New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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And just two days after that event, Reagan invaded Grenada, thereby shifting public attention away from the Beirut fiasco while also proving what a hero he was when the odds were overwhelmingly in his favor.

Better than locking up some guy for a video.:badgrin:

Personally, it sounds like sour-grapes to me.

You wish Obama was half the man Reagan was.

Why is it that conservatives NEVER get the facts straight? This is why you guys have such a credibility problem with the general public.

LOS ANGELES A federal judge on Thursday ordered the man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East to be detained because he is a flight risk.

Citing a lengthy pattern of deception, U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal said Nakoula Basseley Nakoula should be held after officials said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction.

"The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time," Segal said.

Nakoula, 55, was arrested Thursday. He had eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases, and he might face new charges that carry a maximum two-year prison term, authorities said. Nakoula will remain behind bars until another hearing where a judge will rule if he broke the terms of his probation.

Nakoula wore beige pants and a collared shirt when he was led into the courtroom handcuffed and shackled. He appeared relaxed, smiling at one point before the hearing and conferring with his attorney.

After his 2010 conviction, Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer.

Probation office looking at anti-Muslim filmmaker

Protests have erupted around the Middle East over a 14-minute trailer for the film "Innocence of Muslims" that depicts Prophet Muhammad as a womanizer, religious fraud and child molester. Though the trailer was posted to YouTube in July, the violence didn't break out until Sept. 11 and has spread since.

Man behind anti-Muslim film ordered jailed - CBS News
And just two days after that event, Reagan invaded Grenada, thereby shifting public attention away from the Beirut fiasco while also proving what a hero he was when the odds were overwhelmingly in his favor.

Better than locking up some guy for a video.:badgrin:

Personally, it sounds like sour-grapes to me.

You wish Obama was half the man Reagan was.

Why is it that conservatives NEVER get the facts straight? This is why you guys have such a credibility problem with the general public.

LOS ANGELES A federal judge on Thursday ordered the man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East to be detained because he is a flight risk.

Citing a lengthy pattern of deception, U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal said Nakoula Basseley Nakoula should be held after officials said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction.

"The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time," Segal said.

Nakoula, 55, was arrested Thursday. He had eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases, and he might face new charges that carry a maximum two-year prison term, authorities said. Nakoula will remain behind bars until another hearing where a judge will rule if he broke the terms of his probation.

Nakoula wore beige pants and a collared shirt when he was led into the courtroom handcuffed and shackled. He appeared relaxed, smiling at one point before the hearing and conferring with his attorney.

After his 2010 conviction, Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer.

Probation office looking at anti-Muslim filmmaker

Protests have erupted around the Middle East over a 14-minute trailer for the film "Innocence of Muslims" that depicts Prophet Muhammad as a womanizer, religious fraud and child molester. Though the trailer was posted to YouTube in July, the violence didn't break out until Sept. 11 and has spread since.

Man behind anti-Muslim film ordered jailed - CBS News

I remember linking to the NYT version of that. Its not like we didn't know. The man still has free speech rights. Credibility? Not your forte.

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So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

AQ determined to strike US! OMG!

Joe what would you do with actionable Intel like that??

LOL - Bush had far more intel than that memo. World leaders were calling Bush personally warning him the day before 9/11/2001.
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And still nothing is linking them.

Hello? Linking them? Not sure who you are referring to here Politico. And this might not be your fault. My cat woke me up for food and I can't get back to sleep. So I'm not firing on all cylinders.
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So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

AQ determined to strike US! OMG!

Joe what would you do with actionable Intel like that??

LOL - Bush had far more intel than that memo. World leaders were calling Bush personally warning him the day before 9/11/2001.

Who were those world leaders calling Bush on 9/10?
And now we have a Reagan reference! Is there no liberal in this thread willing to take on the facts of the matter? We're taking strolls down memory lane, when we should be firmly rooted at the corner of reality and facts. Besides, the Beirut Barracks Bombing can be countered with the Iranian Hostage Crisis under Carter. He left those poor civilians in that airplane for over 400 days! It took the mere election of Ronald Reagan to get them freed. How soon do we all forget.

Um, I realize you are too young to remember that... but an AIRPLANE?

I think your history is a little faulty, sonny boy.

And, no, the Iranians did not free the hostages because of Reagan.

The Iranians took hostages because we admitted the Shah into our country for cancer treatment, and the Iranians were legitimattly worried that we were planning another coup to put him back in power, just like we had done in 1953.

The main reason why they let them go was because the Shah had died, and we had promised to return assets that had been frozen. (Incidently, we have not yet returned those assets.)
And I love how when I start pasting liberals in an argument, they tell me to go get a job. Rather telling, don't you think?

Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White HOuse.
Benghazi mess points to Hillary and ‘possibly criminal’ cover-up

Make it go away! That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was. Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog group Judicial Watch, the administration last week released correspondence about the terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead. One memo, from Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security director for strategic communications, shows how the administration was trying to spin the attack as something other than their...

Benghazi mess points to Hillary and ?possibly criminal? cover-up | New York Post
AQ determined to strike US! OMG!

Joe what would you do with actionable Intel like that??

Well, to start with, increase security at the airports.

Maybe do what Al Gore wanted to do and require all airliners to have steel doors on the cockpits. (The airlines pitched a bitch when that was suggested.)

I know what I wouldn't have done.

I wouldn't have said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and gone fishing.

But that is exactly what Bush did.

At the airports?

Based on what?

Do you think the terrorist shot their way into the cockpits?

No, they forced the doors which were made of a material that could be forced. That was the point.

