Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt


I just read that a powerful Jewish gang controlled the entire city of Minneapolis for 4 decades
Kid Cann ??
From 20s to the 60s.. they ran the city

Jews controlled Canadian bootlegging. The Bronfmans owned Seagrams and other distillieries, and sent salesmen to the U.S. all through the Prohibition era.

I assumed you’re an Irish guy ??

Both my grandparents on my father's side were German Jewish, just not religious Jews; grandma was actually a Baptist, grandpa was an atheist. grandparents on my mother's side were Brit grandpa and grandma was Cherokee. Some irish, some French Hugenot, some Dutch, some German, typical American mutt mix.
It is not yet clear who the Jews are. This concept is manipulated as they want, under this there may be followers of the Jewish religion, or the ethnic community that is heterogeneous in origin. Perhaps the Jews came from the mixing of the Scythians Ishkuz with the Assyrians.
The Slavic and Germanic names of the Jews correlate with Iberia, just as the Hebrew language itself actually sounds like Iberian, and Iberia is the region of the Caucasus, just where Ishkuza was, and Spain. All this suggests that the name is mixed with the pre-Indo-European substratum of Europe, and not with the Jews. Judaism itself was most widespread by the Franks in the form of the Christian Old Testament, not Judaism itself. The old form of Judaism was closer to the cults of "pagan" temples and Indian Brahmins. Much there is inherited from Zoroastism, for example, ritual purity.
In general, there is no canonical definition of a Jew, a Jew is the one whose mother is considered Jewish, and that's all.
by the way, these episodes of the Exodus are also in the Indian epic Mahabharata
It has now become mainstream to associate Egyptian Jews with the Hyksos. But on the images of the Hyksos, war chariots and bows dominate, which was characteristic of the Aryan military affairs, and there is no reliable information about the fact that the Jews adopted this, there is not even information that they had mass horse breeding.
It is not yet clear who the Jews are. This concept is manipulated as they want, under this there may be followers of the Jewish religion, or the ethnic community that is heterogeneous in origin. Perhaps the Jews came from the mixing of the Scythians Ishkuz with the Assyrians.
The Slavic and Germanic names of the Jews correlate with Iberia, just as the Hebrew language itself actually sounds like Iberian, and Iberia is the region of the Caucasus, just where Ishkuza was, and Spain. All this suggests that the name is mixed with the pre-Indo-European substratum of Europe, and not with the Jews. Judaism itself was most widespread by the Franks in the form of the Christian Old Testament, not Judaism itself. The old form of Judaism was closer to the cults of "pagan" temples and Indian Brahmins. Much there is inherited from Zoroastism, for example, ritual purity.
In general, there is no canonical definition of a Jew, a Jew is the one whose mother is considered Jewish, and that's all.

Linguistic archaeology bears a lot of that pre-history out.

Ezra started the matriarchal line bullshit, among the Babylonians returning from exile, circa 500 B.C.-ish or thereabouts. Jews didn't 'have' temples' until Solomon; the Temple scam was also a Babylonian invention, and nothing to do with the Hebrew religion of Moses and the written Torah.
What can be said for sure is that Biblical mythology is almost entirely borrowed from the earlier Sumerian-Akkadian mythology and the Indian epic. These parallels are obvious there.
Christian scriptures are more complex, they combine in themselves both the ancient German beliefs about the sacrificial role of Odin, and the Eastern concept of the heavenly father, ritualism is closest to the cult of Dionysus, there is the idea of a sacrifice of God, at the same time the Eucharist reproduces the ritual of the temple, there is an identical interior, and the semantics are similar, except for the symbolism of the sacrifice.
The resurrection of Christ goes back to the cult of Ishtar, and the plot with the cross reproduces the execution of Artaxerxes Bessus by the Macedonians, this is probably the influence of the Huns, who, after Attila, controlled Europe.
In short, this is a very strong syncretism of very heterogeneous, but predominantly Near Eastern and pre-Indo-European cultures.
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At the same time, as far as I know, there are no Bible manuscripts before about 9-10 centuries, and even then this is only a small part. This suggests that the Scripture was compiled from various sources by the Franks during the expansion and creation of the Frankish state. It has a common root with the Islamic Scriptures too, it is Abrahamic literature with similar plots and rules.
The older, Roman Christianity apparently has nothing to do with this, there is not even the symbolism of the crucifixion. Partly there are the Mithraic cults of Rome, which apparently came there from the Parthians in the 4th century after the defeat of Rome
Linguistic archaeology bears a lot of that pre-history out.

Ezra started the matriarchal line bullshit, among the Babylonians returning from exile, circa 500 B.C.-ish or thereabouts. Jews didn't 'have' temples' until Solomon; the Temple scam was also a Babylonian invention, and nothing to do with the Hebrew religion of Moses and the written Torah.
In general, the Abrahamic writings are saturated with hatred of Babylon, probably this comes from the Assyrians, who were defeated by the Medes and Babylonians. After that, they apparently migrated to Arabia, and this was precisely the basis of the Proto-Semites. It is even possible that "Egypt" and "Eden" meant Assirya.
In Assyria, there was the Garden of Semiramis, one of the wonders of the world, Semiramis herself was converted into the "Babylonian harlot"
Until 1917, in the region of modern Belarus and western Ukraine and the east of Poland, the region of Mozovia and Warsaw, there was a line of Jewish settlement, from where Jews were not allowed to move to the East and possibly to Austro-Hungary. In fact, these Jews then constituted half of all world Jewry.
It was rather a nation close to the Prussians and Lithuania than to the Spanish Sephardic Jews.
All of this does not fit well with the biblical version of the story. It is believed that the Poles brought them there from all over Europe, but this does not fit well with the "traditional" Polish anti-Semitism.
In my opinion, the Ashkenazim come from the Ishkuz, who were originally steppe inhabitants, the western neighbors of the Medes, but then joined Assyria. This may follow from the ancient German myth of the war between the Ases and the Vanir.
From them came the Goths who controlled the Black Sea region but were later driven back by the Sarmatians and Avars to the Baltic region, to the territory of modern Belarus. They have a lot in common with the Semitic culture, for example, there were women warriors and queens(eg Tamara of massagets), these are signs of matriarchy. The Goths were ruled not by kings, but by judges. The Gothic historian Jordan has a de facto Jewish name. The Baltic and Scandinavian tribes associated with the people of Rus and the Varangians were actively involved in the trade, in this region women actively participated in politics and there were many queens. And so on.

Perhaps the division of the Goths into Visigoths and Ostrogoths exactly corresponds to the division into Sephardim and Ashkenazi.
No but they would have prior tablet records
The Egyptians were notorious for not recording anything that made them look bad

Case in point was a Pharaoh that the Egyptians decided to "cancel". They hated him because he tried to do away with all of their god worship which meant destroying a great deal of political power within their little political system. So they killed him and tried to erase every historical evidence that he ever existed.

But the only reason we know about it is that one got passed the goalie.
Do you really think that arrogant Egyptian Pharaohs would chronicle a humiliating defeat?
2000 years from now in the Idiocracy:
" Duuuuude. Fucking Afgnaland and Iraq never even like, like existed man. Vietnam was one of these like, fucking antique console games an shit. It's all like bullshit man
The most compelling evidence I have seen came from this documentary called "Patterns of Evidence"

Essentially, the evidence points to the Hebrew Exodus occurring much earlier than what was assumed, thus it is discounted

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