New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!

Oh,God...not the "we lied so the terrorist wouldn't know we were on to them" excuse! I mean REALLY? So how is that effort to "flush out the real bad guys" coming, Care? It's been a year and a half now...think we've got them adequately fooled yet? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Still haven't found a job yet,eh Templar?


And alas, your argument is done. You are entirely too predictable. I can always tell when I've won.

"Go get a job"
"Have you found a job yet?"

Come now. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.

Get out of my sight.

Well, this debate is long over. Obama lied, and the left know it. They ignored every fact that you provided and they go to their.....nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

You would think that these morons on the left would consider Obama has been caught lying, since in fact he has been caught lying about every single thing. He has not kept ANY promise.

This is from 4 years ago.....

This is from 2 years ago

He could not even tell the truth about which baseball team he was a fan of......


Listen to the awkward moment and classic uhhhh uhhh uhhh studder he makes when he is asked who his favorite White Sox player was growing up, after he had just claimed he was "south side" kid.

Now in review, a never ending proven lies of Obama.....


Of course they will not acknowledge those.......and we will know why.


Liberals are losers and they so desperate to prove they were right when they claimed this or that or the other about their piece of shit. They simply cannot handle the fact that their beloved party uses them like the useless lambs they are.

During the Sox video, you could tell he was lying, and Obama took the time to deflect from his lies to talk about the Cubs sipping wine like rich folks.

WTF has he been doing for the last 5 plus years. Eating Top Ramen?
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Still haven't found a job yet,eh Templar?


And alas, your argument is done. You are entirely too predictable. I can always tell when I've won.

"Go get a job"
"Have you found a job yet?"

Come now. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.

Get out of my sight.

Well, this debate is long over. Obama lied, and the left know it. They ignored every fact that you provided and they go to their.....nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

You would think that these morons on the left would consider Obama has been caught lying, since in fact he has been caught lying about every single thing. He has not kept ANY promise.

This is from 4 years ago.....

This is from 2 years ago

He could not even tell the truth about which baseball team he was a fan of......


Listen to the awkward moment and classic uhhhh uhhh uhhh studder he makes when he is asked who his favorite White Sox player was growing up, after he had just claimed he was "south side" kid.

Now in review, a never ending proven lies of Obama.....


Of course they will not acknowledge those.......and we will know why.


Liberals are losers and they so desperate to prove they were right when they claimed this or that or the other about their piece of shit. They simply cannot handle the fact that their beloved party uses them like the useless lambs they are.

Wow! In the first youtube video near the end, Obama said that premiums that employer's pay for their employees would fall by 3000%.

Why isn't shit like this played over and over again by the media like they do when Bush, Palin, or Quayle say something stupid?

Say I am an employer and I pay $100 per month for each employee for health insurance. A 3000% decrease would mean that the insurance company would be paying me $2,900 for each of my employees they insure. (The $100 per month figure was used to make the math easy; I know it is much too low)
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I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!

Oh,God...not the "we lied so the terrorist wouldn't know we were on to them" excuse! I mean REALLY? So how is that effort to "flush out the real bad guys" coming, Care? It's been a year and a half now...think we've got them adequately fooled yet? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Again, I have no problem with this, whether it was for their own intelligence reasons or it was to prop up our Nation and/or President...(it's what should be done immediately following a catastrophe involving our Nation, it is what NEAR ALL citizens did after 9/11 for a period of time...President Bush went to an 88% approval rating) I know how many disinformation stories that I have gone through over the decades, through both Republican and Democratic Presidencies and accept this as part of a "behind the scenes, overall strategy" that I will never know all the 'reasons' behind it, until 30 years later when I read some book where the author has just figured it out...
And alas, your argument is done. You are entirely too predictable. I can always tell when I've won.

"Go get a job"
"Have you found a job yet?"

Come now. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.

Get out of my sight.

Well, this debate is long over. Obama lied, and the left know it. They ignored every fact that you provided and they go to their.....nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

You would think that these morons on the left would consider Obama has been caught lying, since in fact he has been caught lying about every single thing. He has not kept ANY promise.

