New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

In JoeB land, we're talking about Bush, Nixon, Watergate and the 9/11/01 attacks. You idiot. It takes real effort to remain this ignorant. Seriously.
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131
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So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

AQ determined to strike US! OMG!

Joe what would you do with actionable Intel like that??
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131

Wow, if only you put as much effort into finding a job as you put into listing all the people who gave you Butthurt.
So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

AQ determined to strike US! OMG!

Joe what would you do with actionable Intel like that??

Well, to start with, increase security at the airports.

Maybe do what Al Gore wanted to do and require all airliners to have steel doors on the cockpits. (The airlines pitched a bitch when that was suggested.)

I know what I wouldn't have done.

I wouldn't have said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and gone fishing.

But that is exactly what Bush did.
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131

Wow, if only you put as much effort into finding a job as you put into listing all the people who gave you Butthurt.

Yeah, though, I'm not the one suffering from butthurt. All you guys couldn't take down little ol' me. Your ignorance and obfuscation are dumbfounding. So if anything, my head hurts, not my butt.

And now we have a Reagan reference! Is there no liberal in this thread willing to take on the facts of the matter? We're taking strolls down memory lane, when we should be firmly rooted at the corner of reality and facts. Besides, the Beirut Barracks Bombing can be countered with the Iranian Hostage Crisis under Carter. He left those poor civilians in that airplane for over 400 days! It took the mere election of Ronald Reagan to get them freed. How soon do we all forget.
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So in Conservative Land.

3000 people die on 9/11 because Bush ignored Daily breifing that said "AL Qaeda Determined to Strike US".

No biggie.

5000 people die in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

No Biggie.

Four guys die in Libya, and we think it might be over a YouTube video.


Conservatards. It takes an effort for them to be this stupid.

AQ determined to strike US! OMG!

Joe what would you do with actionable Intel like that??

Well, to start with, increase security at the airports.

Maybe do what Al Gore wanted to do and require all airliners to have steel doors on the cockpits. (The airlines pitched a bitch when that was suggested.)

I know what I wouldn't have done.

I wouldn't have said, "Well, you've covered your ass" and gone fishing.

But that is exactly what Bush did.

At the airports?

Based on what?

Do you think the terrorist shot their way into the cockpits?
And now we have a Reagan reference! Is there no liberal in this thread willing to take on the facts of the matter? We're taking strolls down memory lane, when we should be firmly rooted at the corner of reality and facts. Besides, the Beirut Barracks Bombing can be countered with the Iranian Hostage Crisis under Carter. He left those poor civilians in that airplane for over 400 days! It took the mere election of Ronald Reagan to get them freed. How soon do we all forget.

Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate...great examples on this thread. The left never disappoints.
Only a liberal would resort to debating grammar when all of his other arguments have failed.

lol, you resorted to trying to argue that 'act of terror' was not synonymous with 'terrorist attack' grammar boy.


It's so fun watching you pummel the shit out of him.

So far, I haven't seen anyone who can't make TK look like what LaWanda Page used to call Redd Foxx when he was playing the character, Fred Sanford: A fish-eyed fool. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to start calling him Fred.
Joe is sweet 16. Congratulations Joe. It's funny how 16 liberals jump one conservative and lose. Badly.

A list of the liberals who argued me in this thread and lost:

1) NYcarbineer
2) paperview
3) Nyvin
4) jillian
5) Care4All
6) Plasmaball
7) PaintMyHouse
8) ClosedCaption
9) BlackFlag
10) BindBoo
11) ron4342
12) KissMy
13) Mustang
14) Wry Catcher
15) Synthaholic
16) JoeB131

you didnt win anything..get a job yet?
If you were sane at all, you would admit the White House played a direct role in altering the talking points. When I called you nuts, it was a statement of fact, not an insult. You proved to me just now how certifiably insane you must be, that you would be scared of acknowledging the facts.

But once again, you liberals cannot refrain from bringing up Bush. Do this all you want to, but the truth is immutable. Bush has nothing to do with this. Obama does.

And as for these so called 'facts'; please, post the links to your Google search queries. I'd love to see where you got your 'facts' from. Refusal to do so is a direct admission of defeat.

LOL, I'm not about to research facts which are common knowledge, my dim witted adversary; that you live in a bubble of ignorance is not of my doing.

So, you have none.

Now you're just being dishonest. Not posting my entire comment makes your lie one of commission and one of omission.
You haven't explained why it mattered as I asked below. You're arguing that the administration was trying to hide the fact that there were terrorists in Libya.

Everyone knows there were terrorists in Libya. It was well documented, common knowledge. It's preposterous to claim that the administration was going to try to hide that fact. You don't hide common knowledge.

It was an act of terror. Acknowledged as such immediately.

The obsession on the Right, including you, over this is really because this is the Right's Iraq. This is the Right desperately trying to make a foreign policy indictment against Obama the way Bush got it over Iraq.

This the Right's Iraq because the Right has nothing else. That in and of itself should tell everyone how much worse the Bush administration was on foreign policy.

Even the Washington Post acknowledged the unedited talking points included NO MENTION OF TERRORISM. The e-mails prove that the White House was directly responsible for that, not the CIA.

Your use of "It was well documented" is without any refutatory facts or evidence. You post no links, quotes, testimony, or news articles to prove to the contrary.

Your use of "common knowledge" is likewise. If the administration was not attempting to "hide common knowledge" it would have said from the get go, and continued to say from Sept 12 on, that it was a terrorist attack, which was not the result of a YouTube video. Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility. Even the CIA Station Chief said "This was not an escalation of the protests."

YOUR deflections are an act of desperation. Why would I be the one posting the facts and not you? So far all you have is argumentum ad passiones.

The president called it terrorism on September 12th.

That is the end of that debate. That case is closed. You lose.

Do you have something else?

The president mentioned terrorism in general once in the Rose Garden, then two weeks later in front of the United Nations said that a crude and disgusting video was the cause. Not a planned attack. He blamed the video more than once, even though he already knew that wasn't the cause, that it was an idea dreamed up in the White House. The last thing he was going to do is blame al Qaeda.

The American Ambassador in Cairo actually apologized for the video even before demonstrations started.
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