New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan which was supported and voted on as a go by dimwits in office until it became political not to support them. Those actions are completely different and you know it. Obamashitforbrains screwed up.

The Iraq invasion was perpetrated with a big lie by Shrub and the Dick, and you know it. Obama did NOT intentionally perpetrate Benghazi, and you know it. What's "completely different", is Shrub and the cons got 6,000 Americans killed for the profit of Halliburton and the military contractors, and the cons are trying to blame Obama for something he had nothing to do with. Cons are scum, and YOU KNOW IT.

Haliburton ? You blather on you fool. You make yourself a joke. Brown and Roots. Vietnam. Johnson as in LBJ. Lady Byrd hired Cheney. Cheney had to give up everything to become VP you idiot.

Not Lady Byrd nor her heirs.

Whenever the losers on the left pull out the Halliburton script and Cheney connection, the best way to put the hypocrites on the left in their place is telling about at least 4 no-bid contracts to Halliburton in the 90s.

Especially after the bombing in Kosovo.

Factcheck has cleared the Bush administration of any nefarious connections with Halliburton. Not that they would care. Like I said, the ignorant pieces of shit are not only wrong about every one of their stances they take, they do not stand for anything.

======================================= an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November."

An L.A. Times op-ed of April 22 said, "Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton Administration For Work In Bosnia And Kosovo." An October 2003 article in the (Raleigh, NC) News & Observer quoted Bill Clinton's Undersecretary Of Commerce William Reinsch as saying "'Halliburton has a distinguished track record,' he said. 'They do business in some 120 countries. This is a group of people who know what they're doing in a difficult business. It's a particularly difficult business when people are shooting at you.'"

If Democrats want to investigate a scandal involving Iraq they should devote their efforts to the UN "Oil-for-Food" program instead of Halliburton. However, they will not because Saddam Hussein is not a candidate in this presidential election.

This is something you will never hear from the ill informed, ignorant, puppets for the democratic party. All of them have their script, their talking points, and that is all. They turn them into cliches, and that is all they are about.

You have the moron Ron poster who still believes Bush lied about WMDs for the war in Iraq and of course ignores all of the things democrats said when they propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office. Yet, they claim the democrats were lied to by Bush and that was why they voted for the war.

Liberals are scumbags.
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The Iraq invasion was perpetrated with a big lie by Shrub and the Dick, and you know it. Obama did NOT intentionally perpetrate Benghazi, and you know it. What's "completely different", is Shrub and the cons got 6,000 Americans killed for the profit of Halliburton and the military contractors, and the cons are trying to blame Obama for something he had nothing to do with. Cons are scum, and YOU KNOW IT.

Haliburton ? You blather on you fool. You make yourself a joke. Brown and Roots. Vietnam. Johnson as in LBJ. Lady Byrd hired Cheney. Cheney had to give up everything to become VP you idiot.

Not Lady Byrd nor her heirs.
Isn't it odd that both Clinton used, Obama uses Haliburton as a vendor of choice? Now what's with that?
The CIA is probably using them undercover, thus they go on from one administration to the other? :D:
The Iraq invasion was perpetrated with a big lie by Shrub and the Dick, and you know it. Obama did NOT intentionally perpetrate Benghazi, and you know it. What's "completely different", is Shrub and the cons got 6,000 Americans killed for the profit of Halliburton and the military contractors, and the cons are trying to blame Obama for something he had nothing to do with. Cons are scum, and YOU KNOW IT.

Haliburton ? You blather on you fool. You make yourself a joke. Brown and Roots. Vietnam. Johnson as in LBJ. Lady Byrd hired Cheney. Cheney had to give up everything to become VP you idiot.

Not Lady Byrd nor her heirs.

Whenever the losers on the left pull out the Halliburton script and Cheney connection, the best way to put the hypocrites on the left in their place is telling about at least 4 no-bid contracts to Halliburton in the 90s.

Especially after the bombing in Kosovo.

Factcheck has cleared the Bush administration of any nefarious connections with Halliburton. Not that they would care. Like I said, the ignorant pieces of shit are not only wrong about every one of their stances they take, they do not stand for anything.

======================================= an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November."

An L.A. Times op-ed of April 22 said, "Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton Administration For Work In Bosnia And Kosovo." An October 2003 article in the (Raleigh, NC) News & Observer quoted Bill Clinton's Undersecretary Of Commerce William Reinsch as saying "'Halliburton has a distinguished track record,' he said. 'They do business in some 120 countries. This is a group of people who know what they're doing in a difficult business. It's a particularly difficult business when people are shooting at you.'"

