New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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And by the way I listen and they are few and far between channels some so called liberal channels.
Whoa lets get back on track. So the brother of the President of CBS sent an email out claiming the video could be the reason for the attack and we are not supposed to connect the dots.

What's sad here is you don't understand conservative talk radio. Have you ever listened?

For true? Don't bullshit me. I'll know. So don't go there.

Yes, i listned to Rush's show for years. I still tune in occassionally.

And then I realized that Rush is about doing the business of the rich. I realized this in 2008, when he merciliessly attacked Huckabee and then only begrudgingly got behind McCain.

I understand Talk Radio perfectly. Talk radio is about distracting people from the real problems by waiving red meat in front of you.

As I said, I used to be as right wing as TK, until after six years of busting my ass for an employer, they manuevered me out of a job after I made some serious medical claims against their insurance.

Then I realized that the GOP is about rich people manipulating working people to vote against their own economic interests by playing to their racial, sexual and religious hangups.

And that's what talk radio does.
I love this shit. The brother of the President of BS whoops CBS is the author of this email.
Whoa lets get back on track. So the brother of the President of CBS sent an email out claiming the video could be the reason for the attack and we are not supposed to connect the dots.

The only dots I see are the ones on the map that show that there were riots over this video in 30 countries across the middle east.


What's sad here is you don't understand conservative talk radio. Have you ever listened?

For true? Don't bullshit me. I'll know. So don't go there.

Yes, i listned to Rush's show for years. I still tune in occassionally.

And then I realized that Rush is about doing the business of the rich. I realized this in 2008, when he merciliessly attacked Huckabee and then only begrudgingly got behind McCain.

I understand Talk Radio perfectly. Talk radio is about distracting people from the real problems by waiving red meat in front of you.

As I said, I used to be as right wing as TK, until after six years of busting my ass for an employer, they manuevered me out of a job after I made some serious medical claims against their insurance.

Then I realized that the GOP is about rich people manipulating working people to vote against their own economic interests by playing to their racial, sexual and religious hangups.

And that's what talk radio does.

I'm old school you see. I rioted against the man in the 60's. I have a huge lump on the left side of my head from a billy club that smashed my head.

Washington is the enemy. I wish Abbie was here today.
Talk radio? Come on. Its all I have but its a joke. I have no television I get WLS levin screams for me. come on. thats what I have. I get chicago at night.

That should scare the crap out of anyone.
Whoa lets get back on track. So the brother of the President of CBS sent an email out claiming the video could be the reason for the attack and we are not supposed to connect the dots.

The only dots I see are the ones on the map that show that there were riots over this video in 30 countries across the middle east.


I don't think what many get I have no problem with the attack. Others don't either. Its the denial of truth.

Look. All you did was parrot here. No big smurf; its ok. The problem is there was no protest or riot in Benghazi.
And I love how when I start pasting liberals in an argument, they tell me to go get a job. Rather telling, don't you think?

Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White HOuse.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.
They just can't keep their racist proclivities to themselves.
Progressives in this post show they would rather there be dead Americans then losing a election.

Just how many dead Americans are the cons responsible for, from the Iraq invasion? Don't pay any attention to those SIX THOUSAND, just keep pointing your finger at the four. I'm sure you don't want to talk about the 50,000 Americans that came home without arms and legs. You'd rather talk about the four in Benghazi. The dictionary is going to invent a new word for you, scumbag isn't low enough.
The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan which was supported and voted on as a go by dimwits in office until it became political not to support them. Those actions are completely different and you know it. Obamashitforbrains screwed up.

The Iraq invasion was perpetrated with a big lie by Shrub and the Dick, and you know it. Obama did NOT intentionally perpetrate Benghazi, and you know it. What's "completely different", is Shrub and the cons got 6,000 Americans killed for the profit of Halliburton and the military contractors, and the cons are trying to blame Obama for something he had nothing to do with. Cons are scum, and YOU KNOW IT.
Who recalled the Special Forces Team? We have the right to know that.

Who did it? What are they hiding? WHO recalled the Special Forces Team and did the person who recalled the SF team even have the AUTHORITY to do so?

WARNING! The link below is to a graphic image of Ambassador Stevens.

You know, the guy Hitlery and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief were sworn to protect?

Yeah, him

WARNING!! The above link takes you to a graphic photograph of Ambassador Stevens' corpse.

You think you're serving your Country and you think that, while serving your Country, your Country will do the best they can to protect you.


Not when the scum of the Earth -- dimocraps, are in Office.

When those scum are in Office, you're on your own.

Especially if saving you might conflict with a campaign slogan.

Excellent article.

Via NY Post:

Make it go away!

That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was.

Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog group Judicial Watch, the administration last week released correspondence about the terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

One memo, from Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security director for strategic communications, shows how the administration was trying to spin the attack as something other than their own strategic failures.

“Reinforce the president and administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges,” he wrote to UN Ambassador Susan Rice. He instructed her to “underscore” that the events in Benghazi were “protests . . . rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Beyond the callousness of this message, and the fact that officials already knew this was the work of terrorists, that this document is just coming out now shows the depth of the administration’s cover-up.

