New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Now what I want you kids to understand we didn't make the world change over numbers. When Abbie and Jerry rocked our numbers were small. Very small. But we believed.

Aren't you a nutter too?

You keep saying you are, WTF???

Personally I think your going schizophrenic.

NO, guy, I'm a pragmatist.

Pragmatically, the GOP is too dominated by rich assholes and religious nuts to be trusted with the reigns of power again.

And I say that as someone who voted Republican most of my adult life.

I hope for the day when the GOP becomes a grown-up party capable of governing again.

But this constant, "Aha, this proves that Hillary had Stevens whacked because he knew about Fort Marcy Park" crazy ain't doing it.
Now what I want you kids to understand we didn't make the world change over numbers. When Abbie and Jerry rocked our numbers were small. Very small. But we believed.

not seeing your point.

Frankly, Abbie and Jerry were kind of counter-productive. Even though they were kind of right on the main points, they scared the piss out of middle america and folks like my parents to the point where they became "Nixon Democrats"... Oh, wait. Reagan Democrats. No one really wants to claim Nixon at this point.
First, if we kiilled the leader of Libyan AL Qaeda and Bin Ladena nd a lot of other guys, isn't that what we are supposed to be doing? I'm not seeing what your problem here is, exactly.

Not a problem here at all Joe. Whack em and stack em.

But here in lies the motive. Makes it simple does it not?

Ummmm... not so much.

First, why does there have to be one motive?

Upset about the video, upset about the anniversery of 9/11, upset that Obama was whacking their leaders with vast efficiency. They might have been upset about all of those.

does it make a difference? Meh not really. frankly, I'm 52 this week, and people in the middle east have been killing folks and blowing shit up for most of those.

I mean, it's sad Ambassador Stevens died and all, but he knew the job was dangerous when he took it.

I believe in simple. We killed AQ#2 Libyan, AQ#! calls for the death of Americans. Bingo bango. They kill us.

No Brainer.
Well, even if we beat you, you'll just go off whining to the mods, so what's the point of talking to you.

Code for:

I never had an argument to begin with, this is a lost cause.

Give it up.

no, code for "you're a big meanie for calling me out on my hypocrisy".

Guy, frankly, there's no point talking to someone who thinks Obama is personally responsible for your failings.
Oddly I think we are on the same page.


Here's the thing. The reason why Terrorism is effective as a tactic is not the amount of damage it can do, but the amount of fear it can create.

The thing is, the loss of Stevens was sad, but they had a replacement appointed the next week.

If the GOP wanted to debate, "how do we make our embassies more secure", I'd be right there with them.

"How do we blame Obama for this, if we keep changing our operating theory of what he did wrong"... meh, not so much.

The GOP has been trying to make political hay out of this the moment Romney got up and tried to politicize it the next day. And he got slapped down. And he tried it again, and got slapped down again by Candy Crowley.
Well, even if we beat you, you'll just go off whining to the mods, so what's the point of talking to you.

Code for:

I never had an argument to begin with, this is a lost cause.

Give it up.

Okay okay okay

I normally these days avoid your threads. Why? because I know you kick ass and I don't have to jump in hehehehe you are the awesome. But what is with this team action against you?

This is weird.
Well, even if we beat you, you'll just go off whining to the mods, so what's the point of talking to you.
Code for:

I never had an argument to begin with, this is a lost cause.

Give it up.

Okay okay okay

I normally these days avoid your threads. Why? because I know you kick ass and I don't have to jump in hehehehe you are that awesome. But what is with this team action against you?

This is weird.

Not sure. But if I can fell 16 liberals in one thread, I must be doing something right.

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Cold you please link us up to that supposed order...Thank you in advance! :badgrin:
NO, I just don't think they're psychic.

They had no way to know that Stevens was in the Consulate that day. And frankly, it was only Steven's presence that makes this any different than the very common attacks on diplomatic outposts during the reign of "He who Shall NOt Be Named*"

(* AKA, George W. Bush, whom Republicans would like to truly pretend was never President. Not that you can blame them.)

You sure as hell think you are. "Oh it was because of the video!" Do you work for the CIA or something, pal?

Anyhow, they can collect intelligence just as easily as we can. They aren't just some band of barbarians pillaging the countryside hoping to get lucky. They know that we put out Ambassadors in embassies. I honestly can't believe the faulty logic you just used to claim they didn't know. Honestly.

Okay. They didn't attack an EMBASSY. They attacked a Consulate.

The EMBASSY was in Tripoli. The CONSULATE was in Benghazi.

the AMbassador is normally in the EMBASSY. WHich is in TRIPOLI.

He normally wasn't at the CONSULATE, which was in Benghazi. He just happned to be there THAT day.

Which also happened to be the anniversary of 9/11 and the day that the shit hit the fan over a disrespectful video.

