New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct

Biden voters are pathetic.
AND most importantly,hate America

Nope. Biden voters are patriots and for the most part have better manners than Trump hardliners.. That's why only 35% of the Republicans still back Trump..
90% of Republicans back Trump, you lying moron.

Here are some example of the manners of Biden voters:




Best evidence I've seen so far of a real insurrection, masked thugs attacking federal buildings with circular saws, mototov cocktails, and burned American flags.

Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard and should make you considered an enemy of the state and put on an FBI watch list.

Burning the flag is legal.
Patriotic Americans don't do it. Only commie traitors do it.
Assclowns such as BriFuk should stay home and shaddup -
Or move to Belarus .. Understand It’s loverly this time of year.
If you assholes are all into autocracies?
Go for it - but LEAVE & let normal folk alone
You believe you're normal? Licking Biden's A-hole doesn't make you normal, moron.
Have you had your fill of Dear leader’s poop chute yet?
There's a limit? I didn't know that.
Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard
Burning the flag is a form of protected speech critical of government policies and consistent with the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

Such political protest and speech critical of government is the highest form of patriotism and love of country.
Burning the flag is not speech. It’s a physical act.
um no it’s speech
Well then speak it
Speak the burning of a flag. You must commit multiple physical acts for a flag to burn. Go ahead and make it be on fire by talking.
speech is a statement...under the first amendment. It can be a sign, spoken word, an act, a t shirt, etc
Rudy didn't conduct an investigation. There was already an active smear campaign going on here in the US, and Rudy took the ball and ran with it by trying to get Ukrainian President Zelensky to make a public statement about some investigation that, as of that moment in time, no evidence has been produced that one even existed. Rudy (and Trump's) hope was to give legs to an American conspiracy theory that, as yet, no reputable American news service was giving much credence because it was so transparent that the people who were pushing the theory had an agenda to undermine a Biden candidacy.

If there had been a real investigation in the Ukraine, Zelensky could have gone along with it. But he didn't, did he? And why do you think that is? It's because he understood that he was getting played by Giuliani, and by extension, Trump, in order to throw a wrench into the American election which could very conceivably backfire on him and his country if and when others in his government came forward to say that there was no investigation. Then Zelensky would be left holding the bag while everyone else ran for cover. I'm guessing he had no interest is being a dupe.
Last edited:
Biden voters are pathetic.
AND most importantly,hate America

Nope. Biden voters are patriots and for the most part have better manners than Trump hardliners.. That's why only 35% of the Republicans still back Trump..
90% of Republicans back Trump, you lying moron.

Here are some example of the manners of Biden voters:




Best evidence I've seen so far of a real insurrection, masked thugs attacking federal buildings with circular saws, mototov cocktails, and burned American flags.

Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard and should make you considered an enemy of the state and put on an FBI watch list.

Burning the flag is legal.
Patriotic Americans don't do it. Only commie traitors do it.
Assclowns such as BriFuk should stay home and shaddup -
Or move to Belarus .. Understand It’s loverly this time of year.
If you assholes are all into autocracies?
Go for it - but LEAVE & let normal folk alone
You believe you're normal? Licking Biden's A-hole doesn't make you normal, moron.
Have you had your fill of Dear leader’s poop chute yet?
There's a limit? I didn't know that.
Did you get your limited edition sticker for the toilet? Just got mine! :lol:

Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard
Burning the flag is a form of protected speech critical of government policies and consistent with the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

Such political protest and speech critical of government is the highest form of patriotism and love of country.
Burning the flag is not speech. It’s a physical act.
um no it’s speech
Well then speak it
Speak the burning of a flag. You must commit multiple physical acts for a flag to burn. Go ahead and make it be on fire by talking.
speech is a statement...under the first amendment. It can be a sign, spoken word, an act, a t shirt, etc
Rudy didn't conduct an investigation. There was already an active smear campaign going on here in the US, and Rudy took the ball and ran with it by trying to get Ukrainian President Zelensky to make a public statement about some investigation that, as of that moment in time, no evidence has been produced that one even existed. Rudy (and Trump's) hope was to give legs to an American conspiracy theory that, as yet, no reputable American news service was giving much credence because it was so transparent that the people who were pushing the theory had an agenda to undermine a Biden candidacy.

