New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Noun1.terrorist*- a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities

An act of terror can propagated by others that are not terrorists-such as those upset by a video, but are not involved, traditionally with terrorists . A terrorist attack is done by terrorists-
Yelling "BOMB!" in a group when there isn't is also considered an act of terror. A terrorist attack is an actual carrying out of the act by a terrorist. Two different animals.
The President called it an act of terror the day after it happened.

No one in the administration ever denied that it was terror.

So act of terror is actually a more inclusive term than 'terrorist attack'?

lol, that bolsters my argument.

Acts of terror can be terrorist attacks or threats of terrorist attacks

Benghazi was a terrorist attack,

therefore Benghazi was an act of terror.

You and Templar have just vindicated the President
And that my friends, is a wrap.
Reminds me of that snot-nosed kid in fifth grade who used to like to eat his own scabs, and would regularly declare himself the undisputed champ.


WARNING: Liberal flame out in progress. Stand clear 100 feet.

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“If the email was not about Benghazi, as you said yesterday and you say again today, why did the White House turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about Benghazi?”

-Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry

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Bottom line is that this latest revelation is just another layer of perpetual lies.

More importantly though, it shows this incestuous relationship between the White House and the media. The author of this email is the brother of the President of CBS.

Who in their right mind wants to report against the brother of the President of their company. Only Sharryl and she has bailed.
“If the email was not about Benghazi, as you said yesterday and you say again today, why did the White House turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about Benghazi?”

-Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry
Ed, it’s your turn.

Q If the email was not about Benghazi, as you said yesterday and you say again today, why did the White House turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about Benghazi?

MR. CARNEY: You would have to ask the State Department about how they respond to FOIA requests. I would again point you to the fact that -- I mean, all you have to do is read it, Ed. Top-line points, goals, that kind of stuff. The only mention of Benghazi in the email is a question about what’s your response to a story about an independent newspaper in the UK that says we had intelligence 48 hours in advance of the attack that was ignored. “…Not aware of any actionable intelligence” was the answer. And then what does it do? It cuts and pastes the same line from the CIA talking points that, again, was what Ambassador Rice used.

Q So if it’s not about Benghazi, why turn it over in a Benghazi suit? It seems --

MR. CARNEY: You would have to ask the State Department about their process for responding to FOIA requests. Again, you can just read it and then decide for yourself, as many people have now said and written, like this a conspiracy theory and --
Q Right, so when a conservative group comes in and says we want Benghazi documents, the administration says, this is not
a Benghazi document, so we’re not turning it over, right?

MR. CARNEY: Again, I don’t -- this is a State Department FOIA request -- response.

Q The President’s State Department.

MR. CARNEY: Yes, but again, whether it was released Monday or a week ago Monday or whatever, it doesn’t change the fundamental facts about the so-called talking points, which despite great efforts by your news organization and others have been proven not to be a conspiracy. Mike Morrell, a deputy director of the CIA, served at the CIA for decades under administrations of both parties; said that he felt no political influence when he was directing the composition of those points, and it was based on what he believed was the best analysis of what happened at the time.
And in the very first sentence of those points, it said, “currently available information” -- in a situation which, by the way, was incredibly murky and chaotic; halfway around the world, not in a capital but in a regional city at a diplomatic facility. So --
Q Putting aside Republican Darrell Issa, retired Brigadier General Robert Lovell testified today he was at AFRICOM. I have no idea if he’s a Democrat, a Republican, or an independent. He testified under oath that by 3:15 a.m., after the 9/11/2012 attack, they dismissed the video and very quickly identified this as a terror attack -- by 3:15 a.m., he testifies under oath.
In light of that, why on 9/14, two and a half days later, was Ben Rhodes writing an email about the general state of affairs, as you say, highlighting the video and not highlighting terror?

MR. CARNEY: Ed, the email was about the protests around the region. If you want to tell me today that the protests --
Q Benghazi was part of that, right? Cairo, a lot of places. But Benghazi was part of it, right?

MR. CARNEY: Right. And I would refer you to the CIA-produced talking points on that that referred at the time to currently available information suggesting that the protests -- there were protests outside of the facility in Benghazi inspired by demonstrations outside of Cairo. What inspired those demonstrations outside of our embassy in Cairo, do you even remember?
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 5/1/2014 | The White House

Remember -- the day of the email:

Sep 14, 2012 10:11AM ET / Global <-------

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World

Reuters / Google Maps

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident."

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - The Wire
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“If the email was not about Benghazi, as you said yesterday and you say again today, why did the White House turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about Benghazi?”

-Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry
Ed, it’s your turn.

Q If the email was not about Benghazi, as you said yesterday and you say again today, why did the White House turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about Benghazi?