This is from 4 years ago.....

This is from 2 years ago

He could not even tell the truth about which baseball team he was a fan of......


Listen to the awkward moment and classic uhhhh uhhh uhhh studder he makes when he is asked who his favorite White Sox player was growing up, after he had just claimed he was "south side" kid.

Now in review, a never ending proven lies of Obama.....


Of course they will not acknowledge those.......and we will know why.


Liberals are losers and they so desperate to prove they were right when they claimed this or that or the other about their piece of shit. They simply cannot handle the fact that their beloved party uses them like the useless lambs they are.

Wow! In the first youtube video near the end, Obama said that premiums that employer's pay for their employees would fall by 3000%.

Why isn't shit like this played over and over again by the media like they when Bush, Palin, or Quayle say something stupid?

Just another clear piece of evidence of the MSM being left wing assholes.

Hence the reason why you have at least 47% of this country totally brainwashed.

The same reason why the media blamed Bush for the economy going to pieces in 2008, even though the democrats took over majority of the power in 2007 and have had majority of the power since.

The same reason why the media celebrated a fraudulent unemployment number in October 2012 when it "fell" to 7.8 percent. That number ended up being lie, and even if it was not (which it proved to be a deliberate lie....yet another one) a lie that is something they celebrated.

In 2006, the same media destroyed the republicans and Bush for the economy and high gas prices. They hardly said shit about the fact that the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. Ironically, in 2012 the gas prices were the highest ever, yet the media stayed silent about that. Wait, in fact, they said the high gas prices were good....for the environment.

The double standards are clear. The liberals are nothing but brain dead hypocrites. It is funny seeing how they all think they are so smart.
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No they weren't - Bing
Unfortunately the post isn't allowing the page to be displayed any longer.
I don't see an issue with this or Susan Rice's talking points the first few days after the terrorist me these immediate disinformation things are said purposefully. Like the same day of the 9/11 2001 attacks, the white house was putting out that this was Saddam Hussein's doing....well, shortly after that the REAL PERP, came out and took credit....AlQaeda/Bin sometimes these things are done for a reason, or at least to keep our enemies confused....wondering..... why we in the USA would be pointing the finger elsewhere, when we supposedly have the best "Intelligence" in the world? When it is really for other reasons, that help our Military and Intelligence flush out the real bad guys....or to continue to prop our Nation or President up, even in times of failure....maybe because I come from a lifelong Military Family....I have no problem with Nation comes first, over any other Nation and well above politics....

Yes, we as Americans can see this as our government just outright lying to us, to the citizen....unless we look further and realize the WHOLE WORLD is listening, INCLUDING the perps, including Countries that are the Perp's helpers....just think about it!
You have to be mentally retarded to deny that the White House doctored the talking points. This is why you consistently deflect from the topic.

But by all means, continue to be wrong.

You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?
You have to be mentally retarded to deny that the White House doctored the talking points. This is why you consistently deflect from the topic.

But by all means, continue to be wrong.

You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

You honestly need documentation to support the common knowledge that there were terrorist groups in Libya in 2012?

lol you get more pathetic by the post.
You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?

He also said it was caused by a video and it was spontaneous. That is the lie. That is where you were wrong like we said then. That is what we are saying now. That is where you have been and always will be wrong.

You are nothing but a moron.

It is beyond proven that it has been nothing but a pack of lies, and that is all your pathetic president and entire administration has done. All of them.

The fact you are not aware of anything only affirms not only that you and everyone like you are morons, but that you are all hopeless pieces of shit.
Well, this debate is long over. Obama lied, and the left know it. They ignored every fact that you provided and they go to their.....nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

You would think that these morons on the left would consider Obama has been caught lying, since in fact he has been caught lying about every single thing. He has not kept ANY promise.

This is from 4 years ago.....

This is from 2 years ago

He could not even tell the truth about which baseball team he was a fan of......


Listen to the awkward moment and classic uhhhh uhhh uhhh studder he makes when he is asked who his favorite White Sox player was growing up, after he had just claimed he was "south side" kid.

Now in review, a never ending proven lies of Obama.....