If there had been a real investigation in the Ukraine, Zelensky could have gone along with it. But he didn't, did he? And why do you think that is? It's because he understood that he was getting played by Giuliani, and by extension, Trump, to throw a wrench into the American election which could very conceivably backfire on him and his country if and when others in his government came forward to say that there was no investigation. Then Zelensky would be left holding the bag while everyone else ran for cover. I'm guessing he had no interest is being a dupe.
i wouldn’t call it a smear campaign merely discussing the truth.
Biden voters are pathetic.
AND most importantly,hate America

Nope. Biden voters are patriots and for the most part have better manners than Trump hardliners.. That's why only 35% of the Republicans still back Trump..
90% of Republicans back Trump, you lying moron.

Here are some example of the manners of Biden voters:




Best evidence I've seen so far of a real insurrection, masked thugs attacking federal buildings with circular saws, mototov cocktails, and burned American flags.

Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard and should make you considered an enemy of the state and put on an FBI watch list.

Burning the flag is legal.
Patriotic Americans don't do it. Only commie traitors do it.
Assclowns such as BriFuk should stay home and shaddup -
Or move to Belarus .. Understand It’s loverly this time of year.
If you assholes are all into autocracies?
Go for it - but LEAVE & let normal folk alone
You believe you're normal? Licking Biden's A-hole doesn't make you normal, moron.
Have you had your fill of Dear leader’s poop chute yet?
I'm not licking Biden's asshole. You are.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
Biden voters are pathetic.
AND most importantly,hate America

Nope. Biden voters are patriots and for the most part have better manners than Trump hardliners.. That's why only 35% of the Republicans still back Trump..
90% of Republicans back Trump, you lying moron.

Here are some example of the manners of Biden voters:




Best evidence I've seen so far of a real insurrection, masked thugs attacking federal buildings with circular saws, mototov cocktails, and burned American flags.

Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard and should make you considered an enemy of the state and put on an FBI watch list.

Burning the flag is legal.
Patriotic Americans don't do it. Only commie traitors do it.
Assclowns such as BriFuk should stay home and shaddup -
Or move to Belarus .. Understand It’s loverly this time of year.
If you assholes are all into autocracies?
Go for it - but LEAVE & let normal folk alone
You believe you're normal? Licking Biden's A-hole doesn't make you normal, moron.
Have you had your fill of Dear leader’s poop chute yet?
There's a limit? I didn't know that.
Did you get your limited edition sticker for the toilet? Just got mine! :lol:

View attachment 499770
That's funny but I would never put my stinker near his oral sphincter.
Biden voters are pathetic.
AND most importantly,hate America

Nope. Biden voters are patriots and for the most part have better manners than Trump hardliners.. That's why only 35% of the Republicans still back Trump..
90% of Republicans back Trump, you lying moron.

Here are some example of the manners of Biden voters:




Best evidence I've seen so far of a real insurrection, masked thugs attacking federal buildings with circular saws, mototov cocktails, and burned American flags.

Burning the flag is a pretty clear indication you don't exactly hold the USA in high regard and should make you considered an enemy of the state and put on an FBI watch list.

Burning the flag is legal.
Patriotic Americans don't do it. Only commie traitors do it.
Assclowns such as BriFuk should stay home and shaddup -
Or move to Belarus .. Understand It’s loverly this time of year.
If you assholes are all into autocracies?
Go for it - but LEAVE & let normal folk alone
You believe you're normal? Licking Biden's A-hole doesn't make you normal, moron.
Have you had your fill of Dear leader’s poop chute yet?
I'm not licking Biden's asshole. You are.
Such a CUTE lil boy! ^^^ :lol:

Wrong, shit for brains. Investigating corrupt politicians is not "soliciting campaign aid," no matter how much you want it to be.
Fucking moron -- what's the purpose of investigating corrupt politicians? :eusa_doh:
Arresting them, of course, you fucking moron.

Fucking moron, Ukraine has no jurisdiction to arrest Joe Biden. Every time you post, you reveal just how big of a fucking moron you really are.


that claim is certainly debatable. Foriegn countries arrest Americans all the time, and the US arrests foreigners all the time. Ignoraing that idiocy, my argument is that the US government would arrest Biden.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
The answer is irrelevant. The bottom line is that Hillary owns it, weather she ever laid her hands on physical copy or not. Only the brain damaged don't understand that.
Wrong, shit for brains. Investigating corrupt politicians is not "soliciting campaign aid," no matter how much you want it to be.
Fucking moron -- what's the purpose of investigating corrupt politicians? :eusa_doh:
Arresting them, of course, you fucking moron.

Fucking moron, Ukraine has no jurisdiction to arrest Joe Biden. Every time you post, you reveal just how big of a fucking moron you really are.


that claim is certainly debatable. Foriegn countries arrest Americans all the time, and the US arrests foreigners all the time. Ignoraing that idiocy, my argument is that the US government would arrest Biden.

