New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Newsflash paperview! Ansar al-Sharia didn't care about the video. Not one iota. They were rounding up those who were upset about it so they could use it as cover for an attack! We normal people call that STRATEGIC PLANNING. These terrorist groups are well known for exploiting any situation to their advantage. Those "restless Muslims" didn't carry out the attack. Ansar al-Sharia did, with trained men, with mortars and rocket launchers. Besides, intelligence says there was no protest outside of the Embassy before the attack, so ultimately this contradicts your claim, from 2 years ago.

The problem with the whole Stategic Planning argument is that they would have to know that Stevens was going to be there that day. They didn't. They just happened to get lucky he was caught up in the riot.

And, no intelligence says there was a demonstration in Benghazi.

Yeah, that must have been why they were taking their time looking for him....because they didn't even know he was there.

You idiots haven't a clue, so you just make it up as you go.

And you know this, how?

Seriously, how do you know this? Because it seems like you guys are making a lot of assumptions of what was on the minds of these attackers when we don't even know who they were, why they attacked, etc.

It Was Professor Plumb in the Conservatory with the Pipe Wrench.
Maybe 7,000 people saw the video or a trailer for this video prior to Sept.11 2012...

So are we to believe that Muslims freaked out over something seen by 7,000 people?

It doesn't matter how many people saw it.

It matters how many people HEARD about it.

Sorry you can't make that distinction.

Hardly anyone heard about it before Sept 11, 2012.

Protests over anti-Islam film: As it happened
Key Points

Protests against an anti-Islam film made in the US spread across the Middle East and North Africa - including Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia

Demonstrators earlier stormed the grounds of the American embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa where they burned a US flag - but were driven back

In Cairo, protests erupted for a third day outside the US embassy where over 200 people are said to have been injured

The protests followed an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday - in which the ambassador to Libya was killed in a fire

US officials have been investigating whether the attack in Benghazi was planned - citing suspicions that a militant jihadist group may have co-ordinated it
Newsflash paperview! Ansar al-Sharia didn't care about the video. Not one iota. They were rounding up those who were upset about it so they could use it as cover for an attack! We normal people call that STRATEGIC PLANNING. These terrorist groups are well known for exploiting any situation to their advantage. Those "restless Muslims" didn't carry out the attack. Ansar al-Sharia did, with trained men, with mortars and rocket launchers. Besides, intelligence says there was no protest outside of the Embassy before the attack, so ultimately this contradicts your claim, from 2 years ago.

The problem with the whole Stategic Planning argument is that they would have to know that Stevens was going to be there that day. They didn't. They just happened to get lucky he was caught up in the riot.

And, no intelligence says there was a demonstration in Benghazi.

Stevens did not think there was a need for more security. Until the attack. WHY? What difference does it make if the four americans were killed by protesters or terrorist???

Democrats Should Boycott Benghazi Committee, Schiff Says
“I don’t think it makes sense for us to give this select committee any more credibility than it deserves,” he said. “And frankly, I don’t think it deserves very much.”
Democrats Should Boycott Benghazi Committee, Schiff Says - Bloomberg

You really don't know much about you, Lil? I guess that goes under the heading of "ignorance is bliss"?

Stevens asked repeatedly for more security forces in Libya! Unlike Hillary he had his finger on the pulse of Libya and understood that it was becoming increasingly dangerous.

As for Democrats "boycotting" the select committee? You would THINK that Democrats would relish the chance to show that Benghazi is what they have been calling it all along...a "fake scandal"! You would THINK that they couldn't wait to get on national television and show the American people how full of hot air the GOP is on this issue. Yet, the Democrats have NEVER wanted Benghazi investigated and have done everything that they can to stonewall anyone trying to do so for the better part of a year and a half now!

Common sense tells you why that is, Lil...but then again...common sense isn't your "thing" it? You're a dyed in the wool believe in myths and fairy tales.
The problem with the whole Stategic Planning argument is that they would have to know that Stevens was going to be there that day. They didn't. They just happened to get lucky he was caught up in the riot.

