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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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The evidence is now out there. A complete White House cover up. Those are the facts. No amount of left wing spin or bullshit will change that.

There is no evidence of a cover up.

(Miss lollipop is hot.)

Of course not.

Gee.....I wonder why it took a legal challenge for that email to be released. The White House allowed congress to have hearings regarding HOW he talking points were developed....yet refused to release the one email that showed EXACTLY how they were developed.

No. No proof at all.

But to you, Reid saying "word on the street is that Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years" was proof enough.

So where is it? That they prepped her in what to say and what to focus on?

Why did they do it? Obviously they want to keep the issue alive in the minds of their nutter base, so they can try to use it against the Hildabeast. It doesn't matter that they didn't uncover any evidence of wrong doing on the part of either the President or the Sec. of State. Most of their base is too stupid to realize how they've been lied to and what patsies they are.
IT was a LIE...a cover up regardless. NO amount of parsing will hide it. Nice try BlindBoob.:eusa_hand:

Not one person who was involved with creating the talking points was a witness to what occurred outside the consulate building. From the General who knew in his gut immediately that it was a terrorist attack to the lowest pencil pusher who had a say. Everyone was engaging in speculation. Which is exactly why Ambassador Rice always qualified her statements (the Talking Points) with the fact that an investigation was ongoing and that we would look to the results of that investigation to learn the truth of what went on that night.
Not buying the spin. Stow it. :eusa_hand:

Facts are free. :eusa_whistle:
IT was a LIE...a cover up regardless. NO amount of parsing will hide it. Nice try BlindBoob.:eusa_hand:

Not one person who was involved with creating the talking points was a witness to what occurred outside the consulate building. From the General who knew in his gut immediately that it was a terrorist attack to the lowest pencil pusher who had a say. Everyone was engaging in speculation. Which is exactly why Ambassador Rice always qualified her statements (the Talking Points) with the fact that an investigation was ongoing and that we would look to the results of that investigation to learn the truth of what went on that night.


It was known immediately to NOT be a protest gone bad because it was known immediately that there was no protest.

It was known immediately that it was a planned terrorist attack because those in the know are well aware of the type of munitions and tactics terrorists use

There was absolutely NO evidence that it was a protest gone wrong, so to even imply it as one possibility...and the likely possibility is an outright lie.

It was correct. There was an investigation going on and it was mentioned during each and every talk show appearance by the Ambassador.

But I'm sure, deep down in your gut, you feel the way do, don't you?

Watching Jay Carney at today's White House Press conference was more amusing than usual. Jay's facial expression during most of it was that of a man who was just forced to take a big bite out of a shit sandwich.

Sucks being the mouthpiece for an Administration that lies as often as this one does...
How would you know? you are a libtard, you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you upside your fat head.

How? (I just think she's hot, or are you trying to tell me that's a guy?)

Turn Off Fox
It's bad News for America.
Whom but YOU said anything about FOX NEWS? Try Judicial Watch.:eusa_hand:


"Newly released emails on the Benghazi terror attack suggest a senior White House aide played a central role in preparing former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for her controversial Sunday show appearances -- where she wrongly blamed protests over an Internet video."

This is the first paragraph in the link posted by the OP. It was written By Catherine Herridge of Fox News. As if prepping someone for TV is out of the ordinary. Furthermore my other point is that the video did in fact spark many protest. So Fox shoot themselves in the foot again and you, and many of the Other Nutters here just don't realize it.
The White House press conference that just ended had to be seen to be believed. Bagdad Bob was in top form in asking the reporters to suspend reality and swallow his latest spin. After repeatedly saying Rice got her talking points from the CIA, Judicial Watch has made it clear they came from the White House. Not from the CIA. Not from the Pentagon.

The truly devoted who have sold their soul to this charlatan in the White House will do anything to protect the fantasy of the boy king. They are so delusional, if they looked out a window and saw Obama slaughtering his daughters, they'd blame the window for being transparent.

Carney, Karl in Heated Exchange Over Rice’s Benghazi Talking Points

On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and ABC News White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl engaged in a heated back and forth over the emails recently uncovered that relate to the White House preparing National Security Advisor Susan Rice to discuss the attack on a consulate in Benghazi in 2012. Carney told Karl that the White House urged Rice to focus on an inflammatory video because the focus of her appearances was going to be on the protests around the Muslim world sparked by that video.

“You knew full well that these Sunday show appearances were going to be dominated by the attacking Benghazi, as they were,” Karl asserted after Carney insisted that Rice’s talking points were geared toward addressing region-wide protests as well as the Benghazi attack.

Carney said that those protests have been largely forgotten, and the talking points were created for members of Congress who were interested in them. Karl shot back that former CIA director Michael Morell contradicted Carney’s claim in testimony before Congress last month.

“You stood there, time after time, and said that she was referring to talking points created by the CIA,” Karl recalled. “Now we see a document that comes from the White House, not from the CIA, attributing the protests to the video.”