In 1996, Al Gore chaired the commission on Aviation Safety, which recommended air marshalls on the flights and steel doors in the airplanes. The Airlines bitched because that would have cost them money.
Benghazi mess points to Hillary and ‘possibly criminal’ cover-up

Make it go away! That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was. Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog group Judicial Watch, the administration last week released correspondence about the terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead. One memo, from Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security director for strategic communications, shows how the administration was trying to spin the attack as something other than their...

Benghazi mess points to Hillary and ?possibly criminal? cover-up | New York Post

Without pulling this thread in a whole different direction and please pardon me my chunky cat who I have had on a diet woke me up screaming for food and I'm still awake and not 100 percent here, this email means so much.

With Ben Rhodes being the brother of the President of CBS this email takes on its own glow n'est ce pas?
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Well, to start with, increase security at the airports.

Maybe do what Al Gore wanted to do and require all airliners to have steel doors on the cockpits. (The airlines pitched a bitch when that was suggested.)

I know what I wouldn't have done.

I wouldn't have said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and gone fishing.

But that is exactly what Bush did.

At the airports?

Based on what?

Do you think the terrorist shot their way into the cockpits?

No, they forced the doors which were made of a material that could be forced. That was the point.

In 1996, Al Gore chaired the commission on Aviation Safety, which recommended air marshalls on the flights and steel doors in the airplanes. The Airlines bitched because that would have cost them money.

Box cutters? Al Gore envisioned box cutters?
And I love how when I start pasting liberals in an argument, they tell me to go get a job. Rather telling, don't you think?

Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White HOuse.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.
Holy toledo you guys don't know what TemplarKormac looks like.

OMG you idiots.


I can't breathe.
TK when you roll back in I hope you catch these posts of mine. Love you man. Look everyone that is at you over not having a job tell them to kiss tinydancer's ass.

I think you do a fine job keeping the fight to the enemy on a day to day on this board. I think you a modern day Thomas Paine.

I hold you in high regard.

“In stating these matters, I speak an open and disinterested language, dictated by no passion but that of humanity.

To me, who have not only refused offers, because I thought them improper, but have declined rewards I might with reputation have accepted, it is no wonder that meanness and imposition appear disgustful. Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
― Thomas Paine, Rights of Man
Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White HOuse.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.

DId you miss the thread when he challenged us to help him find a job, and instead of taunting him, we all offered him really good suggestions how he could improve his job situation?

I even offered to write his resume for him. (I do this professionally.)

Every suggestion we made he found some excuse of why he couldn't do it.

Now again, I kind of get this, that his fear of failure is really limiting his desire to try. But it becomes annoying when he repeats whatever shit he's heard on talk radio about "Them Welfare People", when most of those folks do get off welfare and are trying to find jobs or are even doing jobs that don't pay enough so they have to get SNAP or Medicare.

Well this is interesting. I shouldn't be awake and posting but my damn cat. This will learn me for putting her on diet and trying to sleep.

Look Joe, who cares what TK does for a living? I don't. Well ok if ......

I'm not going to go there.:eek: But truly, if TK posts an awesome OP and we debate it to this point it means we are talking right? We are having a debate. I love it.

It means the conversation is not over baby.
Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White HOuse.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.

DId you miss the thread when he challenged us to help him find a job, and instead of taunting him, we all offered him really good suggestions how he could improve his job situation?

I even offered to write his resume for him. (I do this professionally.)

Every suggestion we made he found some excuse of why he couldn't do it.

Now again, I kind of get this, that his fear of failure is really limiting his desire to try. But it becomes annoying when he repeats whatever shit he's heard on talk radio about "Them Welfare People", when most of those folks do get off welfare and are trying to find jobs or are even doing jobs that don't pay enough so they have to get SNAP or Medicare.
That thread was epic.

You and others did offer to help -- what I remember most about it, was he was actually blaming others here for his inability to find a job.

Doesn't get more telling than that.

Well this is interesting. I shouldn't be awake and posting but my damn cat. This will learn me for putting her on diet and trying to sleep.

Look Joe, who cares what TK does for a living? I don't. Well ok if ......

I'm not going to go there.:eek: But truly, if TK posts an awesome OP and we debate it to this point it means we are talking right? We are having a debate. I love it.

It means the conversation is not over baby.

Except TK doesn't post awesome OP's. He regurgitates whatever shit he's heard on Faux News and Hate Radio and acts like it's an original idea.

All the time realizing that the main reason why he can't find a job, other than his own lack of ambition, is because the very people who he cheerleads for are the ones who've spend the last 30 years gutting the middle class.

Used to be in this country a guy with a HS education could get a good paying union job and support a family.

NOw you have a guy like TK who even I will admit is probably bright enough to get into college. But he can't get health coverage to get his meds. (He's said on other threads he's bi-polar). He can't hold down a job because of his inabilty to interact with people.

but he'll flip on Rush or Beck or whatever nut he hears on Talk Radio and dammit, that Benghazi thing is a real scandal, dangit.

And if someone posts contrary evidence to his talking points, like that fact that there were riots across the middle east over this sick video, and the immediate concern was to keep a bad situation from getting worse, why, that' just evidence that they were covering something up!
Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White HOuse.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.

DId you miss the thread when he challenged us to help him find a job, and instead of taunting him, we all offered him really good suggestions how he could improve his job situation?

I even offered to write his resume for him. (I do this professionally.)

Every suggestion we made he found some excuse of why he couldn't do it.

Now again, I kind of get this, that his fear of failure is really limiting his desire to try. But it becomes annoying when he repeats whatever shit he's heard on talk radio about "Them Welfare People", when most of those folks do get off welfare and are trying to find jobs or are even doing jobs that don't pay enough so they have to get SNAP or Medicare.

What's sad here is you don't understand conservative talk radio. Have you ever listened?

For true? Don't bullshit me. I'll know. So don't go there.
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