And, no intelligence says there was a demonstration in Benghazi.

Yeah, that must have been why they were taking their time looking for him....because they didn't even know he was there.

You idiots haven't a clue, so you just make it up as you go.

And you know this, how?

Seriously, how do you know this? Because it seems like you guys are making a lot of assumptions of what was on the minds of these attackers when we don't even know who they were, why they attacked, etc.

It Was Professor Plumb in the Conservatory with the Pipe Wrench.

I already posted the video that explains it.

It's not my fault you're not interested in viewing it.
It doesn't matter how many people saw it.

It matters how many people HEARD about it.

Sorry you can't make that distinction.

Hardly anyone heard about it before Sept 11, 2012.

Protests over anti-Islam film: As it happened
Key Points

Protests against an anti-Islam film made in the US spread across the Middle East and North Africa - including Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia

Demonstrators earlier stormed the grounds of the American embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa where they burned a US flag - but were driven back

In Cairo, protests erupted for a third day outside the US embassy where over 200 people are said to have been injured

The protests followed an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday - in which the ambassador to Libya was killed in a fire

US officials have been investigating whether the attack in Benghazi was planned - citing suspicions that a militant jihadist group may have co-ordinated it

There was no protest in Benghazi, Lil...sorry but that's simple fact. There were numerous attacks on Western targets BEFORE the YouTube video became a flash point in Islamic countries. The attack on our Consulate falls into that pattern of increasingly brazen attacks by a growing Al Queda presence in Libya...but the Obama White House didn't want that to become public knowledge because it didn't match their reelection campaign narrative about how Barack Obama was the one who got Osama bin Laden and had Al Queda on the run.
It doesn't matter how many people saw it.

It matters how many people HEARD about it.

Sorry you can't make that distinction.

Hardly anyone heard about it before Sept 11, 2012.

Protests over anti-Islam film: As it happened
Key Points

Protests against an anti-Islam film made in the US spread across the Middle East and North Africa - including Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia

Demonstrators earlier stormed the grounds of the American embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa where they burned a US flag - but were driven back

In Cairo, protests erupted for a third day outside the US embassy where over 200 people are said to have been injured

The protests followed an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday - in which the ambassador to Libya was killed in a fire

US officials have been investigating whether the attack in Benghazi was planned - citing suspicions that a militant jihadist group may have co-ordinated it

The assumption was that it was over this video, but the day was 9/11 2012.

That is a bit more than a coincidence.

I get tired of repeating myself.
The libs arent interested in the truth. They are interested in their team winning. Seriously. Look at them pulling out all the stops here: fake comparisons, feigned ignorance, outright denials.
What happened is undeniable and bears repeating: The WHite House intentionally lied about a terrorist attack because they were afraid it would make Obama look bad before the election.

That is the only truth here. Not what Bush did. Not what the GOP did. It was the Obama White House sending out Rice with talking points they knew to be false to lie to the American people to help the president's re-election.

At what point do liberals get upset by their president outright lying to them?
So instead of being honest with the American people about their fatal misjudging of the situation and their total lack of a response to our people fighting for their lives...the Obama White House sat down and tried to figure out how to HIDE what happened in Benghazi...and then how to coverup the coverup.
The libs arent interested in the truth. They are interested in their team winning. Seriously. Look at them pulling out all the stops here: fake comparisons, feigned ignorance, outright denials.
What happened is undeniable and bears repeating: The WHite House intentionally lied about a terrorist attack because they were afraid it would make Obama look bad before the election.

That is the only truth here. Not what Bush did. Not what the GOP did. It was the Obama White House sending out Rice with talking points they knew to be false to lie to the American people to help the president's re-election.

At what point do liberals get upset by their president outright lying to them?

CNN is featuring a story on the Kent State massacre right now. 4 Dead students.

Is Benghazi any less important?

You really don't know much about you, Lil? I guess that goes under the heading of "ignorance is bliss"?

