New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

Ya kinda know when a guy is full of himself....when he goes before the press with a wife smiling like she and he are there to collect lottery winnings.....every single time I've seen wives stand behind their men with these forced smiles....its just a matter of time...before the shit hits the fan and divorce follows.....unless your a clinton
Alabama continues to be the most utterly embarrassing state in the nation. People are issuing threats and smears against his alleged victims while also asking: Why didn't they come forward before?
I always knew these bible belt so called Christians were hacks and every single day they prove it.
Basic Human Vomit: The regressive left thrives on lies.
As he ignores the over 2000 documented lies from the Liar in Chief.

Anyone who sticks with a sexual predator over many women’s stories of sexual assault when they were teenagers has an ugly agenda or just plain hates women.

Beverly Young Nelson:
“He looked at me, and he told me, ‘You’re just a child.’ And he said, ‘I am the district attorney of Etowah County, and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.’”

That’s what predators usually say. That’s why the child victims don’t report the assaults at the time, deplorables.
She's a liar!

Beverly Young Nelson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

But you love liars

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Moore is counting on the Alabama Child Molester voting bloc to carry him into the Senate.

There are millions of them. That's why he won't quit. Most of them hillbillies have a similar history.

I sure hope the patriots outnumber those 3rd world savages who don't believe in innocent until proven guilty, due process, and all the other first world goodies.
This situation highlights our basic choice as a society. We can have A or B, but not both:

A. The Rule of Law
B. The Outrage of the Mob

Throughout all of human history, we've had both, to varying extents.

Public opinion and law are separate, but far from mutually exclusive.

Oh, there certainly are mobs without a society that practices the Rule of Law, but if a person's guilt or innocence is decided by B, there is no A at all.
Another Big Breaking Update!

Her credibility is even more shot

Body Language Expert
Body Language: Roy Moore Accuser

So this is now a 5th woman? 1st four nothing was violent nor forced. Things weren’t working so they found another woman with a more alleged EXTREME CASE.

Steve out of the first four only one accused him of sexual misconduct. Only one. That makes this woman the second.

So only 2 women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct.

The other 3 have only accused him of asking out 16-18 year olds while he was in his 30's.

So everything is cool- right?
Alabama continues to be the most utterly embarrassing state in the nation. People are issuing threats and smears against his alleged victims while also asking: Why didn't they come forward before?
I always knew these bible belt so called Christians were hacks and every single day they prove it.
I'm from Alabama, as bad as you think it is, it's worse.
This situation highlights our basic choice as a society. We can have A or B, but not both:

A. The Rule of Law
B. The Outrage of the Mob

Throughout all of human history, we've had both, to varying extents.

Public opinion and law are separate, but far from mutually exclusive.

Oh, there certainly are mobs without a society that practices the Rule of Law, but if a person's guilt or innocence is decided by B, there is no A at all.

Moore's legal guilt or innocence will be determined by a court, if it comes to that.

The court of public opinion has always existed, though.

By your standards, you seem to be saying that people aren't allowed to disagree with court decisions or form opinions before a trial is concluded.
Most of the Alabama voters are like, "Wut? Wut's wrong wit diddling a kid? Ah dunnit m'self a time or two. Ain't that right sis?"

There's a huge Alabama Child Molester voting bloc which Pedo Roy is counting on.
Gloria Alred is summoned from the Netherworld. :FIREdevil:

The standard Democrat character assassination plan is in full swing.

So do you think Moore didn't date any of these girls...or that he did, but didn't do anything sexual with them...or that he did sexual things with them but it's all OK because it happened 40 years ago?

Of the original 4 there was only one accuser. One woman's mother didn't allow her to date him. Two others dated him and said nothing went beyond kissing and hugging.

So this attack on Moore over "multiple" accusers is most interesting. I guess the pile on is the effect the WP wanted.
I hadn't heard those details, thanks for providing.
Errr..let's not forget that these other accusers were teenagers..and Moore was in his 30's...accusations that he has not fact, he stated that he was always careful to get the Mom's permission first..before taking his teenage dates, if your standard is illegality---two accusers..if your standard is ethically and morally correct..Moore has already confessed he's dated teenagers..when he was in his 30's. If you are good with

I'm not..dude is creepy..and unfit to represent me..if I were an Alabama voter.

Late teens. Hell's bells in the 70's girls were getting married right out of high school.
So called second victim. Three women in the WP article never accused Moore of jack shit. I'm not buying in. Innocent until proven guilty.

First accuser was 14. Get the police investigating her charges. NOW. And charge him if they find her credible.

And I'm really not getting the 5th victim shit. There are only two accusers.

