Never trust anti gunners....they lie because they have an irrational fear of guns....

Oh, there is the other part of the equation...the criminal....since most criminals don't like regular hours, or hard work...but like to rape, rob and kill innocent people....when they are confronted by someone armed with a gun who is going to actually shoot them if they press an attack....they don't....they run....because 1) they don't want to be shot and 2) they don't want to go and sit in a jail sell for 5 there is that as well...

Of all the posters here are the only one who speaks about violent fantasies of killing minorities....and try to tell us that is what we an internet friend.....I suggest you get some real help......

Were you actually paying attention to the Trayvon Martin and Mike

Brown threads, where your fellow gun nuts were cheering that they were happy that the "thugs" got what "was coming to them"? DId you miss all those, because I think I recall you being one of the guys doing the cheering.

As to Darren Wilson....he was doing his job and Brown was a really, really stupid, violent teenager....raised in a broken home and trained to hate cops....and taught that it was okay to intimidate other you can see as he casually robbed that store....

Yup, you see, exacctly my point, you get aroused at the thought of killing someone over a petty crime. So you would really have me believe that there are 1.6 million instances where that could happen, and amazingly, it only happens 200 times? Seriously? Meh, not really.

Here's the reality. Usually when a crime happens, it's done and over before anyone can react.

George Zimmerman....was doing nothing wrong, did not shoot anyone....until Trayvon Martin....another stupid, violent teenager raised in a broken home and taught to hate cops and attacked him and was trying to crack his head open with that sidewalk.....

HOw do you know how he was raised? Frankly, the kid was walking home from buying candy and some strange dude starts following him despite several attempts to evade. sounds to me like if someone had a legitimate claim to self-defense, it was Trayvon. But man, it's a good thing Zimmerman had a gun, because being beaten up by a smaller, weaker kid is kind of embarrassing.

I know how Martin was raised because I followed the story and the trial...he was living with his dad....divorced from the mother, because he was getting into too much trouble, and he was too big for her to handle.....he had been caught with items from other kids lockers in a bad that also contained a screw driver that was likely used to break into the lockers....

The dude was over 6 ft tall and doubled back to ambush zimmerman....did you not follow the trial....did you not here the friend who was on the phone testify.....he was close to being at his dad's girlfreinds townhome....and he went back to confront zimmerman....who had lost him in the dark, and was heading back to his car to meet the police....

Please....go back and watch the trial.....the kid jumped him and was banging his head into the sidewalk....a lethal attack that allowed for a lethal response....
I know how Martin was raised because I followed the story and the trial...he was living with his dad....divorced from the mother, because he was getting into too much trouble, and he was too big for her to handle.....he had been caught with items from other kids lockers in a bad that also contained a screw driver that was likely used to break into the lockers....

Yes. He was a horible kid who had a screwdriver. Totally execute the shit out of that fucker.

YOu see why I kind of doubt why you guys could show restraint when it's you, a gun and a scary negro in a room?
As to Brown....I didn't find his death a happy or good thing...but the reality is he was a stupid, violent shown in the video of his robbing the store...created by policies that you support Joe....and when that stupidity drove him to attack a law enforcment officer, it led to his death.....he drove the events of that day, not the officer.....
Joe....let me try this obviously are resorting to your democrat inspired education with the way you are responding....he was shot not because of a screw driver, but because he violently attacked a complete stranger, and was smashing his head against the sidewalk....the only eye witness reported that he was on top of zimmerman doing an MMA ground and pound on him....and zimmerman said his head was being bashed against the sidewalk....

Now...if you weren't in your current state of...whatever it is you are in....I would suggest that you go outside with a friend and have them violently smash your head against a sidewalk....and see how that works out....but really....can your head take that will just have to watch the trial.....
Joe did you not see the guy in the SUV surrounded by Furgeson thugs, smashing his windows...he pulled his gun...they ran away....but one of them took a picture of the guy...he had his gun out, and his cell phone and was calling police for help....he didn't shoot anyone....and they ran away....

Law abiding gun owners do not share your fantasy of killing really need to get help with that....
As to Brown....I didn't find his death a happy or good thing...but the reality is he was a stupid, violent shown in the video of his robbing the store...created by policies that you support Joe....and when that stupidity drove him to attack a law enforcment officer, it led to his death.....he drove the events of that day, not the officer.....

The policy I support would be that every young man in this country gets a job when he graduates. That's what I support.

If guns and prisons and cops armed like soldiers make us safer, then why do we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world?
Joe did you not see the guy in the SUV surrounded by Furgeson thugs, smashing his windows...he pulled his gun...they ran away....but one of them took a picture of the guy...he had his gun out, and his cell phone and was calling police for help....he didn't shoot anyone....and they ran away....

Law abiding gun owners do not share your fantasy of killing really need to get help with that....

