Neville Pence Announces Full Appeasement To Turkey


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
During a live press conference in Turkey on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence announced a "deal" with Turkish President Recep Erdogan to give Turkey ... everything it wanted.
With great pride and voluminous sucking-up, Pence announced a 120-hour "cease-fire" agreement with Turkey, during which time the United States will "assist" Turkey’s Kurdish targets in fleeing the region Turkey is attacking.

Pence announces full U.S. capitulation to Turkey; Kurdish forces are given 120 hours to flee area

The word you're looking for is appeasement. I shall now refer to him as Neville.
As the moonbats keep neoconning it up!

And another tree-fiddy for the OP, from his corporate paymasters at Daily Kooks.

During a live press conference in Turkey on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence announced a "deal" with Turkish President Recep Erdogan to give Turkey ... everything it wanted.
With great pride and voluminous sucking-up, Pence announced a 120-hour "cease-fire" agreement with Turkey, during which time the United States will "assist" Turkey’s Kurdish targets in fleeing the region Turkey is attacking.

Pence announces full U.S. capitulation to Turkey; Kurdish forces are given 120 hours to flee area

The word you're looking for is appeasement. I shall now refer to him as Neville.
How will Trump ever win now that he’s not going to start a war with Turkey and instead bring our troops home? OH NOEZ!
Neville Chamberlain gave Hitler Czechoslovakia. WTF did Trump give Erdogan? Some sand? Nothing?
Erdogan got hit with sanctions. The Kurds got security, but need to move out of the buffer zone. ISIS had thousands killed by the Turks.
Pence and Pompeo did a fantastic job...if the ceasefire holds....
During a live press conference in Turkey on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence announced a "deal" with Turkish President Recep Erdogan to give Turkey ... everything it wanted.
With great pride and voluminous sucking-up, Pence announced a 120-hour "cease-fire" agreement with Turkey, during which time the United States will "assist" Turkey’s Kurdish targets in fleeing the region Turkey is attacking.

Pence announces full U.S. capitulation to Turkey; Kurdish forces are given 120 hours to flee area

The word you're looking for is appeasement. I shall now refer to him as Neville.

Where did you serve pussy boi?
Bottom line: Trump betrayed the Kurds!

Wrong. Erdogan had enough of the Kurds attacking the Turks along the border and made a buffer zone. The Kurds like the ceasefire deal. No Americans were killed by the Turks' invasion. Trump was right to GTF out of Syria.
He gave Turkey everything they wanted here and got what? Another miserable shit-storm to add to his list of self-inflicted wounds? This stinks to high heaven of blackmail.
Turkey gets to keep and occupy all the territory it seized from the Kurds. So now - Kurds must leave or die.
My, my, my, look how quickly you liberals have become hawks. It's just amazing. You guys fell all over yourselves to make excuses for Obama when he pulled out of Iraq without leaving behind a residual force. Remember his infamous comment that we didn't need to worry so much about ISIS because they were "the JV squad"? Remember that? Yeah, then what happened? ISIS proceeded to take over an area of land about the size of Indiana.
My, my, my, look how quickly you liberals have become hawks. It's just amazing. You guys fell all over yourselves to make excuses for Obama when he pulled out of Iraq without leaving behind a residual force. Remember his infamous comment that we didn't need to worry so much about ISIS because they were "the JV squad"? Remember that? Yeah, then what happened? ISIS proceeded to take over an area of land about the size of Indiana.
5 Stars
Anyone gives two fucks about a dirty Kurd over an American military member simply revels the level of mental slavery they are under.
I would rather see every Kurd on the planet spit roasted over coal fires than see one American GI die preventing it.

AMERICA fucking slaves.
My, my, my, look how quickly you liberals have become hawks. It's just amazing. You guys fell all over yourselves to make excuses for Obama when he pulled out of Iraq without leaving behind a residual force. Remember his infamous comment that we didn't need to worry so much about ISIS because they were "the JV squad"? Remember that? Yeah, then what happened? ISIS proceeded to take over an area of land about the size of Indiana.
Funny how you amnesiacs always forget the binding withdrawal agreement Bush signed with Iraq on his way out the door. If withdrawing from Iraq was a blunder you should point that finger in the right direction. Hindsight is not 20/20 in your case. In the future I am certain you will find some way to blame anyone else but Trump for this one as well.
Democrats want war with Turkey to help the Kurds? Really? You know they are terrorists dont you?
How will Trump ever win now that he’s not going to start a war with Turkey and instead bring our troops home? OH NOEZ!

Hey, moron......did you know that instead of bringing our troops home. the orange fuck-head is sending them to Saudi Arabia????

No, you didn't know that????...................Must be because you're a fucking moron. ........LMAO

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