Of course they will not acknowledge those.......and we will know why.


Liberals are losers and they so desperate to prove they were right when they claimed this or that or the other about their piece of shit. They simply cannot handle the fact that their beloved party uses them like the useless lambs they are.

Wow! In the first youtube video near the end, Obama said that premiums that employer's pay for their employees would fall by 3000%.

Why isn't shit like this played over and over again by the media like they when Bush, Palin, or Quayle say something stupid?

Just another clear piece of evidence of the MSM being left wing assholes.

Hence the reason why you have at least 47% of this country totally brainwashed.

The same reason why the media blamed Bush for the economy going to pieces in 2008, even though the democrats took over majority of the power in 2007 and have had majority of the power since.

The same reason why the media celebrated a fraudulent unemployment number in October 2012 when it "fell" to 7.8 percent. That number ended up being lie, and even if it was not (which it proved to be a deliberate lie....yet another one) a lie that is something they celebrated.

In 2006, the same media destroyed the republicans and Bush for the economy and high gas prices. They hardly said shit about the fact that the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. Ironically, in 2012 the gas prices were the highest ever, yet the media stayed silent about that. Wait, in fact, they said the high gas prices were good....for the environment.

The double standards are clear. The liberals are nothing but brain dead hypocrites. It is funny seeing how they all think they are so smart.

I don't care who the politician is or what side of the aisle I figure it is my responsibility to help keep them honest by researching their claims and calling them out on it , if indeed they are lying, thru posting about them. Why do so many believe everything they hear? Is it laziness? What?
Anyone else among the sane people here recall having this same conversation over a year ago,

when the nuts were doing like Templar is doing, i.e.,

outright denying that the President called Benghazi an act of terror on Sep. 12, 2012 despite it being an irrefutable fact that he did?
Anyone else among the sane people here recall having this same conversation over a year ago,

when the nuts were doing like Templar is doing, i.e.,

outright denying that the President called Benghazi an act of terror on Sep. 12, 2012 despite it being an irrefutable fact that he did?

He also said it was caused by a video and it was spontaneous. That is the lie. That is where you were wrong like we said then. That is what we are saying now. That is where you have been and always will be wrong.

You are nothing but a moron.

It is beyond proven that it has been nothing but a pack of lies, and that is all your pathetic president and entire administration has done. All of them.

The fact you are not aware of anything only affirms not only that you and everyone like you are morons, but that you are all hopeless pieces of shit.
Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?

He also said it was caused by a video and it was spontaneous. That is the lie. That is where you were wrong like we said then. That is what we are saying now. That is where you have been and always will be wrong.

You are nothing but a moron.

It is beyond proven that it has been nothing but a pack of lies, and that is all your pathetic president and entire administration has done. All of them.

The fact you are not aware of anything only affirms not only that you and everyone like you are morons, but that you are all hopeless pieces of shit.

Are you admitting that he called it an act of terror?
You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?
no he didn't. That statement was regarding 9/11/2001. His handlers have tried to artfully spin it that way.
Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?
no he didn't. That statement was regarding 9/11/2001. His handlers have tried to artfully spin it that way.

See what I mean?

lol, unbefuckinglievable.
The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?

He also said it was caused by a video and it was spontaneous. That is the lie. That is where you were wrong like we said then. That is what we are saying now. That is where you have been and always will be wrong.

You are nothing but a moron.

It is beyond proven that it has been nothing but a pack of lies, and that is all your pathetic president and entire administration has done. All of them.

The fact you are not aware of anything only affirms not only that you and everyone like you are morons, but that you are all hopeless pieces of shit.

Are you admitting that he called it an act of terror?

He also said it was caused by a video and it was spontaneous. That is the lie. That is where you were wrong like we said then. That is what we are saying now. That is where you have been and always will be wrong.

You are nothing but a moron.

It is beyond proven that it has been nothing but a pack of lies, and that is all your pathetic president and entire administration has done. All of them.

The fact you are not aware of anything only affirms not only that you and everyone like you are morons, but that you are all hopeless pieces of shit.


You lose
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