Stevens asked repeatedly for more security forces in Libya! Unlike Hillary he had his finger on the pulse of Libya and understood that it was becoming increasingly dangerous.

if that was the case, then why did Boenher's congress cut 300 million from State Department Embassy security? Again, you guys keep moving the goal posts about what you are upset about.

As for Democrats "boycotting" the select committee? You would THINK that Democrats would relish the chance to show that Benghazi is what they have been calling it all along...a "fake scandal"! You would THINK that they couldn't wait to get on national television and show the American people how full of hot air the GOP is on this issue. Yet, the Democrats have NEVER wanted Benghazi investigated and have done everything that they can to stonewall anyone trying to do so for the better part of a year and a half now!

Or they just got bored with the GOP coming up with "Crazy Conspiracy Theory de Jure" as to how this was all a vast plot by Hillary. Seriously, you guys have turned Chris Stevens into the New Vince Foster.

Oh, you know Vince Foster was murdered by Hillary in his apartment and the body moved to Ft. Marcy Park. Right?
So instead of being honest with the American people about their fatal misjudging of the situation and their total lack of a response to our people fighting for their lives...the Obama White House sat down and tried to figure out how to HIDE what happened in Benghazi...and then how to coverup the coverup.

That's clearly what happened. The White House must be in disaster mode. IT almost looks like they've sent out emails to people with talking points for message boards and other social media.

You really don't know much about you, Lil? I guess that goes under the heading of "ignorance is bliss"?

Stevens asked repeatedly for more security forces in Libya! Unlike Hillary he had his finger on the pulse of Libya and understood that it was becoming increasingly dangerous.

if that was the case, then why did Boenher's congress cut 300 million from State Department Embassy security? Again, you guys keep moving the goal posts about what you are upset about.

As for Democrats "boycotting" the select committee? You would THINK that Democrats would relish the chance to show that Benghazi is what they have been calling it all along...a "fake scandal"! You would THINK that they couldn't wait to get on national television and show the American people how full of hot air the GOP is on this issue. Yet, the Democrats have NEVER wanted Benghazi investigated and have done everything that they can to stonewall anyone trying to do so for the better part of a year and a half now!

Or they just got bored with the GOP coming up with "Crazy Conspiracy Theory de Jure" as to how this was all a vast plot by Hillary. Seriously, you guys have turned Chris Stevens into the New Vince Foster.

Oh, you know Vince Foster was murdered by Hillary in his apartment and the body moved to Ft. Marcy Park. Right?
There was plenty of money for security. That particular talking point has been debunked many many times. Of course that wont stop you from throwing it out there to see if it sticks.
There is no other explanation for the Obama White House classifying the email that demonstrated clearly who was calling the shots before Susan Rice's 5 appearances on those Sunday morning talk shows. Why would you DO that, Lil?
There is no other explanation for the Obama White House classifying the email that demonstrated clearly who was calling the shots before Susan Rice's 5 appearances on those Sunday morning talk shows. Why would you DO that, Lil?

The memo marked "Benghazi" was actually about something else.
Yes, they really do believe that.

You really don't know much about you, Lil? I guess that goes under the heading of "ignorance is bliss"?

Stevens asked repeatedly for more security forces in Libya! Unlike Hillary he had his finger on the pulse of Libya and understood that it was becoming increasingly dangerous.

if that was the case, then why did Boenher's congress cut 300 million from State Department Embassy security? Again, you guys keep moving the goal posts about what you are upset about.

As for Democrats "boycotting" the select committee? You would THINK that Democrats would relish the chance to show that Benghazi is what they have been calling it all along...a "fake scandal"! You would THINK that they couldn't wait to get on national television and show the American people how full of hot air the GOP is on this issue. Yet, the Democrats have NEVER wanted Benghazi investigated and have done everything that they can to stonewall anyone trying to do so for the better part of a year and a half now!

Or they just got bored with the GOP coming up with "Crazy Conspiracy Theory de Jure" as to how this was all a vast plot by Hillary. Seriously, you guys have turned Chris Stevens into the New Vince Foster.

