they were asked 30 more questions about the incident.

But there are multiple problems with the data, according to Hemenway and company. One is the likelihood that the respondent is not telling the truth, and that the gun wasn’t used in self-defense, but rather to commit a crime. If you’re involved in a drug deal gone bad, and you shoot someone, you might be more likely than a jury to chalk that up to self-defense—but giving researchers a false positive.

Another problem is something inherent in most survey research, a phenomenon called telescoping. If you ask someone about incidents in the last year, the stories they tell may have happened more than a year ago. The human memory doesn’t always line up neatly with the 12-month calendar.

And, Hemenway and his co-authors argue, in any survey a small percentage of answers are just going to be wacky. The person answering the phone may be drunk or senile or just lying. Do a phone survey asking about alien abductions, and you will get nearly a 1-percent positive response, which doesn’t confirm the existence of extraterrestrials. (Or does it?!?)
Spambot, have you ever wondered why even people who agree with you ignore you?
Hey Joe.......just taking a gander at your epic post count. At that pace, by the time your hero Obama leaves office, you'll be damn close to 100K posts!!!:ack-1:

And you make fun of me for trying to get attention!!!!:2up:
spambot is sad no one reads his stuff.

GUy, I have you on ignore, I don't even see your posts.
spambot is sad no one reads his stuff.

GUy, I have you on ignore, I don't even see your posts.

typical progressive gheyness s0n..........I see it all the time. When they get pwned, they fold like a cheap wallet, thus, the "limpwrister" moniker.

Being put on IGNORE means Im wInNiNg:boobies:

Look at those links in post #95 rebuttal because any attempt would look stoopid..

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