New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

As I said, the Obama haters have made this their Iraq, because of course they don't have a real Iraq level foreign policy disaster to pin on Obama.

It would be comparable to liberals who opposed Bush and the Iraq war picking out 4 casualties from the war and turning it into a years long hysteria.
And now we have a Reagan reference! Is there no liberal in this thread willing to take on the facts of the matter? We're taking strolls down memory lane, when we should be firmly rooted at the corner of reality and facts. Besides, the Beirut Barracks Bombing can be countered with the Iranian Hostage Crisis under Carter. He left those poor civilians in that airplane for over 400 days! It took the mere election of Ronald Reagan to get them freed. How soon do we all forget.

I'm still waiting for you to post those 5 quotes by Rice saying it was not an act of terror.

Speaking of the facts.

And btw, how soon you forget that the Marines in Beirut DIED, they weren't held hostage.

And just two days after that event, Reagan invaded Grenada, thereby shifting public attention away from the Beirut fiasco while also proving what a hero he was when the odds were overwhelmingly in his favor.

Better than locking up some guy for a video.:badgrin:

Personally, it sounds like sour-grapes to me.

You wish Obama was half the man Reagan was.

I for one wish you were half the man you think you are.
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131

Wow, if only you put as much effort into finding a job as you put into listing all the people who gave you Butthurt.

Maybe he's seeking a job where the ability to take an ass reaming is a marketable skill.
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131

Wow, if only you put as much effort into finding a job as you put into listing all the people who gave you Butthurt.

Maybe he's seeking a job where the ability to take an ass reaming is a marketable skill.

Seems like you've got it down to a science.

Getting reamed and not even knowing it takes a lot of ass-reaming.

Your ass must be so loose that it's like the Lincoln Tunnel.
And just two days after that event, Reagan invaded Grenada, thereby shifting public attention away from the Beirut fiasco while also proving what a hero he was when the odds were overwhelmingly in his favor.

Better than locking up some guy for a video.:badgrin:

Personally, it sounds like sour-grapes to me.

You wish Obama was half the man Reagan was.

I for one wish you were half the man you think you are.

Well I wasn't talking about myself. Go back and reread my posts and see if you can find anything about me.

And just two days after that event, Reagan invaded Grenada, thereby shifting public attention away from the Beirut fiasco while also proving what a hero he was when the odds were overwhelmingly in his favor.

Nineteen Americans killed in the Grenada invasion. I guess that would have logically justified at least 4 Benghazi sized partisan liberal hysterias.

You surely don't want to go there, do you? Flailing away are we?

That was a military operation to free American college students from being held hostage by foreign nationals.

What the fuck does that have to do with 4 of our embassy personnel being butchered by a bunch of al Qaeda assholes?
And I love how when I start pasting liberals in an argument, they tell me to go get a job. Rather telling, don't you think?
Wow, even the admin admits now it was terrorists associated with al queda. You are waaaayyyy behind, now, son.

It's amazing that some of you are STILL trying to portray the attack in Benghazi as a protest when it's been obvious for a long long time that what took place that day was a planned terrorist event on the anniversary of 9/11! This was NOT about a YouTube video. That narrative was the lie that the Obama Administration used to hide the truth from the American people.

Sorry, guy, in the middle east, "Terrorist Attack" and "Demonstration" really don't have that many degrees of difference.

It was about a YouTube video. Sorry.
Wow, if only you put as much effort into finding a job as you put into listing all the people who gave you Butthurt.

Maybe he's seeking a job where the ability to take an ass reaming is a marketable skill.

Seems like you've got it down to a science.

Getting reamed and not even knowing it takes a lot of ass-reaming.

Your ass must be so loose that it's like the Lincoln Tunnel.

TK claimed that Susan Rice went on 5 tv talk shows and said that the attack was not an act of terror.

I call that lying or ignorance. Which would you call it?
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131

Wow, if only you put as much effort into finding a job as you put into listing all the people who gave you Butthurt.

And to think he fancies himself as a lawyer some day. Imagine his arguments against mine in front of an impartial judge, lol.
you will find them starting on page 82, if you are sincere in wanting to see them.

And now we have a Reagan reference! Is there no liberal in this thread willing to take on the facts of the matter? We're taking strolls down memory lane, when we should be firmly rooted at the corner of reality and facts. Besides, the Beirut Barracks Bombing can be countered with the Iranian Hostage Crisis under Carter. He left those poor civilians in that airplane for over 400 days! It took the mere election of Ronald Reagan to get them freed. How soon do we all forget.

I'm still waiting for you to post those 5 quotes by Rice saying it was not an act of terror.

Speaking of the facts.

And btw, how soon you forget that the Marines in Beirut DIED, they weren't held hostage.
No need carbine. I'd thought I would indulge you in this childish game of "blame the predecessor."
So liberal scum first claimed it was a riot that got out of control because of a anti-muslim movie.....then they realized that wouldn't work in their PR plan, so they claimed the terrorists weren't wearing Al Qai'da t-shirts so the attack really didn't count.

So Islamic terrorist groups that are aligned with AQSL but not carrying the name Al Qai'da in their name.....don't count when they kill non-muslims.

Liberal logic.
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