If Democrats want to investigate a scandal involving Iraq they should devote their efforts to the UN "Oil-for-Food" program instead of Halliburton. However, they will not because Saddam Hussein is not a candidate in this presidential election.

This is something you will never hear from the ill informed, ignorant, puppets for the democratic party. All of them have their script, their talking points, and that is all. They turn them into cliches, and that is all they are about.

You have the moron Ron poster who still believes Bush lied about WMDs for the war in Iraq and of course ignores all of the things democrats said when they propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office. Yet, they claim they democrats were lied to by Bush and that was why they voted for the war.

Liberals are scumbags.


You can shoot down a lie fifty time. You could even present a notarized statement from God Himself, and it wouldn't make any difference.

In a few days to a few weeks, they'll repeat the same lie over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

And even if you brought God Himself to tell them they're wrong, it would only silence them for a few days to a few weeks.

Then they'll start pushing the same lie over, and over, and over, and over, and over, over, and over, over

dimocraps are the lowest form of life the earth has ever known.


And it's not just the dimocrap scum in here. It's on every Message Board, in the Pop Culture, on TV, in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM, at their meetings, in their organizations like the NAACP, on every College Campus in the Country.....

The whole movement, the entire dimocrap movement.... They're ALL scum


Well this is interesting. I shouldn't be awake and posting but my damn cat. This will learn me for putting her on diet and trying to sleep.

Look Joe, who cares what TK does for a living? I don't. Well ok if ......

I'm not going to go there.:eek: But truly, if TK posts an awesome OP and we debate it to this point it means we are talking right? We are having a debate. I love it.

It means the conversation is not over baby.

Except TK doesn't post awesome OP's. He regurgitates whatever shit he's heard on Faux News and Hate Radio and acts like it's an original idea.

All the time realizing that the main reason why he can't find a job, other than his own lack of ambition, is because the very people who he cheerleads for are the ones who've spend the last 30 years gutting the middle class.

Used to be in this country a guy with a HS education could get a good paying union job and support a family.

NOw you have a guy like TK who even I will admit is probably bright enough to get into college. But he can't get health coverage to get his meds. (He's said on other threads he's bi-polar). He can't hold down a job because of his inabilty to interact with people.

but he'll flip on Rush or Beck or whatever nut he hears on Talk Radio and dammit, that Benghazi thing is a real scandal, dangit.

And if someone posts contrary evidence to his talking points, like that fact that there were riots across the middle east over this sick video, and the immediate concern was to keep a bad situation from getting worse, why, that' just evidence that they were covering something up!

Except TK doesn't post awesome OP's. He regurgitates whatever shit he's heard on Faux News and Hate Radio and acts like it's an original idea.
First, you're jealous. Second, I do post OP's that I pen on my own. You want examples? Perhaps some of my greatest hits?

All the time realizing that the main reason why he can't find a job, other than his own lack of ambition, is because the very people who he cheerleads for are the ones who've spend the last 30 years gutting the middle class.
Interestingly enough, your criticism rings hollow with me Joe. You sit there and bash my beliefs and my unemployment situation, all while advocating policies that keep poor people on the government dole and in their homes posting on obscure political boards like this one, people like me. The team you root for has spent 90+ years passing or amending various sorts of entitlement programs, not passing jobs legislation.

My ambitions are none of your concern.

Used to be in this country a guy with a HS education could get a good paying union job and support a family.
I have a HS diploma Joe. I have at least a high school education. Besides, unions just don't cut it for me. Sorry. Right to work or nothing.

Now you have a guy like TK who even I will admit is probably bright enough to get into college. But he can't get health coverage to get his meds. (He's said on other threads he's bi-polar). He can't hold down a job because of his inabilty to interact with people.
And where do you get off making these assessments of yours? I can't get healthcare coverage because I can't afford to pay the premiums brought on by Obamacare. I should be able to choose my own insurance plan, without having to be shepherded into one. Yeah, you like Obamacare, don't you? Besides, now that you understand why I don't have a job, why are you attacking me for it? No, just save your answer. I have little interest in hearing it.

but he'll flip on Rush or Beck or whatever nut he hears on Talk Radio and dammit, that Benghazi thing is a real scandal, dangit.
I listen to neither. Rush is a political shocktrooper. Glenn Beck is a tin foil mentality personified. You just can't handle the fact that this issue is legitimate with the American people. You can't help but to denigrate others who feel the same way. You belong to a party who advocates diverse beliefs, but you begrudge me my own. How quaint. How archaic. How crude.