Are you ever not a fucking moron??

The U.S. has no extradition treaty with Ukraine. So explain how the U.S. could arrest Biden without being convicted of a crime in the U.S.? Or even worse, without even being convicted of a crime in Ukraine?

You're such a fucking moron, you're now arguing to arrest a former VP (at that time) who would not have been convicted of a crime.

rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
possession isn’t required to have an owner ship interest in something
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
The answer is irrelevant. The bottom line is that Hillary owns it, weather she ever laid her hands on physical copy or not. Only the brain damaged don't understand that.
Of course it's not irrelevant. You just can't answer which serves to demonstrate you're incapable of showing she herself used the dossier against Trump.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
The answer is irrelevant. The bottom line is that Hillary owns it, weather she ever laid her hands on physical copy or not. Only the brain damaged don't understand that.
Of course it's not irrelevant. You just can't answer which serves to demonstrate you're incapable of showing she herself used the dossier against Trump.
why does that matter?
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
possession isn’t required to have an owner ship interest in something
Well that's nonsensical. Especially given you said she took possession of it when Fusion GPS did.

Seems you lied about that too since you can't prove when she took possession of it.
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

New audio evidence of TDS
Wrong, shit for brains. Investigating corrupt politicians is not "soliciting campaign aid," no matter how much you want it to be.
Fucking moron -- what's the purpose of investigating corrupt politicians? :eusa_doh:
Arresting them, of course, you fucking moron.

Fucking moron, Ukraine has no jurisdiction to arrest Joe Biden. Every time you post, you reveal just how big of a fucking moron you really are.


that claim is certainly debatable. Foriegn countries arrest Americans all the time, and the US arrests foreigners all the time. Ignoraing that idiocy, my argument is that the US government would arrest Biden.

Are you ever not a fucking moron??

The U.S. has no extradition treaty with Ukraine. So explain how the U.S. could arrest Biden without being convicted of a crime in the U.S.? Or even worse, without even being convicted of a crime in Ukraine?

You're such a fucking moron, you're now arguing to arrest a former VP (at that time) who would not have been convicted of a crime.

Biden lives in the US, moron.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
The answer is irrelevant. The bottom line is that Hillary owns it, weather she ever laid her hands on physical copy or not. Only the brain damaged don't understand that.
Of course it's not irrelevant. You just can't answer which serves to demonstrate you're incapable of showing she herself used the dossier against Trump.
why does that matter?
It matters because you claim she hired Steele, which is a lie. And because you claim she broke the relevant law, which is a lie. And because you claim she used it against Trump, which is a lie.

Credibility is what matters.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
That put a foreigner on its payroll while in the employ of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, so?
They broke our election laws, moron.

You failed to prove that, fucking moron. Again, you have to show she was involved with hiring Steele. Just saying, she had to have been only proves you're a fucking moron.
No you don't, NAZI. Both she and Fusion GPS knew the law. They also knew that Christopher Steel was a foreigner.

Case closed.

Have you ever heard of Paul Singer. He's a Jewish Billionaire Republican who hated Trump.

What does that matter? HIllary paid him. Case closed.

No she didn't.. You don't have any shame.. That's why you voted for Trump... Neither does he.. NO lie is too vile for Trump.
No one even questions the fact that Hillary paid for the Steel dossier.
Let's see if you have the stones to answer this where others have failed...

When did she get the dossier?
The minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass.
Where's your proof, fucking moron??
Was Hillary paying for the services of Fusion GPS or not?

That's not proof of when she obtained a copy of the dossier. See if you can stop being a fucking moron long enough to prove your claim she got the dossier when Fusion GPS got it.
She isn't required to have a physical copy of it in her possession to be the owner of it, you dumb fucking moron.
Of course she doesn't, fucking moron. But I asked you when she got a copy of it and you idiotically answered, "the minute GPS Fusion obtained it, dumbass."

So when did she get it? And don't just make up some date -- prove it with a link to when she got it.
Puhleeze, spare us. Try to pursue something that isn't totally fucking inane.
^^^ Fucking moron's way of admitting he doesn't know the answer to a question.

Why didn't you just say so to begin with, fucking moron?
possession isn’t required to have an owner ship interest in something
Well that's nonsensical. Especially given you said she took possession of it when Fusion GPS did.

Seems you lied about that too since you can't prove when she took possession of it.
Nope. She became the owner of it the minute she employed GBS to produce it.

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