Oh, you know Vince Foster was murdered by Hillary in his apartment and the body moved to Ft. Marcy Park. Right?

You obviously slept through the State Department Head of Libya who testified that budget cuts had nothing to do with security levels in Libya, Joe! That was just one more talking point thrown out there by Hillary in a desperate attempt to shift the blame for her own incompetence to the GOP. Don't you get embarrassed trying to throw the same old bullshit against the barn door? need some new material, Dude...
There is no other explanation for the Obama White House classifying the email that demonstrated clearly who was calling the shots before Susan Rice's 5 appearances on those Sunday morning talk shows. Why would you DO that, Lil?

The memo marked "Benghazi" was actually about something else.
Yes, they really do believe that.

Yeah, they were sending Susan Rice out five days after Benghazi not to talk about Ambassador Stevens death but to talk about things that were happening "generally" in the Muslim world! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You think even Joe B and Lil are clueless enough to buy THAT nonsense, Rabbi?:dig:

You really don't know much about you, Lil? I guess that goes under the heading of "ignorance is bliss"?

Stevens asked repeatedly for more security forces in Libya! Unlike Hillary he had his finger on the pulse of Libya and understood that it was becoming increasingly dangerous.

if that was the case, then why did Boenher's congress cut 300 million from State Department Embassy security? Again, you guys keep moving the goal posts about what you are upset about.

As for Democrats "boycotting" the select committee? You would THINK that Democrats would relish the chance to show that Benghazi is what they have been calling it all along...a "fake scandal"! You would THINK that they couldn't wait to get on national television and show the American people how full of hot air the GOP is on this issue. Yet, the Democrats have NEVER wanted Benghazi investigated and have done everything that they can to stonewall anyone trying to do so for the better part of a year and a half now!

Or they just got bored with the GOP coming up with "Crazy Conspiracy Theory de Jure" as to how this was all a vast plot by Hillary. Seriously, you guys have turned Chris Stevens into the New Vince Foster.

Oh, you know Vince Foster was murdered by Hillary in his apartment and the body moved to Ft. Marcy Park. Right?

Its called du Jour.

She's toast. Hey you fool I'd prefer Hillary to anyone else on the planet. Are you kidding me. I'm still trying to figure out how to run the Clintons . Geeze louise she beats the heck out of anyone else youve freaking got.

I will seriously campaign for her because she is the only one qualified to run the planet at this point. She should have won in 2008 for crying out loud. Look at where these left wing morons have gotten you.

Hillary has and will be more qualified than any one else running.

Oh Lord yes I have said it.

ETA: I was all set to go with Rand Paul till he ran from Bundy. Some one better explain that to me or he's out.
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So instead of being honest with the American people about their fatal misjudging of the situation and their total lack of a response to our people fighting for their lives...the Obama White House sat down and tried to figure out how to HIDE what happened in Benghazi...and then how to coverup the coverup.

Ummmm... no.

But I can see how the whacky conspiracy types might think that.

Obviously, most of the military people have said, when you read their FULL testimony and not just the snippets you hear on Hate Radio, that they could not get forces in the area in the few hours between when the riot started and Stevens and the Mercenaries were killed.

What they were trying to do was mourn the deaths, show resolve, but also try to defuse the dangerous situation that occured because some asshole decided to defame the religion of one billion people.

You know, leadership kind of stuff.

As opposed to trying to use the coffins of the dead as a soap box.

Which would be "Weird Mormon Robot" kind of stuff.

You obviously slept through the State Department Head of Libya who testified that budget cuts had nothing to do with security levels in Libya, Joe! That was just one more talking point thrown out there by Hillary in a desperate attempt to shift the blame for her own incompetence to the GOP. Don't you get embarrassed trying to throw the same old bullshit against the barn door? need some new material, Dude...

seriously dude how do you cut 300 million out of a budget and NOT have security suffer?

So either there was adequate levels of security, or there weren't. You guys can't have it both ways.
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