New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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LOL Joe, you must think these terrorists are idiots. They aren't just some overzealous maniacs. How easily you underestimate them.
The libs arent interested in the truth. They are interested in their team winning. Seriously. Look at them pulling out all the stops here: fake comparisons, feigned ignorance, outright denials.

What happened is undeniable and bears repeating: The WHite House intentionally lied about a terrorist attack because they were afraid it would make Obama look bad before the election.

That is the only truth here. Not what Bush did. Not what the GOP did. It was the Obama White House sending out Rice with talking points they knew to be false to lie to the American people to help the president's re-election.

At what point do liberals get upset by their president outright lying to them?

because 1) he didn't lie. and 2) Benghazi had no effect on the election.

This is what you all don't seem to get.

Everything we know now was out there in September 2012. And people didn't really care.

They saw Romney preaching the same kind of "Screw Joe WOrking Guy" shit the GOP has been preaching for years, and said, "No Thanks".

Next time, make the Plutocracy less obvious.
So instead of being honest with the American people about their fatal misjudging of the situation and their total lack of a response to our people fighting for their lives...the Obama White House sat down and tried to figure out how to HIDE what happened in Benghazi...and then how to coverup the coverup.

Ummmm... no.

But I can see how the whacky conspiracy types might think that.

Obviously, most of the military people have said, when you read their FULL testimony and not just the snippets you hear on Hate Radio, that they could not get forces in the area in the few hours between when the riot started and Stevens and the Mercenaries were killed.

What they were trying to do was mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation that occured because some asshole decided to defame the religion of one billion people.

You know, leadership kind of stuff.

As opposed to trying to use the coffins of the dead as a soap box.

Which would be "Weird Mormon Robot" kind of stuff.

So let me see if I understand how this shakes out in "Joe B World"...

Our Consulate has been attacked and is on fire...people have been murdered and our Ambassador is missing...but you think the proper thing to be doing at THAT point is to "mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation"?

Gee, Joe...were you in the US military or were you in the Salvation Army...because you don't sound like you have the faintest idea what a proper response is to an armed attack on US soil is. God, help anyone that ever had YOU for a Sgt!
LOL Joe, you must think these terrorists are idiots. They aren't just some overzealous maniacs. How easily you underestimate them.

NO, I just don't think they're psychic.

They had no way to know that Stevens was in the Consulate that day. And frankly, it was only Steven's presense that makes this any different than the very common attacks on diplomatic outposts during the reign of "He who Shall NOt Be Named*"

(* AKA, George W. Bush, whom Republicans would like to truly pretend was never President. Not that you can blame them.)

You obviously slept through the State Department Head of Libya who testified that budget cuts had nothing to do with security levels in Libya, Joe! That was just one more talking point thrown out there by Hillary in a desperate attempt to shift the blame for her own incompetence to the GOP. Don't you get embarrassed trying to throw the same old bullshit against the barn door? need some new material, Dude...

seriously dude how do you cut 300 million out of a budget and NOT have security suffer?

So either there was adequate levels of security, or there weren't. You guys can't have it both ways.

Ah, you move security from places that don't need those that do? Once again...the State Department Head from Libya testified under oath that those budget cuts had NOTHING to do with the security levels in Benghazi.
So instead of being honest with the American people about their fatal misjudging of the situation and their total lack of a response to our people fighting for their lives...the Obama White House sat down and tried to figure out how to HIDE what happened in Benghazi...and then how to coverup the coverup.

Ummmm... no.

But I can see how the whacky conspiracy types might think that.

Obviously, most of the military people have said, when you read their FULL testimony and not just the snippets you hear on Hate Radio, that they could not get forces in the area in the few hours between when the riot started and Stevens and the Mercenaries were killed.

What they were trying to do was mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation that occured because some asshole decided to defame the religion of one billion people.

You know, leadership kind of stuff.

As opposed to trying to use the coffins of the dead as a soap box.

Which would be "Weird Mormon Robot" kind of stuff.

So let me see if I understand how this shakes out in "Joe B World"...

Our Consulate has been attacked and is on fire...people have been murdered and our Ambassador is missing...but you think the proper thing to be doing at THAT point is to "mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation"?