No, guy, I didn't see that, so I doubt it happened or you are misrepresenting it.
Joe....let me try this obviously are resorting to your democrat inspired education with the way you are responding....he was shot not because of a screw driver, but because he violently attacked a complete stranger, and was smashing his head against the sidewalk....the only eye witness reported that he was on top of zimmerman doing an MMA ground and pound on him....and zimmerman said his head was being bashed against the sidewalk....

Yeah. Well, you know, Zimmerman maybe shouldn't have chased a smaller, weaker kid two blocks and cornered him to the point where he maybe felt his life was in danger. I'd love to ask Trayvon what he was thinking. Unfortunately, Zimmerman murdered him so I can't.

Again, racism is black people not having what white people expect. If Trayvon were white, Zimmerman's ass would be in prison.
I'll try to find the photo....I also posted a couple of other photos of gun owners calmly holding criminals for the didn't see those photos did happens all the time...1.6 million minus some injuries to the perps when the are shot and live, and about 200 deaths when the violent monsters get killed during the rape, robbery or murder attempt....
Joe....let me try this obviously are resorting to your democrat inspired education with the way you are responding....he was shot not because of a screw driver, but because he violently attacked a complete stranger, and was smashing his head against the sidewalk....the only eye witness reported that he was on top of zimmerman doing an MMA ground and pound on him....and zimmerman said his head was being bashed against the sidewalk....

Yeah. Well, you know, Zimmerman maybe shouldn't have chased a smaller, weaker kid two blocks and cornered him to the point where he maybe felt his life was in danger. I'd love to ask Trayvon what he was thinking. Unfortunately, Zimmerman murdered him so I can't.

Again, racism is black people not having what white people expect. If Trayvon were white, Zimmerman's ass would be in prison.

Sorry Joe....there is more black on white crime than white on black crime and zimerman was following, not chasing....and martin doubled back to ambush can't change the reality Joe....
I'll try to find the photo....I also posted a couple of other photos of gun owners calmly holding criminals for the didn't see those photos did happens all the time...1.6 million minus some injuries to the perps when the are shot and live, and about 200 deaths when the violent monsters get killed during the rape, robbery or murder attempt....

Actually, it happens rarely.

Certainly not enough to excuse the 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries guns cause every year.

Every other counry has figured this out. Civilians don't need guns.
Sorry Joe....there is more black on white crime than white on black crime and zimerman was following, not chasing....and martin doubled back to ambush can't change the reality Joe....

Yes, he was following him while running. I think that's chasing.

And Zimmerman was a swell guy. Just ask his cousin he molested.

Woman Says George Zimmerman Molested Her For More Than A Decade

"It started when I was six,” the woman told investigators during an interview on the morning of March 20. “We’d all lay in front of the TV and we had pillows and blankets and he would reach under the blankets and try to do things and I would try to push him off but he was bigger and stronger and older,” the woman said, audibly weeping in the Florida State Attorney's Office interview recording released Monday. “It was in front of everybody and I don’t know how I didn’t say anything"
I'll try to find the photo....I also posted a couple of other photos of gun owners calmly holding criminals for the didn't see those photos did happens all the time...1.6 million minus some injuries to the perps when the are shot and live, and about 200 deaths when the violent monsters get killed during the rape, robbery or murder attempt....

Actually, it happens rarely.

Certainly not enough to excuse the 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries guns cause every year.

Every other counry has figured this out. Civilians don't need guns.

Actually, you're full of crap, but we already all knew that. Every year there are between 1.6 million and 2.5 million instances where a civilian uses a firearm to prevent a crime. You are a intellectually dishonest progressive.
Here is the photo of the guy in the car...not shooting violent thugs smashing his windows....

Okay Joe....change the issue....if zimmerman did what he was accused of doing he needs to be punished for it....not elected President like bill clinton...who is a violent rapist....and you probably voted for him....and he was a sexual predator here and in Britain.....
Thanks Westwall....I can never get the hang of that most of the time....
Now does that guy in the car with the gun get credit for each violent thug he didn't shoot...or does he just get credit for the incident as a whole.... is the story...the guys car is surrounded, they are breaking his windows, and he draws his gun....and doesn't shoot anyone....he calls 911.....

St. Louis Driver Bumps Protestors Pulls Gun When Car is Attacked - The Truth About Guns

Wow, it actually reads a bit different than the way you characterized it when you go to the orginal source story.

Motorist hits crowd members, pulls gun at Central West End protest

A man was arrested during protests Wednesday evening in the Central West End after he drove through the crowd and later waved a gun at protesters. The incident happened during a day of demonstrations that brought protesters to several sites in and around St. Louis,” reports Protesters blocked an intersection in the popular central west end area of St. Louis, surrounding a minivan containing a single white male, and jumped on the hood. The driver took evasive action, spilling the hood-jumper into the street. He drew a firearm while apparently calling police . . .

One of the protesters claimed that the man struck one of the people who were blocking the street, and also called the police. There were no reports of an ambulance called to the area

Wow, sounds to me if he got arrested for threatening protesters and trying to run them down, he was kind of in the wrong...

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