Despite numerous subpoenas from Congress, Obama’s people never handed over the e-mail. Make it go away means hiding evidence from the American people.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a hearing on Thursday that the whole situation reminded him of Richard Nixon.

“Why aren’t we talking about something else?” whined House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Also in testimony Gen. Lovell seemed to make clear that the military was taking its cue for action, or lack thereof, from the State Department. Did the order to recall the team come from the State Department?

But our resident dimocrap scum just simply don't care.

They don't care that the most evil scrunt on earth refused to do her job.

They don't care that the scrunt either denied the Ambassador and the other American dead help or is COMPLICIT in the cover-up.

And oh....

I got THIS for telling the TRUTH about the lying scrunt

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Getting negged by that cocksucker is an honor.
Last edited:
Just how many dead Americans are the cons responsible for, from the Iraq invasion? Don't pay any attention to those SIX THOUSAND, just keep pointing your finger at the four. I'm sure you don't want to talk about the 50,000 Americans that came home without arms and legs. You'd rather talk about the four in Benghazi. The dictionary is going to invent a new word for you, scumbag isn't low enough.
The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan which was supported and voted on as a go by dimwits in office until it became political not to support them. Those actions are completely different and you know it. Obamashitforbrains screwed up.

The Iraq invasion was perpetrated with a big lie by Shrub and the Dick, and you know it. Obama did NOT intentionally perpetrate Benghazi, and you know it. What's "completely different", is Shrub and the cons got 6,000 Americans killed for the profit of Halliburton and the military contractors, and the cons are trying to blame Obama for something he had nothing to do with. Cons are scum, and YOU KNOW IT.

Haliburton ? You blather on you fool. You make yourself a joke. Brown and Roots. Vietnam. Johnson as in LBJ. Lady Byrd hired Cheney. Cheney had to give up everything to become VP you idiot.

Not Lady Byrd nor her heirs.
And I love how when I start pasting liberals in an argument, they tell me to go get a job. Rather telling, don't you think?

Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White House.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.

They can't help it. I routinely shame them in the political arena, and so they resort to that nonsense. I cornered Joe the other day, so when I demolished his argument he started calling me "RunsWithScissors" and told me to "go get a job." Paperview behaved the same way. It's a pattern I'm well used to. They are children in adult's clothing.

One other thing, they advocate helping the poor via entitlement programs, not through jobs. So, they have a lot of nerve telling me to "go get a job" in the first place.

Let the be, let them stew in their own contempt.
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Who recalled the Special Forces Team? We have the right to know that.

Who did it? What are they hiding? WHO recalled the Special Forces Team and did the person who recalled the SF team even have the AUTHORITY to do so?

WARNING! The link below is to a graphic image of Ambassador Stevens.

You know, the guy Hitlery and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief were sworn to protect?

Yeah, him

WARNING!! The above link takes you to a graphic photograph of Ambassador Stevens' corpse.

You think you're serving your Country and you think that, while serving your Country, your Country will do the best they can to protect you.


Not when the scum of the Earth -- dimocraps, are in Office.

When those scum are in Office, you're on your own.

Especially if saving you might conflict with a campaign slogan.

Excellent article.

Via NY Post:

Make it go away!

That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was.

Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog group Judicial Watch, the administration last week released correspondence about the terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

One memo, from Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security director for strategic communications, shows how the administration was trying to spin the attack as something other than their own strategic failures.

“Reinforce the president and administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges,” he wrote to UN Ambassador Susan Rice. He instructed her to “underscore” that the events in Benghazi were “protests . . . rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Beyond the callousness of this message, and the fact that officials already knew this was the work of terrorists, that this document is just coming out now shows the depth of the administration’s cover-up.

Despite numerous subpoenas from Congress, Obama’s people never handed over the e-mail. Make it go away means hiding evidence from the American people.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a hearing on Thursday that the whole situation reminded him of Richard Nixon.

“Why aren’t we talking about something else?” whined House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Also in testimony Gen. Lovell seemed to make clear that the military was taking its cue for action, or lack thereof, from the State Department. Did the order to recall the team come from the State Department?

But our resident dimocrap scum just simply don't care.

They don't care that the most evil scrunt on earth refused to do her job.

They don't care that the scrunt either denied the Ambassador and the other American dead help or is COMPLICIT in the cover-up.

And oh....

I got THIS for telling the TRUTH about the lying scrunt

Hi, you have received -8038 reputation points from Statistikhengst.
Reputation was given for this post.



Getting negged by that cocksucker is an honor.

Who the hell would neg you?

Well this is interesting. I shouldn't be awake and posting but my damn cat. This will learn me for putting her on diet and trying to sleep.

Look Joe, who cares what TK does for a living? I don't. Well ok if ......

I'm not going to go there.:eek: But truly, if TK posts an awesome OP and we debate it to this point it means we are talking right? We are having a debate. I love it.

