New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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But then his administration sent Susan Rice out to contradict him in 5 different appearances that following Sunday.

Listen to yourself. Nothing of mine has been debunked. I appear to be the one posting all the links, facts, evidence and testimony. Not you. Besides, the Washington Post debunked that claim of yours a long time ago:

Obama's claim he called Benghazi an 'act of terrorism' - The Washington Post

The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

You have to be mentally retarded to dispute that, or mentally retarded even more to claim that an 'act of terror' is not synonymous with a 'terrorist act'.

But, by all means, proceed.

You have to be mentally retarded to deny that the White House doctored the talking points. This is why you consistently deflect from the topic.

But by all means, continue to be wrong.

You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.
The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

All of your bullshit was debunked years ago. I realize you're late to this party because you're now trying belatedly to earn your rightwing nut new member badge, but jesus, listen to yourself.

But then his administration sent Susan Rice out to contradict him in 5 different appearances that following Sunday.

Listen to yourself. Nothing of mine has been debunked. I appear to be the one posting all the links, facts, evidence and testimony. Not you. Besides, the Washington Post debunked that claim of yours a long time ago:

During the campaign, the president could just get away with claiming he said “act of terror,” since he did use those words — though not in the way he often claimed. It seemed like a bit of after-the-fact spin, but those were his actual words — to the surprise of Mitt Romney in the debate.

But the president’s claim that he said “act of terrorism” is taking revisionist history too far, given that he repeatedly refused to commit to that phrase when asked directly by reporters in the weeks after the attack. He appears to have gone out of his way to avoid saying it was a terrorist attack, so he has little standing to make that claim now.

Indeed, the initial unedited talking points did not call it an act of terrorism. Instead of pretending the right words were uttered, it would be far better to acknowledge that he was echoing what the intelligence community believed at the time--and that the administration’s phrasing could have been clearer and more forthright from the start.
Obama's claim he called Benghazi an 'act of terrorism' - The Washington Post

The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

You have to be mentally retarded to dispute that, or mentally retarded even more to claim that an 'act of terror' is not synonymous with a 'terrorist act'.

But, by all means, proceed.

That claim always was laughable...when you look at all of Obama's statements in the two weeks following Benghazi it's OBVIOUS that he continued to push the narrative that the Benghazi attacks were the result of the YouTube video and a protest that turned violent. You have to be mentally retarded to believe that general statement about terrorism referred to Benghazi when it was followed by so MANY statements by Obama, Clinton, Carney and Rice that it was NOT an act carried out by terrorists as well as the email (that was classified by the Obama Administration to hide what they did!) that shows exactly what they were trying to do with the YouTube video narrative!
Still haven't found a job yet,eh Templar?


And alas, your argument is done. You are entirely too predictable. I can always tell when I've won.

"Go get a job"
"Have you found a job yet?"

Come now. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.

Get out of my sight.

Well, this debate is long over. Obama lied, and the left know it. They ignored every fact that you provided and they go to their.....nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

You would think that these morons on the left would consider Obama has been caught lying, since in fact he has been caught lying about every single thing. He has not kept ANY promise.

This is from 4 years ago.....

This is from 2 years ago

He could not even tell the truth about which baseball team he was a fan of......


Listen to the awkward moment and classic uhhhh uhhh uhhh studder he makes when he is asked who his favorite White Sox player was growing up, after he had just claimed he was "south side" kid.

Now in review, a never ending proven lies of Obama.....


Of course they will not acknowledge those.......and we will know why.


Liberals are losers and they so desperate to prove they were right when they claimed this or that or the other about their piece of shit. They simply cannot handle the fact that their beloved party uses them like the useless lambs they are.
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The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

You have to be mentally retarded to dispute that, or mentally retarded even more to claim that an 'act of terror' is not synonymous with a 'terrorist act'.

But, by all means, proceed.

You have to be mentally retarded to deny that the White House doctored the talking points. This is why you consistently deflect from the topic.

But by all means, continue to be wrong.

You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.
I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!
I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!
I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!

Nope, not true, I was glued to the news and never once did the Bush Administration blame it on Saddam Hussein.
Truth is:

Obama had been out on the 'campaign trail, flying around in AF1 all day, visiting several cities and reading the teleprompter. When he arrived back at the White House he was just to tired and worn out to do the job he is assigned by the Constitution. He went straight to bed, after all, he had a busy day ahead, compaigning in Las Vegas. He really didn't have time to deal with his Presidential responsibilities, getting reelected was more important, and still is to his lemmings, especially the ones on this site.
I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!

Nope, not true, I was glued to the news and never once did the Bush Administration blame it on Saddam Hussein.

I was trying to find where they immediately blamed Saddam too. Could not find it.

I know the liberals blamed Bush and Cheney at some point for doing it and Michael Moore was defending Osama.

He then made that movie, and liberals believed it, and most of them still believe it.

Look at these morons.

Tony Bennett Michael Moore saying we deserved to be attacked on 911

That is what we are dealing with folks.
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I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!

Nope, not true, I was glued to the news and never once did the Bush Administration blame it on Saddam Hussein.
Simply not true....I too was glued to the TV and it was speculated that this was the same crew that did the FIRST world trade center bombings...(only this time finished the job that Ramzi Yousef didn't finish), and that lead to Saddam Hussein...then 24 hours later the pics of the 19 hijackers were up on the TV, saying this was AlQaeda/Bin Laden related...
Alright then, I rest my case.

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