Carney insisted that the protests outside of American embassies throughout the Muslim world were also a “big story,” and the White House prepared talking points to address that situation.

“I know that you and I both are in a different time zone right now,” Carney told Karl, “But we are still in April of 2014.”

He added that Rice “went out there with the best information that we had at the time.”

Watch the clip below via The White House:

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How? (I just think she's hot, or are you trying to tell me that's a guy?)

Turn Off Fox
It's bad News for America.
Whom but YOU said anything about FOX NEWS? Try Judicial Watch.:eusa_hand:


"Newly released emails on the Benghazi terror attack suggest a senior White House aide played a central role in preparing former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for her controversial Sunday show appearances -- where she wrongly blamed protests over an Internet video."

This is the first paragraph in the link posted by the OP. It was written By Catherine Herridge of Fox News. As if prepping someone for TV is out of the ordinary. Furthermore my other point is that the video did in fact spark many protest. So Fox shoot themselves in the foot again and you, and many of the Other Nutters here just don't realize it.

it IS out of the ordinary to "prep someone for TV" with LIES YOU KNOW TO BE LIES.
and you left-wing losers with your heads in your asses; firmly in denial, with the nerve to accuse others; like Fox News; of making up stuff to suit an agenda are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
I can't wait until 2016 so that the cons will finally stop ranting about benghazi

Confucius say:

"Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day!"

Don't get too cocky about anything about Clinton's Folly stopping. Good chance that in mid-2016 the congressional investigations will begin and faggots (in the original meaning) will be piled high for the fires to consume those who through malicious stupidity caused Americans to die.
Oh no! talking points altered!!!!

At this point what difference does it make?
It doesn't. This dog never would hunt for you guys, and it still won't.

Stevens made his bed, it was his call, he chose to be there that day, and now he lies in it. Let's mush on.

Typical dickhead response. It's the dead mans fault he and the other three are dead. The same dumbass mentality that blames rape on the victims.

As to the op. It just states what EVERY SINGLE PWESON IN AMERICA WITH HALF A BRAIN KNEW. Which is why NONE of the liberals ever figured it out....too fucking stupid, all of em
Alas, what the libs can't blame on Bush they blame on the dead.

Bush is too polite to lash back; the dead can't. Gee, maybe that's why on this particularly odorous bit of business they're laying off Bush.
Not one person who was involved with creating the talking points was a witness to what occurred outside the consulate building. From the General who knew in his gut immediately that it was a terrorist attack to the lowest pencil pusher who had a say. Everyone was engaging in speculation. Which is exactly why Ambassador Rice always qualified her statements (the Talking Points) with the fact that an investigation was ongoing and that we would look to the results of that investigation to learn the truth of what went on that night.
Not buying the spin. Stow it. :eusa_hand:

Facts are free. :eusa_whistle:
YOU wouldn't know a fact if it burrowed up yer dumb ass and set up housekeeping.
The facade has been broken, but there will be a lot of :dig: before the whole truth is told. In for a penny, in for a pound :badgrin:
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Perhaps one of you Obama supporters would like to take a crack at explaining why that e-mail was given classified status by the Obama Administration if it really WAS about the other protests?

The truth is that people in the Obama camp HID that e-mail from the American people until it was revealed by the Justice Watch freedom of information law suit.
The failure to hold every liar accountable - to excuse the lies of "your" people - only adds to the perception that the accusations are a "political witch hunt." To be credible, you MUST hold ALL liars accountable.
Perhaps one of you Obama supporters would like to take a crack at explaining why that e-mail was given classified status by the Obama Administration if it really WAS about the other protests?

The truth is that people in the Obama camp HID that e-mail from the American people until it was revealed by the Justice Watch freedom of information law suit.

How can that be with this is the most open and transparent regime in World History? Isn't that what they promised*?

*Gitmo closed, all American troops home in weeks, if you like your...
The failure to hold every liar accountable - to excuse the lies of "your" people - only adds to the perception that the accusations are a "political witch hunt." To be credible, you MUST hold ALL liars accountable.

****Another Booooosh bash obfuscation alert****
The failure to hold every liar accountable - to excuse the lies of "your" people - only adds to the perception that the accusations are a "political witch hunt." To be credible, you MUST hold ALL liars accountable.

Says the liberal pretending not to be a liberal.

Real credibility there huh? Idiot

Still butt hurt about being held accountable for your crap, huh?

So you disagree with holding all liars accountable. Maybe just the black ones, huh?

Smarting bad enough to stalk me around, huh? (only the truth hurts THAT bad)
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The failure to hold every liar accountable - to excuse the lies of "your" people - only adds to the perception that the accusations are a "political witch hunt." To be credible, you MUST hold ALL liars accountable.

****Another Booooosh bash obfuscation alert****

REALLY? Holding liars accountable is a "Bush Bash"?
How come?
Did he lie THAT much? Even the word is a rebuke to his memory????
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