It means the conversation is not over baby.

Except TK doesn't post awesome OP's. He regurgitates whatever shit he's heard on Faux News and Hate Radio and acts like it's an original idea.

All the time realizing that the main reason why he can't find a job, other than his own lack of ambition, is because the very people who he cheerleads for are the ones who've spend the last 30 years gutting the middle class.

Used to be in this country a guy with a HS education could get a good paying union job and support a family.

NOw you have a guy like TK who even I will admit is probably bright enough to get into college. But he can't get health coverage to get his meds. (He's said on other threads he's bi-polar). He can't hold down a job because of his inabilty to interact with people.

but he'll flip on Rush or Beck or whatever nut he hears on Talk Radio and dammit, that Benghazi thing is a real scandal, dangit.

And if someone posts contrary evidence to his talking points, like that fact that there were riots across the middle east over this sick video, and the immediate concern was to keep a bad situation from getting worse, why, that' just evidence that they were covering something up!
A post so nice, it should be seen twice.
Who recalled the Special Forces Team? We have the right to know that.

Who did it? What are they hiding? WHO recalled the Special Forces Team and did the person who recalled the SF team even have the AUTHORITY to do so?

WARNING! The link below is to a graphic image of Ambassador Stevens.

You know, the guy Hitlery and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief were sworn to protect?

Yeah, him

WARNING!! The above link takes you to a graphic photograph of Ambassador Stevens' corpse.

You think you're serving your Country and you think that, while serving your Country, your Country will do the best they can to protect you.


Not when the scum of the Earth -- dimocraps, are in Office.

When those scum are in Office, you're on your own.

Especially if saving you might conflict with a campaign slogan.

Excellent article.

Via NY Post:

Make it go away!

That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was.

Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog group Judicial Watch, the administration last week released correspondence about the terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others dead.

One memo, from Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security director for strategic communications, shows how the administration was trying to spin the attack as something other than their own strategic failures.

“Reinforce the president and administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges,” he wrote to UN Ambassador Susan Rice. He instructed her to “underscore” that the events in Benghazi were “protests . . . rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Beyond the callousness of this message, and the fact that officials already knew this was the work of terrorists, that this document is just coming out now shows the depth of the administration’s cover-up.

Despite numerous subpoenas from Congress, Obama’s people never handed over the e-mail. Make it go away means hiding evidence from the American people.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a hearing on Thursday that the whole situation reminded him of Richard Nixon.

“Why aren’t we talking about something else?” whined House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Also in testimony Gen. Lovell seemed to make clear that the military was taking its cue for action, or lack thereof, from the State Department. Did the order to recall the team come from the State Department?

But our resident dimocrap scum just simply don't care.

They don't care that the most evil scrunt on earth refused to do her job.

They don't care that the scrunt either denied the Ambassador and the other American dead help or is COMPLICIT in the cover-up.

And oh....

I got THIS for telling the TRUTH about the lying scrunt

Hi, you have received -8038 reputation points from Statistikhengst.
Reputation was given for this post.



Getting negged by that cocksucker is an honor.

Who the hell would neg you?

I know, right?

I'm adorable!!
Telling that you are a pathetic loser who lives at home, doesn't put much effort into finding work, but spends all day on USMB talking about "Them Welfare People".

Yes, that's telling, but it's not much to do with whether you are winning an argument.

Winning an argument means you've convinced someone or changed their mind.

ALl you've done here is get accolades from people who are still freaking out that there's a negro in the White House.

Why on earth do you and other libs keep attacking him because he is out of work? And puleeeeze stop with the shit there is a negro in the White House and thats why everyone is bent out of shape.

Give me a break.

They can't help it. I routinely shame them in the political arena, and so they resort to that nonsense. I cornered Joe the other day, so when I demolished his argument he started calling me "RunsWithScissors" and told me to "go get a job." Paperview behaved the same way. It's a pattern I'm well used to. They are children in adult's clothing.

One other thing, they advocate helping the poor via entitlement programs, not through jobs. So, they have a lot of nerve telling me to "go get a job" in the first place.

Let the be, let them stew in their own contempt.
More lies.
The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan which was supported and voted on as a go by dimwits in office until it became political not to support them. Those actions are completely different and you know it. Obamashitforbrains screwed up.

The Iraq invasion was perpetrated with a big lie by Shrub and the Dick, and you know it. Obama did NOT intentionally perpetrate Benghazi, and you know it. What's "completely different", is Shrub and the cons got 6,000 Americans killed for the profit of Halliburton and the military contractors, and the cons are trying to blame Obama for something he had nothing to do with. Cons are scum, and YOU KNOW IT.

Haliburton ? You blather on you fool. You make yourself a joke. Brown and Roots. Vietnam. Johnson as in LBJ. Lady Byrd hired Cheney. Cheney had to give up everything to become VP you idiot.

Not Lady Byrd nor her heirs.
Isn't it odd that both Clinton used, Obama uses Haliburton as a vendor of choice? Now what's with that?
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