And if someone posts contrary evidence to his talking points, like that fact that there were riots across the middle east over this sick video, and the immediate concern was to keep a bad situation from getting worse, why, that' just evidence that they were covering something up!

Oh, I don't know. I kinda like verified sources of information as compared to liberal blowhards on a messageboard. I have testimony from every witness Congress has interviewed regarding Benghazi, I have papers released by the State Department acknowledging an act of terror, I also have the PDF of the ARB report which completely contradicts the myth that the budget was somehow the reason why these brave men died. I have reports stating the attack was completely unmotivated by the video, and remarks by President Magariaf saying the attack was pre-planned.

I debate with facts, evidence, links, testimony... not emotion. Whereas unlike you, you can only sit there and call me names and belittle my unemployment situation. It shows just how intellectually inferior you are to me, by orders of magnitude.
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Now, back on topic. I'm through lending these self proclaimed judges any credence. I suggest all of you do the same.
Who recalled the Special Forces Team? We have the right to know that.

Who did it? What are they hiding? WHO recalled the Special Forces Team and did the person who recalled the SF team even have the AUTHORITY to do so?

WARNING! The link below is to a graphic image of Ambassador Stevens.

You know, the guy Hitlery and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief were sworn to protect?

Yeah, him

WARNING!! The above link takes you to a graphic photograph of Ambassador Stevens' corpse.

You think you're serving your Country and you think that, while serving your Country, your Country will do the best they can to protect you.


Not when the scum of the Earth -- dimocraps, are in Office.

When those scum are in Office, you're on your own.

Especially if saving you might conflict with a campaign slogan.

Excellent article.

Via NY Post:

Make it go away!

Also in testimony Gen. Lovell seemed to make clear that the military was taking its cue for action, or lack thereof, from the State Department. Did the order to recall the team come from the State Department?

But our resident dimocrap scum just simply don't care.

They don't care that the most evil scrunt on earth refused to do her job.

They don't care that the scrunt either denied the Ambassador and the other American dead help or is COMPLICIT in the cover-up.

And oh....

I got THIS for telling the TRUTH about the lying scrunt

Getting negged by that cocksucker is an honor.

Who the hell would neg you?

I know, right?

I'm adorable!!


When I think edgetho I dont think warm and fuzzy darlin.

Its like girders on! Some fun you are. Glad you are out there. We disagree some times but you always rock.
I'm watching Obama's network channel, NBC, and so far the topics of discussion are

1. The White House Correspondence Dinner
2. How Funny Obama was at the dinner
3. Donald Sterling
4. Racism
5. The botched execution of two murderers
6. Racism
7. Minimum-wage

I'm still waiting to see if they even mention the Benghazi emails showing that the White House was involved.

Obviously it's not important to the regime's state run media.
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I'm watching Obama's network channel, NBC, and so far the topics of discussion are

1. The White House Correspondence Dinner
2. How Funny Obama was at the dinner
3. Donald Sterling
4. Racism

I'm still waiting to see if they even mention the Benghazi emails showing that the White House was involved.

Obviously it's not important to the regime's state run media.

Let's get real, we have the State run media, and Fox News. Obama attacked Fox News from the podium at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Never a word of criticism aimed at any other media outlet, constant attacks against Fox News from the Regime.

Fox News is the only objective media outlet left in America.
Anita Dunne, former WH Communications director, lover of Chairman Mao and now an NBC/MSNBC/CNBC news contributor, on the payroll, and dyed in the wool communist.

She was so far left that she couldn't clear confirmation and had to go down the street to the Center For American Progress till they could find another job for her. Guess this is where she is now. It seems the most undesirable people disappear for awhile and then pop up somewhere else working for Obama.

I'm watching Obama's network channel, NBC, and so far the topics of discussion are

1. The White House Correspondence Dinner
2. How Funny Obama was at the dinner
3. Donald Sterling
4. Racism
5. The botched execution of two murderers
6. Racism
7. Minimum-wage

I'm still waiting to see if they even mention the Benghazi emails showing that the White House was involved.

Obviously it's not important to the regime's state run media.

BS - Even in the few minutes I scanned the news this week I saw MSNBC Morning Joe had a segment on the Benghazi emails.
I'm watching Obama's network channel, NBC, and so far the topics of discussion are

1. The White House Correspondence Dinner
2. How Funny Obama was at the dinner
3. Donald Sterling
4. Racism
5. The botched execution of two murderers
6. Racism
7. Minimum-wage

I'm still waiting to see if they even mention the Benghazi emails showing that the White House was involved.