MR. CARNEY: You would have to ask the State Department about how they respond to FOIA requests. I would again point you to the fact that -- I mean, all you have to do is read it, Ed. Top-line points, goals, that kind of stuff. The only mention of Benghazi in the email is a question about what’s your response to a story about an independent newspaper in the UK that says we had intelligence 48 hours in advance of the attack that was ignored. “…Not aware of any actionable intelligence” was the answer. And then what does it do? It cuts and pastes the same line from the CIA talking points that, again, was what Ambassador Rice used.

Q So if it’s not about Benghazi, why turn it over in a Benghazi suit? It seems --

MR. CARNEY: You would have to ask the State Department about their process for responding to FOIA requests. Again, you can just read it and then decide for yourself, as many people have now said and written, like this a conspiracy theory and --
Q Right, so when a conservative group comes in and says we want Benghazi documents, the administration says, this is not
a Benghazi document, so we’re not turning it over, right?

MR. CARNEY: Again, I don’t -- this is a State Department FOIA request -- response.

Q The President’s State Department.

MR. CARNEY: Yes, but again, whether it was released Monday or a week ago Monday or whatever, it doesn’t change the fundamental facts about the so-called talking points, which despite great efforts by your news organization and others have been proven not to be a conspiracy. Mike Morrell, a deputy director of the CIA, served at the CIA for decades under administrations of both parties; said that he felt no political influence when he was directing the composition of those points, and it was based on what he believed was the best analysis of what happened at the time.
And in the very first sentence of those points, it said, “currently available information” -- in a situation which, by the way, was incredibly murky and chaotic; halfway around the world, not in a capital but in a regional city at a diplomatic facility. So --
Q Putting aside Republican Darrell Issa, retired Brigadier General Robert Lovell testified today he was at AFRICOM. I have no idea if he’s a Democrat, a Republican, or an independent. He testified under oath that by 3:15 a.m., after the 9/11/2012 attack, they dismissed the video and very quickly identified this as a terror attack -- by 3:15 a.m., he testifies under oath.
In light of that, why on 9/14, two and a half days later, was Ben Rhodes writing an email about the general state of affairs, as you say, highlighting the video and not highlighting terror?

MR. CARNEY: Ed, the email was about the protests around the region. If you want to tell me today that the protests --
Q Benghazi was part of that, right? Cairo, a lot of places. But Benghazi was part of it, right?

MR. CARNEY: Right. And I would refer you to the CIA-produced talking points on that that referred at the time to currently available information suggesting that the protests -- there were protests outside of the facility in Benghazi inspired by demonstrations outside of Cairo. What inspired those demonstrations outside of our embassy in Cairo, do you even remember?
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 5/1/2014 | The White House

Remember -- the day of the email:

Sep 14, 2012 10:11AM ET / Global <-------

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World

Reuters / Google Maps

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident."

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - The Wire

There were no protests in Benghazi. No riots. But there was a revenge attack on an American consulate for the killing for the murder for the drone assassination of AQ#2 who was Libyan.

This attack was called on, demanded by AQ#1.

Truth obviously eludes you.
It really does get stranger by the minute on how dedicated certain liberal posters are to a lie that they cannot back up.


It's amazing that some of you are STILL trying to portray the attack in Benghazi as a protest when it's been obvious for a long long time that what took place that day was a planned terrorist event on the anniversary of 9/11! This was NOT about a YouTube video. That narrative was the lie that the Obama Administration used to hide the truth from the American people.

Sorry, guy, in the middle east, "Terrorist Attack" and "Demonstration" really don't have that many degrees of difference.

It was about a YouTube video. Sorry.
So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

It's amazing that some of you are STILL trying to portray the attack in Benghazi as a protest when it's been obvious for a long long time that what took place that day was a planned terrorist event on the anniversary of 9/11! This was NOT about a YouTube video. That narrative was the lie that the Obama Administration used to hide the truth from the American people.

Sorry, guy, in the middle east, "Terrorist Attack" and "Demonstration" really don't have that many degrees of difference.

It was about a YouTube video. Sorry.

Normally demonstrations don't involve violence.

It's amazing that some of you are STILL trying to portray the attack in Benghazi as a protest when it's been obvious for a long long time that what took place that day was a planned terrorist event on the anniversary of 9/11! This was NOT about a YouTube video. That narrative was the lie that the Obama Administration used to hide the truth from the American people.

Sorry, guy, in the middle east, "Terrorist Attack" and "Demonstration" really don't have that many degrees of difference.

It was about a YouTube video. Sorry.

Normally demonstrations don't involve violence.

Well, yeah, in LIbya, they do, apparently. Which is what happens when everyone has guns and you have no law enforcement.
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