Now to put it in perspective, Franz Ferdinand survived the first attempt by the Black Hand to whack him. Then he decided to ignore the advice of his advisors and visit the hospital where those who were wounded were taken. And then his driver got lost on the way to the hospital, and just happened to drive down a street where Gavrilo Princip was at a cafe and 'Oh, shit, that was the guy we tried to kill earlier today!"

Which for a thinking person, shows the problem with fighting a 'war on terror". You have to get it right every single time. They only have to get it right, once.

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Oddly I think we are on the same page.


Here's the thing. The reason why Terrorism is effective as a tactic is not the amount of damage it can do, but the amount of fear it can create.

The thing is, the loss of Stevens was sad, but they had a replacement appointed the next week.

If the GOP wanted to debate, "how do we make our embassies more secure", I'd be right there with them.

"How do we blame Obama for this, if we keep changing our operating theory of what he did wrong"... meh, not so much.

The GOP has been trying to make political hay out of this the moment Romney got up and tried to politicize it the next day. And he got slapped down. And he tried it again, and got slapped down again by Candy Crowley.

Oh, you mean where the supposedly "neutral" moderator of a Presidential debate stepped in to rescue one of the candidates by supporting them with something that was factually incorrect? Is that what you're so happy about? So millions of Americans who were watching got the idea that it was Mitt Romney that didn't know what he was talking about when in FACT it was Candy Crowley that didn't have a fucking CLUE what she was talking about! If that fat cow ever steps foot on a debate stage as an "impartial moderator" then it will be the biggest joke ever.
You sure as hell think you are. "Oh it was because of the video!" Do you work for the CIA or something, pal?

Anyhow, they can collect intelligence just as easily as we can. They aren't just some band of barbarians pillaging the countryside hoping to get lucky. They know that we put out Ambassadors in embassies. I honestly can't believe the faulty logic you just used to claim they didn't know. Honestly.

Okay. They didn't attack an EMBASSY. They attacked a Consulate.

The EMBASSY was in Tripoli. The CONSULATE was in Benghazi.

the AMbassador is normally in the EMBASSY. WHich is in TRIPOLI.

He normally wasn't at the CONSULATE, which was in Benghazi. He just happned to be there THAT day.

Which also happened to be the anniversary of 9/11 and the day that the shit hit the fan over a disrespectful video.

Now to put it in perspective, Franz Ferdinand survived the first attempt by the Black Hand to whack him. Then he decided to ignore the advice of his advisors and visit the hospital where those who were wounded were taken. And then his driver got lost on the way to the hospital, and just happened to drive down a street where Gavrilo Princip was at a cafe and 'Oh, shit, that was the guy we tried to kill earlier today!"

Which for a thinking person, shows the problem with fighting a 'war on terror". You have to get it right every single time. They only have to get it right, once.

Once again...for you REALLY slow people...the shit didn't hit the fan on 9/11 over a disrespectful hit the fan because an Al Queda affiliated terror group attacked our Consulate and we were woefully unprepared to deal with it! Duh? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And the shit hit the fan because the Obama administration has been caught telling the world a whopper leading up to his reelection. And the libs defending this think the shit doesn't stink. Obama's lies are okay because of his good intentions and because he is doing his best to fundamentally change America.
I say it's time to get back to fundamentals.

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Our Consulate is on fire...our Ambassador is missing...others are dead...and you don't care what the President is doing? Really? God but it is pathetic that you expect SO little from this man...

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Cold you please link us up to that supposed order...Thank you in advance! :badgrin:

The order was given. The Secretary of Defense & US military failed to carry out a direct order given by President Obama in the Oval Office within minutes of learning of Benghazi the afternoon of Sept. 11.

Testifying to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. Panetta said the president told them to “do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there,” the specifics the president “left it up to us.”

With Gen. Dempsey beside him at the witness table, Mr. Panetta asserted that the U.S. military “spared no effort to save” the lives of Stevens, Smith, Woods & Doherty. He argued that the manner in which the violence unfolded in Benghazi rendered an effective counterstrike or rescue attempt impossible.

“These were actually two short-duration attacks that occurred some six hours apart,” Mr. Panetta said. “We were not dealing with a prolonged assault that could have been brought to an end by a U.S. military response.”

The assertion drew a harsh criticism from Mr. Graham, who asked: “Did you know how long the attack was going to last, Secretary Panetta?”

“No idea,” the defense secretary responded.

“Was any airplane launched anywhere in the world to help these people?” pressed Mr. Graham as the tension filled the hearing room.

Mr. Panetta said C-130 aircraft were ultimately flown in to evacuate American survivors, but Mr. Dempsey responded that if Mr. Graham was “talking about a strike aircraft,” the answer was no.

I don't care if Obama was beating off or sleeping during the attack. He gave an order to the military do whatever they have to, help our people there. So if you believe things were not done properly, then take it up with the military, unless you're a chicken shit coward.

Our Consulate is on fire...our Ambassador is missing...others are dead...and you don't care what the President is doing? Really? God but it is pathetic that you expect SO little from this man...

Liberal logic and adoration!

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