Obviously it's not important to the regime's state run media.

BS - Even in the few minutes I scanned the news this week I saw MSNBC Morning Joe had a segment on the Benghazi emails.

Maybe you wouldn't mind linking to that segment, perhaps?
I'm watching Obama's network channel, NBC, and so far the topics of discussion are

1. The White House Correspondence Dinner
2. How Funny Obama was at the dinner
3. Donald Sterling
4. Racism

I'm still waiting to see if they even mention the Benghazi emails showing that the White House was involved.

Obviously it's not important to the regime's state run media.

Let's get real, we have the State run media, and Fox News. Obama attacked Fox News from the podium at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Never a word of criticism aimed at any other media outlet, constant attacks against Fox News from the Regime.

Fox News is the only objective media outlet left in America.

David Gregory has Texas Gov. Rick Perry on , and he's hammering him. Telling him he fucked up.

Now he's saying reluctantly they have to cover the Benghazi emails.

They've talked about everything that's important to them, made Obama look like a great guy, and now they're getting down to the real issue of corruption. David Gregory is trying to smooth over the mess. Anita Dunn, is the WH spokesperson for basically she's still working for Obama.
I'm watching Obama's network channel, NBC, and so far the topics of discussion are

1. The White House Correspondence Dinner
2. How Funny Obama was at the dinner
3. Donald Sterling
4. Racism
5. The botched execution of two murderers
6. Racism
7. Minimum-wage

I'm still waiting to see if they even mention the Benghazi emails showing that the White House was involved.

Obviously it's not important to the regime's state run media.

BS - Even in the few minutes I scanned the news this week I saw MSNBC Morning Joe had a segment on the Benghazi emails.

If this was the Bush White House you wouldn't get just a 3 minute segment, which is the most we're getting, you'd get wall to wall coverage 24/7.
Joe, You are a proven liar, proven by your posts on this site.
coppied/pasted from joe, "And if someone posts contrary evidence to his talking points, like that fact that there were riots across the middle east over this sick video, and the immediate concern was to keep a bad situation from getting worse, why, that' just evidence that they were covering something up!"

That is a blatant lie right there!
Anita Dunn seems to be the official WH spokesperson for Obama and for Hillary.

She says Hillary will be fully prepared for Benghazi.

How the fuck does she know this unless she's working with her?

There's Anita Dunn second from the left with the usual suspects......



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Whoa lets get back on track. So the brother of the President of CBS sent an email out claiming the video could be the reason for the attack and we are not supposed to connect the dots.

The only dots I see are the ones on the map that show that there were riots over this video in 30 countries across the middle east.


Hey mo fucking ron JoeB, thats Obama's "Arab Spring", nothing to do with a video in California!
Joe, you're such a loser, you're pathetic!
Whoa lets get back on track. So the brother of the President of CBS sent an email out claiming the video could be the reason for the attack and we are not supposed to connect the dots.

The only dots I see are the ones on the map that show that there were riots over this video in 30 countries across the middle east.


Hey mo fucking ron JoeB, thats Obama's "Arab Spring", nothing to do with a video in California!
Joe, you're such a loser, you're pathetic!

Whoa lets get back on track. So the brother of the President of CBS sent an email out claiming the video could be the reason for the attack and we are not supposed to connect the dots.

The only dots I see are the ones on the map that show that there were riots over this video in 30 countries across the middle east.


Hey mo fucking ron JoeB, thats Obama's "Arab Spring", nothing to do with a video in California!
Joe, you're such a loser, you're pathetic!
Could you be more wrong?

Middle East - and the world.

A big hoo-ha is being made about that line: "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."

What was happening THE DAY that email was sent?

Oh, that's right -- protests about a video all over the freakin world.

"A report (PDF) from the Congressional Research Service published days after the attacks in Benghazi details how "Muslims in a number of countries have responded in recent days with anger at the United States that many observers describe as a response to a privately produced film circulating on the Internet that denigrates Islam and the prophet Mohammed."

According to the report, as of September 14, 2012, when Rhodes' email was sent, such protests - often violent and focused on U.S. diplomatic facilities -- had occurred in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, and Malaysia."

Remember? Muslim Protests Spread Around the Globe - In Focus - The Atlantic

^ Sept. 14, 2012 Article ^
8 mins on Benghazi and we're on to Obama's wonderful poll numbers with 18-35 year olds.

He has a 53% approval rating with them. Nice numbers for right now, but he was in the 70s before the election. is making some great points. He's saying he can go to Singapore and become independently wealthy inventing new technology but not in America now.
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