Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

Just a colorful and intriguing story
It never happened
It’s just fable
Zero archeological evidence

1. Archaeological evidence has found that those that built the Pyramids were actually paid workers, not slaves.
2. As the Egyptian Scribes kept very good records of their Pharaohs as well as the Hieroglyphics telling their stories and there is no record of any of the Pharaohs dying in a flood chasing escaping Hebrews, the story of a Pharaoh at the head of his army, chasing escaping fleeing Hebrews in his chariot, or in any other conveyance for that matter, is no doubt false.
That being said, in antiquity, the Hebrews were obviously, like other tribes, nomadic and in the course of their wandering, they settled in the area of what is now Israel, founding the city of Jerusalem. They established a monarchy and in the process, fought other tribes for dominance. Some of their descendants reside there still.
Not that it's a topic of the OP, but today, they are called occupiers, which is interesting since many of those still residing there could be directly connected to their distant founding ancestors and as there has never been any significant number of conversions into Judaism, it would be a safe bet that any DNA research done on those that returned to their ancestral homeland, could be confirmed as ancestral descendants of those founding ancestors. The only real reason they are called "occupiers" is because of the Quran's stance regarding territory that the Muslims conquer from infidels. Infidels that manage to gain back lands which the Muslims took in war, are to be considered "occupiers."
The Torah, which is the first five books in the Christians forty six book Old Testament, may be a load of B.S. (as are the the other books in the Old Testament), but their fight to retain the land they originally settled goes on.
Archeological evidence is NOT the Standard for history. Archeological evidence is useful for validating events but is NOT required to believe they happened or not.

Before you say you don't care and you don't believe it, let Me be the first to say, "I don't care that you don't care."

My life and beliefs are NOT standardized by people like you.
There was large scale Jewish conversion only once in time . That was in the early Roman republic
Doesn't matter if the story was literally true or not, even as an allegorical commentary it works just fine. It also points out that many more people besides Jews followed Moses out of 'Egypt', or what Egypt symbolized in those days, and they were also present at Sinai when he came down with the Tablets. The Pentateuch and the original Torah of Moses was not a 'master race' cult, it was a confederation of many peoples; it didn't become a Jewish 'Master Race' hoax until Ezra and the Babylonians invented the beginnings of that cult and the Temple scam. Later on the Pharisees took the master race hoax to another level, creating 'Rabbinical Judaism' after the failure of the Bar Kohkba Revolt in the 2nd Century A.D. Christianity is actually 100 years older than rabbinical Judaism.
There was large scale Jewish conversion only once in time . That was in the early Roman republic

Many of those alleged 'genocides' in the OT were actually just tribes being absorbed into Jewish tribes, not literally mass murdered.
Our Y chromosomes are middle eastern but the mitochondria dna is European
I can’t remember, I have Alzheimer’s

I just read that a powerful Jewish gang controlled the entire city of Minneapolis for 4 decades
Kid Cann ??
From 20s to the 60s.. they ran the city
I have been one of the bigger supporters of Israel here ; yet , I have received several personal emails calling me names

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