Gee, Joe...were you in the US military or were you in the Salvation Army...because you don't sound like you have the faintest idea what a proper response is to an armed attack on US soil is. God, help anyone that ever had YOU for a Sgt!

Ummm... guy, the memos you are all whining about like little bitches about were written after it was verified that Stevens and the Mercenaries were already dead.

And, yeah, we had a much bigger problem with this film. Maybe a dozen friendly governments that might have been toppled if the rage continued. A little bit bigger problem than a burning building.

Oh, wait. No one was mad about that video. Obama just made all that up.
LOL Joe, you must think these terrorists are idiots. They aren't just some overzealous maniacs. How easily you underestimate them.

NO, I just don't think they're psychic.

They had no way to know that Stevens was in the Consulate that day. And frankly, it was only Steven's presense that makes this any different than the very common attacks on diplomatic outposts during the reign of "He who Shall NOt Be Named*"

(* AKA, George W. Bush, whom Republicans would like to truly pretend was never President. Not that you can blame them.)

Since the majority of security was being provided by Libyan nationals at that point, I would be amazed quite frankly if the terrorists didn't know Chris Steven's "agenda" almost as well as his own security detail.

You obviously slept through the State Department Head of Libya who testified that budget cuts had nothing to do with security levels in Libya, Joe! That was just one more talking point thrown out there by Hillary in a desperate attempt to shift the blame for her own incompetence to the GOP. Don't you get embarrassed trying to throw the same old bullshit against the barn door? need some new material, Dude...

seriously dude how do you cut 300 million out of a budget and NOT have security suffer?

So either there was adequate levels of security, or there weren't. You guys can't have it both ways.

Ah, you move security from places that don't need those that do? Once again...the State Department Head from Libya testified under oath that those budget cuts had NOTHING to do with the security levels in Benghazi.

Then they were perfectly adequate, then. What's your problem?

Reality... the most adequate security for an embassy is to NOT have the whole country pissed off because you just insulted their most reverred religious figure.
The libs arent interested in the truth. They are interested in their team winning. Seriously. Look at them pulling out all the stops here: fake comparisons, feigned ignorance, outright denials.

What happened is undeniable and bears repeating: The WHite House intentionally lied about a terrorist attack because they were afraid it would make Obama look bad before the election.

That is the only truth here. Not what Bush did. Not what the GOP did. It was the Obama White House sending out Rice with talking points they knew to be false to lie to the American people to help the president's re-election.

At what point do liberals get upset by their president outright lying to them?

because 1) he didn't lie. and 2) Benghazi had no effect on the election.

This is what you all don't seem to get.

Everything we know now was out there in September 2012. And people didn't really care.

They saw Romney preaching the same kind of "Screw Joe WOrking Guy" shit the GOP has been preaching for years, and said, "No Thanks".

Next time, make the Plutocracy less obvious.

You are a truly Useful Idiot.

Just sayin'.
LOL Joe, you must think these terrorists are idiots. They aren't just some overzealous maniacs. How easily you underestimate them.

NO, I just don't think they're psychic.

They had no way to know that Stevens was in the Consulate that day. And frankly, it was only Steven's presense that makes this any different than the very common attacks on diplomatic outposts during the reign of "He who Shall NOt Be Named*"

(* AKA, George W. Bush, whom Republicans would like to truly pretend was never President. Not that you can blame them.)

Since the majority of security was being provided by Libyan nationals at that point, I would be amazed quite frankly if the terrorists didn't know Chris Steven's "agenda" almost as well as his own security detail.

Then shame on him for sharing it, then?

Of course, you guys seem to know a lot about what the terrorists were thinking. You know exactly what they were mad about and why they attacked and if they knew who was in the consulate.
Ummmm... no.

But I can see how the whacky conspiracy types might think that.

Obviously, most of the military people have said, when you read their FULL testimony and not just the snippets you hear on Hate Radio, that they could not get forces in the area in the few hours between when the riot started and Stevens and the Mercenaries were killed.

What they were trying to do was mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation that occured because some asshole decided to defame the religion of one billion people.

You know, leadership kind of stuff.

As opposed to trying to use the coffins of the dead as a soap box.

Which would be "Weird Mormon Robot" kind of stuff.

So let me see if I understand how this shakes out in "Joe B World"...

Our Consulate has been attacked and is on fire...people have been murdered and our Ambassador is missing...but you think the proper thing to be doing at THAT point is to "mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation"?