Charge him with what? The statute of limitations has run out. He can’t be charged with anything which you well know. Since he can’t be charged, you’ll say he’s innocent and this is a hoax.

You don’t want to believe this douche is guilty so in your tiny mind he isn’t. Why don’t you ask him to look after your middle school daughter. Keep her on the right track.

Actually they do not care if he if guilty, all that matters is the (R) in front of his name. There could be videos of him doing it and the partisan hacks would still vote for him.
Last edited:
This situation highlights our basic choice as a society. We can have A or B, but not both:

A. The Rule of Law
B. The Outrage of the Mob

Throughout all of human history, we've had both, to varying extents.

Public opinion and law are separate, but far from mutually exclusive.

Oh, there certainly are mobs without a society that practices the Rule of Law, but if a person's guilt or innocence is decided by B, there is no A at all.

Not even sure what you are implying here.

What law applies here?

3 out of the 5 women who have talked about their experiences with Moore do not allege any illegal sexual activity.

2 have alleged improper sexual activity- but the statute of limitations has already long expired so there is no 'law' to apply.

So do we then not look at the evidence ourselves and decide ourselves what seems credible?

Do you presume that Cosby is innocent? That Weinstein is innocent? Do you presume that OJ didn't kill Nichole Simpson?
Alabama continues to be the most utterly embarrassing state in the nation. People are issuing threats and smears against his alleged victims while also asking: Why didn't they come forward before?

Because it's past the deadline for the GOP to put a replacement candidate on the ballot.
Gloria Alred is summoned from the Netherworld. :FIREdevil:

The standard Democrat character assassination plan is in full swing.

So do you think Moore didn't date any of these girls...or that he did, but didn't do anything sexual with them...or that he did sexual things with them but it's all OK because it happened 40 years ago?

Of the original 4 there was only one accuser. One woman's mother didn't allow her to date him. Two others dated him and said nothing went beyond kissing and hugging.

So this attack on Moore over "multiple" accusers is most interesting. I guess the pile on is the effect the WP wanted.
I hadn't heard those details, thanks for providing.
Errr..let's not forget that these other accusers were teenagers..and Moore was in his 30's...accusations that he has not fact, he stated that he was always careful to get the Mom's permission first..before taking his teenage dates, if your standard is illegality---two accusers..if your standard is ethically and morally correct..Moore has already confessed he's dated teenagers..when he was in his 30's. If you are good with

I'm not..dude is creepy..and unfit to represent me..if I were an Alabama voter.

Late teens. Hell's bells in the 70's girls were getting married right out of high school.
To 35 year old men?
You have to hand it to democrats, they managed to keep candidate Bill Clinton's predatory sexual habits secret until it was too late. The MSM even laughed off Hillary using the resources of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to intimidate, threaten and otherwise ruin the lives of her husband's victims through the "bimbo eruption squad'. Democrats and the MSM even laughed off credible allegations of 1st degree rape citing the statute of limitations. Bill Clinton later thumbed his nose at Americans when he couldn't resist his urges and used his power and position as President to molest a girl 27 years younger than him and barely older than his daughter.
Gloria Alred is summoned from the Netherworld. :FIREdevil:

The standard Democrat character assassination plan is in full swing.

So do you think Moore didn't date any of these girls...or that he did, but didn't do anything sexual with them...or that he did sexual things with them but it's all OK because it happened 40 years ago?

Of the original 4 there was only one accuser. One woman's mother didn't allow her to date him. Two others dated him and said nothing went beyond kissing and hugging.

So this attack on Moore over "multiple" accusers is most interesting. I guess the pile on is the effect the WP wanted.
I hadn't heard those details, thanks for providing.

You're welcome. This is really disturbing that the press is running with the false statements that there had bee 4 accusers in the initial WP story. One woman even said he was quite romantic.

I haven't seen any false statements by the press.

There were 4 accusers in the original story. Only one of them accused him of behavior going beyond kissing.

Yes- one of the women said he was romantic when they dated when she was 18 and he was 32.
You have to hand it to democrats, they managed to keep candidate Bill Clinton's predatory sexual habits secret until it was too late. The MSM even laughed off Hillary using the resources of the state of Arkansas and later the federal government to intimidate, threaten and otherwise ruin the lives of her husband's victims through the "bimbo eruption squad'. Democrats and the MSM even laughed off credible allegations of 1st degree rape citing the statute of limitations. Bill Clinton later thumbed his nose at Americans when he couldn't resist his urges and used his power and position as President to molest a girl 27 years younger than him and barely older than his daughter.
Will the obsession with Obama and the Clintons ever end with you nuts? Face reality fools, you have a clown, a rapist and a bunch of idiots running your party, own it and find a cave before its too late.

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