Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

No matter how there was, the so-called early Christianity, whether it be belief in the transmigration of souls, neoplatonism, gnosticism, mitraism, catacombs, this is all a pull for the ears to give authority due to "ancient roots" and covering up the traces of terrible crimes.
The Christianity that we know was invented by the Franks around the 10th century AD, and the manuscripts of the canonized scriptures and the symbolism of the crucifixion, just refer to this time
Here, apparently, it was still necessary to break the connection between the offensive of the Franks and Goths from the west with the offensive of the Arab Caliphate from the east, this refers to one period of time, and this is an very important period in history
The orthodox Christianization of Europe by franks and the Islamization of Asia by arabs proceeded in parallel, approximately covering the 6-9 centuries. This is one process
It is rooted in chthonic cults. Before the arrival of the Aryans, snakes were worshiped in Europe and the Mediterranean. The Greek gods before Olympus are serpentine gods, Titan is a variant of the modern "python".

There were snake cults in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Syria, Arabia and the Indus Valley.
Just a colorful and intriguing story
It never happened
It’s just fable
Zero archeological evidence

I'd like you to reverse engineer Jewish history.
Starting from 2021 and going back in time, tell me when the history is a lie.
For instance...
is Jewish History of the 16th century a lie?
is Jewish History of the 12th century a lie?
is Jewish History of the 1st century a lie?

I'm really interested in your input.
I'd like you to reverse engineer Jewish history.
Starting from 2021 and going back in time, tell me when the history is a lie.
For instance...
is Jewish History of the 16th century a lie?
is Jewish History of the 12th century a lie?
is Jewish History of the 1st century a lie?

I'm really interested in your input.
want the islamic POV? Jews write lots----ALL FRAUDULENT. Even the
dead sea scrolls is fraudulent and constantly CHANGING to adapt to the
zionist screed of the day
what would FREUD SAY? -------well he did address the issue in his famous book
"ON DREAMS" (another book you forgot to read)

Snake Cults Dominated Early Arabia --
Pre-Islamic Middle Eastern regions were home to mysterious snake cults, according to two papers published in this month's Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy journal.

From at least 1250 B.C. until around 550 A.D., residents of what is now the Persian Gulf worshipped snakes in elaborate temple complexes that appear to have been built for this purpose, the studies reveal.
Abdul (adolf) engages in sophistry YHVH is not PRONOUNCED yaaawaaay

Archaeologists have uncovered serpent cult objects in Bronze Age strata at several pre-Israelite cities in Canaan: two at Megiddo, one at Gezer, one in the sanctum sanctorum of the Area H temple at Hazor, and two at Shechem. In the surrounding region, a late Bronze Age Hittite shrine in northern Syria contained a bronze statue of a god holding a serpent in one hand and a staff in the other.

In sixth-century Babylon, a pair of bronze serpents flanked each of the four doorways of the temple of Esagila.

At the Babylonian New Year festival, the priest was to commission from a woodworker, a metalworker and a goldsmith two images one of which "shall hold in its left hand a snake of cedar, raising its right [hand] to the god Nabu".

At the tell of Tepe Gawra, at least seventeen Early Bronze Age Assyrian bronze serpents were recovered. The Sumerian fertility god Ningizzida was sometimes depicted as a serpent with a human head, eventually becoming a god of healing and magic.

Serpents in the Bible - Wikipedia
Archaeologists have uncovered serpent cult objects in Bronze Age strata at several pre-Israelite cities in Canaan: two at Megiddo, one at Gezer, one in the sanctum sanctorum of the Area H temple at Hazor, and two at Shechem. In the surrounding region, a late Bronze Age Hittite shrine in northern Syria contained a bronze statue of a god holding a serpent in one hand and a staff in the other.

In sixth-century Babylon, a pair of bronze serpents flanked each of the four doorways of the temple of Esagila.

At the Babylonian New Year festival, the priest was to commission from a woodworker, a metalworker and a goldsmith two images one of which "shall hold in its left hand a snake of cedar, raising its right [hand] to the god Nabu".

At the tell of Tepe Gawra, at least seventeen Early Bronze Age Assyrian bronze serpents were recovered. The Sumerian fertility god Ningizzida was sometimes depicted as a serpent with a human head, eventually becoming a god of healing and magic.

Serpents in the Bible - Wikipedia
snakes are very symbolic in the MINDS OF HUMANS. They show up in that which is
the resolution of COGNITION-------in dreams---------ie, it's in the human head----via
the limbic system
I was there for one of the GIANT EXODUS of JEWS episodes----from brooklyn.
Alas---no archaeological evidence
Its sad that so many people on America snd all over the world hate the Jews
Its sad that so many people on America snd all over the world hate the Jews
nope-----hindus do not hate jews-----nor do Zoroastrians or Taoists
or Buddhists. The NT and the KORAN are the prime movers of antisemitism

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