Gee, Joe...were you in the US military or were you in the Salvation Army...because you don't sound like you have the faintest idea what a proper response is to an armed attack on US soil is. God, help anyone that ever had YOU for a Sgt!

Ummm... guy, the memos you are all whining about like little bitches about were written after it was verified that Stevens and the Mercenaries were already dead.

And, yeah, we had a much bigger problem with this film. Maybe a dozen friendly governments that might have been toppled if the rage continued. A little bit bigger problem than a burning building.

Oh, wait. No one was mad about that video. Obama just made all that up.

So tell me how many hours passed from the start of the attack...until we knew what had happened to Chris Stevens, Joe? Then tell me how it is that you DON'T send military backup to our Consulate if you don't know what's happened to your Ambassador? Tell me how you GO BACK TO BED because you've got a busy day with campaign fund raisers the next day!!!
The libs arent interested in the truth. They are interested in their team winning. Seriously. Look at them pulling out all the stops here: fake comparisons, feigned ignorance, outright denials.
What happened is undeniable and bears repeating: The WHite House intentionally lied about a terrorist attack because they were afraid it would make Obama look bad before the election.

That is the only truth here. Not what Bush did. Not what the GOP did. It was the Obama White House sending out Rice with talking points they knew to be false to lie to the American people to help the president's re-election.

At what point do liberals get upset by their president outright lying to them?

Rabbi? They won't unless they are directly affected. To them winning by any means including lying is the way to go despite who gets hurt, maimed, or killed.

It's just who they are, and there are just too many of them in this country that just don't care as long as they are getting their 'freebies' from the rest of us by those that will give it to them.
LOL Joe, you must think these terrorists are idiots. They aren't just some overzealous maniacs. How easily you underestimate them.

NO, I just don't think they're psychic.

They had no way to know that Stevens was in the Consulate that day. And frankly, it was only Steven's presense that makes this any different than the very common attacks on diplomatic outposts during the reign of "He who Shall NOt Be Named*"

(* AKA, George W. Bush, whom Republicans would like to truly pretend was never President. Not that you can blame them.)

AQ#1 said kill all Americans because why?

Asshole in the WH Obama killed AQ#2 who was Libyan.

Connect the dots.
NO, I just don't think they're psychic.

They had no way to know that Stevens was in the Consulate that day. And frankly, it was only Steven's presense that makes this any different than the very common attacks on diplomatic outposts during the reign of "He who Shall NOt Be Named*"

(* AKA, George W. Bush, whom Republicans would like to truly pretend was never President. Not that you can blame them.)

Since the majority of security was being provided by Libyan nationals at that point, I would be amazed quite frankly if the terrorists didn't know Chris Steven's "agenda" almost as well as his own security detail.

Then shame on him for sharing it, then?

Of course, you guys seem to know a lot about what the terrorists were thinking. You know exactly what they were mad about and why they attacked and if they knew who was in the consulate.

No, shame on our State Department and the people running it for being naive enough to think that Libyan nationals were adequate security for our Ambassador. Hillary Clinton made a HUGE error in judgement because of how it would "look" if we didn't seem to trust the local Libyans and it cost those four men their lives!

So tell me how many hours passed from the start of the attack...until we knew what had happened to Chris Stevens, Joe? Then tell me how it is that you DON'T send military backup to our Consulate if you don't know what's happened to your Ambassador? Tell me how you GO BACK TO BED because you've got a busy day with campaign fund raisers the next day!!!

Why don't you tell us.

beause honestly, you seem a bit confused on the timeline.

incidently, military backup was sent. I arrived the early morning hours of the next day.

But don't let that stop you. You'll find that bullet in Fort Marcy Park eventually, dangnabbit.

No, shame on our State Department and the people running it for being naive enough to think that Libyan nationals were adequate security for our Ambassador. Hillary Clinton made a HUGE error in judgement because of how it would "look" if we didn't seem to trust the local Libyans and it cost those four men their lives!

Reality check.

Every embassy and consulate in the world depends on the good graces of the host country.

Hey, I think that Stevens Killers are hiding at the Mena Airport. If you head out right now, you can catch them.
Oh, I'm openly mocking you, which is all you can really do with conspiracy minded whacks.
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